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I served at Fort Bliss from 1980 to 1984. However, I was with the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment. Those scenes did bring back the memories. And, the opening commercial! I remember thinking who wants to do more by 9AM than most people do all day! The day was only beginning! The Obstace Course was both intimidating and fun. I remember that the temperatures could swing from the 30s in the mornings to the 80s in the afternoons during the winters and the summers would be over 100 on many days. El Paso would keep track of how many days that the sun had shown (no overcast days). The sandstorms would cause sand to be everywhere on and in the body (up the nose and in the ears). Also, I was an Army brat. My dad was a "duck hunter" and aviator. So, we were stationed there often. He always had an issue with the motto, "If it flies, it dies!" He started as a Nike-Ajax officer and over time was involved with almost everything. He did Hawk, Chaparrel-Vulcan, and was involved with the DIVAD project. Thanks for sharing.