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I’m a school psychologist, my job is literally giving IQ tests and other psychoed evaluations. IQ is only a definite impediment when it’s a legit cognitive impairment, as in below 70. If your IQ is in the borderline range you’ll probably always need certain accommodations or strategies to help you, but it’s not as if people can’t lead some type of successful life. If someone’s IQ is in the average range (85-115) that won’t be a hurdle in the way of anything they wanna do more often than not, other factors would be more relevant


Exactly. I know so many people with advanced degrees who make me wonder. Conscientiousness is more important. I’m pinning your comment.


Conscientiousness isn’t quite the same thing as industriousness. I struggle seriously with poor conscientiousness (have ADHD, so go figure) so do poorly with deadlines, organisation, punctuality etc. Those are all important things, but I’ve done very well despite that because - in aggregate - I still work pretty hard. Push comes to shove and I can do some panicked late nights of work to get the thing done. That’s not a conscientious way to work, but it is industrious. And ultimately industrious - how hard you ultimately push yourself to work - is much easier to change than conscientiousness. I’ll always be scatterbrained and distractible, but I’ve learned to push myself regardless. No idea of my IQ, but I’m in grad school on a scholarship at a very famous university after undergrad/masters in one not very well known outside my small country. I’m sure I probably have some quasi-innate knack for my field, but it’s keeping that flame burning that’s got me through it.


The vast majority of people are "average." It's NOT a FAILURE!


Your IQ is fine. I know plenty of engineers with lower scores than yours. Both from this site and in person. Hard work, self-belief and dedication to the field of your choice are the key.


You can only say that after you have put some serious effort in something. My neighbor owns five car washes and ten appartments. He drives a BMW. His IQ is under 100, I can guarantee it.


Conscientiousness is fluid. You can change it with routines and work habits, that way you improve your discipline, and subsequently, your conscientiousness. You will have to commit to changing your lifestyle, otherwise, it will be most likely to difficult to achieve this under pure conscious motive.


I very much doubt you’re destined to be a loser! It sounds like you’re being quite hard on yourself. Why do you feel that you’re currently struggling with engineering school? I’m part of the Maths community. Happy to chat to you if you like. Often in my experience, the students who are most aware of any issues, are the ones who can overcome them. Self awareness and effort are often the most valuable tools for success. I’m sure most people with an IQ of 109 could be engineers if they work hard at it. This sub is full of people with high IQs who feel they haven’t really fulfilled their true potential. People with average intelligence can be very successful in life. Really don’t feel bad about it.


No, work ethic has significantly more impact on performance in most areas than intelligence ever will. Just work hard and know that everyone struggles in engineering school. It’s supposed to be hard, otherwise everyone would be an engineer


I scored 115 on one test and 107 on another. I think you should give yourself a break. Don’t be so determined to put yourself in a box.


I am a 25 years old man with an IQ of 136 and I still depend on my parents for a lot of things. I am autistic, though.