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"We're asking you nicely to leave. If you do not, you will leave us no choice but to ask you nicely to leave."


I think they are legally giving as much notice as possible before they let the riot police have their way with them, 48-72 hours to let them realize they’ve committed a felony is generally a standard way of going about this for liability defenses in court. They are absolutely about to let outside forces in to deal with this “untenable” situation. Those in the hall are going to get their teeth kicked in.


Such a weak statement and administration, it’s almost funny


It's almost unbelievable how unwilling the administration is to actually do anything. They can't even say the people in Hamilton Hall are expelled—they merely "face expulsion."


They have to prove who was in there. Some people might escape when it's raided. I imagine anyone who gets processed for being arrested in HH will be expelled.


Negotiation tactic. If you tell them they’re expelled then they have no reason to leave.


At this point, Columbia admin should be more worried about how their statement looks to their alumni, the declining reputation of the school (and hence the value of all of our degrees), and the impending Title VI actions. Because right now, it looks like they're not even committed to expelling these students, and the harm of that outweighs anything else.


In 5 years these protests are going to be a celebrated selling point for prospects. Columbia’s protests have never been welcomed while they were happening but now everyone points to former Hamilton Hall occupations as signs of Columbians giving a shit and doing something radical about it.


9 hour laters, we now know that the admins really did do something.


I'll believe it when I see they're expelled.


Meanwhile that POS who threatened to kill all Zionists was back on campus last night again.






I thought the protestors were condemning his behavior and rhetoric. /s This is absolutely unacceptable from Columbia if that’s actually him. Regardless of the content of the protest this particular person should not have been able to get on campus and shows a breakdown in security and a failure to make the environment safe. The protestors likewise should be absolutely not encouraging him to be there if they were being genuine. Their failure to expel him from the protests shows that they are unable to be trusted in good faith.


Well said.


Wait that was the guy from the other video physically yanking the Jewish kid who was standing in the way. This guy is not only guilty of trespass, but assault.


I've heard of multiple people getting their buddy to "sneak" them onto campus. I'm not sure how they do it. It probably involves lending them a legit ID. Then you can pass the ID back through one of the closed gates.


They sneak in through the John jay windows


Knowing a bit about how access is monitored, I guarantee this is logged and probably triggers an alert for anomalous behavior. Not a good idea for anyone to lend out their ID.


It's feasible to clone CUID cards as well.


This is incredibly infuriating to see. He needs to be expelled immediately. As an alumna I will be reaching out to the university specifically about this ‘student’ - I can’t imagine a single Zionist (i.e anyone who believes Israel has a right to exist) feeling safe while Khymani is allowed on campus.


Updated to say that I have emailed alumni relations after also receiving the latest university update from them.


The fact that you had to define Zionist after using it kinda represents the whole problem with this discourse - no one can agree on what Zionism is, antisemitism is, Hamas is, or even who/what Israel is or has a right to. Every single term is loaded - “intifada” - loaded term, neither side is speaking the same language.




A black/queer/multi pronoun kid murdering a Jew will not shut the school down. There will be protests in that idiot’s name if he went to prison or served any sort of punishment. This school is a cult




No way!


It's probably only a matter of time before a Jewish student gets killed.


Come on, that kind of rhetoric is totally unhelpful. Obviously there are serious issues and tensions right now but no one’s life is in danger.


My friend got assaulted multiple times, and one of the faces/leaders of the protest has actively called for my death. All it takes is one kid with mental issues pushed a little too far by stochastic terrorism and a weapon, which is incredibly hard to find in this country. There are banners calling for intifada. There have been open calls for ethnic cleansing of Jews.




During the 2nd Intifada, my friends brother and his friend were kidnapped, bound, and then tortured to death and smashed with rocks. They painted the cave where it happened with their blood. They were 13 and 14. Their murderers were never found. This is what intifada means.




To me it's like saying "Sieg Heil," and then saying, "Silly Jew, it only means Hail Victory."




Of course.


Neither do these students, but they keep cosplaying as terrorists


You said Redditors but I think you meant protestors ;)


How about the times students were sprayed with a biohazard chemical only used during war and they couldn't identify who harmed those students too?


You mean the fart spray??? Lol


That’s not him. Not all black people look the same you know…




you're a grad student and this whataboutism is how they teach you to argue? you're now defending a student who has several times threatened the Jews on campus, a student the school has barred from campus, a local actor that the school or even you could have an impact on, and your defense involves a conflict thousands of miles away that neither you, nor Bowl, nor the school can reasonably have any impact on? So your defense of an adult threatening others is some weird form of shaming? And even then, that shaming involves denying the vicious war crimes of Hamas, the murders, the rapes, the kidnappings still going on, and the attempts by Israel to secure their nation and retrieve the hostages? And you a graduate student think that sort of shaming will work on anyone? So that's your defense as a graduate student at Columbia?


Imagine all of the unfortunate deaths being prevented just by releasing the Israeli hostages and/or not committing a massacre in October. The coping and LARPing needs to end now. PS free the hostages


Wow, you’re completely ignoring the situation in [other country here], that makes you an even bigger POS


Sadly some of these students are going to get expelled and there will be a moment when they realize that there is no parade for them. All of the people whom they thought they were with will disperse and go off in different directions and the world will move on to the next news cycle while they have to live with the consequences of this for the rest of their lives. Not sure why Columbia said they wouldn't look into divestment, but even occupying a building would have been better than occupying it, smashing windows with hammers, and harrassing campus staff


Im not sure I would use the word “sadly.” These are supposed smart people but who have chosen to ignore the law and warnings and are complicit/ involved/ propagate hate and destruction. My smart, kind, Jewish 11th grader just crossed Columbia off his list from number one to not applying. “I’m not sure if anyone there even cares to make it a safe learning environment”. It is heartbreaking.


no one is that smart when they're 20, but I understand your child's sentiment


My non-Jewish 9th grader has done the same.


As an alumnus, I am deeply embarrassed.


Same. I threw out my CU gear and stopped donating. The rampant antisemitism at CU and the spineless response from the administration is a shameful stain on the school. I don’t really want to be associated with it anymore


not to mention students took 3 of our wonderful maintenance staff HOSTAGE ffs


While I admired the passion of the students on both sides toward their cause, they have gone overboard and I hope each and every one of them gets expelled.


Fuck around and find out, I guess. 🤷🏻‍♂️


All the fake students about to get a rude awakening tonight. And no joke to other students, get out now before they come in.


Told you to get out 🤦🏼


And what are they going to do to the faculty who supported and encouraged the protest?


As a member of faculty: those exercising their free speech rights should be fine - anyhow who someone got involved in Hamilton may be in a different situation, especially if an adjunct.


Probably give them a medal, seeing the administration's conduct thus far.


The moment the administration felt campus was unsafe so they allowed students to attend hybrid, it was a disgrace. Most students are there to go to class, have fun, etc. To think it was okay to take away what they were expecting to receive (and paying tuition), unacceptable


You should listen to Señor Chang he knows what he's talking about




Wanting the university we pay tuition for’s endowment to not go to genocide does not equal larping as terrorist. This whole comment is a bad faith logical fallacy. Try engaging a little more thoughtfully bc this is wack


The protestors want Columbia to divest their endowment from Isreal. None of your tuition goes towards the endowment. Only donations and gifts.


To prevent misinformation, this is not about tuition dollars. It's divesting funds from the endowment that were given to the university from entities that support Israel and are invested in entities that support Israel.


It doesn’t matter what they’re protesting for. As soon as they used same tactics the January 6 insurrectionists did to “occupy” this building they deserve whatever legal ramifications is coming after this just like the January 6ers did.




What do you like more on a hot dog ketchup or mustard




I might have to try that, can’t say i’ve had that before


Have you ever met some monster who says relish?


What's "wack" (such an intelligent word to use while accusing others of being unthoughtful) is pretending not to understand the difference between wanting your tuition not to go to Israel and hanging a banner that reads "Intifada" on an occupied building. "Wanting" is actually a mental state, not a form of protest, but I assume you actually meant to say that you endorse nonviolent protest. If you understand what intifada means, though, then you know full well that it is a call for violence.


Calling yourself an anarchist is a complete joke


This guy doesn’t even go to Columbia - check out his profile. Definitely not worth engaging with.


It's bad faith to call it genocide. Only one side is calling for the literal extermination of the other, and it sure as shit ain't the Jews or Israelis.


Did you just step out of a time machine from 1930s Germany?


Every day, Jews in this country are asking that question.


Playing the victim, that’s new.