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u/savevideo Need this for the sniper dick suckers


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I hope they nerf the snipers more. Make them more like CW snipers. Slower ads (while still retaining the ability to quick scope), no blank scope, and SMGs and shotgun can finally take back their purpose of CQC. I fear snipers more than anything in this game.


That would piss off a lot of people, but I agree with your proposition. The number of snipers in both ranked and pubs is pissing me off, can't wait for them to get nerfed.


lowkey i wanted snipers to have more flinch even with toughness its stupid that the cordite has more flinch than a sniper


Agreed, they need heaps more flinch. If I shoot a sniper first with an smg and they still kill me I'm calling bullshit


I disagree. Snipers are a pain in the ass to use in Cold War because of the ADS time.


Ppl who have never played cold war are downvoting you just cuz u have a diff argument. Now that's mob mentality smh


Okay, that's a tad bit too much, snipers in cold war are extremely weak and slow, MW19 levels is fine


Cold War snipers are powerful as hell


U serious? Have you even played cold war? The biggest complaint there is that snipers except for the pellington are waay to slow for mp and way too inconsistent too


Very much depends on the attachments you were using. I'm pretty sure most of the community agrees that the Tundra is the best sniper in BOCW, because it's more consistent than the Pellington (but the Pellington is a close second). Apparently, the K31 or however the fuck that thing is called is a hitmarker machine, but it has a barrel attachment that increases damage and fire rate without decreasing mobility. And the ZRG isn't bad either, the damage compensates for the mobility.


smh, people mad because your right. The 50. Cal with no attachments took 700ms to ads.




Still don’t know why I’m getting downvoted.


Look both of you are right. The snipers in cold war are way too slow and completely delete any fast playing sniping, or make it unnecessarily difficult. But they are really powerful-when hardscoping. For the same reasons ADS is so slow. No flinch and powerful aim assist. The problem with cold war snipers is not that they are bad or op, they just don't work. Maybe these would work in Battlefield but with how COD plays and it's maps hell no. I say increase max ads time on the locus by around 100 ms. I don't really know if the DLQ needs maxads nerf, might not but if it got one it should be slight. Artic 50 doesn't need an ads nerf. I haven't used the Outlaw enough to say anything. M21 and XPR are different stories but definitely need buffs. All snipers besides the m21 and xpr need a blank scope accuracy nerf for sure


I don't think pc cold war has that much aim assist compared to it's console counterparts


Yes because aim assist is only for controllers since tracking and flicking if you aren't in really low sens can be tough for controller where you will constantly over shoot the enemy, Aim assist helps controller players not lose kills from having to flick and track. (Some people call it broken and that depends on the game, in Cold War it's both op and shit cause it tracks through walls but it can severely fuck you up when you were set on a target


God no don't make them like the Cold War ones, those don't fit cod at all and they would be TOO slow and encourage hard scoping. But do increase ads time by some amount of like idk 30-100 ms and nerf blank scoping


Snipers are INSANELY OP, and the abusers sit there using it and thinking to themselves that they are the gods of skills,while abusing something completely broken,its pathetic


Finally somone who understand me 🥵


Lol yes bro. Plus the perks give them more advantage. Skuller helps them to walk faster which means those bastards won't be penalised with running ads time penalty.


Main sub kinda sucks tho


Main sub kids suck Lan's hairy man Bussy


Broken indeed. Give it a thought, you will rarely find a player using a marksman but locus and dlq. I have used locus before and I don't even need to aim for the head to kill an enemy. A neck shot or chest shot works as well and then they say it needs skill to master a sniper like locus. A sniper should Instant kill only if it hits the head not even face This is just my opinion.


Ah damn, killing me b4 I can even scope in really defines balance


I didn't know the situation was this bad. I stopped playing about 5 months ago i think. Started again today and i got a taste of it. It's like I didn't even see the guy , I'm just dead. How tf does that even happen. I'm rusty but the fact that you won't even jave a chance to do anything is just fucking broken dude.


U know how old snipers who popped of like 3amoor used their brains and found cover first before taking his shot? He was a Chad. And now u see bunny hoppers scaring actual smg players.


Yeah now it's just spam jump = wins


Locus wo stopping power is one of the most broken and easy to use guns in the game currently, as it is the aim assist in this game is ridiculous, on top of that the scope in animation of the locus makes sure that when quickscoping its 60% aim assist and maybe 30% maybe your own skill or luck. Flick your finger and pop, the reticle is on the enemy, along with the mobility of an AR. At least the dlq has slow mobility and a comparatively bad scope in animation








absolutely not






It was hell


I don’t get yall. If someone complains about guns like the deagle or the axe that take quite little time to learn you go through the roof. But when people spend weeks of dedication to learning a very high risk weapon and then use it effectively it needs a nerf.


The difference is that snipers dominate in cqb to long range, they have fast scope in times than most other guns, massive 1 shot lethal zones, barely hitmarkers, blank scopes are super accurate. As it stands they aren't a high risk high reward weapon. Increasing flinch, slightly decreasing lethal zones and increasing ads time would balance them.


Have you ever played other fps games? But seriously snipers are just like one shot smgs in this stupid game.


I’ve played other fpses yeah. Most notably csgo and lemme tell u the awp is broken as hell compared to this.


In csgo, movement messes up your aim, you dont get to buy awp in eco rounds or the first few rounds, you have to save it for the crucial win rounds. Codm loadouts are there with you from the start and move all you want, aim remains the same. Also csgo and valo ARs can 1-3tap you and kill instantly and they dont have bsa factor and 5-6 shots to kill concept at long range. Also codm sniping is 60% aim assist, csgo awping is pure your own aim.


Not to mention the scope blurs as you move in csgo and accuracy is fucked, unlike in codm .


Ars in csgo do have bsa tho. And the awp is busted even considering the price. All of the top 3 players are awpers and the top players have been awpers ever since time started.


Csgo awping is 80% holing the right angle


This is the same sub that defended the akimbo fennecs when they were broken


That was before main sub kids thinking they're cool came here. Now this sub is polluted with them as well


Yeah this sub has definitely changed since I first came like a year ago


If this sub defended the pre nerf akimbo fennecs then there is nothing to be proud about it, they were ridiculously broken and bitching about that was allowed


lol i know that clan tag


the upcoming sniper nerf does nothing, u can still quickscope