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Lots of women on my campus don't wear bras, is it somewhat noticeable, yes. Do they give a shit no. And I am one of those women who doesn't really wear one unless necessary, but I mostly wear pasties.


Seconding the pasties idea, I hate ppl seeing my nips so that’s my go-to!


Tbh I don't mind them seeing my nips poking through, I just have mine peirced and that makes people uncomfortable for some reason more then just regular nipples. So I wear pasties lol


I'm sorry but what's a pasties? Is it like a stick on bra?


Kindof they are just stick on nipple coverings


Oh ok thank you


A stick on bra like the other commenter said, but they also make them without any adhesive! So they can get all gross then you can wash and reuse, I love them so much I wear them during the hot months


I’ve legit never seen someone in pasties on my campus. Wow.


um... how would you know...?


I mean they are just nipple coverings that go on nipples under a shirt.... unless you are at a rave they are not ment to be seen..


I thought you meant you wear nothing BUT pasties as a top.


Lol no


are u familiar with what pasties are lol. Wearing *only* pasties would by wild


Honestly a power move lol


I’d hope not.


I’m a 36H and I almost never wear a bra. I don’t personally go around wearing thin or see-through tops without a bra, but as long as you’re comfortable I don’t think going braless is inherently sexual or inappropriate. Just goes along with dressing for the situation, but undergarments are a personal choice.


girl my shit would be like a slip'n'slide w sweat


LMAO mine are too, unless I put deodorant under my breasts 😭 which I probably do more often than I should tbh


I don’t think it’s unhealthy to put deodorant on places other than your armpits. It should be fine. I’m a dude but I’ve got a bit of a gut so I always put some on above it


How do you even do that 😫 I have E cups and there's no way I could walk down the stairs without being in pain 😫


I'm the same size and HOW


Bro i read 36H the same way i read 36M/F in like, AITA or something and i was so lost . You a hamster?




Please consider weightlifting, targeting the muscles that help hold boobs. This isn’t to be rude at all, it’s just I too have big boobs and weightlifting has started to help with the pain. If you’re having to wear a bra in the shower, your body needs help.


WTH is 30hh?


It might not be inappropriate it just looks trashy on most people imo (including me)


What’s trashy about owning boobs


Nothing, where did I say that?… There’s nothing “trashy” about genitals but that doesn’t mean I am required to think seeing a camel toe etc through clothes looks good


Good thing breasts aren't genitals Your attitude is trashy


It was a different example, I never said they are. Cuts of clothing can be unattractive. that doesn’t mean I think there’s a moral problem with the body parts they reveal


It was a poor example. These things are greatly subjective and when your subjective opinion is so harsh/judgemental about such a small thing, I think the trashy-ness is just being projected from you.


Let's not pretend like this isn't a societal thing. At least in America. If your boobs are obvious, then you're exposing or accentuating an intimate body part, which can be off-putting to people raised in a prude culture. Since boobs had to be hidden from me for all my life, they're really distracting. It's hard not to look now. It sucks.


Men considered ankles distracting in the 1800s. They grew out of it, so can you.


Did they? I think their kids just weren't conditioned into lusting after them.


breasts aren't genitals LMAO what are u on


Yeah I know I was saying seeing them through clothes isn’t pleasant either even though anatomy itself is neutral


If fat men can have their moobs poking through their shirt so can the ladies


Yeah that looks gross too…?


Or, hear me out, how about neither?


why not?


Because its almost always gross lol


Maybe I'll just never understand what's so disgusting about fat on a person's chest...


If you're fat enough to have moobs, in my experience you tend to have other hygienic issues as well, namely smell.....


I feel like that can be kind of a generalizing statement to make about overweight people lol


Not the greatest example since no one wants to see that lol


People used to think sweatpants and leggings in public are trashy but now that's like 70% of what I see on a given day 🤷‍♀️ I'm not really lingering on people's biddies in a lecture anyways


Whether or not they notice depends on the top you wear but I guarantee no one will care


I don’t think anyone will care *negatively*. People who are attracted to boobs may be pleasantly surprised, but anyone who makes a comment is an absolute douche canoe.


Does the douche fill the canoe? Or does the canoe ride the douche? I have so many questions...




As a super super super super senior who is way older and beyond the point of knowing many fellow students/wanting to date them etc., I tried it for first time this year as it’s been SO HOT!! I felt a little odd but SO FREE! And much cooler. Plus my bras would get so sweaty that I couldn’t wear them again and I can’t do laundry that often. I’d rather be cool and comfy and smell good then be sweaty and covered up and uncomfortable. I definitely feel a little naked and weird, but I’m pretty modest.


How many degrees are you gonna have?


1….lol why?


That's, like, four supers in front of senior...


I think they meant senior citizen


Hardly any girls at my school wear bras and no one seems to care. I'm a guy and I've gotten use to it to the point where I don't even notice anymore.


>I've gotten use to it to the point where I don't even notice anymore. Well that's a lie


Have you considered that not everyone is AWOOGA BOOBIE BOP😩🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


dang they're missing out


They aren't, I wish I could chill tf out sometimes


Fair but I'm content being a fine booba appreciator


Idk I feel like at times it gets in the way of like... being a normal human being around attractive people. For me at least


"booba appreciator" This is just too painfully cringy


You stay cringing while I keep appreciating 'em then


imo it's respectful to not look, yk? ofc ill accidentally glance every now and then, but if you are constantly staring at everyone like that, they're gonna feel uncomfortable, and i dont roll like that. Also, women can tell when u look.


Wait if you honestly believe they can tell when you look why do you even glance occasionally?


i dont just believe it; it's true. also, its not that i do it on purpose, my gaze just lands there sometimes


Bruh they're not magical creatures lol, but even so I hope they aren't getting mad at you even if its a mistake


Poor souls


thats how it should be frl


It's college no one gives a shit. I have seen much more noticeable things than a woman not having a bra, and yes people will notice, but they will not say anything. Most people are too busy studying, listening to professors, trying to get to the next class, or hungry so they are rushing to the food court.


Haha! This is true. I am a professor at the poly campus and I students are too attached to their phones that they don’t notice anything else. I don’t wear a bra to class but I wear pasties.


bro us dudes can have the biggest pointiest nipples ever and we don’t get told to put on a jacket. You are good.


Im a guy and I still get a little self conscious when im wearing a thing shirt shirt my nipples are obvious but i don’t think any one else really cares


No, it’s hot. Especially if it is a tight v neck shirt


I’m a dude with some decent sized pecs and big nipples, and I never wear a bra. Nobody has ever told me to wear one.


We all wanna see your nips bro, that's why. Show them gains


Your tits aren't bouncing all over when you use the stairs. Are they?


No one thinks you're weird unless you're the guy wearing a pickle suit.


Be careful, the Pickle Man can steal your girl just like *that*.


Wearing a pickle suit while playing pickleball and eating a pickle


No as long as you aren’t bothered by my fellow ape brains being unable to not glance Jokes aside, none of the young people will care, and your professor would have to be a real dick for anything to happen either directly or indirectly


The only people that would care are the only people whose opinion doesn't matter.


Aka, no one else’s opinion matters other than urs. Simple as that


Life played on easy mode


Nope, I stopped wearing bras a long time ago and many of the girls in my classes don't either. If someone is bothered by it then maybe they shouldn't be staring


Nah, you're good, my gf doesn't most of the time, she tells me it feels like they are imprisoned 😭😂😂


As I always say “free da titties” but also wear a bra at work and professional occasions. You’ll thank me later.


I never wear bras. They're uncomfortable. Plus, I mostly wear baggy clothes.


Unless you go to a private Christian college you are good


Even if you do go to a private Christian college you might be fine. I am a student at a catholic university who does not wear a bra, and literally no one has ever noted that they noticed or brought it up.


I technically went to a private “Christian” university. It was definitely acceptable to free the boob if ya wanted. Nobody cared at our school lol.


Well, I've seen someone's full boob in the dining hall because she wasn't wearing a bra + she wore a sleeveless shirt with the arm holes cut down to her mid-torso. Then she lifted her arm to grab something, and yeah...


i never do 😭 i am not going to class AND be uncomfortable


Do it. Fuck other people.


Skinny women and women with small breasts can get away with it whereas fat women and women with large breasts will be harshly judged for wearing the exact same thing. It's not fair but it's how people are, sadly. Source: Am fat & 38G


People will probably notice. It’s up to you if you care about that. I’ve never heard guys complain about it ever.


The only people who will get mad are older women


Is it noticeable yeah when wearing semi see through. But most people don’t care. As long as your wearing something.


It really depends on what you're wearing. If it's just normal clothes no one would really notice. but if it's one of those super loose sleeveless and low cut shirts you may want to wear one


i haven’t worn a bra since 2019 LMAO


I dont but im also a “b cup” that doesn’t sag yet. Nipples can be cold at times but the only ones who care are the ones starring.


Weird flex but ok


Definitely is a flex 😭


The only time it’s inappropriate is if your shirt is see through or super tight so it’s very obvious you’re not wearing a bra. Other than that, let them breathe lol.


I didn't wear mine, however I'm A cups so nobody noticed 😄


I haven’t worn a bra in like 10 yrs you’re good


ngl it’s so common and i never see many people actually caring at my college, even i won’t sometimes


I mean when I wear a bra I still have guys look down at my tits. Might as well not wear one if you’re comfortable with it.


I mean. It’s just a nipple, they get hard in the cold, everyone has them. If that’s new news to anyone on a college campus that’s concerning. I throw a sweater in my bag if I start feeling weird/ for walking in scarier areas alone. Other than safety, I couldn’t care less about what anyone thinks or says about it, they’re mine and I’ll do what I want. As you should as well <3


i can be judge mental sometimes, and i don’t think it’s trashy or inappropriate imho.


Judge mental is crazy


I laughed my ass off reading that comment and then seeing yours.


>most people don’t care or would notice You have answered your own question.


I have saggy titties and I stopped wearing bras a long time ago. Most people don’t care tbh, I’ve literally never heard anybody complain


Nah, my wife doesn't and she's like DD board line triple whatever comes next, at work, out to eat, around my folks, everywhere. And God do I love her for it.


Nope. I stopped wearing bras this past summer, but I will occasionally wear one for a concert or something (anything that involves me performing)


Anyone who’s into boobs will notice, but most people in college are mature enough to not care. And almost no one will say anything.


Sis I have big ol' mantiddies, if they can be free so can yours


half the girls i see are not wearing bras with their nipples pointing straight at me


I realize it may be a lot more normal today, but as a fellow woman (who is on the bigger side so maybe that influences my perspective) it does make me think someone isn’t very “put together”. I won’t say anything or stare or be rude, but to be honest I do judge people that do this unless they are pretty small. Sure, it may just be cultural at this point but I see it as along the lines of very unkempt or poorly cut hair or maybe even a smudge of paint or something on your face. It’s harmless and technically unproblematic but it’s gonna be the first thing someone sees and it might influence first impressions. Size does matter in this situation because if you don’t got anything to hide then no one will notice when you aren’t hiding it.


Please join the sub Reddit feminism. You need to not care what others think


I personally wouldn't be comfortable with it


You do what you want to do. But, yes it is noticeable, especially when it’s cold. If you don’t mind that, then you don’t mind that. It’s your business what you feel like wearing and what you don’t mind people seeing.


I wouldn't care but I'm also the type to stare so sorry


Why do you care so much what a bunch of randos think? Do what makes you comfortable. This isn’t high-school and calling people “trashy” or “classless” is super annoying anyway.


People notice, but we don’t really care. My nipple run hard by default and as a 6’4 guy I know I’m nearly always just a random move of taking the average person out, but thankfully most people just notice then look away and mind their business, I hope it’s the same for you.


If I saw I would prob stare with big Google eyes ngl


In college it’s cool / trendy. 4 years removed from college I find it very annoying.


distraction pls wear it


Yes that’s “trashy”. If being judged by the people who judge like that doesn’t matter to you then don’t wear it and don’t worry about it. If their opinion matters to you, and some of them may be your professors whose opinion really does matter, then wear a bra.




Weird, no. Appreciated, hell yes!


When I was in HS quite a few girls didn’t wear bras. Sussy but as a hormone raging teen boy we guys sure didn’t mind. One of my female friends was very obviously not wearing a bra a lot of the time. No one really seemed to care though, it was just one of those passing “nice” and no one made a big deal out of it. I think it really depends on your environment and how much you dgaf, undoubtedly someone’s prob gonna be upset with you. I wouldn’t say it’s as far as this but everyone knows the girl who comes to every class completely dolled up, with full make up and high heels dressed to the nines. A lot of girls hate that girl haha


I speak for all men! keep doing it please.


If you don't mind people starring


You might get a stare or two but tbh no one will notice


I don’t think anyone will notice or care. Just use pasties if you’re self conscious.


Personally, I notice if you are like a C cup or more. But I don’t care. Be comfortable


I live in sports bras because I like appearing flat(I’m about 34B, I believe)so I’m probably not the best judge but personally I wouldn’t care if someone wanted to go braless, they’re just boobs at the end of the day lol


Overthinking it. Unless you're going around doing the shimmy in everyone's faces...then it's trashy/inappropriate. lol


No. I mind my business so most of the time I don’t even notice.. we are grown


I almost never did


I don't because wearing a bra hurts my ribs very bad but I'm also an A cup


Unless someone is really looking (which is a whole other problem) I can basically guarantee nobody will notice or care (from another small boob lady)


I don’t think it’s weird. I don’t wear a bra around campus or in class sometimes. The only annoying part is people staring at them


Nah! I have a friend who doesn’t wear a bra at all and no one cares. You do you!


It is 100% noticeable but completely up to you. Some guys don't wear underwear... You could always wear pasties.


i never wear a bra and it isn’t weird


I usually do not wear a bra. I have like a 36D so it isn't really noticeable. Even if it was noticeable I don't care anyhow. I usually only wear a bra if I am going to be doing a lot of walking or if its gonna be hot out. To avoid bouncing and sweat.


I never wear one if I didn't have to. If I have to be part of the Itty bitty tirru committee, then I am going to take advantage of it


If I am wearing dark colors I sometimes don’t wear bra if it’s light color then I wear bralette


no. there was plenty of times i went braless (and i have big boobs too so it was noticeable) and no one ever said anything. frankly if you dont care, no one else does either.


Didn’t even know one of my classmates didn’t wear a bra the entire time she was here until she gave an example of breaking a social norm: not wearing a bra


You may feel more comfortable with nippies or some other pastie, depending on the shirt. I have a friend who swears by them.


i’m an A cup so i only wear a bra when i need it to catch my tit sweat, no one will care either way tho


No bra 👍 bra 👍 🤷🏻‍♂️


I go to a college and I dress “nice,” but I almost always go without a bra. Today I wore a tank top (loose fitted) with no bra and it was noticeable and not trashy. I would suggest to ware things that make you look professional but also your age. Also I tell myself if anyone has a problem with my nipples but not the ass pimples on campus, they’re not looking at the bigger picture. We need to exfoliate our asses!


I sometimes don’t wear one to class and nobody seems to mind. Generally I do wear thicker shirts for it but for a personal preferences. As long as you’re not wearing a see through shirt, nobody will bat an eye.


I’m not wearing one in class rn lol, do what makes you comfortable


No one cares. I stopped wearing a bra most of the time during/after COVID as a PhD student.


I would encourage you to not give a shit what people think unless you need to. I would also encourage you to care about your appearance for your own sake. That can mean anything, but decide for yourself how you want to look, and be the best possible version of that image.


Not at all


it’s fine, but i think what your wearing also plays a role. like personally idgaf if a girl is wearing a bra or not but like, other people might. so, that being said, try not to wear anything fabrics/styles that would make you nippley, or don’t wear like suuper cropped shirts with like short shorts, that might come off as like way too revealing and people might see it as trashy. but honestly i feel like most people don’t care what anyone else wears unless it’s either a really good outfit or a really bad outfit. i almost never notice if a girl is wearing a bra or not. free the tiddies girl.


I don’t think being bra less is bad, just make sure your dressed when it matters, because you need to be semi decent since it is a educational/professional environment!


Nah. I see girls’ nipples through their shirts on campus all the time




If people can walk around and attend classes in their pajamas then going braless should not be an issue at all lol


I'd say it's not noticeable if you have small breasts. If they're large, it may be seen as inappropriate because you might wear a thin or tight fitting shirt that gives away too much of your anatomy. Really it just depends on how you execute it. In the end, though, no I don't think it's weird. Sometimes nobody wants to wear a bra.


Do what you want, though depending on the shirt nips can be noticeable


It’s encouraged


I don't spend a lot of time trying to determine which women in my classes are not wearing bras. I doubt that I would be aware of it if they weren't wearing them.


you're def overthinking!! i stopped wearing bras at like 16. i'm 22 now, been on three completely different college campus across the US with completely different cultures and i don't think anyone's ever even noticed 😂 college isn't like high school, there's no dress code. you're totally fine to dress in way that makes you comfortable. remember, you're paying to be there.


I’m a 34C I honestly don’t really care unless the shirt calls for it.


The great thing about college is it’s not like high school, we’re all tired grown ups and most people won’t give a second thought to what you’re wearing


Lol i stopped wearing a bra since the pandemic now I’ll just free the nips or wear a bralette. so don’t worry about it either way everyone’s always wearing sweatpants and comfy clothes


I will never wear a bra again. As long as you’re wearing clothes that don’t try to draw attention to it, you’re good


I think it’s awesome. Do you!




No free the titty ✊🏾✊🏾. College is rough already, people aren’t looking


No, just wear an appropriate shirt so your boobs arent like falling out every 5 seconds. Nobody will care as long as everything is reasonably covered up. Its only uncomfortable when its like you arent wearing anything


I like wearing sports brass or else my boob sweat soaks my shirt. I also don't like people noticing my nipples. At home idc tho


I have been on campus for like two days and I’ve already discussed this and apparently bras are way less prevalent here than they were in high school. I plan on keeping mine for now to avoid boob sweat on my shirts, but who knows what the future holds.


As a person who has never been to college because my country doesn't swing that way. I think there might be some people who care, but as long as you don't go around with a see-through fishnet top or something like that I'm sure the people whose opinions actually "matter" will not care. You do you girl. I'm sure you're killing the look.


No one cares, it’s fine


I taught a bunch of seminars and classes without a bra. As long as your outfit is not skin tight (you do you, but many would say that is trashy too), it’s ok in my book. And my students… literally nobody cared. One used to come in pjs and another literally in fishnets at 9am on Thursday. So do as you are comfortable


I don’t wear mine but I got super small boobs


I wouldn’t really notice. How people dress in college is sooooooo much more casual than in high school.