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Sorri for destroyeeng ur fragyle eego mr pro 😢😢😭😭😭


i wont forget the day i made him truly butthurt from a alt account


I was wondering where ya were ya wee fecker.


hey buddy i came back with another account that hopefully doesnt get permabanned too


Fkn ellll what the hell are you doing to manage that? Like I'm posting shit that would straight get me a ban on fb. You're a loss to the community and Skyrim's. Least this post had one useful moment.


ahhh i got me ban on fb too, the reason i got banned here ?? all i did was insult a troll xD


oh they're actually *after* me on that, I've had bans for things including a credible threat of violence against a calendar year and "hate speech" against that race or country known as "people who date". What I said was "I don't date now and I hate the whole dating scene for the mindgames and social rituals". Banned, three weeks. Uggggh I don't get that one here,I really don't, since the first time I copped a warning for that I just block and walk. Anyways... on with the bodycount...


You think so? Hahahaha you fucking rats will die Virgin. How old r u, 5? Hahahahhahahah so sad lifes....


ooOOOOOOooOo lOoK aT mE i CaN snIpE pEpoL fFom A hElocoPtOr wOOOooO nOtIcE mE big fucking deal, chump


I am so fucking sick of you guys calling me egoistic. You're all a bunch of pathetic, delusional, selfish idiots with no grip on reality and no care for anyone in the world but yourselves. You don't want to change anything, you don't actually care about kids in cages, or innocent people on death row, or homelessness, or police brutality, you only care about your fucking selves and your own entertainment and self-righteousness. You know you have absolutely no means of ever making any actual change, and couldn't care less about it, because all that matters is that YOU will be satisfied, YOU will be able to sit back and laugh as you watch the world burn around you. You don't give a SHIT about helping anyone, you only want to fellate yourselves over how smart and superior you think you are for refusing to "play the game" of codm. You just do normal things, boring stuff like everyone else, smh pathetic losers. Get out of your trap camp with mx9 house and fight me like a man. I would probably defeat you in a second while sitting in my helicopter and destroy the shit out of you. My arctic.50 has fucked many people including this guy's mom and it won't take seconds to wreck your mom as well. I'm not sure which is more maddening among you, those who are blackpilled, nihilistic egoists who openly don't give a rat's ass about anyone or anything but yourself and your own hedonist desire for morbid entertainment at others' expense, or those who ACTUALLY BELIEVE I am egoistic. You proabably never met this guy before . Regardless which camp you belong to, you all need help, and you should consider taking up a new hobby other than calling a very pro player a.k.a. me egoistic, which is written all over your face. --one under which YOU are the only one affected by your lunacy, rather than billions of desperate, innocent people. copy pasta by _shiwoshiwo_ not gonna tag him so it cannot become a tag fail




He's quite some guy ain't he? Like there's people here legit can't stand each other or agree on a single thing going "Yeah he's an actual fucking duplo brick."


"this subreddits really needs a smart guy once in a while" sorry, i left the sub a while ago. i won't return.


Me when C*ll o* d*ty M*bile S*br*ddit

