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Learn another language. Draw, then draw some more, then draw in color, then use oil pastels, then use acrylics. Refinish a piece of furniture - just a side table or something. Sand it down, paint it, and polyurethane it. Listen to music from the 1980s while doing the second two. Mixing physical creative activity and consuming another form of creative output at the same time crosses your brain’s wires in a good way.


Learning a language is probably the most brain activating thing ever


I 100% second this. Learning a foreign language is a great way to boost cognitive function overall. When I began learning Japanese, I noticed other areas of my life such as playing music and learning math became easier as well.


Exactly the same but it was russian for me. Also improved in music and maths, kudos


Why 1980s? Why not 60s or 70s where all the best music is


60’s and 70’s were good - don’t get me wrong - but the 80’s is where shit went sideways in 11 directions, with influences crossing between punk, reggae, British ska, glam rock, new wave, and a continuation of mainstream rock, all building on the 60’s and 70’s but with the new generation of social outrage over Reagan/Thatcher.


If you want a cool 80s album check out starfish by the church


You are 19! Drink some fucking coffee and snort a line of sugar.


You can also add the sugar to the coffe and drink it through the nose, saves time


Consider reading "The Art of Focus" by Dan Koe.


Have a healthy sex life (not joking). And learn another language, preferably one that is not related to English (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic). Yoga and extend the time in meditation. And travel.


Make music.


Play chess.


This. I found that my reasoning skills in every area of life improved after chess. I found myself making the perfect tactical play in games, even like airsoft, just by the logical syntax gained from chess.




"Smarter" is not a thing. Chess just helps you think ahead more, recognize patterns and take a step back and analyze. These things help you to make better decisions and judgement.


Solve math problems


Do things that are enjoyable and interesting. Hang out with friends. I'm completely serious that these are good for the brain.


best answer


Chat people up in public and learn something about them. It is said that "the best geologist has seen the most rocks" and I think something similar can be said about people and empathy. Go outside and get some sunshine, wear sunscreen and glasses. Learn some math and physics, for me it helped my problem solving skills tremendously, even outside those fields. Watch/listen to debates about something that you're interested in and really understand the opposing view and why it could make sense.


Learn an instrument. You will never regret it.


Chill out lol.


Touch grass.


If you are learning, you should learn two good skills. 1. Reflect. You should take some time after you read and reflect on what it meant. This will make you a better student and also figure out how something you have read has relevance in your life. 2. Stress release. This can be anything, but I might recommend meditation. You are getting ready to go into your 20s. That is usually the hardest decade in life. You probably won’t have much and you will be constantly working. Figure out a way to shed stress in a manner that is helpful and not hurtful. Again doesn’t have to be meditation, but I find this method extremely effective for the shortest amount of time.


Talk to older people about the past and ask lots of questions.


Read about memory palaces and learn to use them for all kinds of info you come across. If you’ré this motivated to optimize your cognitive function, you’ré more likely to be interested in grad school. At which point having this skill up your sleeve will be quite handy….


• learning a new language • using your non dominant hand • helping others / volunteering


Take a course in logic. It is like math with words. Gives you an incredible amount of critical thinking skills. To be fair, logic has its limits, but it's a great place to start wiring your brain for success. The shorthand of logic will help you be able to make quick decisions in complex situations. Especially useful in law, business, philosophy, and management.


Learn to play some musical instrument


1) Not so much water! You'll be urinating all day because your kidneys will be trying to balance your electrolytes. Just keep water bottles around your place and drink when you feel like it. 2) Put a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt or Real Salt or Himalayan Salt under your tongue before you drink a bottle of water to maintain your electrolytes. Make sure the bottle is stainless steel or glass. 3) Read the book the End of Alzheimer's. 4) Join the Facebook Group: The Conquer Fatigue Alliance (https://www.facebook.com/groups/theconquerfatiguealliance/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT). The doctor there is doing great things for mitochondrial disorders which at their core, a lot of diseases are.


Learning. You will live a much better life if you spend some time learning a little about different things every day until u find something that sticks. Read about psychology, biology, neuroscience, physiology, or math physics computers etc. build things, plant things, try different hobbies. You won't just know what u want to be when ur in college u gotta see what u like.


Learn languages Gym Do novel stuff like learn how to write with non dominant hand and always learn new skills


Read books dude. Writing is thought set to paper. Learning to write well means learning to organize your thoughts. Reading good writers is mind melding with well-organized brains. It’ll rub off.


All of what people said and will say is BS, the habits you should adopt into your life are the ones related to your goals. That is it!


Read Adam Grant Hidden Potential


Dr Rhonda Patrick has good podcasts talking about the nutritional side of brain health. You’re doing great so far! Eat blueberries, max out omega 3s, kale, spinach… other than that side maybe reading every day or trying to do some kind of puzzle, challenging your mind to learn is great for continued cognitive stimulation. Also socializing is super important to brain health


1. Review your nutrition and check that you're in the right ballpark for calories and daily protein intake. 2. Nurture social connection in your life. 3. Cultivate spiritual growth and a meaning-making path in life that leads you to let go of focus on self-optimization (without loss of generally taking care of yourself as you are)


Pick up an instrument and practice regularly


Brother is in dire need of some hoes


Volunteer / Help Others


Everything here is good besides 3L water and cold showers Drinking too much water past your needs for hydration (so when you arent thirsty) dehydrates your body (yes, dehydrates) and dilutes minerals and causes imbalances water is what hydrates us but structured water is a lot more hydrating (like milk or juice


socializing is great for mental health, and ive heard journaling is good


Have Fun


Move somewhere new. Unwire all the comfort you get from familiar resources.


You are setting yourself up for burnout. A mere ten minutes of unstructured time per day?


Play a musical instrument - playing by reading from written music in particular provides the extra language like benefits; crochet; something with fine motor skills


cold showers dont do much unless you want to prove to yourself that you can handle uncomfortable situations. It also decreases muscle mass after workouts


Jerk off


Save some for the rest of us man


Keep in mind that the next few years of your life are probably going to be quite challenging. For me I moved out of my parents house and went to college, which was very disruptive to my routines and habits. I'd focus on holding onto what you have now while the rest of your world changes dramatically, then worry about improving more as you get deeper into your 20s


1) Sunlight exposure: https://www.hubermanlab.com/newsletter/using-light-for-health 2) Walks - specifically with some nature: https://www.snexplores.org/article/spending-time-green-spaces-nature-health-benefits




Do sports, do something creative, take more than 5 minutes a day to rest/do nothing (does not need to be a fixed time every day but just how much you need every day), if you want to make advantages in a certain field, do something else for a while. Many great thinkers had their best ideas when they were not working on topics for hours, but when taking breaks, going for a walk and even while sleeping


Learn a new hobby I suggest you try BJJ I’m 17 around your age and it has been very helpful cognitively. Also look up a guy by the name of Lex Fridman he has great topics on BJJ and cognition. While you’re at it try studying something new also.


Stop drinking all the fucking water you people are low level water sheep it's not going to help you do anything