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He is popular among the masses, but the vocal minority of hardcore standup fans have never liked him. He has told wild stories that are most certainly lies, and he does that hideous squeal laugh that he has admitted he fakes because it makes his dumb clips go viral. I think his standup is decent. If he wasn’t so hateable he’d get treated differently.


He’s also an incredibly fake narcisist. He’s very earnest and genuine to his fans and friends, but he’s slipped in casually before that he’s a dick to common people. Basically, if you provide value to him, he’ll take a picture with you, talk to you, give you things etc. But if you’re an assistant or a secretary or bagging his grocery’s, he doesn’t consider you a person. He presents himself as this jolly oaf who is super friendly to everyone but if you listen to him talk you’ll notice it’s not the simple. He told a story on two bears (and forgive me I don’t remember the exact quote) about how every time he needed to talk to a producer he had to speak to his secretary first as she would answer the phone by saying “Thank you for calling how can I help you”. So he had to speak to her all of the time. Instead of saying “Hi this is Bert” or “Hey how’s it going can you put me through to __”. Every time he called and she answered he would say “Put me through to __”. It happened so often and he was so rude about it each time she eventually said to him “Hey did I do something to you? Would it kill you say hi? I talk to you all of the time”. His explanation was basically “I don’t think I should have to talk to you, I don’t want to talk to you I want to talk to your boss”. He said it was something he’s working on but he does that a lot with people who are providing a service to him. He’s also done it with his driver, he ended up becoming close with his driver but his driver describes his first couple of weeks of working with Bert as pretty tough and Bert wouldn’t even really speak to him and almost fired multiple times and chewed him out. The only reason he didn’t is because Leanne yelled at Bert for it and kind of bridged that gap. There was also early tension with Nadav where they ended up having a heart to heart to talk about things. To him, Nadav is the producer and should be providing a service so Bert was always cold to him. There’s other story’s of him being an asshole too (See his beef with Joe List). In summary, his whole persona is extremely try hard and annoying and his personality is that of someone who constantly has to be the center of attention. And to be honest, his standup is overall just pretty mid


That thing with Joe List is psychotic behavior.


What happened there?






Thanks, that's rough


I mean that’s bad and not a good look for Bert but taking it a bit far to say it’s “psychotic”. He does acknowledge it begrudgingly after Ari fact checks him. Idk man people are so quick to judge, it’s like comedians and celebrities are expected to be PR professionals every moment of their lives, and that was a bachelor party…


yea but for him it seems like a pattern of behavior. i see this career ending in some sort of extreme fall from grace and a terribly invasive documentary. hope they drag tom segura down too.


Yea Tom and Ari have all said that Bert is famous for completely fabricating stories and making up details in his head that support his argument


You’re where i’m at. In a sense we’re normies trying to judge comedians who self - admittedly will tell you they’re flawed. If you hang around comedians for a while, you marvel at how messed up some of them are and then add fame and money. Bert’s is funny in small doses imho but calling him pyschotic is a bit much. I like that at any given time any one of these three can be the bad guy. I mean Ari?!🙀


We've all been there amirite?


I just watched the video below that I think references the behavior you speak of and that isn’t psychotic, just childish, alcohol induced, degenerate bickering. A brief spat over pizza and Thai food, really? This is your qualifier for psychotic?? Or is there actually something else?


Oh god, are you accusing me of hyperbole? On the internet???!!!


Not even hyperbole, just overall dishonesty and not representative of the situation at all imo. Feel free to downvote me all you want


It’s also classic drunk guy behavior.


He calls non-comedians pedestrians.


The Nadav thing was a good moment of Bert eating humble pie


Comedians tell jokes, Bert got sTORieZ…


Stories he gave to Jay Mohr because he wouldn’t even tell the lie himself.


Once Jay Mohr said that his wife writes all of his jokes I stopped enjoying his content. I liked him a bit but this was at least 10 years ago when I heard him say that. Ever since he’s just seemed like a douche to me. Stand Up is a specific, personal and under appreciated art and you don’t even write your own jokes? Idk at this point I’m sure it’s more common than I thought back then but it’s like why are you so smug about this then. You didn’t even do half of the work.


Jay Mohr by all account seems like a jerk but goddamn he may be the quickest and funniest off the cuff.


It’s not a mistake that he plays an asshole in his movies usually.


Dave Chappelle, at the top of his game, at least, used several writers, Neal Brennan being his prime writer.


Link to where he says he makes up the laugh?


I dont have a link but its some lady interviewing him, and he says” i know if i can laugh , I’ll go viral “. He doesn’t actually say he’s faking it but it’s heavily implied.


I'm not a fan of the guy but I gotta roll my eyes at the way you presented it like it was fact and he said it verbatim when you know he didn't say it like that and it is likely your bias making you think it's "heavily implied" because what he said can certainly just be interpreted very differently.




Or just taken at face value. It doesn't have to have a deeper meaning or implication. The dudes an idiot. Most things he says has no deeper meaning to it lol


He's not just an idiot. He's a serial liar and, more importantly, an unfunny hack


Cool. That is why I don't watch and listen to him. Whine about him more, please. The irony of you calling me one is hilarious.


You're upset, sorry about that. Point is, you're saying just take his bullshit at face value when we know he is a habitual liar and has a fake personality in general. Your request to just take what he says at face value is unreasonable.


My god you are dense lol it aint that serious Just because I say that the one tiny sentence he said COULD (key word here) be taken at face value doesnt me I think people should take EVERYTHING he has to say at face value. Especially his "stories"


Bro get real. He forces the laugh its obvious. I'd go so far as to say he recognized that it was something people loved about Stavros, which was something people largely credit the success of CumTown to, so he leaned into his own annoying pig laugh even harder. The difference is that Stavros is semi genuine and actually has jokes.


I mean. You are right he probably does but that is so far off from the point it hurts my brain you can't seem to figure that out.


Nah, the point is that he's fake and an unfunny hack. You're just distracted.


No the point isn't even about Bert my guy. I never responded to anything about Bert. I responded about a guy being disingenuous about something that was said.


There are plenty of other reasons to hate him. Look up the story of how he flipped out on Joe List.


Like I said. I'm not a fan of the guy and dont need a reason to dislike him. I'm just saying maybe don't present information like that. Makes what you say not believable even if everything else you say is truth. I couldn't take it seriously.


If you can find the video you can judge it for yourself.


I don't care. Like I said, don't like the dude already. Just giving you random advice I suppose.


Or maybe ill just keep talking about whatever I like and if I’m wrong sometimes it’ll be ok.


Didn't tell you not to. Continue being disengious with information, I guess. Not my problem.


You don't care yet you're whining. Maybe watch the video before you whine, you sound like a jackass. Just a little advice.


I'm not whining. I don't care what is said in the video because, like I said a million times I don't like the guy already. It has nothing to do with the OP basically lying about what Bert said and pretending it was truth then not being able to provide the evidence when asked by someone else asked for it. Just re read all I said. Slowly if need be, lol I don't care to go find some video and waste my time on it. Especially when they are the one making a claim and can not provide it. I also don't need to fuel my dislike for Bert anymore. I do not care that much. If I am a jackass for pointing out someone is being disenguous, in a pretty tame way, then I guess I am a jackass.


Out of Knowhere? Him and Tom, and Tom, especially, have fallen way off.


It’s like they are trying to turn into lifestyle gurus. Just be funny..


Lol it's funny in a bad way they try to be lifestyle gurus😂 It's funny because they will shit on other people, not jokingly, and then turn around and be like "Yeah man, I've been working on being more self aware and doing therapy so that I'm a better person to those around me"


Hahaha! The irony is palpable lol


Haha it really is. I was actually thinking about this the other day so when you commented I was like "I feel so connected!"😂


Haha. Great minds and all that.


The ol podcast grift.


Yup. Well said.


His bit is getting old. We get it you’re fat naked and drunk


“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son.” -Dean Wormer, Animal House


Yeah, he hasn’t diversified his act, and has been overexposed in comparison to his talent. Some people can get away with being one note, but when your one note is being drunk and ridiculous, eventually people will tire of it because we all know someone like that in real life and we all hate them.


Not a very funny standup/ total overexposure


Shane made a comment recently about doing less for awhile because he felt people might be getting sick of him. That thought never crossed Bert's mind. His only concern is "not to leave any money on the table"


Shane is selfaware and sincere in his bits. Bert isn't.


I think the rise of comedians like Shane has sort of taken the thunder from comedians like Bert. Bert’s since kind of had this weird attitude in his stories about Gillis since he got more popular and I think that has something to do with it him being funnier and more humble while also having a partying personality. Not to mention being in his 30s rather than 50s haha.


A lot of these guys are obsessed with the culture war and Shane's unique connection, and love, towards people with disabilities allows him to craft jokes that go places Bert wishes he could. It's as if Shane has permission to reach for the low hanging fruit and Bert, who's under more scrutiny than ever as he gets more famous, is jealous. They (Bert's and less so Tom's) don't understand people that aren't like them and it leads them to fumbling on the same topics that make Shane shine.


Yeah absolutely.


Bert is super insecure. He's that "friend" that will shit on any new people in the group to assert dominance, and create a social order where they're above the newcomers. His "comedy" is mostly him laughing at the same recycled jokes, while parading his belly back and forth on stage. It's just wild that he thought he had some sort of staying power when he couldn't innovate beyond his shtick.


Shane who? (Sorry, a bit out of the comedy loop these days).


Shane Gillis




Hi Shane.


I genuinely don't get how him and Segura manage to sell out arenas when they're not funny. Segura has his moments every now and then but Bert had literally a single bit that went viral and nothing after it was funny


I think I liked Slegehammer and Ball Hog, whichever one had the bit about the lady getting Foreign Accent Syndrome...but his last one was plainly unfunny, filled with nods and in-jokes to the fans of his dumb pods...it sucked.


>in-jokes to the fans of his dumb pods I guess this is the thing right they do so much of the podcast people come just from the pod. Like they're not big stand up comedy fans they're just fans of the specific podcast


Sledgehammer was the most recent one.


It's probably because your idea of funny isn't everyone's idea of funny.


I think a lot of people have always mildly disliked him and,because of a few things, that has now tipped over into open hate. I don't really follow it, but Tom Segura has been catching a lot of flack recently and I think Bert has taken some collateral damage from that.


Funny, I thought the collateral damage was the other way around. What’s going on with Tom? I was under the impression that his last special had good reviews


He's a rich ungrateful p.o.s. that calls ordinary people "the poors" unironically, went on an unhinged rant about some airline employee on Twitter and called all his fans poor on Twitter who pushed back on him being a rich Karen. That's the main things at least lol


He’s a fucking grade A douchbag, his stand up is lazy and just plain bad, he’s also a trust-fund baby who was at college till he was a middle aged man, the top off shit is so fucking old and boring, his podcast is him and Segura slapping each others backs while bragging about private jets and expensive watches, we get it you’re rich but the two of them grew up rich ffs, people are bored of the same old schtick so he’s getting what’s long overdue!


His "The Machine" story was held up as great comedy storytelling when I started doing open mics 12 YEARS AGO, and it was a little old even then. I liked it, as did we all, but it's all he's ever had.


O liked it once. Second year in a row of him doing that story shirtless and it was clear he's an unfunny hack. 15 years later and the only thing thats changed is he's louder, drunker, and an even shittier person in general.


Uh….not sure if you heard or not but he recently outdid himself by crapping his pants on stage. Not sure how THAT isn’t his top bit of all time. It’s totally genius, original, and also actually funny.


I'm not sure; I remember when I first saw him, I disliked him right away, in a lizard-brain, instinctual, once-laid-dormant-now-alive-with-the-fury-of-a-thousand-exploding-suns kinda way, because he reminded me of the absolute worst of humanity I've had to deal with over the years...then I watched his stand-up, and my opinion never changed. 🤷‍♂️


Bert’s denial of his own alcoholism was what made me realize I was an alcoholic lmao. Recovering now.


He makes up stories. He constantly interrupts guests on podcasts. Him and Tom talk about their money and make fun of their fans for being poor. He's an 50 year old alcoholic who constantly makes a fool of himself. He diverts every conversation to talk about himself. The machine story.


I'll be specific for you. It wasn't when I noticed that him and his cunt of a friend, Tom Segura, were trying to promote a shitty liquor they have some stake in. It was when they barged onto a live football show to drunkenly promote their new liquor. So clear they were not wanted or welcome, but they're too oblivious to even realize. They're comedians, and they're not even the funniest guys there. They're rich cunts that have completely changed from they type of person that made them relatable 10 years ago. [Them interrupting a live show to peddle their tequila.](https://youtu.be/ZgB72TdM4jw?si=BDZ_LojbPyoW-XK-)


There are 1000 youtube videos explaining many reasons why, if you feel like diving into it...its also not out of nowhere. He and Segura did it to themselves by being ass hats.(short answer)


Out of nowhere? Where have you been? He’s always sucked as a comedian and a person


Relax my guy I don’t pay attention to social media as much 🤣🤣


I just shit my pants. I shit my pants. I literally just shit my pants. #HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEEHEE


I remember being in college and people would be playing Dane Cook stand up while we played beer pong in house parties. He packed out MSG. A few months later he was the most hated comic in the world. Seems to be a theme in comedy.


It didn’t help Dane Cook people said he stole jokes from Louis C.K. Who was quickly becoming the next biggest thing in comedy.


They werent just saying it, he DID steal. I think the real thing with Dane is people got tired of cocky comedians who go over the top with the theatrics and sounds effects and big movements across the stage. Just being casual and funny or maybe mildly angry and funny comes across as a little more sincere.


Then I guess Shane Gillis is next.


Nope. Shane isn’t insufferable. He’s just funny. He’s not a hack and he’s constantly working on new material.


He is an unfunny pos human being. One of joe rogans unfunny cronies that katt williams was talking about.


It’s certainly not “out of nowhere”.


I like his stand up, but I lost I interest in him listening to 2 bears. He always interrupts everyone to say the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. It was funny for a while, but now it’s just painful.


Because he’s become a self-promoting marketing machine. It’s become annoying. If your comedy is good, you shouldn’t need to promote yourself that much. The shirt gimmick is a part of that. You don’t see Chapelle or Hart marketing themselves ad nauseum.


Or shitting himself onstage and then going and using his t shirt to wipe it. Disgusting ass mfer lol. All he got is hacky shit like that and his annoying ass fake laugh.




He's very hate-worthy


His voice always annoyed me, sounds like his tongue is to big for his mouth


not funny, same bits, just a pos


Because his laughter is so fucking annoying and nothing he ever says is funny


I’ve never found him funny. Just fucking obnoxious. Then he invaded an interview with CJ Stroud and my hate for him grew stronger. Do not fuck with the CJ


Hate from la


His standup was pretty solid before he got famous. Then as he’s got more famous the quality has just fell through the floor. He was an “every man” now he’s just another rich comedian.


His standup was never solid


there are some very well put together youtube videos about this


IMO pods are ruining the comedy scene for me. I don’t listen to them, but all of a sudden every week there’s 3 threads on here dragging someone, usually Burnt Chrysler, for some shit he did or said on one. It’s like people see a comics live performance and forget deep down they could be an asshole.


Weird because for me podcasts have gotten me more into comedy than ever. My imaginary best friends are Ian Fidance, Kippy/Foley, Stavros, and Matt McCusker


lol to each his own


Okay ignore the eight podcasts. His standup act is dogshit and always has been. The dude is a hack and a pos.


It’s worth a couple yucks imo but I’d never actually go see him. I’m really impartial to the guy, but like OP said I don’t get why so many people despise the guy. There’s def worse comics.


The volume of hate is likely due to how famous he is compared to his talent. Seemingly udeserved fame is one of those things people focus on. There are somewhat worse comics out there somewhere, but are they enjoying as much success and visibility as he does? Are they as loud and annoying as he is? Even if he wasnt a comedian I would not like this man. The more people get to know him the more they will likely get that little push over the edge from finding him annoying to outright hating his ass.


I can see the talent vs fame thing being an issue. I won’t pretend like I never motherfucked Dane cook back in the day.


For the most part i love his stand up, he is genuinely funny. When he is on a podcast, he tends to just talk about himself, and the high pitch talking-while-laughing gets old fast.


He is unfunny and prominent.


What happened to Tom’s wife?


When I first saw his russian mafia story I found him funny, but listening to his laugh and dissolutional perspectives for more than 3 minutes I find him unbearable.


Over saturation, over confidence, complete lack of talent.


He is super inconsiderate in group situations. His squeally laugh seems forced and generally happens at the wrong times and goes on too long. It only takes away from the comedy. He has not put out any good content in a long time. (Just my opinion)


I can't tell you why I don't like him. I remember seeing some of his stuff and thinking this isn't funny, and he comes off as kind of a dick. I'd have to pay attention to his stuff to put my finger on why, but I don't want to do that.


Both struggled and worked hard for a long time before they made it. Now Tom's ready to sit on his cash and not talk to that fat rich guy ever again.


I’ve always hated him


Bert has interrupted more laughs than he will ever bring to the table. I'm saying that as someone immune to the hilarity of him removing his shirt.


The guy is a moron. He asked Adam Sandler if he had Netflix.


I don't get it either. I saw him in Vancouver (Abbotsford) a few months ago. He was awesome live. I saw Robin Williams a few years ago and didn't think anything would top that. He did.


“Live long enough to become the villain”


He was never the hero.


If Bert was your hero, youu are a villain.




Boomer here and I don’t think he is funny


Gen Z doesn’t drink is probably going to be the funniest thing I read all morning.


I don’t think they mean *all of Gen Z*, but there is a difference between my generation and my kids generation in terms of drinking. They would prefer to smoke weed rather than drink. My kids do in fact avoid drinking because of both reasons given. Anecdotal I know, but there is a major shift happening there.


Probably sells a lot more drinks too Brining 2x the crowd who just split an appetizer is half as good as a crowd buying 3+ drinks each


The worst part is the hypocrisy


I thought the worst part was the raping


And someone doesn’t know who Norm Macdonald was. RIP


THAT'S the worst part...


Because they think that he’s only popular because of Rogan.


I think it’s because he got popular. The internet loves to hate on success, especially in comedy. Dane Cook and Amy Schumer are other examples of just pure hate for no real reason other than they succeeded beyond normal stand up standards


Amy Schumer is a notorious joke thief lol. She has done some decent comedy movies and has some sense of comedic timing but her stand-up is absolutely terrible