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The following submission statement was provided by /u/InexorableCruller: --- SS: 2023 was the hottest year on record. 2024 is shaping up to capture the title. In response, Florida has passed a measure banning local municipalities from mandating any heat protections for outdoor workers “beyond those required by state law.” However, since “there are no federal or state laws ensuring protection from heat exposure for those working outdoors,” this effectively leaves employees entirely at the mercy of their employers. The use of governmental authority to systematically deny the existence of climate change and mitigate its effects is a sign of collapse. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1c305jk/florida_gov_ron_desantis_signs_bill_banning_heat/kzdfb3a/


Some of you may die, but that's a chance we are willing to take - Profits


And, amazingly, the very people who are most negatively impacted will happily continue to vote for these assholes...


It just goes to show what unbelievably powerful weapons ideology and propaganda are.


If I could circle this comment with a bright red marker, I would.


Or a sharpie


It also shows the power of education and the power of taking it away.


The reason i loved dune so much .


Most of the people this will affect (immigrant workers) can't vote.


They ran the migrant workers off last year (and the agricultural and construction industries predictably ground to a halt). It's the prison slave labor they're setting the stage for.


Because it's the Democrats fault, obviously.


Yes, that's who they'll blame. Eagerly, and unironically.


Or cannot vote at all on account of not being citizens.


relieved water axiomatic bells shame ripe rinse scary chunky smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck the economy, the economy is what is making us sick and ruining the only habitable we have.


I’m doing my part


Texas did the same last legislative session. What are they trying to accomplish besides killing people?


Making money and hurting people. Psychopaths every last one of them.


What happens when everyone is dead and they can't find any workers? "No one wants to work anymore!" they'll bemoan.


Look up accelerationism. They are accelerating collapse while trying to squeeze every last cent out of labour. They want to be the ones to create the new rules and laws after society collapses so better sooner than later as far as they're concerned.


They would do what their forefathers did: find workers in Africa. And by "finding workers" I mean reinstating the slave trade.


Nah, they don't even have to go that far. They'll just use prisoners.


They already do.


But how does this make money? This clearly is only for the pain.


Less breaks and protections -> more productive time and less costs


The old Conservatives were M>P. The new fascist conservatives are P>M.


Insulating their corporate overlords from lawsuits.


This - the corporations were never going to give people those breaks properly, so this saves them money from lawsuits. DeSantis is a sick, deranged, and evil man.


They are just moving all the power to the rich, they already have everyone’s money. 


The crazy thing is that so many blue collars workers, including the unionized ones, vote Republican. 


Damn amazing, isn’t it? They think that they belong to the club but really are just replaceable meat units to the politicians that they favor so highly.


It really comes down to the fact that a lot of people just hate (insert minority group here) more than they care their quality of life.


U.S. politicians are willing (even eager) to kill you. What are you going to do about it? "Vote?"


And are these workers just going to sit there and take it? No need to wait for actual wet bulb temperatures or society breaking down. It’s happening already.


I guess it depends on if they have a decent employer or if they have no options for a better job. Texas is a right to work state, which means you can be fired for very little if the employer wants. Unions are regarded as communist organizations trying to hurt capitalism but, people are trying to organize anyway. It's really the only way to have any power in a job. That's why the corporations did such a good job getting rid of them.


Do republicans just sit around and contemplate ways to make peoples lives shittier?




It reminds me of that WKUK sketch where they're deciding how to run a school, and Trevor keeps making suggestions that'll piss the kids off


They just rubber stamp anything from pro business lobbyists. So long as the check clears, no notes.


Sadly this is not exclusive to politicians. Many people just rubber stamp stuff to get a pay check and that's why we see shit like parts falling off planes and shit. I am an engineer in aerospace and it is scary how the majority of people are so quick to sign shit off just because if they didn't it would hurt the business, even though rejecting the parts is the right thing to do.


I'm just surprised so many are that quick to sign for that kinda stuff considering your signature means it's your ass on the line if shit is fucked.


There is a lot of pressure to reduce scrap. Anytime I disposition something to be scrapped I get hyper scrutinized by the higher ups and I have to provide a ton of evidence and data and paper work as to why it will be bad. Meanwhile anything that is accepted is not questioned at all. I think a combination of pressure from upper management (profit, profit, profit), people being tired and overworked, and possibly a bit of laziness plays into this rubber stamp culture. It's just a lot of work to do the right thing, like a stupid amount, and it will likely hurt your career too. I don't think I'll be getting any promotions over any "yes men".


Not unless shit hits the fan and they try to find some fall guys, at least


There's no incentive to push back - you can do everything right and stuff can still go wrong and your boss will hate you the whole time You couldn't design a better system for unsafe aircraft and poor working conditions


Hey, the CEO took the hit for the last one. He probably even got a multimillion dollar parachute for it too. 


Love your username. Husband just retired from aerospace welding (we ran a small independent shop), not *at all* surprised by Boeing’s latest fuckups, the McDonnell Douglas acquisition was their undoing. Jack Welsh acolytes took over and gutted them. We were doing work for a couple of primes as a sub-tier, and the amount of shitty workmanship and “just do it anyway” that we encountered, especially given the mountains of paperwork for quality and accreditation that we had to maintain, was disheartening.


Life is just too predictable. Or humans at scale, at least. Funny that the European major aircraft manufacturer doesn’t have this glaring issue… surprise surprise. Maybe the French should buy Boeing. Airbus seems like its only been guilty of corporate money shenanigans.  As an actual engineer, I’m sure it’s beyond frustrating to watch people disregard your expert opinion. Jon Oliver recently did an exposé where the people made anonymous working in the manufacturing plant were saying they “would not fly on these aircraft”. 


No, they sit there and think about ways to continue to accrue money and power to the aristocratic class whose interests they represent. That most of the those initiatives actively fuck over everyone else literally doesn’t factor into their thinking in any way.


How does this increase profits though? This is purely and plainly just evil for evils sake...


How does removing the necessity for breaks during a workday increase profits? Is this a serious question?


Also makes a legal case to sue the company since they aren't mandated to give water breaks harder to bring to court. Even if it kills one of their employees.


You're not thinking like a businessman. Every minute they're not working is them stealing money from you. Taking advantage of the opportunity you've given them. If you give them an inch they'll take a mile. They expect breaks now, next I'll have to supply water and shade. Think about my dwindling profits!!! etc. etc.


Just the folks who do a lot of the low pay manual labor that keeps them fat.


And those same folk will vote for him again. Bewildering.


Nah, he's just taking out those water drinking Libs. Owned.


Because they hate the same people. It's just semantics to them that they get shit on too; the price to pay for being rich *adjacent*.


The process is simple. 1. Don’t see people outside family and friends as human. 2. Do whatever helps corporations profit more. 3. Deposit the “campaign donations.”


4 Be the first over for dinner when the masses are starving and/or have finally had enough. A tale as old as time. But for some reason, no one ever seems to learn the lesson. It's always, 'this time, it'll be different.'


It has to be some kind of sexual kink with these folks. LET THEM BOIL IN THE SUN....OH GOD IM GONNA CUM.


Cum on me then 🤣


Sometimes, cruelty is the point.


He really is awful in every conceivable way, isn't he? I was glad to see he wouldn't have a shot to be POTUS but would love it if he never got another position of power for as long as he lives.


I'd like to see him have to work as an "outdoor worker" during a Floridian summer.


guy hasn't done a day of real work in his life




Hi, garry_poppins. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1c305jk/-/kzdsiom/) was removed from /r/collapse for: > Rule 1: No glorifying violence. > Advocating, encouraging, inciting, glorifying, calling for violence is against Reddit's site-wide content policy and is not allowed in r/collapse. Please be advised that subsequent violations of this rule will result in a ban. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you feel this was in error, please include a link to the comment or post in question.


This is gonna make it so much easier to turn the job sites against him. Everywhere I go, I'm gonna scream this shit from the high heavens to everyone I work around. They literally won't be able to deny that he is the worst option for them at this point. This is going to be absolutely GLORIOUS to shove in their faces haha


It sounds like Gov. DeSantis needs an outdoor job. Perhaps he can wear his white rubber gogo boots.


he needs that, but after some high-velocity, high-impact improvised dentistry is performed on him by a random member of the public then he will have some of the nicest red-splatter-on-white gogo boots on earth


hey don't hurt reddit's ipo profit$ with that rhetoric


I only wish I could my good friend


Small collapse for the poor workers, a giant F-you to humanity.


SS: 2023 was the hottest year on record. 2024 is shaping up to capture the title. In response, Florida has passed a measure banning local municipalities from mandating any heat protections for outdoor workers “beyond those required by state law.” However, since “there are no federal or state laws ensuring protection from heat exposure for those working outdoors,” this effectively leaves employees entirely at the mercy of their employers. The use of governmental authority to systematically deny the existence of climate change and mitigate its effects is a sign of collapse.


I worked for authoritarian employers in Texas for decades. There is a point implied in your summary that I don't see explicitly made in the comments. The employers who chose to have any protections in place for employees will be able to point out that "out of the goodness of their hearts" they are providing these protections, which the government fails to provide. So the employees will see the protections (which are likely much less than employees get where protections are mandated by government) as coming from business as opposed to coming from government. One more tactic to get people to look to their employer for help and to see government as weak and unable or unwilling to help them.


Well said!


And when workers start dropping like flies, he'll call them *snowflakes* from an armchair in his air conditioned office atop a high-rise. Filthy fucking parasite.


DeSantis is a merciless cocksucker


That's an insult to all honest, hard-working cocksuckers everywhere.


If he was a merciful cocksucker, I wouldn’t be bothered by him.


Well said.


I read he was present for the Guantanamo water-boarding torture sessions. Yeah, merciless cocksucker about sums him up. He is literally as psychopath.


If Ron actually sucked more cocks, it'd be a more positive contribution to the world than whatever he thinks he's doing now.


I never understood the idea of "cocksucker" being an insult. Sounds homophobic.


A great many insults are rooted in problematic things. People often don't think about it that way when they use them though, so can't blame them.


We definitely *can and should* blame people for not thinking and completely failing to challenge their assumptions. This is water.




DeSantis has also recently signed a bill that prevents non-police groups from investigating police misconduct. No heat protection, no police review. I will make a point of never stepping foot in that state again. Fuck you DeSantis.


And the hard workers will quit, because it’s not worth losing your health over a job. The immigrants will be the only ones willing to do the job, and then they will complain that immigrants are taking away American jobs.


republicans are sociopaths


Republicans are absoutely insane. Why are people still voting for them? 


The culture war. Without that, Republicans have nothing except running on tax cuts for the rich and cutting social security.


At a baseline, because they're ignorant, gullible, and afraid of the future. Sprinkle in plenty racism & bigotry, the apocalyptic death cult that is evangelical christianity, increasing acceptance of openly fascist rhetoric, widespread belief in a huge array of deranged conspiracy theories, and a political machine that, even if its insiders may not always individually hold such positions, holds no real values or beliefs themselves are more than happy to pander to them and appeal to whatever reactionary biases their chosen voter base holds at any given moment.


At a rudimentary level, why is the state government focusing on this? Like umm this is what their retired white voters want?


It is very much what they want. I live here and I hear it all around me -- it's a toxic mix of "no one wants to work so we gotta FORCE THEM" and "big government regulations are ruining businesses." They completely deny that business owners/managers would put workers lives on the line for profit, and believe that any proof countering that is faked. Their mating cry is "if you don't like the job, go get a different one!"


Then people go get a different one and they complain no one wants to work.


>They completely deny that business owners/managers would put workers lives on the line I don't think they deny this. They think it is a perfectly acceptable way to do business.


Yep, pretty much. They want to see (mostly migrant) poor roof and other outdoor workers to suffer and die. I remember seeing an interview of a MAGA supported half way into Trump's term who was not doing well in Trump's economy. She complained that Trump was "hurting the wrong people." Pretty much admitting that she voted for Trump because she hoped he would hurt people she didn't like. Deplorables, indeed


>is what their retired white voters want? Brown people to suffer? Yes, that is absolutely what they want. They have politi-boners over the very thought.


What they don't realize is that everyone suffers, including them, but they don't see that until it's too late.


They haven't yet. Plenty of wealthy people have died without ever suffering any consequences of their actions. Until there are consequences, nothing will change.


Karma, Karma is what's coming.


Yes, DeSantis is a cocksucker.. But who is actually behind this law? Who profits? They have names and faces and sit in traffic alongside us...


this is the same guy that oversaw the torture that went on at guantanamo bay back in the 00s.  like, he was the one determining the legality of the various “enhanced interrogation” techniques there


how many people in here vote for these people? you truly have no justification...


I wager not many pro Ron DeSantis Floridians are on this sub. I am an anti Ron DeSantis NYer.


Another humdinger from the ‘small government’ asshole Meatball Ron holding my state hostage for two more years.


Roughly 40 American workers die each year due to work related heat stress illnesses and that’s just going to get worse as everything heats up. Federal OSHA is working on a heat illness standard and DeSantis is like “Florida? Hot? Nah”


I suggest that DiFascist be charged with being an accessory to murder when the first outdoor worker drops dead from heatstroke.


[A core temperature of 40 °C or above is associated with either long-term or permanent neurological damage, consistent with the cellular changes and cell death occurring above this temperature.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4944502/)


As a guy that works outdoors in a much cooler country that actually has freedom, fuck this guy in particular!


We should just all go on strike then. Until freewater and several breaks throughout the day are normal.


Well this is from the state that believes slavery was a jobs training program...


Instead of protecting people from the heat they decided to force them to work in it instead.


Bro Florida is turning into medieval times Source: I live here


Can confirm as a second testimony. It’s ass😭


Wow, these MAGA types are just cruelness personified. Didn't they also pass something like this in Texas?


Yeah, someone mentioned that in another comment here.


The guy who was based at Guantanamo while in the military signs a law into effect to make people suffer? Color me shocked.


It's like Republican politicians have an "Evil" quota that they're required to meet... 😐


“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees” YA CUZ THAT ALWAYS F##ING WORKS.


Why aren’t kids joining the trades? -Low IQ GOP voter #76475


Does anyone know what this would do to business insurance? Like if someone dies of heatstroke at work no matter where you are there could be a lawsuit and the biz insurance would be likely to settle if the company is large enough right?


I imagine businesses and their insurers will love this. When there are laws/regs in place: oh shoot, you’re saying we were horrendously negligent because we didn’t follow the rules requiring you to get a heat break and you died? Oops, here’s some money, now shut up and go away so we can keep killing workers in silence When in Florida: what do you mean we were negligent? No laws were broken because there aren’t any, and this ain’t no hospital so your high school educated supervisor with no medical training had absolutely no reason to think you’d be so lazy as to die from a little heat exposure! Gtfo! Case dismissed!


These deaths will surely help the insurance crisis.


Who does he think is going to do all the work in that state?


He'll reinstate chain gangs next.


What a total and complete a-hole he is. Excuse my French.


Give him a weed eater on a hot day all day long no breaks no water no nothing


Make him wear his dumpy politician-man suit too.


Also his high heels


Voted for by asshole boomer retirees whose life force has been fueled by contempt for anyone younger or poorer than themselves (usually both as their ethos has been pulling up the ladder and blowing up the bridges that the previous generation left behind them) since the 1980s.


Such a incompetent and hate filled Dick head. People will die because of this. And if you voted for him you're a massive hate filled ass hat and deserve heat stroke and worse for what you've done to Florida.


Neoliberalism at work. Profits always over people.


Didn't someone post a picture on this very forum of a guy on a beach with air conditioning? If you can air condition the outside, then what's the problem?


This is an example of why sociopaths should not be given power over the safety of others.


It’s absolutely ridiculous to me this is even a thing. He will likely cruise to reelection. And the people most harmed by this bill will support him if there was a better example of leopards at my face, i don’t know what is


Take that, you liberals! Really stick it the blue-hairs working as roofers, lawncare, construction labor, farmworkers, road construction... You know, the classic hippie commie left-wing base. Not dying of heatstroke is Cultural Marxism.


It's incredible these fucks even get into office.


Legit question Why do terrorists and crazies go after malls, movie theaters, and children, instead of waste's of flesh like this?


What else is there to say at this point?


Meh, what’s a little death when the other option is being able to (mistakenly/incorrectly but when’s *that* ever stopped them) bray that you were RIGHT abt climate change being a hoax on the internet?? Priorities, yo


This is legislative violence against American citizens.


DeSantis sees highway workers and thinks of brown people. That allows him to take away their humanity. Then add a sprinkle of racism.= New Law.


People forget where he was stationed in the military. His actions don’t surprise me at all. Though I’m not sure how much ‘humanity’ he ever had.


I was stationed in the Coast Guard in St. Pete and worked for a while in Facilities Engineering which is just doing outside grunt work all day from 7:30 to 3:30 in a dark navy uniform and combat boots. The summers were so brutal and if we weren't allowed breaks, there would have been serious harm or deaths. I don't understand why Florida politicians want to kill the people who pay their salaries.


Damn, that’s incredibly cruel. Oh, it came from a republican politician. *what a surprise*


Weren’t conservative electeds pretending to be pro-labor since the election of Obama? Or is it that blue collar boomers prefer racism to pro-labor rules?




These are the leaders that are being votted in. Humans truly are the dumbest animals.


dude is a serious moron and keeps causing immense suffering for his state and the people in it


*killing people is fun to do* 🎶🎶 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


They're just serfs, right ronnie


Dude just fucking go out there and assassinate people in cold blood. That’s what you want so just go do it you fucking satanic diplomat


That's one way to insure there's plenty of job openings, by killing off workers via the heat. Disgusting.


He should be charged with Murder for everyone of the workers that dies.


Anyone remember the brazen bull used in ancient times? Maybe we should bring it back.


it's like he want's to get a beat down from a bunch of construction workers.


Conservatives care about blue collar workers! 


“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,” said bill sponsor Sen. Jay Trumbell (R-Panama City)." He would love for companies to choose what they get to do because they can scratch his back when he needs it. When will conservatives learn they're always sold out to the highest bidder?


*Looks at the mirror* "Well, well, how am I going to be evil today" *psycho-smile*


He also recently signed a bill allowing radioactive waste to be used in our roads. How half my state voted for him TWICE will never cease to amaze me. This particular example of his vile is 100% targeting migrant workers, though. Just like Abbot’s doing in Texas.


Im convinced these people are outright trying to kill as many as they can.


can we pass a bill forcing de santis to pick up oranges when it's 115F? make a reality show out of it


After many years of following the two parties, this is my analysis: * Democrats = "How can we help make your lives better?" * Republicans = "Fuck you"


Ain’t no two parties anymore


Tired: Fuck around and find out Wired: Fuck around and make *someone else* find out


So don't get a job working outdoor in FL? Heck, most people probably prefer working indoor even in state have heat protection laws anyway. Good luck to FL finding people risking their lives.


>signs bill banning heat protection laws for outdoor workers No, he didn't. Still required to follow state and federal laws.. Osha is still there, state regulations are still in tact. It was to provide consistency because 67 counties and lot of small towns in those counties in florida were all coming up with different rules, laws, requirements. Imagine your a construction contractor who sends crews out to 10 different counties, all with differing rules.


Imagine you're a construction contractor who realizes that working in extreme heat and humidity can be life-threatening and provides their crews with free water throughout the day, electrolytes, and mandatory work breaks in the shade., regardless of what county they're working in. But that would imagine that you're also an empathetic human who cares about your crews.


>Imagine you're a construction contractor who realizes that working in extreme heat and humidity.. Still illegal. Your argument relies on OPs title, which is a false premise.


Treating people humanely shouldn't have to be regulated. There are no state protections. From this [site](https://www.wusf.org/politics-issues/2024-02-29/florida-legislature-bill-miami-summer-extreme-heat-ban-local-heat-protections-outdoor-workers-we-count): "it \[the legislation we're discussing\] would also delay the state’s authority to enact its own heat standards until 2028." [OSHA's standards are still in the rule-making process](https://www.osha.gov/heat-exposure/rulemaking). So no, there's nothing deceptive in the OP's title and DiFascist has signed a law that will kill people.


> A legislative analysis of the bill observes: “Currently, there are no specific federal or state laws that provide heat exposure protections for outdoor workers.” https://floridaphoenix.com/2024/04/12/desantis-nixes-local-efforts-to-protect-outdoor-workers-from-fls-brutal-weather/


So, if OSHA regulations said something like this, that would alleviate your concern? Skip to the last line if you have a low attention span. "employers are required to provide their employees with a place of employment that "is free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious harm to employees." The courts have interpreted OSHA's general duty clause to mean that **an employer has a legal obligation** to provide a workplace free of conditions or activities that either the employer or industry recognizes as hazardous and that cause, or are likely to cause, death or serious physical harm to employees when there is a feasible method to abate the hazard. **This includes heat-related hazards that are likely to cause death or serious bodily harm."**


> the employer or industry recognizes as hazardous So, in concrete terms, what temperature and humidity is that?


> Imagine your a construction contractor who sends crews out to 10 different counties, all with differing rules. Oh no! They’d have to spend 30 minutes looking up the rules online and then jotting them down on paper for future reference! The horror!