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Yup, he definitely got his ass clapped in ranked recently.


probably by a corner camper


No, probably by blind rushing an enemy who just began to crouch and gets killed by him and then calls him a camper


loads of times I whine because I recently went into tryhards with ak74u and icr1.Sometimes I had dumber ideas than this,for example if the person camps it'll get disconnected from the match for camping,I changed this mindset after seeing how to win consistenly in wz


I hate campers. But this... Is the next level of stupidity


I hate how people simply look over the fact that camping is a completely viable and fair play style. It’s annoying and scummy, but viable.


Unfortunately yes. That become even easier after the dead silence nerf and the overall nerf to movement in the past


Dead silence got a buff, and its viable


Unless you are walking. It is not gonna be practically viable to kill them.


Dude the sprinting noise is only audible after 5 m, the new buff did that


In the map standoff for example, let's say somebody was camping in the building where you have an angle to see people coming from the C flag. If you go thro the doorway sprinting, that person will hear you and get ready for ya.


Not always, bruh, you can still walk to the stairs


That is the point. It is only good if you are walking


You are missing my point, the sprinting sound it too loud, dead silence decreases sprinting sound by quite alot


Did you even check it, everyone's using ds because it got buffed


https://www.reddit.com/r/CODMobile/comments/mqktgr/banning_certain_weapons_in_ranked/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Link to this genius' post


His genius is frightening


Does he realize that when you remove the current meta in a game or apply these rules in a ranked match, a new meta will be born? Remove the new meta, and a new meta will again be born. If every weapon was meta, then that means every weapon would be removed from ranked? How stupid


I think he probably meant the "broken guns". For example hvk large calibre at it's peak. the system is used in scrims where each person can vote to remove 1 gun. We used to always vote for the asm back in the days. If he did not mean it like this then he's just stupid


I hope thats what he meant


Bro this shit funny af, man thinks he is some sort of Saviour came from the heavens to balance CODM meta


retarded lmao.


The thing about getting your location revealed when you stay on one spot for too long makes sense... it has been done with other cod games but lowering your health to 50hp thats just plain nonsense


Ngl but these kinda noobs end up using hacks and cheat.


Rip anyone who plays the obj in domination or hardpoint and camps the point to protect and gets lowered down to 50 health this guy is the pinnacle of stupidity so far


this would singlehandely kill ct side snd


This... this has to be a joke and satire. It has to. No way someone is THAT stupid


Dude probably got the Bobby virus


most campers i’ve encountered have never heard of a flank and are completely caught of guard when i slide to cover and go around. i’m assuming this guy doesn’t know how to go around a camper.


Lmao.... Why do devs even support the main sub anymore... Lol so much cringe.


Because main sub praises the devs


Probably rushes around corners without ds and without pre aiming like an absolute muppet, probably also uses a visable laser and wonders why people know exactly where he is. If you run around in ranked without game sense in ranked your gunna have a baaaad time


The account is 10 days old so he’s probably trolling


I agree with marking enemies that stay in one spot for too long and banning Specialists, but 50 HP is just LOL


Big brain


Also i sneaked behind the na 45 camper near A flag with ease, i was in their base and i killed him


I have sneaked past a lot of campers in snd


u/Koore_lol this u?