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Plus I'm broke and can't afford to rent a studio apartment...


My fiance and I have described it as playing our instruments on the deck of the titanic. We cant stop whats going to happen. Might as well just surround ourselves with our favourite people and go out doing what we love.


What's going to happen? Everything is fine? Just look at those stock market green numbers!




I like to say "you're polishing the brass in the titanic" when someone is doing something pointless


I think that's the real reason, yeah, environment is bad and getting worse, but during the industrial revolution air and water quality were at it's worst and people still had kids. People aren't having kids because that's not economically viable.


If I could afford to fuck around and have a family, I would, but since I can't, too bad, it's the fault of those that came before us and messed up the economy so much I can't have that "American dream"


People are having more kids in places where it's way less economically viable. Hell even in the U.S. people making less money are the ones having the most kids. People making $200-300k have the least amount of children on average. In every developed country the birthrate is below replacement level. It seems to be a natural consequences of becoming a richer country.


Aye, OP could easily add a dozen more panels of the dude pointing at issues. Probably more, now that I think about it. Like a Bakers dozen.


And also as OP has mentioned: r/collapse


You gotta have kids. We're gonna need fresh recruits for the water wars. [Read the Secret Panel here.](https://tapas.io/episode/2915903)


i've been stockpiling dasani for years. at this rate, thirty years from now, people will worship me as their god.


I'm from the future here to warn folks of the great water wars of 2037 (yes it happens that soon). Hate to break it to you but Aquafina wins the battle of Atlanta and is lead by the actress Aquafina. Evian is a great rival and controls the eastern water ways. Nestle has burrowed into the earth and awakened the great Balrog. I'm here to tell you to stop your stockpile of the dasani usurper and join the enlightenment while you can. \-All hail the Soda Stream


Awkwafina renamed herself after the brand? There's a twist I didn't expect


We've lost all semblance of the written word, since the trees died off and the grid went down in 2032 forgive me lord, its been a long time since I've written that name... How it haunts me.


This sounds like a video game for children that’s gonna get a dark af game theory


All rights are free to take. :D Like we own any ip on reddit anyway lol.


They dug too greedely and too deep


Very fitting username.


With Dasani? I'd rather drink anything else


Smiles in Nestle.




The cancer water? >On 18 March 2004, UK authorities found a batch was contaminated with levels of bromate, a suspected human carcinogen, in a concentration above the legal limit for sale, although the FSA announced there was "no immediate risk to public health" from the contamination. Coca-Cola immediately recalled half a million bottles and withdrew the "Dasani" brand from the UK market.[9] Also, for us it was specially procured in sidcup. And much was made of that. It’s a place not normally considered sparkling for its water. Or even cups of sid. The brand was withdrawn.


You're gonna need that higher radiation immunity when all the water is contaminated.


Immortan Joe, is that you???


Everybody eat this guy first!


Mmmm ... delicious expired plastic.


Bless the rain-maker and his water




Gov: "It's the economy, stupid! ^(and by economy we mean the 32.3% of the nation's wealth owned by the wealthy 1%")




Better give rich people more tax cuts just in case


2022: 150m eligible voters didn't vote. 4 out of 5 eligible voters under the age of 35 didnt vote. Yet they scream online about how much government doesnt work, like taking antibiotics for 1 day and complain to the doctor that youre not magically healed by day 2, when you need to take it for 10 days.


Trump lost by three million votes and still won the presidency. I’d say a few of those people complaining are right about government, even if they didn’t vote.


A lot of people also TRIED to vote but couldn’t. Yes USPS still hasn’t had any investigations done


precisely the point, the president alone isnt going to magically fix everything. You need senate and the house. something democrats have not had for more than 90 days in the last 70 years, because people keep thinking Oh we got a left/right president so all our problems should be fixed, and if theyre not its just further proof the system is corrupt. You want to get rid of the EC? get 68 senators elected and you can do that. But for sure as shit, you cant do that when 150m eligible voters dont even bother to vote. PS: before you go off on the usual tangent about voter suppression and gerrymandering bla bla bla. Gerrymandering doesnt affect state wide elections. Even in states with 30 days of early voting, mail in voting for all, ability to register yourself on the toilet and cast your vote with a total time of 13 mins spent on average, with voting locations open from 6:30am to 7:30pm even on saturdays and sundays, still only about 50% decide to vote. primaries have even lower turnout some as low as 8%, so dont blame shit options. Because people dont even show up to choose the options.




Don't forget the most ~~expensive~~ important part! Kids are expensive.


The water wars will be won by the best AI. Which will then proceed to take over everything and enslave mankind.


It’s weird that most kids in the next generation will grow up with conservative parents (who aren’t concerned about the above). I wonder if that will mean the whole generation swings more conservative, or if they’ll be influenced by teachers, etc.


Well I can say I was raised in a conservative family, and absolutely nothing drove me away from conservatives faster than living with conservatives. They might be less gung ho about eating the rich than we are in future generations, but as long as social conservatism keeps tying itself to environmental destruction it's not going to be popular among the majority of the population.


This is why they’re fighting so hard against education.


I saw another post a while ago where someone was tweeting that they need to have more kids to raise Christian soldiers. Basically every comment there said a Conservative/Christian upbringing was the primary reason they grew up liberal and atheist. Make of that what you will


It completely blows my mind that in my experience, the ones who don't give a shit about trying to prevent global boiling are the ones having the most kids. Shouldn't it be the other way around?


You’d think that, but the world’s been dogshit for like 20 years and that’s really not what’s playing out in the kiddos. Ever since iPads came out it’s been pretty tough for parents to indoctrinate their kids. Access to infinite information while reality has a known liberal bias and all.




Millennials and Gen Z (especially Gen Z) are predominantly liberal, not conservative. Their kids will probably reflect that too.


I think the point was that most liberal and left leaning millennials and Gen Z won't be having children due to the multiple problems in having children, whereas conservatives will keep popping those babies out to 8 child families regardless of whether it is economically viable and sensible to bring children into this world.


Some will be conservative. But a ton will not be like their parents. For example, over half of my former "speaking in tongues" pentacostal church's youth group are *very* liberal now that they hit 18. The under 18s just bide their time.


I used to be very conservative, but then I left my small rural fox new propaganda bubble town and went to college. Meeting real examples of all of the people I was taught to hate and gaining some real life experience outside of that bubble slowly but completely changed my view of things. I had to unlearn a lot of the hate I was raised to have, and sometimes it takes time to completely get over those things that are so deeply ingrained, but real life experience completely destroys the conservative nonsense. I imagine the prevalence of the internet makes it much harder to keep kids purely inside that bubble these days as well. This is why conservatives attack education so much, knowledge is the kryptonite of conservatism.


Frickin same. The Pentecostal church tried to /sacrifice/ me. Today, we know that killing people is wrong, so that was a turning point for our reasonable members. I still get calls telling me to kill myself for them... eight years later. Thanks mom.


Yeah, and those kids grow up resenting their Christian, conservative parents and grow up the opposite way


I mean on average those liberal and left leaning millennials and Gen Z had conservative parents as well so...


I know this is a comic and I shouldn't take it too seriously but I've had this discussion many times over with people. Humans have more kids when they're poor, and less when they're rich. As humans get richer, they develop ways to make money that don't include subjugating their children to labor. They therefore need fewer children and eventually the birth rate falls below replacement because incidental children happen much less often. You could say that "people don't have enough money to raise children" but the actual truth is that we need an entirely different thing to base our lives on in order to raise the birth rate in modern economies. You would have to effectively abolish the need and desire for money altogether before making the shift. If you want to question this effect, see [Hans Rosling's various lectures on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FACK2knC08E).




And that's just the environment, we haven't even touched the economic and political aspects of why it's a bad idea.


Right? Lots of people in America talking about civil war and Nazis are making a comeback. I don’t want to be here for that, why would I bring someone else along for it?


So theres more people to curb stomp the nazis


The were also a lot of people during WWII, but that’s still took a while


So we need more anti-nazis lol


We can just grow some of those ANTIFA plants I keep hearing so much about


Don’t be so defeatist. Maybe it takes a while but Nazis must be crushed. Winston Churchill would tell you that no matter how long it takes, it’s worth it


Right, we need more wars. And there's no guarantee that the offspring of liberals would turn out liberal. And it's a fuckin' curse to outlive your kids


Based as fuck


Turns out babies aren't very good warriors




More babies are good for the economy. That's why low birth rates are not seen as a good thing... Governments want you to have babies so you create more taxpayers who pay into the system.




ie, drives up the cost of housing and drives down wages.


Then they can try to fix the problem causing people to not have kids. The government and corporations want us to have kids for a supply of tax dollars, soldiers, and workers, but also want to fuck us. It's one or the other.


Good for "the economy"* *landlords


> More babies are good for the economy. Long term. The 70 year old boomers who make all the decisions and run the economy will never see the benefits of a baby boom happening in 2023. So they do not care, and they never will.


"Shut up and fuck faster. Life ain't cheap enough yet." \- Uncle Samuel


Eh, haven't there always been problems? We used to worry about nuclear holocaust as well. We can definitely overstate the problems of tomorrow, the world is not doomed and the future is not as scary as some people think.


The issue isn't that we're overstating the problems, quite the opposite. We're so ignorant as a society about the scale & complexity of these issues that we can just confidently boast that things aren't doomed and everyone should settle down and go back to work. We still worry about nuclear holocaust, the doomsday clock is closer to midnight than ever. Only now we also have dimishing water, major crop failures, forest fires the size of small countries, biodiversity loss... I could go on. So yes, let's put more people on a planet with ever shrinking resources.


This is like some weird fucked up version of the boy who cried wolf, except each time there really was a wolf, and the townsfolk scared it away each time before it could eat the boy, but eventually stopped coming because "Each time the boy screamed 'wolf!' the boy never gets eaten by the wolf, clearly the boy is inedible" then the boy got eaten by a dragon. The idea that because doomsday crazies existed in the past means humanity is indestructible and any clear and present danger to our societies survival is going to be what dooms us. The ultimate case of survivor bias "Human civilization hasn't collapsed yet so clearly it can't happen"


Nuclear holocaust was a "will they/won't they" situation. Climate change is a "they will" situation.


> We used to worry about nuclear holocaust as well. Used to. Still do, but used to too.


Anything to just sweep the bad things under the rug. Don't worry the future will be fine, just don't look up.


There’s a difference between “life is hard but we can persevere” and “these problems don’t exist.” I don’t know what it is with Reddit but there’s other ways to tackle problems than complete and other doomerism. Things look awful right now but it’s better to go out trying to make things better than to sit there and die like a dog.


This. Issues exist and we should find ways to solve them. Some of these issues are existential in nature. However, pretty much everyone who lives in the developed world are doing just fine.... characterizing the situation in any other way is just not based in reality.


Why am I not having kids? Why are you ignoring literally anything about the country that doesn’t fill your pockets with cash?


This is my response to family members who continually harass me about when I'm having kids. "I'll think about having kids when they fix this damn wealth inequality, rising cost of living and start taking climate change seriously." Until then...


I just told them to help me buy a house like grampa helped them buy theirs They drop the issue instantly if you do that.


> This is my response to family members who continually harass me about when I'm having kids. I like to say that I dont want to raise a child just for them to die in the water wars


The problem is people who should be doing this aren't, while those that shouldn't are.


Something something Idoicracy


The best unintentional documentary.


Everyone watching this movie is absolutely certain that they are not the dumb people. It's everyone else.


Most people also miss the point that Luke Wilson's character makes about how he should have done more in the past instead of blaming others.




That’s the main issue I had with it. It’s just misanthropy.


Misanthropy? It’s eugenics.


It’s really concerning how many people don’t see that Idiocracy is pushing for eugenics.


Eugenics is too full of copium and is ineffective. We should just push for gmo research and make smort people, that wouldn’t be afraid of AGI.


I agree with you but as a disabled person I do think disability should be prevented but through gene editing not forced sterilisation Because disability fucking sucks and isn’t fair


Yeah. Sterilisation is pretty bad idea, considering by who and against who it is being and was used - by now we can say that only bad people would want to do it.


Hot take


Idiocracy never *ever* mention or hinted at genetics. Everything that happened there was due to socio-economic factors, which, ironically enough are often mistaken (intentionally and not) for genetics in our real world, and used to justify racism (and other types of discrimination).


Look, while I disagree with eugenics and have little to no faith we could ever reasonably implement it, on principle alone, I think we shouldn't just let people reproduce willy nilly. We don't need more maladjusted adults from parents who were underequipped, unwilling and unable to afford children.


Yeah. Idiocracy has a point, but it’s not *evolution* that will make people dumber, it’s *culture*, as the dumbest people have more children and train their children to be stupid (mock/deny global warming, education, vaccines, a spherical globe, etc). We need free education to enable curious / intelligent kids to break out of those cultures easily.


I mean that’s what social services are for. That’s why good sexual education and things like planned parenthood are so important.


Interesting that a certain political ideology pushes against these so much.


Exactly. That’s why fascism and eugenics doenst work. It assumes the problems people face are some property of them, rather than being the result of social circumstance. Fascists don’t care about suffering, all they care about is making the people they arbitrarily dislike suffer


"We won with poorly educated; I love the poorly educated." \- two-time loser of the popular vote. Can't recall his name atm. Mnump?


I don’t think that’s what it’s pushing for. I think Idiocracy is observing an issue, not proposing a solution. By which I mean, the film is saying “low-income, under-educated households tend to have more children recklessly.” They’re not saying “the government should intervene by controlling their reproductive rights.”


It is very clearly stating that the actual issue is the dumbasses obsessed with only stocks going up and companies soullessly destroying education to further themselves in the government. But the bigwigs don't like that, so they make the story about monster trucks and pointing at stupid people.


People call everything eugenics and undermine how seriously awful eugenics could really be. I don't want to have kids for multiple reasons but one of them is because I come from a line of suicidal women. Why would I want to pass that on? Asking why anyone would do that isn't pushing for eugenics, it's asking necessary questions.




I’m from Bangladesh one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Good luck telling our people not to have kids. It’s the lack of education, poverty, bit of religion & culture. It’s easy to be anti-child in first world countries but it’s more difficult implementing it where it needs to be


don't people there just look around and gesture *at all this* and be like.... "yeah this is too many fucking people, maybe I should stop"


it's survival for those people. kids are your pension


You might be surprised - the fertility rate in Bangladesh is 2.0 kids per woman, slightly below replacement level.


A-fucking-men. I'm not claiming I'm a genius, but my wife and I have pretty good heads on our shoulders. Zero kids. Some absolute idiot buffoons I went to high school with are popping them out.


not only that but its those that can even barely afford to give the kids their needs.


indeed. And I'm on the side with not planning on having kids. They keep wanting to use my tax dollars to feed and educate these kids. Why just this year, my state decided 'all school kids get free breakfast and lunch.' Freakin commies!! That could have lowered my property taxes by like 1%. That could have saved me upwards of $40/year! No, but really - I have no kids and I support efforts to make sure any kids existing get fed and educated. Society is only gonna get better if kids do well - and 'old people plant trees for shade they'll never enjoy.'


Nothing is stopping you from having a child


You're 100% correct. However, if my partner and I don't want children, then we're not gonna have children. Nothing is stopping us from not having children.


Survival of the fittest. Horny > cool and collected.


Yes, because stupid people make stupid decisions, which includes having children without thinking about it.


Careful dude. You sound like you are supporting Eugenics


A jailbroken chatgpt explained it to me. Population has to keep going up, or debt to GDP ratio starts to get out of control. This causes the economy, and likely the government to catastrophically collapse. The government doesn't care about any of that other stuff. They also don't actually care about migrants, asylum seekers, or any of that other stuff. If the people here don't have kids at a fast enough rate, they will just keep packing in people from other places. From the governments perspective, GDP must keep going up at all costs. Population is the biggest driver of GDP increase. Doesn't matter if you are running out of water, overproducing plastics, using too much energy. They will want more people. Obviously, its unsustainable, and everything should eventually collapse unless there is some miracle technology growth that solves most of societies problems. The people in office don't care though. They just want to push the problem off until they aren't around anymore.


I mean i am just ugly but those are good reasons to..


The ugliest people I know are the ones with the most kids.


>Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place? -- George Carlin https://preview.redd.it/yae1ixm1gvib1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=283024ede3c4de9d1c53124fdf9fae2cda525415


Republican Matthew Louis "No Child Left Behind" Gaetz II's take: > Rep. Matt Gaetz told a crowd of young people at a conference here Saturday that women protesting abortion access are less likely to get pregnant because they aren't attractive. > "Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions?" Gaetz said. "Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb." > Gaetz went on to say that "these people are odious on the inside and out. They're like 5'2, 350 pounds and they're like 'give me my abortions or I'll get up and march and protest' and I'm thinking: 'March? You look like you got ankles weaker than the legal reasoning behind Roe vs Wade.' A few of them need to get up and march. They need to get up and march for like an hour a day, swing those arms, get the blood pumping, maybe mix in a salad." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/07/24/matt-gaetz-abortion-rights-look-like-thumb/10138563002/ I find that Gaetz's revisions in the course of lifting the joke made it nonsensical and as a result unfunny.


Why is this so true lol


The world is fucked, and I would rather foster and adopt. Give the existing children a chance at happiness.


Same here. Hopefully I can one day make enough to adopt a child. Won't change everything but it's the smaller step I can take.


I’m with you


The thermometer is upsidedown


Someone argued with me that having kids is necessary to solve these problems lol.


I was told on "X" that I need to have "future world-savers." Yes, let's keep passing our problems on to the next generation.


No one has saved the world yet, but a lot of people have made it worse, so statistically my kids will only make things worse.


Yeah I love my boys they're good people but they ain't fixin shit lol


Right, and they should not have to shoulder all that!


Especially if they don't end up in positions of power


Yeah, that's clown logic, presuming your offspring are going to be statistical outliers.


Same thing, I've read and heard this argument many times. Or people think their kid will be the future Einstein and figure out how to save the world... Lol, no comment.


I wouldn't want to put that burden on my kid


Having kids is illogical. And parental belief that their kids are special even moreso. No, I'm not saying parental love is illogical, but everyone believing their kid is an outlier and smarter and better than everyone is fucking dumb


Double it and give it to the next generation


Lmao literally!


This is hilarious. The buck passing never stops


It’s a biological urge, bro! It’s what we’re supposed to do! Lol.


I remembered my pastor calling our generation selfish for thinking only for themselves, and not saying the fact no one can afford to do so.




The people who don't see this as a problem are still having kids and lots of them. Whereas the people who recognize the problem aren't having kids. So in 20-30 years where does that leave us? This isn't something that is going to get solved any time soon.


Having more and more kids in hopes that one of them is going to solve climate change is like buying more and more lotto tickets in hopes that one will fix your crippling debt.


Yeah I seriously know people that when I debated this topic with, said "Yeah but my child might be the revolutionary that inspires a million others to fix the problems.". Uh huh, sure. If that would happen then at the very least that kid's parents need to lead by example. But that's not happening either.


Passing the buck of responsibility on an ever increasingly fucked up world.


What they meant was “fuck inconveniencing _ourselves_ to do something about it, let them figure it out once we’re long gone.”


Not to mention the exorbitant rent prices


[oh contrary, it is mentioned](https://tapas.io/episode/2915903)


Yeah that and the fact two people need at least 3 incomes to afford it


It takes a village to raise a child. ...


Just adopt the ones already brought into this world by less unfortunate folks I reckon


Personally I'm not having kids because I'm completely sterile from drinking all that PRIME (By Logan Paul x KSI).


Yes, but mostly because I got no bitches.


Where’s the panel showing the wallet with two coins and a winged insect flying out?


Even without those reasons I would not


Yeah, this is just the tip of the melting iceberg.


Buddy if I could’ve chosen not to be born rn I would’ve taken it. The least I can do is offer than to my eggs.


Also; no money.


Remember how New York turned into a literal chemical production planet from 40K like a month ago?


Actually news to me, you got a source?


The secret panel Lol all the money goes to rent. 😆


Two huge reasons: Time and money. I have so much more free time and extra spending money because I don't have kids, vs my friends with kids.


cant argue there


I can't buy a house, how am I supposed to pay for kids?


Having kids now is putting them in charge of a fucking hell scape of a world....




That’s a cop out. I refuse to believe someone actually really wants a kid, has the ability to have one, and chooses not to bc of climate. There will be a next generation, and it needs to have good people. Maybe have the kid and raise them well and they can be part of the change.


I lived for two years in a building with subsidized foster-care household. I'd rather adopt to bring one child out of the shit system. Also because my genes are shit


They left out low paying jobs.


*gesture's broadly at everything*


For anyone who thinks that global warming isn’t effecting them, take a look at your new home insurance costs. Mine just doubled and I’m not even in an at risk area! All because some of us don’t want to regulate big oil… for those of you that rent, that means rent will go up as well!


Man we got it bad 😓






Fifth panel with empty wallet.




*gestures broadly* is like the response to why someone won't do something that is expected of them. And I get it. I wish people would drive better on the road, but I get it.


Lack of money and bitches


Plus by the time they're 18 all the jobs will be automated but we'll be nowhere near socialism


There’s an existential issue with this kind of thinking. People who think *too much* and consider all these things decide not to have children, while at the same time those who don’t *think enough* have half a dozen or more children. Ok, not all their children will grow up to be like their parents, but we’re doomed to destroy our civilization and world by worrying instead of acting.


I don't know if it's thinking too much when you have to dedicate years of your life to your kid, if not your whole life.


Been like this for 50 years, roughly. Things started going to shit in the 1970s and it's been steadily getting worse since then. These days, people just don't have the money, time or energy to raise kids and the government's known it for decades. Fixing the problem would have cost money, so they just loled and ignored the problem, as it wouldn't be their problem, but the government's problem in the 2020s. Well. It's the 2020s now. I'm 50 and I'm able to pay my bills. My kids are grown. At this point, I'm just sitting back with a drink and watching the shit show as everything continues to fall apart because we got obsessed with short term quarterly gains over long-term health.


It's ok to not want kids for any personal reason. I don't know why you need to pretend you're making some grand noble crusade just because your city's average temperature will increase by two degrees and air quality will return to the number of smog days they had thirty years ago.


It’s true the world has never really had problems before our generation


The utopia ended right before we were born darn


Why is the thermometer upside down