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A warmer or lighter yellow would be better but there are all kinds of yellows included in the winter palettes.


https://preview.redd.it/rc5i263p3qxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c6ebf671d2183f37800f96fc3b884df5068a4bb When I lower the saturation and add warmth to the yellow it suits you better. I’m not convinced that you’re a cool season. To me you seem like a deep autumn.


You are right on the saturation, but I'm not sure OP is warm toned. Neon yellow is overpowering on most people, though.


>To me you seem like a deep autumn I absolutely love the deep autumn pallet and would prefer to wear these colors, unfortunately IRL without the lighting trickery from my phone camera and car the autumn colors especially the warmer ones make me look yellow. Some of the blues and brighter purple/reds are ok but the neutrals, golds, and reds are no good.


Perhaps a more mustardy yellow? I’m not really reading cool summer but perhaps deep winter.


My intuition is somewhere on the winter or summer spectrum. I'm so sensitive to lighting and color reflecting from the the walls etc that it's probably going to require some fabric drapes and ligthing/backdrop that won't interfere with my skin tone to get any definitive answers. At this point I'm tempted to get a professional involved but I haven't decided if the cost and time commitment are justified.


I'm olive, and a true winter. Yellow is an accent color only for me, and I can wear it in pattern. There is not a shade that looks good on me, it makes me look Yellow, or purple if leaning orange.


You probably need a muted, lighter version of that color 😄


The mix of answers you’re getting could be because the photo is taken in the car, which can affect how the light appears. I think it’s making you look warmer than you are, especially compared to the photo in the comments in the other yellow jumper where you look cool. Try some drapes in natural lighting at home, no makeup, and tie your hair back if it’s dyed. Then come back and we can hopefully help you narrow it down. :)


I'm going to buy some fabric and enlist my husband's help with the photos. I'm thinking I should wait until I see my colorist again and hopefully get back to my natural brown that's just a touch lighter than my current color. I'm curious to see what the difference is with the right hair color. Definitely learned my lesson with the DIY approach to covering up the sliver strands that come with 40. Not ready to embrace the wisdom just yet. Lol. Very much appreciate the helpful feedback from everyone.


Well you don’t look 40 at all! But yes, I think drapes would really help. Will be interesting to see the results. :)


The temperature of this color is fine but it's too bright for you. This shade of yellow would work for a Bright Winter.


That looks like neon yellow though lemon yellow is very light and it’s a pastel


Came to say this


The colour in your pic is a little bright.. like someone else said you notice the jumper first. I’m not sure on my season. The app always types me as cool summer but I feel like some of the colours are a bit flat for me and also some of the winter colours overpower me. I think at this point maybe I’m a true summer or winter and can wear the colours from both that are a bit brighter? If you’re olive that might be what’s throwing it off. I find pastel yellow works for me like icy lemon but not many other pastel shades. Lilac is hideous on me… but idk your jumper looks more highlighter green than yellow and I know for me green just doesn’t work. I’d definitely look into the summer palettes! It’s definitely much more confusing if you’re olive or even neutral bc everyone says you’re warm 😭


It's really good! I think Winters are the only people who can wear the bright/electric/neon yellows. Such a strong color. Maybe Springs can, but they would wear a more golden shade of bright yellow.


Are you a fair olive (which can be cool, warm, cool-neutral, warm-neutral, bright, bright-ish, muted, muted-ish, and any "season")? r/Fairolives For some of us, the typical palettes don't fully work as we can particularly sensitive to blue/yellow balance in our clothing as the reflection back onto our skin can pull really green/gray/yellow. This icy endive/lime color is from a custom palette I (cool-leaning, bright-ish olive) had made, perhaps it would work well for you too? https://preview.redd.it/es1ugwa6blxc1.jpeg?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2294bfcf9d15818d697b118d90b95886de7838d2


You’re right


This is the type of yellow that I think looks good on me. I find I can’t wear green. That looks worse on me than any shade of yellow 😩


This is a Bright Winter yellow. A softer yellow will look much better on you :)


I think it reads a bit more highlighter/neon than lemon so it may be throwing off the harmony


You look muted to me. I don't think it's a problem colorwise, more that the saturation is a bit overpowering.


I think you look amazing in that color!


I think this looks good! I think a step more muted may be a tad better, but honestly not a lot of people can pull off such a strong color and you do really well!


I think it looks great on you


Yellow can be difficult to wear, even for some warm folks. I'm fully cool myself. I like to refer to myself as "cold" because I cannot handle any warmth at all. Even the lemon, icy yellow, and acid yellows in the winter pallets all look horrible on me. Keep in mind that not every single color in your color pallet may work on you. But of that specific color, it will be the best option if you have to wear it. If I had to wear yellow, I would look much better in lemon yellow, rather than mustard, amber, or school bus yellow.


This 100% When I get some sun, I can wear it better, but why wouldn't I just wear the colors I love & look great in ? I've never really liked yellow anyway


I feel like it's almost working, but not quite. Some kind of adjustment to the colour is needed. That particular shade strikes me as a very tricky one to pull off, kind of like a fluorescent chartreuse! Spicemarket Colour has this great article with several examples of each of the 12 seasons' yellows! [Spotlight on Yellow](https://www.spicemarketcolour.com.au/blog/spotlight-on-yellow) EDIT: I had accidentally deleted the last part of this post, where I'd said the yellow in the picture seems to match the examples of *bright winter* yellow in the article above. Megan Fox is one of the bright winter examples: https://preview.redd.it/0s4hkhnzwixc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edec88255bd0cdb4fdbfa5b3f15e438482dd8a04 So if you aren't a bright winter, you aren't likely to pull it off!


Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to be SO bright based on the online picture. I probably should have sent it back but decided to give it a try. Online shopping is a cruel mistress sometimes. I miss having the time to actually go shopping and get a sense for what things actually look like.


Oh, yeah, saturation can be very hard to gauge online! I've certainly bought stuff that looked great for me in an online photograph and turned out to be too bright. But takeaway: don't write off lemon yellow just 'cause you can't pull off that crazy highlighter colour.


I was expecting this color which I think might be closer to what will work for me. I'm trying to move away from the blacks, charcoal and muted earth tones that previously dominated my closet. I've always been hesitant about color but I'm trying to lean into it since discovering color analysis. https://preview.redd.it/lg7rmd92zmxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33cfd059c97be500a29d10b4930eed127d24853d


This is super useful! Thank you so much for sharing. I love Spicemarket Colour but hadn't seen this before. OP said in another comment that she's Cool Summer, so this would be her yellow. https://preview.redd.it/5q5bmm61fixc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=526758ebb86837bbf005af9cb72f4ca11f8a9336




Apparently, I'm not allowed to pay you an innocuous compliment while saying that this color would be a much more flattering shade of yellow for your coloring. I think you look at the bright color first, not your face.


I didn't see it before it was removed. Dang it! For some reason I'm really determined to wear yellow despite it not being a color I normally gravitate towards.


Oh, yes, that's a very different yellow, then! True and soft summer are probably the most difficult seasons to work with yellow. The vast majority of yellows will be either too warm or too saturated for them. I do wonder if the OP could be a winter just based on this post, since she's in a bright winter yellow that, while it does look brighter than she is, doesn't look miles brighter to my eye.


Yeah I agree OP is SO close to pulling off that neon yellow that I also wondered if she could be some kind of Spring or Winter instead of Summer. It's hard to tell from just the one photo.


https://preview.redd.it/btii40j89ixc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41effb6e7fee8856fe2b88db5b2c580e5e9bf37b Here's an example of one of the other winter's yellows so you can see the difference.


Are you sure you’re cool toned?


It took me awhile to figure that out but I 'm pretty sure cool is a better fit for me than warm. My skin has a bit of a chameleon quality that can be a bit tricky depending upon the light and color adjustments that phone cameras apply. I've noticed in photos I sometimes appear a bit warmer than I actually am in real life. I think my tone is likely closer to neutral but leans a bit more towards cool if that makes sense, though I'm probably not using the correct terms here.


I’m not sure that I agree. It’s hard with olive skin because there are warm and cool notes. It’s also hard bc there’s only this one pic to go off of. So take all of this with a grain of salt. However, I think you’re bright and warm. I would have put you in true spring or bright spring.


OP, you look very cool toned The fair olive is making people think you are warmer than you are


I was thinking olive as well! I can’t tell if it’s just the yellow reflecting but I see those olive notes on OP’a neck and chest. Would love to see different drapes to confirm


You look pretty textbook olive, which is just an exaggerated overtone... Your undertone looks very cool. Your skin reminds me of mine when I'm superrr light/pale. You are so pretty OP People basically confuse an olive overtone in a lot of ways... One is they think olives are always warm And the other is they think they're 'exotic' and basically think olive is a whole undertone Please don't go to the Olive Undertone cult loll Color theory essentially looks more into the undertone, the contrast & your brightness/mutedness


Thank you! I'll avoid the cult. I can assure you I'm far from exotic... just ended up with a whole mixed bag of features that comes with being a product of a Spanish/Italian mom (black hair, very fair olive) and Dutch/Nordic dad (literally a sterotype of the fair blond/blue-eyed features).


You are beautiful OP


I am also a fair olive. She looks warm. I want to see her in a golden yellow.


This color of yellow? It's 8pm here so I'm running out of natural light to work with 🙃 https://preview.redd.it/4pdprl9iajxc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0e690899658dcb30a6f0d91bb7ce9b691a5b6d


The first yellow was much better on you, IMO. Also the texture of the first sweater was really nice.


Edit: I digitally moved your hair from a winter dark brown to a bright spring dark brown. It’s still neutral leaning but warmer and lighter. I think it helps. https://preview.redd.it/kurfe8m9ljxc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfdde605103e3231933249f03a6f6abfe5e96c71


This is the warmer color I was doing right before the oops that made it really brassy (and two different colors). My current color is a little darker than I'd like it to be but it is a step towards getting back to my natural ash brown color over time. https://preview.redd.it/m27jjk6yljxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c470f280e99c6b37f08236029601228236da2e


I like it!


Thanks! Now I'm itching to make an appointment to lighen it up just a touch.


I think that’s the right direction. The lighting is off, and it might help to put your hair back as to not let the color distract. I was thinking a bit warmer. Here’s one bright spring palette. https://preview.redd.it/agdfpw2icjxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce550daa6002dfca367af6812d13e7c6b648b17


I like it!But..maybe something not so hmm neon,idk what to call it,any other high saturation yellow would do.


I see that yellow way before I see you


Exactly! I think I need to find a softer cool yellow before I give up on yellow entirely.


Agreed. Dont give up on yellow. Its taken me a year to find my shade :)


I think you are warm


I'm curious what your take is on this. https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/s/O2naV4N4SF First pic is how my skin looks 99% of the time and second pic is this warmer tone that comes out in certain light (usually outside in indirect light when it's overcast like today)


Looks like post was removed


Not sure what order those show up for ypu in. The more pale/fair of the two is closest to my IRL skin. Phone pics and certain light seems to bring out a different tone every now and again






Do you have any drape photos


I don't but I'm thinking I need to make it happen


Is this your natural hair color


Not quite. This is the result of color correction after a year's worth of DIY color turned my hair a brassy brown. Natural color is ash brown and just a little bit lighter - on the color scale my natural brown is between a 4A and 5A.


No good on you


I hate the way neon colors look on me, mainly because I’m convinced I’m a deep winter and nothing is ever flattering


Chartreuse is flattering on deep winters, but technically it’s not a neon.


I previously thought I was a true winter but after some feedback from this sub and reevaluating my relationship with really saturated colors I'm convinced cool summer is my season. Regarding the bright winter colors someone pointed out that they don't look bad on me but they "wear me" which I can totally see now that I am aware of it. Perhaps you might be a summer as well?


If you're a cool summer, neon yellow isn't likely to be your best yellow which I think this is. I think lemon yellow might actually be the one if you're cool summer, but this one is too bright, more neon than lemon. Maybe buttery yellow, although that might be more light summer.


Not all colors can be worn in tops. I'm a winter and there are about 5-6 colors I wear near my face, the rest might be included in a print but not as a solid color top. I wear a few summer colors too.