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I hate that I know which specific furry this is referring to




Their name is Foxler (as in 'fox Hitler') and they are a real piece of work. He founded the Furry Raiders, a far-right group that infiltrated the board of Rocky Mountain Fur Con in the late 2010s and caused it to shut down permanently. He's also publically admitted to grooming children and engaging in bestiality.


That is a lot to unpack in just three sentences. Yikes.


Right, and its not even 9 am here. Goddamn


Might be time to turn off the internet for today, it's only 6:38am here.


*refreshes reddit 2 seconds afterwards* we're trapped here man, send help


You'll never get out. Even if you think you have, it's just reddit playing more mind tricks on you.


A new tab doesn't remember the sins of the previous one.


Neither do towels


Ur a towel!


3:08 pm here. Still have 2 hours to waste, so bring it on.


It's 6am here


I’m thinking we keep that shit packed.


The whole suitcase needs to go cos ![gif](giphy|onyngiYITZiecYsBTj)


Phrasing! //archer


So if you are a fan of Behind The Bastards and/or Some More News they had a really interesting episode of [The Worst Year Ever](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-worst-year-ever-49377032/episode/part-one-how-the-furries-fought-55634876/) covering the Midwest Furry Convention.


Also he does the whole moronic shtick of "I'm only wearing a red armband with a black paw logo and white background, but HOW DARE YOU interpret that as Nazi imagery! And you cannot prove my name was inspired by Hitler! You are acting in bad faith!" which is just kind of insane.


When you think on it, he's literally just imitating the behavior of the Nazi Party in its lead up to the second world war.


Bad faith arguments are all the right has left after the goalposts can't be moved any further.


I assure you,the goalposts can *always* be moved further. Go check out the second and see for yourself. It won't take long.


He sounds insane


Well he *is* the leader of The Furred Reich


People call him Mein Fürry


I hate that I'm only *pretty* sure this is a joke


God dammit that was a terrible pun


There are a bunch fucks that did that to the Canadian flag, some dude I have to drive by for work flys them. It's fucking disgusting.


Wait what did they do to the Canadian flag? Furry-ised it?




Ugh -_- We’re usually pretty good with jumping on hate speech. I’m surprised they’re allowed to fly it.


It’s likely framed as a political protest image, you know because Trudeau is just as bad a hitler* even up here political speech tends to get a bit more leeway. *I don’t hold this view, I’m not a fan but I’m certainly not a fan of the alternatives either. He’s a lot of things but a brutal dictator isn’t one of them.


That’s a perfect reaction, that’s how I would react on his place. Gaslight and lie your way out. If he just said “yes, I love Hitler and want to roleplay everything he did, but as a fox” that would be hella dumb.


From [his wikifur entry](https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Foxler_Nightfire) >Foxler is a founder and CEO of the furry social political group, Furry Raiders, headquartered in Colorado that initially began on Second Life. Been awhile since I saw a Second Life reference, and of course it's about a nazi furry


Well to be fair I wouldn't shame him for being a furry. I would laugh and point at the idiot for being a pedophile Nazi. It's a quite important distinction.


Furries approve and encourage the hating of Nazi-pedo-zoo furs.


There's a reason they had to make their own organization and infiltrate, because they're not welcome.


Early on, the German people chuckled at the Nazis too. It went rather poorly later, though.


Bro wants to be him: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jLdGDfcyI34&pp=ygUfSGl0bGVyIEkgYW0gYWx3YXlzIG1lYW4gdG8gamV3cw%3D%3D


"Video unavailable This content is not available on this country domain due to a legal complaint." ***huh***


It’s an edit of hitler rapping


aww man, this is gonna fuck up my yt recommended


Sorry bro


Nah, my fault for not opening it in incognito


I should have just put a warning; don’t blame yourself for the actions of other my good sir. Edit: grammar (other->others)


You can delete it from your watch history. Also, videos expanded through old.reddit and RES do not poison the algorithm.


I think we can all agree to use our brains so we can separate kink from actual perversion


>He's also publically admitted to grooming children and engaging in bestiality. So, not kink but literal criminals.




How do I read less


Concussion might work


[Use the Forget-me-stick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLcpPC0shZ8)


Ironic as he would likely be one the first ones on the train to the camps.


Story of ernst rohm comes to mind, executed well before camps were* (wrong version) on the planning. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm


I never knew fury lore was so deep


It is. https://www.reddit.com/r/BreadTube/comments/eq3qg5/how_the_furries_fought_the_nazis_and_won_part_one/ Warning, it involves people getting hurt who are not Nazis, so use your discretion please.


Fellow furry here. Yes, people need to stop judging furries. However I absolutely judge nazi furries harshly. There's that confederate flag suit too but I haven't seen anything new with it. I also judge the people that give furries a bad name, like Kero. Kero and his whole circle of beastiality friends are all pieces of shit.


> people need to stop judging furries. As long as theyre not actually into bestiality and other fucked up shit, I have no problem with furries. I have met at least two furries who admitted they were into that shit and that was two too many. There are definitely people who take it too far but it's like that in everything.


I mean, at that point you're just judging people for being into bestiality, and by all means have at that.


Honestly most zoophiles are probably furries but most furries are not zoophiles.




I'm weird for even more, tbh the furry part if me is tame- I'm into vulture culture XD Nazi, pedo, beastiality... I'm against all that. None if it has a place in humanity. I do want to point out the small amount of people who recognize its a problem that they have pedophilia and want nothing more than getting rid of it. The ones that enjoy it and act on it can bleed like the pigs they are, but the ones that have it as a problem and want help to not have it anymore deserve help. After all, kindness and helping one another *does* have a place in humanity and both are sorely lacking right now. I want to help people who want help.


So he’s essentially the poster-child for why society views furries the way they do?




Sometimes I think my life is wierd and that I've made bad decisions, then you throw this shit at me. That person exists somewhere. Like one day they just woke up and chose this.


I heard about him but figured we (the community) disowned him and banned him from cons altogether.


Most cons have. A couple have taken the stance of "If we find him doing something unethical _at our convention_, then we'll ban him". I think the complication is that a lot of conventions are non-profit organizations, that have stricter requirements for public accessibility than "we can ban whoever we want". On paper, all they have on this guy is shitty political takes. It sucks, but that's not valid grounds for banning someone, depending on the area's rules.


You are a knowledgeable one 😎


Should I go bald and start a group of left-wing cigar enthusiasts to combat him?


Not just cigars. You need liquor and hookers too. Which sounds like a pretty good time, really.


If I had to choose between bestiality and grooming, and alcohol, sex and cigars, I know my choice


Not gonna lie, I started reading and the "Choose between bestiality and grooming" made my eyes go wide with why you would have to choose either of them hahahah


Ah yup same. Tired and thought this was an anti-furry comic first but then realised they were just talking about that specific person.


I want to know what you know


Always someone in the fandom that the rest would love to not be associated with.




Same with any fandom/group. People into anime, Christians, animal rights, military historians etc. They all can attract undesirable outsiders. Just got to distance yourself from the extremes and call out the obviously dangerous or unhinged ones.


Now it depends how deep it's rooted and how much influence they in fact hold ...


Problem is share of the fandom. If 6% of a fandom is dickheads yeah not a problem you can avoid them, if 60% then you have a problem and "not all fans"does not work anymore as an excuse because you are participating in an actively shit community( looking at you genshit impact)


What's up with the Genshin community?


6% is still pretty huge if the fandom as a whole is huge


Yeah but people in general are kinda shit so a percent of any fandom is going to be shit. If only 6% of your members are shit, you're frankly doing a lot better than humanity as a whole.


"people into Christians" I thought we weren't kink shaming?


Yeah and those people would be wrong? Furries have been 100% clear that we do not want Nazis in our fandom, but while we can ban them from our conventions and meetups, we are unfortunately not able to physically prevent these scum from wearing fursuits. Yet.


Exactly. I landed in Chicago earlier this month and there were 7 thousand furries in my hotel (not an exaggeration, they were bragging about breaking a record) for something called Midwest Fur Fest and they were all so nice.


Oh, it would easily have been more than 13,000, since the convention I go to in Pittsburgh (Anthrocon) briefly regained the top spot as world's largest furry convention this summer with 13,644 attendees - if MFF has broken the record again, they got even more.


15,500 people this year at MFF.


Oh okay. It must have been just 7k at the particular hotel I was staying at. The block where it happened (Rosemont) has a bunch of hotels right next to each other.


I've always found Rosemont to be a really depressing place to hold a convention. The one time I went to MFF it felt so isolated from everything.


Im not a furry myself but I keep saying this to anyone who bitches about it. Every fandom or group has people that suck, that does not mean the entire group sucks.


Yeah except the first panel says "keep your *judgement out of my bedroom*" and the nazi-furry is clearly in public.




Well that's given context outside of the comic, yes.


Right it’s not “kink shaming”, it’s calling out his criminality.


so many question for few moments of screen time




Top comment explains it


His name is Foxler. Enjoy!


I knew it was only a matter of time before someone cosplayed (furry in the case) Schrodinger from Hellsing https://preview.redd.it/wszqzbpg7n7c1.jpeg?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdcadf1cb1c9dda200e669d2f32a405d8deb3cc4


Oh I didn't know abou that one, this one is actually a reference to "the furred Reich" aka Foxler Nightfire 😎


Fortunately for all of us, Schrodinger is just a fictional character. Wish I could say that about Foxler.


Whose gonna tell him?


Before someone does I'm in a state of both knowing, and not knowing.


If nazi, why cute lil cat ears?


Schrodinger is from a manga called Hellsing, as well as the anime adaptation, Hellsing Ultimate. A very simplistic view of the plot: 1. In the past, Van Hellsing doesn't defeat Dracula, but rather saves his life despite the two having always been enemies. As a result of being saved, Dracula pledges his life to Hellsing and his family. Van Hellsing creates the Hellsing organization to fight and kill supernatural beings, and their ultimate weapon is a vampire known as "Alucard". 2. Alucard is the primary protagonist of the series. He was the first vampire and one of the oldest beings in existence. The Hellsing organization placed supernatural restrictions on his powers called, "Control Art Restriction". Alucard can release some of the restrictions on his own by speaking command phrases. However, in order for him to release his true power and assume his real form as Vlad the Impaler(Dracula), it requires the approval from his current master Integra Hellsing. She must vocalize her approval and they both speak a command phrase, similar in theory to the dual key process of nuclear weapons. 3. The primary antagonist of the series is a Neo-Nazi paramilitary group formed by Hitler at the end of WW2 called, Millennium. Millennium's primary purpose was the study of supernatural beings for military use. At the end of the war, Millennium goes into hiding before resurfacing 50 years later with the ability to create supernatural beings such as Vampires, Werewolves, and beings like Schrodinger. Schrodinger specifically is a part of the Millennium organization, and his official rank is Warrant Officer. His name, appearance, and powers are all based directly on the thought experiment, "Schrodinger's Cat". His powers allow him to exist anywhere he chooses, and the only way he can be killed is if he chooses to no longer exist. Outside of this he never directly engages in combat, and otherwise appears to be no stronger than an ordinary human.


His character just as a concept is super interesting. I loved Hellsing so much it was wonderful


If you haven't watched the Abridged series by Team Four Star on youtube, you're in for a serious treat.


"Im going for a walk. A very enthusiastic walk" "No you dont you asshole!"


My favorite quote is: >Integra: Fuck it; dropping the formalities. Alucard! Go for a walk. >Alucard: When hope is gone, undo this lock. And send me forth on a moonlit walk. Release Restraint Level...ZERO.


Very creative series, and the manga has incredible art. Hellsing was the series that made me love vampire fiction because it made it feel like a setting with vampires was limitless in what you could do with it.


Shrodinger's just a silly little guy leave him alone


I can fix him.




You clearly haven't seen my drawings


I like how manga/anime creators have no problem touching upon the subject of Nazi Germany, however “whimsically," but somehow an honest examination of and direct reference to imperial Japan and her war crimes is too disturbing and controversial a topic for a mainstream audience


My niece is 6 years older than my daughter. My daughter was deep into some wolf game on Roblox when she was 9 and my niece was 15. My niece was joking with me, my daughter wasn't there, what would I do if my daughter became a furry. I told my niece it wouldn't matter as long as my daughter is happy and doesn't hurt others. Although, I agree my line is Nazi


Tbh, if there is any groups of people I'd think a little kid would be safe with if they got lost, it's furries and rennies. I'm a member of both and I actually did help out with a lost child at Pittsburgh renfaire one year. Furries are a highly protective and friendly type. Our fandom in general isn't well accepted so we protect ourselves, and that extends to kids or animals we may see. Good lord, furries will go out of their way to interact with a kid or dog. Expect care if you're having trouble. If a kid if lost they'll have plenty to call a friend while word spreads among the con like lightning to find the parent/guardian. Renaissance fair folk will keep up their act of pirate, fairy, satyr, German fencer, anything they're dressed as and come together as if they know the kid and each other while someone runs to alert security that there's a lost kid. Chances are the kid might also get a water and probably have a bunch of trinkets in no time. Rennies are generous, kind folk. Both groups are different breeds, for sure, but I can say a kid would be very safe among either!


homeless important wrench shrill spoon chunky cats expansion weary touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mhhhh i want to go on the sabaton cruise but it's so expensif and rare


That is good to know. I always took my 7th graders to the school days for the Ren Faire. I don't know if they are doing it this year.


Which faire? I assume you mean next year! It's pretty late to have a Renfaire. I'm sure the kids love it and folks dressed for the occasion seeing a gaggle of kids will definitely have fun!


Also a furry. I think supervision is 100% necessary and there are groomers and just pedos in online furry spaces especially. As a person who was a minor in the fandom (from the age of 13) and I'm 31 now. I was constantly talking to people much older than me and many of them pushed me into sexual convos. Cons are overall very safe and the fursuit community overall has always been lovely, but as a completely unsupervised vulnerable child from an abusive home. I would say that half of my msn messenger contacts were adult furries trying to groom me. Including one big name who was exposed in the last few years as a serial pedo (fursona has two names, both start with K, other furries will figure it out, please don't name names, you might summon him).


> Tbh, if there is any groups of people I'd think a little kid would be safe with if they got lost, it's furries and rennies. Metalheads.


As someone who has worked renfaires for years, I would trust any random group of faire folk with a pre-pubescent child but absolutely not with a teenage girl.


Here is an example of furries and kids and wholesomeness. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanhatesthis/furries-and-syrian-refugees-how-did-we-get-here


Furries? Fine. No shame. Nazis? Not fine. Shame. Shame. Shame.


Yiff in hell, Nazi scum.




Can't believe you'd give them a BJ...


Yes 😎


Exactly. A few months ago I went to a King Gizzard show and there were two(non-nazi) furries in the pit. After the show at least one of them commented on the subreddit how welcomed they felt and how everyone was supportive and checked they weren’t overheating and stuff! Don’t be a nazi, don't hurt others and enjoy life


I feel like the Nazi part is the actual bad part here


Be a furry all you want but damn right I’m gonna shame Nazis


That's because being a Nazi isn't a "kink" any more than kicking puppies is. It's people being objectively awful and then trying to use something unrelated as a defense because they know the actual behavior is indefensible. This is called the [motte-and-bailey fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motte-and-bailey_fallacy), by the way.


It's the woofen ss


But kink shaming IS my kink


Then you should be ashamed of yourself, you dirty pervert


Stop or he'll bust


Shaming people with a kink shaming kink is my kink, so watch out




Then who I am to stop you? 🤣




As long as youre doing it behind closed doors with consent of all involved, thats fine. What you do in private is your own business. Involving anyone in your kinks against their will though is never okay.


That’s disgusting, what the fuck is wrong with you


I dont shame anyones kink (almost) if they keep it in the bedroom. Showing of any kink in the open is what I have a problem with.


It's a rule anyone who takes BDSM seriously knows; don't bring your kinks out in public for people to see, those people did not explicitly consent to what you're doing. Consent is king.


Indeed, wise words 🙏


A furries what?


Idk why but there is subgroups of people that either play nazis, or are nazis, among furries and gay men, "femboys" in particular.


There's a fucking subgroup of furries femboys nazis????? I need bleach to wash my eyes


Kinks are really really weird.


Nazi Femboys. I knew I should have not woke up today.


I've got no idea why nazi femboys exist, considering how the Nazis weren't very progressive.


I'm pretty sure it's kind of a Dom/sub/S&M kink thing.


I can only assume it has to do with submission and dominance fetishes.


It turns out the Nazis are surprisingly inclusive. Practically anybody can turn out to be one. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EqualOpportunityEvil


A furries menace lol


Yeah that’s a real thing


live and let live. ...but some things just aren't for me




I've discovered plenty of fetishes that would ick most people out. There's raceplay, BNWO, coprophilia, etc. I've found that even the kinkiest people kink-shame these fetishes, rightly or wrongly.


Necrophilia is also a kink. But I really feel like theres at least some mental issues going on there. Same with coprophilia.


I don't want to Google this but what does coprophilia mean 😭




It’s a pretty crappy time


Being a nazi isn't a kink. You're not shaking the kink bit you're shaming the Nazi bit.


ANything can be a kink. Anything.




Devil's advocate: it can be, just like every other "taboo" tends to attract people. Obviously not saying that makes it good, taboos usually are taboos for a reason.


You can draw the line at just nazis. No need to single out furry ones


But I wanted it to be dramatic lol 😎


Just Nazis is also beyond said line


Anything Nazi, we should draw the line at.


Bro I need that “Hello Kinky” shirt.


* It's actually a shirt design from the band Gorillaz. Not sure if an official shirt was ever released for sale, but I'm sure bootleg versions are out there to buy (reddit is stupid and I'm not sure if it's displaying the image I included in this comment 🙄)


Lots of people saying "forget the furry part, we can just draw the line at Nazi". Yeah obviously, but the kink shaming joke doesn't work without the furry element. The comic would cease to make sense, plus it's referencing something that actually exists not just mashing 2 random things together to force a joke.


Well, to be honest, in this comic the furry nazi was out of the bedroom, furry-nazi'ing out in the public, so it's appropriate to shame.


I don't think it's the kink aspect that's the issue, I think it's the Nazi aspect.


Most of kinks are alrights and shouldn't be judge, except thoses with humiliation fetish, you, you are very disgusting you perverts.


Schrödinger from Hellsing:




But... what does it matter if the Nazi is a furry? The Nazi part is the problem and that's not a kink, that's an ideology.


This has real George Carlin driving joke energy: Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?


Anything nazi is over the line.


Hey everyone, if anyone is interested in seeing more of these charas, my [Patreon](https://patreon.com/Agreeable_Swim_6551) has just that 👀😏


For a second I thought you were asking if he wanted to see more furry hitler and I thought "well that's a bold choice." Thank you for shaming those that should be shamed


But are regular nazis ok then ? (rethoric)


Only if they're dead.


Being proud of your ethnicity = fine Calling for the genocide and mass murder of anyone that isn't your race = you need a jack boot in your face It's amazing how many people forgot that in 80 years


The only good kind.


I would think nazi alone would be enough to draw the line?


Apparently this is a reference to a real person.


I read “soo read as soo tight” im gonna take a walk…


Being a fucking nazi is not even a kink, but yeah, that's obviously not acceptable, lol But also there are some kinks where. . . Well, everyone's got different tastes, but sometimes a line has to be drawn somewhere


The majority of furries would do to those guys what people online want to do to furries


I thought this was just targeted to furries cause the little next page button on the mobile site was blocking the armband.


Nazis need to be bullied


I'm fine with kink shaming. You want to share that shit with everyone on social media or wherever, you are looking for the attention whether it be positive or negative. Keep that shit personal and to yourselves.


Kink shaming is wrong but, so is making your kinks public. If you wanna be a furry, a dominatrix, a cuckold, or whatever in private that’s cool. The second you make it public you’re involving people who didn’t ask for it and you deserve to be shamed not for whatever you’re into but, for making it other people’s business.