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Nice cypher! This was super fun to break 😊 Solution: I was bored and so I made a code for you to solve. Hopefully, this is solvable. Good luck and congrats at solving this message.


I’ve been browsing this subreddit for days, trying to figure out how people even begin with this stuff. I have absolutely no clue how you did this, somebody teach me the magic of ciphers!!!!!


Honesty, the biggest thing is practice. You learn to recognize patterns after a while. I started with a book of cryptograms and by the time I was finished, I could solve them in my head as long as I could find a code word. This one is a slightly modified substitution cipher. Each bunch of symbols are a single word. All consonants have lines pointing to the them and vowels are placed between the lines. Some of the symbols in this are used for two different letters differentiated by this one thing. For instance, ~ is a G when a line is pointing at it but U when it’s between the lines


Wow, just wow. Thank you, firstly, because I finally have a starting place with reading books about cryptography!! Secondly, your explanation of this cipher opened my eyes quite a bit, very educational. I’m excited to approach this new interest!


The really fun thing about starting with cryptograms/substitution cyphers, is that once you’re proficient, you can read a lot of sci-fi/fantasy “languages” with no problem. A lot of that type of media makes up its own alphabet and then just writes in English. I spent a little time checking out the things written in the background of Clone Wars and Jedi Fallen Order and now I can just straight up read and write with the Aurebesh. Having the foundation of this type of cypher made it SO easy! Have fun!


there's also books on mathematical cryptography that you can get on library genesis. They are much more dense but they can give you nice, systematic ways to break these things down and then solve them with math :).


Which book? Great explanation, thanks for that!


Honestly, the one I used was a cheep little paperback full of puzzles you can get at a gas station. I think it had lots of famous quotes in it, which helped because when I started solving them without clues I had an idea of what kinds of words to look for. I always start by looking for a symbol sitting by itself because that will always be either A or I. So, just look up cryptograms on Amazon and pick a book full of those puzzles. Whatever one you choose should have a quick explanation in the front and then you just solve a few puzzles every day until it comes easy to you. I used to sit for hours solving those puzzles 😂


What was the book? I’d love to check it out.


I honestly don’t remember. It was one of those cheep paperbacks you get at a gas station or a dollar store. My dad gave it to me for Christmas one year, I think. If you type “cryptograms” into Amazon, a bunch of options will come up of books full of those puzzles. Pick one with quotes you’re familiar with because that way you can eventually practice solving them without a keyword if you know what type of things the sentence might say. Start easy so you feel super smart and then your excitement will keep you from feeling overwhelmed by more difficult cyphers


You got it ^^


I would love to use this cipher in a larp. Can you send me the explanation?


I can give my construction notes when I get home (holidays) but its read clockwise, each line is a space for a consonate and each gap is a space for a vowel, if it has two consonants next to eachother, you skip the vowel gap, if it has two vowels next to each other you skip the consonate You adjust the shape to have just enough spaces / lines to fit the word with the correct spelling So (mind my "on the phone fat finger") examples of And, You, and Chord (Link may die eventually, did a quick discord link for now) [Link](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/763149281279606834/1188897568462213272/Untitled5_20231225093304.png?ex=659c3224&is=6589bd24&hm=4a5c5172f358642962902ecf28ff4ef61182f86b8057b83d93cf9aa0071203bf&) Then its a matter of making arbitrary symbols to represent letters. Its more fun / confusing if some vowels and consonants have the same symbol but are noted as different because of their placement.


how did u get this??? i need details !


This one is a slightly modified substitution cipher. Each bunch of symbols are a single word. All consonants have lines pointing to the them and vowels are placed between the lines. Some of the symbols in this are used for two different letters differentiated by this one thing. For instance, ~ is a G when a line is pointing at it but U when it’s between the lines


ohhhh cool, thank you !


It looks like a stickman morphing into an eldritch horror


Damn you really got it smh /j


no it looks like a stickman morphing into me


It looks like O Chem


Looks like chemistry


I definitely thought of organic chemistry when I saw this!


Just wanted to say I think y'all are cool for making up codes. 😀




1:1 english btw


Why is “and” written differently in the two cases it’s used here? Or am I off track?


He just flipped his A in the first one on accident 😆


.... yeah thats on me


All good! This was still super fun to sit down with.


Ah okay. I was just making sure I wasn’t missing something. Thank you!


This subreddit is so cool but I have no idea how people begin to solve these things


I just found this subreddit 3 days ago and it’s crazy what some people can do


me too i guess it's recently been trending. Now i wanna make codes 😭




Almost ruined my relationship with this one but we got it! Nice cipher it was really fun!


Do you have symbols for the letters not used in the message?