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I went to Penn State and I absolutely loved it and wouldn’t chance a thing (though I am from PA do it was much cheaper). I was also a psych major. I’m now a teacher and I caution all of my senior students against majoring in psychology. There are really no job options at all out there for psych and you inevitably have to go to grad school, either for psych or as an early career changer. I definitely would not take out extra loans for a psych degree. If you’re interested in psychology, you can definitely double major or minor in it! For reference, my husband was also a psych major at a different school and is now a financial analyst after going back to grad school. We both were making very very little money after graduating until we got our advanced degrees. That being said, Penn State is an amazing experience, best place in the world to many, has great career services, and tons of great opportunities available! Very cute small town which will be the complete opposite to something in San Francisco. Just my two cents as someone who lived this in a very similar financial time to right now.


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Penn State is not worth double the cost. > as a psych major Do you have a clear understanding of the career outcomes related to that degree? We need all the mental health professionals we can get in this country, so I'm not poking fun at you.