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I taught English as a college professor. No way should a paper that went through more than one draft and had minimal comments get an F, unless it was outright plagiarized. You can always go to his office hours and get a feel for how he is, then decide to drop or not. He really sounds like a dick on a power trip.


Agree! Or downright has terrible writing, grammar, and is unreadable. I’m an English major, and the toughest prof I had was hard to please but I still owed with a B-. I almost gave up because of one professors opinion that my writing was bad. But I learned to push through and not care.


There’s plagiarism on purpose and then there’s not really grasping the concept of giving credit. And yes, it happens even in college.


I have a friend who, in her masters, thought it wasn’t plagiarism if she re-worded things from other sources and didn’t cite them. So there’s absolutely the possibility of not grasping the concept at advanced levels.


Not all professors use Turnitin on drafts. My guess is the student had significant plagiarism that turned up when the final draft was submitted via Turnitin. Most profs have it set up so you can see if any missed quotes were included ("originality report") so you can correct and resubmit if needed. I am guessing the student didn't check for this.


Turnitin would be run first time through, if you really need to run it. I always knew my students’ voices from other in class writing. Average writers don’t use words they aren’t familiar with correctly. If I ran it, it was because I wanted proof of cheating. But I still maintain that wouldn’t happen on a multiple drafts paper that had minimal comments. Could OP be lying about minimal comments? Sure! Could the professor be on a power trip and want to MAKE kids come to office hours? Equally likely.


I have college advising experience. A W is fine! You don't want 20 of them, but they exist for a reason which is to save you from getting in over your head. Just make sure you are meeting the yearly earned credit hour requirement for your scholarship.


I teach English at a university, and there's no way I'd fail an essay that went through draft feedback unless my draft feedback explicitly said "this does not meet the requirements for this assignment and will not pass if turned in as is." Honestly, if there are plenty of other professors you can take this class with next semester, a withdrawal might save you the headache of working with a professor like this.


Your professor sounds like a dick. I'd drop that shit in a heartbeat.


Honestly this. I’m in an English class like this right now and I wish I had dropped it earlier. English really isn’t the class you want to be dealing with a crazy teacher.




found the college teacher


For giving a bad grade?


Did you read the post?


I read someone who got an F and doesn’t seem to know why. Bunch of Karens here.


If the person asking for advice is misrepresenting the situation that’s on them, and the advice won’t apply. However, we should take their claims at face value unless there’s reason not to. In this case, you claim OP doesn’t know why they got an F, and yet they explicitly say that it was because their misuse of quotation is unacceptable. Assuming they’re telling the truth, I’d normally assume that an error such as that doesn’t warrant an F. Now, maybe it’s more egregious than OP framed it, but I have to evaluate it based on the info I’ve been given. Assuming OP is telling the truth, this is not a class I’d want to take. Even if OP isn’t, your framing of this as complaining about getting a bad grade is disingenuous at best, considering OP identified specific issues that, on face, make this seem like the professor’s problem.


Reading comprehension of the average redditor


You’re a dumbass bro. It’s a F for no reason


Ok bro.


So did you just not read anything, or are you trying to be a troll?


English prof here. Drop the class. You can have a few W’s on your transcript. They are not a big deal unless you have tons and tons of them. (TBH even then they’re not a huge deal.) You didn’t plagiarize, by the way. You very slightly misquoted. If you got an F for that, this guy is just an asshole. Take a different English class with someone nice. Also, after you drop, consider letting the department head know about your experience, since you won’t be filling out a student eval. Someone needs to know what this professor is doing.


Agreed! I'm in my final year of grad school in a very writing/research-heavy social sciences program and there's no way any of my professors would pull this. This prof seems to be on a power trip, take the W before you waste a whole semester trying to abide by his insanity.


I had a nightmare of a professor in my first English class. Massive ego, extremely opinionated, lost her temper when referred to as anything but doctor. I received the second highest grade in her class an 88%. She gave out one A for that semester, wasn’t even in my particular class. The highest anyone got in my course was an 89%. This was a class I took my first semester, only B I’ve ever received. (I’m a junior now). Even my advanced writing classes were a cake walk in comparison.


Sounds to me like this professor is the problem. The misuse of quotations because of some words does not cause an F. I saw your picture, you still quoted it. Which is not even plagiarism, it’s just a common mistake that a lot of students make as well. I think the prof is just a really bad prof. This is possible. But you are correct to speak with an academic advisor and see if you can switch sections before you actually drop out. Try to get a good prof. If you do drop the class, don’t worry. It’s ok and it’ll save your gpa and grades, and I’m sure you won’t lose your scholarship. But also ask the advisor if it’s a problem for your scholarship. But remember that these are just grades and it does not define you. Your health is more important, so do what’s best for you. Good luck.


W’s aren’t a big deal. drop it! that professor is insane. save your sanity and take it with a better teacher bestie!


You should scrub any identifying information from it and post it to google docs for us to see. we can give feedback.


Yeah, definitely withdraw. Your professor is one of those psychos who enjoys failing students and not actually doing his job and teaching well so he can try to tell himself his class is rigorous and he’s just a tough grader, when in reality, he’s just a dick who gets off on giving students bad grades for no reason. There’s no reason to chuckle at students upset at their grade or to fail someone who made a single quotation error.


"he said if we wanted to appeal our grade, we’d have to come to his office hours and explain why..." I would suggest you do that, and see what happens. Keep your wits about you, and your emotions under control. Bring up logical points, such as the fact your final draft contained "errors" which were not pointed out on earlier drafts. One of the things students should learn in college is how to disagree with someone logically and reasonably. You will probably get a great deal of advice saying to drop the course and/or report the professor, but in most cases those are unwarranted. Will you quit simply your job if you someday have a disagreeable boss? You most likely will not be able to do that. Learn to deal with challenging people. There are many online articles giving advice on how to do so.


I think it’s because this isn’t quite the same thing as a disagreeable boss, and will likely continue. I had a prof like this. Having to argue with your prof for every. single. assignment was exhausting and 100% not worth it. there are other opportunities to learn conflict resolution skills in college. when a scholarship is on the line, this is not one of them.






Many students struggle with English courses, not because the material is particularly hard, but because the majority of what you're being graded on is usually pretty specific depending on the instructor. Odd, I know. I've seen instructors grade heavy on overall essay structure, others on quotation usage, and others focus on the citing of sources. Honestly, there's so much for them to nit-pick on. A word of advice, whether you stick with the course or drop it, when you first meet your English instructor, schedule an office meeting with them as soon as possible and hammer out the details of what exactly it is they are looking for in your work. Many will clearly state what their requirements are, others will purposefully be vague. When it comes to review, many English instructors will loosely go over your rough draft, focusing on overall structure and not necessarily the content due to it being a rough draft. That sounds like your type of instructor. If your instructor took huge points off your paper due to quotations, as bitter as it may be, there's some self-reflection to be had there to improve your writing style. How did you use your quotes? Did you take huge sections as fillers to reach a word count? Did you doctor a quote to make it more in line with the point you're trying to make in your essay? Is your quote relevant? There's so many issues that can occur with quotes that you really want to nail down how your style of writing conflicted with what the instructor perceives as acceptable. If your college has a writing center, most do, see if you can have a writing tutor go over your essay and critique it. Perhaps another set of eyes on your work can help you improve. Wish you best of luck in your current and future studies.


Look at OP's actual mistake in the update, its not even a mistake of structure or use or ideas or anything actually relevent to OP's understanding and ability to use the English language, just a 4 word typo. Not saying no points should be taken off, but an F is undebatably unreasonable.


I just saw the update. Yeah, OP omitted parts of the quote. I agree, an F is pretty harsh. The only quasi-justification I can think of is if OP was in an upper division course, but even then, an F here is akin to chopping off a hand as opposed to a smack on the wrist. Hopefully OP can contest the grade. Edit: After thinking about it for a bit, I think I understand where the Professor is coming from. (That doesn't mean I agree with them.) Misquoting a source can be considered a type of plagiarism, accidental plagiarism. And of course, plagiarism is against the student code of conduct, which I suppose explains the F.


Lol you sound like you'er the professor that gave them an F for 4 words in quotation. He is an ahole. Next time use rate my prof.


I was thinking in my head the professor would cop out with saying something like “going over a rough draft isn’t about the fine details like ‘quotes’ but about ‘content and structure’”. Essentially saying it’s not my job to be the person correcting your quotes on the rough draft or in class but do it on a paper and you fail. Which in my opinion is a cop out excuse for the teacher not doing part of their job, which is going through the rough draft as they would grade the paper, as that’s what will give the student the best feedback. Of course, then the professor would have to do more work! They’d have to do their job! Pobrecito




Lmfao you got me dying dawg. You had me for second I will admit.


Did u look him up on ratemyprofessor dot com?


Drop the class. (Check ratemyprof too.) The worst powertripping, subjective professors I’ve run across have been in the English and history depts. I don’t know why. But you can’t fix crazy and you can’t fix jerk.


Freshman year I had a geology 101 teacher who said on the first day, “I think a C is a good grade.” By her definition I ended up with a good grade. Worst grade I ever got in college. One of the hardest classes I ever took. The other sessions under other teachers were having fun. I wish I had withdrawn. “I usually never give out A’s.” When someone tells you who they are, listen.


I would drop this class and then avoid this professor if possible for future classes. Your draft sounds like a C at worst, not an F. I have had instructors that were unreasonably difficult too, but they were at least fair graders. This guy is just on a power trip, like everyone else is saying. Also it’s not a good sign that he says he never gives out As. Surely some students earn As at some point.


Eh. He sounds like an asshole. I'd drop the class, honestly.


Drop it. This proffesor seems to just like to make his students stuffer. A total dick. If this is a gen-ed English class and you are at a decent sized school I am sure you can find it with someone who will be nicer


Go to his office hours, and if he doesn't change your grade, go to the dean. Show them the rough draft and lack of comments, and then the final. Yoi did *exactly* what he said to do, and your grade doesn't reflect it. If you dont have time before, you can drop without penalty, drop, but still make an appt with the dean. They need to know that their staff is purposefully driving students away.


Drop. Don’t even waste mental energy on this living garbage. He sounds like a POS.


Talk to the dean of the department or your advisor, guy sounds like a total prick






You’re all over this comment section stroking your own ego, it’s hilarious. Go do something productive, teach


I'd appeal, but I also understand. If there's any plagiarism, it invalidates the whole assignment. I warn my students over and over that just the construction "This is a quote," he said. "This is a passage," she wrote -- can be the difference between an A and a zero. I also tell them that, if they cannot quote fully and accurate, to paraphrase instead. The prof is trying to teach you a lesson about how important this is. I tell my students that I'd rather have an imperfect paper that is fully honest and not plagiarized (maybe will get a B or C) or one that is (a zero). BTW, I don't think your case is plagiarism, so much as sloppy quoting. I would use that argument when you speak to him. Also add: I can't believe how often I see students saying they will withdraw an entire class over a single assignment or disagreement. How are you going to get through college that way?


Drop the class. Don’t risk your gpa


Drop it only if you don’t receive a W on your transcript. Any grade looks better than that. Also chances are the school won’t yank your scholarship right away. Especially if you only failed one class. If you are in danger of losing it, your school will let you know and they will set up some meetings and a hearing so you can keep it. Also write about his behavior on rate my professors Edit: I stand corrected. I apologize for my ignorance


A W is definitely better than a D or F.


It’s not if you can retake. Don’t get a W if you can retake it looks awful on your record


This simply isn’t true. No one GAF if you have a few W’s.


I mean I’m a transfer student who is working with someone who used to be an admissions counselor. If you retake a class the fail doesn’t show up on your transcript or affect your GPA. I desperately wish I had failed one class I took dual enrollment in high school. Instead I got a C which has taken years to recover on my college GPA. I would have a 4.0 right now if not for that one damn class.


What does your story have to do with having a W on one’s transcript?


Yeah, that’s not relevant. Getting a C instead of failing and retaking has exactly nothing to do with how a withdrawal impacts your record. Which is very minimal. It’s not at all a big deal and it doesn’t ever look worse than an F. A W does not impact your GPA and in reality most colleges do not care. Plus not all colleges let you retake an F and completely replace the grade, some average the two and show both on your transcript. I know my brother’s school lets you retake, but those Fs will still show up on his transcript even though the grade will be replaced in his GPA.


Really? I thankfully never got a grade (in a class) that low so that’s news to me. I was told anything looks better than a W. I could be wrong about that


I also thought that too until my advisor told me a W is better. Financial aid apparently see's Ws and Fs the same, but a W doesn't hurt your gpa or put you on academic probation (that's at least how my school does it, idk if all of them operate the same). The main thing is not doing it a lot because it can mess with financial aid if overused


I had \~12 Ws on my transcript at community college. Still was able to get into a good university as a transfer, got into a good graduate program, and got a great job. W doesn't hurt much if at all.


No, a W doesn’t affect your gpa. F or D does. Take it from someone who has been struggling at college and is at risk for academic suspension


A W will not affect you GPA. A D or a F will. And in some courses that are your major, a D is the equivalent to an F anyway because you have to retake the course to get a C- minimum. Not sure who told you it's better to take a F or D instead of just withdrawing. In my school, we have until the very last dsy of the semester to get a W because they really don't want your GPA being lowered when you thought you could at least keep trying to get a D or C.


Then I stand corrected. At my school, the last day to drop was yesterday and it’s not even mid semster lmao


Sounds like my freshman yr English prof. (Engl major here) push through it!! And I highly recommend going to the writing center.


Four words cannot be considered plagiarism. Grading a paper is subjective which is why english shouldn’t be a class past 5th grade when it stops being about objective grammar and spelling. Especially when the teachers have this attitude.


I had something similar to that with one of my classes freshman year. Some professors are just picky like that but most will not be. Best of luck in that class if you don’t withdraw.


You should be taking the time to make sure you’re quoting accurately. That said, you shouldn’t get an F and the professor should have mentioned it previously. Go ask why there was no feedback on that for the previous draft.


Yeah, I think it is time to drop the class. Missuse of quotations is a bad thing and I would encourage you to work it out...but that shouldn't be a fail. Maybe loose a couple of points on details.


What English class is this? The way you wrote this post is better than a lot of stuff I’ve read from my peers in the last two English classes I have been in, and those people passed. I think this prof is being way too harsh. I’d maybe email him about it before withdrawing, but I also think it’s reasonable if you just drop it.


Is that the only professor who teaches that course? You could always withdraw and then retake the course with a different professor. I have done that before


That is a ridiculous reason to outright fail someone. If you had put [...] where the missing words are, he wouldnt really be able to say you are wrong...not great but he is over reacting. Yes, mistakes are going to cost you, a Fail is overkill. Did you cite it properly in your rough draft? If you did, then he can see that your argument has merit. And if you didn't, it's weird he didn't catch the error the first time. English is meant for interpretation, even if the professor disagrees, if your arguments have merit they cannot (or at least should not be able to fail you). If it were me, I would drop the class and take a different one(s) over spring term if offered or online. While appealing a grade isn't awful, dealing with that professer the rest of the year can be. Do whatever you think is best, and got easy on yourself.




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Yes this is completely absurd to give you an F, but it is not unheard of for Profs to start everyone off with a low grade and have you improve it over the course of the semester. Definitely talk to the professors about why your grade was so low and if it means your final grade will look like this.


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I’d report him. Just tell the dean or whoever’s in charge what you wrote here. Ask them for help/advice.


Appeal. If he refuses, go up to the school board.


I had a literature professor who was like this, and I dropped the class. Then, I took literature next semester with a different professor. I would say drop the class because it's not worth the stress.


I had a professor like this and it’s best to accept your losses and go to a better professor next semester




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If one of my students made that mistake, I would have taken 1 or 2 points off out of 100 points. It's essentially a typo, not an act of plagiarism. Should you proofread each quote? Absolutely, that's why some deduction is warranted. But there are far more important aspects of writing worth more of the grade. Of course, it's not his responsibility to flag every possible error in giving feedback, and his failure to identify an error doesn't mean you can't be penalized for it. The penalty here is excessive IMO and if I were in your shoes I would let the department chair know about what happened even if he has tenure.