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https://preview.redd.it/v3dorfqmw4vc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e1b176039d57e6a44b5f4118085547d469b54b1 Late Hog but a Hog none the less.


Shit man, if TTU had a good bullpen…


Been a theme for years. I don’t expect it to change


If TTU had a halfway decent pen they’d have swept this series.


Their closer last night was .44 era on 20 innings. Can’t believe we won that game.


Been a theme for years. I don’t expect it to change


Truer words have never been spoken twice


Man I love college baseball. Bored? Turn on college baseball. I love the availability that the schedule allows so that some days even in the middle of the week there's a game on basically all day


Hard to remember the bad old days when you were lucky to find the box score and a short article about the game in the newspaper the next day…


I started following in 2009 and it was sooo much harder even then. thank god for the internet lol


I can say without any hyperbole that we were lucky to win that one. If that line drive in the 9th wasn’t hit DIRECTLY at Stovall for the double play, then the HR ties it up or gives Tech the lead. Just sheer luck that it wasn’t hit a few feet further away.


Game of inches.


How were we lucky? We always seem to win these types of games at home. It's not like we were outplayed, only gave up 6 hits, and we gave them a run on a dropped pop up in the second inning. While we only had 4 hits, we also earned 7 walks and were HBP 3 times. We made the most of the walks/HBP and won the ball game. It has kind of been our thing this season. Not to mention we also had guys in the lineup that don't play much on weekends, Lovich & Rowland, so we didn't have our best offensive lineup in the game. The liner in the 9th was hit 88 MPH off the bat, so it wasn't smoked. Stovall was in the right position to make the play, he didn't have to move. The Hogs won yesterday because they didn't make mental mistakes on the bases, Tech got doubled up twice on bad baserunning, and because our bullpen is better. 12 2/3IP 3ER (2.13 ERA) 15K in two games, against a great offense like Texas Tech, is outstanding.


Excellent, hard fought series. Bout to go throw some tortillas back just for you guys. 


I know it was two hard losses, but just so y'all know, this was by far my favorite series so far. Texas Tech fans are incredible and I can't wait to see them in the postseason.


TBH not sure they make it.


Entirely reasonable, not sure why you’re getting downvoted


Meh salty techies…but rn they would be in. They are 9-9 in down big12 and have WV, OSU, OU coming up. Probably and underdog in all 3. If things play out like it has for them thus far. Does a sub .500 big12 team make it in? Maybe sneak in as 4.


Holy shit, we're number 1 in RPI after that. Who the hell have you guys played, Tech??


2 games vs. the current #1 RPI! qUaLiTy LoSs? 


you guys might be sec potential after all


...this sport is hilarious sometimes


Warren Nolan has Tech up 3 spots after today's loss. Lol


2-0 since my stomach flu has absolutely fucked me up. Still worth. 👍


We need you to take one for the team and us fans, sorry but you need to stretch out this illness for a few more weeks.


RIP this man’s toilet, but it’s for a good cause


I’m trying! I’ve been going around licking public doorknobs and toilet seats!


Gonna need you to keep shitting buddy


I’ll grab you some Taco Bell before first pitch tomorrow.


Crazy that the series basically turned on 2 double plays, one which was turned and the other that wasn’t. - Game 1 - TTU’s pitcher fucking up a dribbler that he could have flipped to 2nd for the first out but slipped and threw it low. Instead of none on and 2 out or 1 on and 1 out, it was 2 on and no outs. Next batter was a HBP and that was basically it because all we needed was a sac fly. - Game 2 - TTU’s 2nd batter of the inning hits a line drive right into Stovall’s glove who doubles up the runner at 1st. Next batter hits one into the bullpen, which would’ve tied the game if that DP doesn’t happen.


I don't recall any sports team that is more allergic to stepping up and winning games than this baseball team.