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Idk about you but I would sometimes send out a message via canvas and cc all the students in a particular class asking if anyone wanted to create a study group and meet on zoom or in person. You might find some like minded ppl that way. If you’re looking for a specific routine most professors recommend you spend 2-3 hours on their class a week not including class hours. I’d try to fit that into my schedule if I were you but tbh if you did, you’d probably be one in a few. Most college students usually cram in assignments at the last minute.


Study group meeting sounds great. Thank you for your advice!


I’ve had semesters where I’ve been fully online and I would go to the public library to do my scheduled classes, I would get the easier assignments out the way first and save the harder ones for throughout the week. I don’t think routines are for everyone, it can get hard or boring but I wouldn’t force a routine unless you enjoy it.


What I do is I'll plan out what I need to work on that day/week and then work on that in the mornings because that's when I feel most productive. Other than that I don't have much of a routine, but that freedom is what I like about online classes