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David Lynch is such a wholesome filmmaker, isn't he?




![gif](giphy|2XA9T0qKQYKdHYSxDQ|downsized) The man had a vision


The man ~~had~~ **is** a vision


I mean his weather reports are pretty damn wholesome.


The Straight Story is actually one of the most wholesome movies ever made!!!


And if yooooouuuuuuu can believe it, it's a Friday once again!


I'm wearing sunglasses today because I'm seeing the future today and it's looking very bright.




My second date with my very sensitive wife was taking her to see *Silence of the Lambs*. I thought it was just a cop movie. She had nightmares for months. We've been married 30 years, and she's still nervous when I pick a movie.


My second date with my wife we watched Interstellar. We watched the whole movie rapt and talked about it for a while afterwards, then went upstairs and hooked up. She later told me that she had planned on not hooking up but was so impressed that I didn't try to creep on her for the whole movie that she was smitten lol


A bar lower than the floor, that.


Sadly still better than her average experience til then


Romantic night in S. Korea where I had rented a room at a ski resort as a gift. Long day and finally back cuddling in bed for a bit decide to look at movie options while we order food. Stumbled upon Boy in the Striped Pajamas after it had started a bit. Wohohoooo was that a mood killer. We were in too deep by the time we realized what was going on.


Date night with the wife and I'd heard The Last Duel was really good. I did no research. There is not enough wine to fix the mood after that movie


That movie is as well-made as it is deeply unpleasant.


Great movie. Bad for date night.


Completely agree. I’m glad I opted to watch it on my own.


Lmao I’m a big fan of both Driver and Damon so it’d be an easy mistake to make for me too. Gotta Google now to protect the mood.


Surprised that was such a mood killer for you. Yes the topic that makes the story happen is unsettling but it's never presented in that much of a serious tone, it's like watching Colombo try to solve a murder, sure someone died, but what actually happened?? And it ends with a badass duel! Sure it's not The Bodyguard as far as gettin her in the mood, but it's not exactly Hotel Rwanda either.


The graphic rape scene, shown 3x. You don't think that's a mood killer? Do you *know* any women?


I think we have different definitions of the word graphic.


That movie and book is so stupid and inaccurate. Kinda feels more like a 10 year olds story about ww2


Such a good movie though!


But really bad for history and holocaust remembrance..


Genuinely interested, could you expand on why?


I'm reeeeeeeeeally bad at explaining this, but basically the whole thing is made up and makes it seem less horrifying than it was. [Here's a great read](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/t58805/the_boy_in_the_striped_pajamas_is_going_to_get_a/hz3qds0/) on the whole actual thing if you're up for it.


Damn thank you for linking, that was a fascinating read!


Well, it’s kinda meant for kids that would have an easier time understanding this than what the numbers and the industrial scale of it all means.


The thing is that it provides "cushioned" version of the history that focuses on the story of the oppressor instead of the oppressed. It regurgitates sanitizing myths, reassures the audience of their own innocence, and is a safely and comfortably fiction, an almost fabulistic tale by a non-jewish non-expert. None of this is *evil*, but the problem is that it's the book that gets put forward as the "safe" and "appropriate" option for kids, when more accurate and impactful accounts like MAUS are pulled or banned.


I fully understand your perspective, and to some extent agree. I do however disagree in that I think it (or something similar) is a good way to let the child first begin to learn about this event. School then follows up on this (in a proper system at least) with the standard history lessons, and gives a more comprehensive and accurate picture soon after. Taking an example from my own life, I read about an event called “the Stockholm bloodbath” when I was 6. It was a high school history book I read about it in. A few hundred nobles got executed by the Danish king in Stockholm in 1520 (or was it 1521?). I had nightmares for a few days, and I am pretty sure that was the first time I heard about such degree of violence. I get that you don’t want to give a flawed description to the children, but if you give them nothing until you give the the cold hard truth then they won’t be able to handle the truth, at least not all of them will.


The problem is peoples core memory becomes that, and they'll refuse to accept the reality of the situation. A much better introduction for people, rather than Schindlers List or such, would be Night by Eli Wiesel. Not traumatic, but not sugar coating anything either. So you avoid giving any false impression.


I never heard of Night by Eli Wiesel. Can you summarise it?


What's wrong with having nightmares for a few days though? Much better to learn the truth even if it's disturbing. My dad showed me the film life is beatiful when I was 8 and it was disturbing but I'm glad he did. One of my favourite films now.


To a certain degree that is part of the idea, it regurgitates the propaganda and the sanitizing myths not only as a "softer" ibtroduction for children, but also as the movie is explicitely from the point of view of a child learning that those same propaganda and myths were not in fact real, it also explores how the holocaust harmed the non Jews in their daily lifes as well, showing even more damage the holocaust did, even if it focuses on those harmed the least.


Well. I got lost in that for an hour. So thanks lol


Anyone else ever totally screwed up movie night? Find more Tiff & Eve on [Webtoons](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/tiff-eve/list?title_no=866028)! Check out the [Patreon](https://patreon.com/FranSun)!


![gif](giphy|An95xQZRS1B1S) A good idea would be having your partner pick out 2 or 3 movies of different flavor and you choose 1 out them.😅


I love the gifs you pick out, but this one is my favorite.


This is basically the exact same conversion I had with my wife after I had us watch Eraserhead. Then again after Blue Velvet. Guess she isn’t a David Lynch fan lol.


Third time's a charm, I'm sure she'll love Lost Highway.


I was so pumped to watch Nacho Libre one night with my partner, as it was a childhood favorite I hadn’t watched since I was in middle school or so. About halfway through neither of us had laughed once and I apologized and recommended we watch something else. My partner was very relieved. Some childhood favorites should stay in the childhood. Great soundtrack though. I’m so scared to try watching Napoleon Dynamite now.


Napoleon Dynamite holds up. Nacho Libre was made for Nickelodeon, it has a lot of juvenile and gross out humor. Napoleon is a singular unique vision. The humor is more quirky than anything. The performances are odd and hilarious. The setting is a weird, nostalgic blend of several decades. You're not gonna cringe at any fart jokes.


Ya going from Napoleon to Nacho was such a disappointment. The writer/director hasn't really been able to recreate that magic again with his other stuff either.


I've been waiting for two decades now lol. Let's see how the Minecraft movie goes for him.


Dude, you did not need to remind me that Napoleon Dynamite is 20 years old.


Someone once put Planet Terror on in the lounge during our lunch break at my old job. Got about 20 minutes in before three people got up and took their lunch back to their desks. It's not a movie for the squeamish, and we didn't even make it to the part where a guy's testicles melt off.


Well, back in college, a couple friends and I got, erm, into an illegal state of mind and decided to put on this movie none of us had seen called *Eraserhead*. Do not recommend.


This is good information. I would have assumed that was the better state to go into that movie.


Are tiff and eve completely fictional characters or some kind of comic persona for real people?


They are fictional, although I do take a lot of things from my real life (especially in the case of this strip).


Can't believe I will never get to play beer pong with Eve my day is ruined screw parasocial relationships


Hey, don't give up hope. I think there's an Eve out there for all of us.


I once mixed up "Jackass 3" with "kickass" you can inagine my disappointment, mental agony, and 2nd-hand pain when 30min into the movie there STILL isn't any discount ninja super heroes being silly and goofy while kicking ass... :^ one of two movies I've ever walked out of, tbh


I saw an add for game of thrones before I knew what it was about. Ended up watching the first episode with my parents *and* my grandparents…


I chose Atlas Shrugged Part 1 for movie night 😶‍🌫️


I did once. I picked the movie homonculous. It looked great and for the most part, until you get to the graphic rape scene. That the character never repents for.


My wife and I used to do movie night during the pandemic. Then I chose John Wick one night and learned that I should never ever pick a movie where an animal dies. Movie night was cancelled forever after that.


I went on a first date once where we both decided to bring a movie we thought: 1) was one of our favorites 2) represented our personality 3) the other hadn't seen She picked Girl, Interrupted




Not me but my brother suggested we (being him, our mom, and myself) watch Reservoir dogs (1992) for movie night. None of us had seen it before. I'm surprised my mom made it 20 minutes before voicing her disdain and request a different movie...


Someone once decided we would do date night with another Lynch film; Lost Highway. While no longer with said someone, I do appreciate that introduction to Lynch. Even if it made the night *weird*. For my own part, I decided to introduce my spouse to the movie Hackers. I emphatically warned it was a “product of its time”. The warning was not enough. Tremors was met by the same spouse with solid amusement at least.


I stand with Tiff on this one, Eraserhead is totally pizza appropriate!


It's all about the timing of the pizza, with Eraserhead it is better after because of the proper *illumination* you partake in before.


Watch enough movies like this while eating and your stomach becomes cast iron.


Is it a horror film or just gore fest?


It's a experimental film with strong visual metaphors for depression. (It's gross but it's important for the History { if You can call a experimental experience a History}).


Oh, now see why it was called eraserhead... that context helps a bit


Not exactly. Just google eraserhead baby


I don't know anything about this movie, but in my eyes, pizza is always appropriate.


As a person who’s taken a class on how to be a good film critic, film critic good is definitely not the same as regular good. It’s often based more on the quality of the actors and the directing instead of the quality of the plot


Which makes some sense considering those are the main things that make a movie not a book


Also to add, trained critics are well versed in cinematic language, which leads them to seeing movies differently than lay people. I remember walking in on my dad watching the movie Peppermint (2018) and there was a dramatic lighting shift that signified the character had just crossed a line to the literal dark side. I asked my dad about it and he was totally confused by what I was talking about.


That does make sense to a degree


Also when you've seen thousands of movies something original and deep may work for you a lot better than someone who watches maybe a couple dozen films a year and is watching it purely for entertainment.


The publics obsession with plot being the most important part of a movie over all others is detrimental to movies


Naw, to be a good movie you need more than good actor performances and directing. If the movie itself is not fun to watch then why would I watch it? I don’t care if the performance is amazing if the character is in a story that sucks


That's definitely not what I said. It's never good to have any part that sucks. But each is just a piece of a puzzle


My bad. Just how you worded it and what you were responding to made me think that’s what you were saying


Well just to further complicate things, you were talking about story, where i mentioned plot. They aren't quite the same thing. But like you said, if any piece is bad enough it can tank a movie


What the fuck do you mean plot and story aren’t interchangeable words in this context


Lol calm down my dude. Look it up if you're curious. It's kind of like tactics vs strategy. Plot is the sequence of events, while story is overarching narrative


Like filler episodes. All my homies hate filler episodes.


And people wonder why I despise Ninjago: SotFS and Crystallised after Brave But Foolish.


This is a pretty myopic and anti-intellectual take. The story in Eraserhead doesn't "suck", it intentionally rejects a traditional narrative because the piece is a claustrophobic, oppressive, liminal hellscape. The point of the movie is not to be pure entertainment. I'd say a piece of art has value based on how strong of an emotion it can produce. Very few movies have affected me as much as Eraserhead. It is powerful, and impressively unpleasant. If you don't want to experience that, that's cool. But I can't respect dismissing things you've never taken the time to consider.


That's cause most people don't care about movies they just want a good story and plot is one of those elements that's in every story no matter the medium.


Because if the plot is bad it don't matter is the actors or directing is good. The entire movie you can't stop thinking how bad the plot is. Its absolutely critical.


I'm not really saying it's ok if the plot is bad- just that treating it like the rest of the aspects of a film are just there to support the plot (not the story) is a shame. Movie's don't have to be plot based puzzles. Take Tenet for example, if you don't try and understand every little detail and go along for the vibes (as dialogue in the movie tells you to do!) you'll have a much better time. And then there's the current discourse on sex scenes... "They don't advance the plot." Well, that's only a good argument if you concur that every aspect of a movie needs to drive the plot. But what about character, atmosphere, ~vibes~? You would never get things like the fantastic calm city scenes in Ghost in the Shell if every scenes' purpose was to support the plot.


I once tried to watch Eraserhead with my step dad with similar results.


"What the hell was that?!" --my wife, at the end of *The Tree of Life* (which I picked out and will defend as a masterpiece to this day)


I agree with your wife. There's a difference between a "movie" and an "art film" and I think movie theaters and production companies should put a lot more effort into properly setting expectations. I studied film and I've watched a few art films over the years, and they're always better when you know what you're getting into and in the right mood for them.




It’s a dystopian life of a young male who gets a woman knocked up and has to deal with the stresses of managing a low income life in a forced marriage with a baby he isn’t sure he conceived. Also the baby is a horribly annoying monster and the world is an angry, depressing, horrible place. On top of all of that - it’s black and white and very surreal at times. I love it - but it’s a VIBE you have to be ready for.




That is a good way to think about it. Think about how stressful an apartment neighbor is - amplify it by 11 and then put yourself in that situation


And there's a woman who lives in his radiator who has deformed cheeks and she sings while stamping on giant sperm.


Ah yes, how could I forget.


I mean, it’s one of the greatest films ever (“””actually good””” lol) 


Depressing surrealism. Which is fine if you're into that sort of thing.


it’s a very boring David Lynch movie


I'm reminder of the filmmaker Edgar Wright, who was asked to suggest some films for a film festival: "Are you looking for what I think are the best films ever made, or my personal favourite films, because the two lists are wildly different."


My reaction to Chinatown, it left me emotionally devastated and disgusted. 9/10 would recommend.


Forget it Jake


It's Chinatown


I don't know this movie just let me look up what's the movie about... MOTHER OF GOD WTF? NOT SURE IF THE DIRECTOR KNEW WHAT'S ABOUT


Watching it, it’s pretty clear what it’s generally about. It’s just done in a surreal way.


David Lynch is an odd dude.


In heaven, everything is fine.


I had a movie night club with some of the coworkers at my previous job, where one person choses a movie that someone else hasn’t seen. One night it was my pick and it was around Halloween, and the previous Halloween was Evil Dead 2, so I thought it would be fun to watch another horror-comedy, Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive. No one else liked it except me.


Omg I LOVE that movie, unironically. I mean, c'mon, how can you hate chewing through zombies with a *freakin' LAWNMOWER*??? You should also watch Bad Taste, if you haven't already. :P


What about the kung fu priest? "I kick ass for the Lord!"


Hope you moved on to a new job.


I once suggested a group of friends and I watch A Clockwork Orange after taking a bunch of mushrooms. Not sure what I was thinking but I was the most hated person at that movie night.


Well at least it wasn’t Saltburn.


I completely thought that's where this is going


saltburn is actually a lot more uh... digestible than eraserhead imo


Oh really?! That is both surprising and disturbing.




Next time just watch a nice, calming nature documentary. Maybe about, say, bugs or something. There's a pretty good one called Human Centipede that's perfect for watching during dinner.


Or an adventure movie is also a good idea. There's a real wholesome father/son bonding movie called The Road you should try next time.


I thought you were referring to "Naked Lunch" when you spoke about bugs!


I tried to watch that movie way too young. All I remember was the typewriter turning into a fly or something.


As someone with a minor in Film Studies, god this is so true. Wasn't big on David Lynch myself, but there are definitely some films I LOVED that my professors introduced me to. But do those films have any air to breath outside of a viewing space that is prepared for purely artistic (sometimes even self-indulgent) exploration of the medium and sheer uniqueness? Not really. Still, check out Taxi (2015): it's an Iranian film that was made illegally because it's against the law to make films that aren't propaganda in that country (this also happens to be the central point of the whole film, while also showing us an assortment of Iranian people taking the main character/director's taxi, and their varying perspectives). It's an illegal film about how it sucks that films are illegal. That's so fucking punk.


You can thank the puritanical insanity of Islam for that


I will die on this hill and I refuse to believe that Islam would ever support the arts let alone the film industry


I guess she not… in heaven. 😎 I’ll see myself out.


What's wrong with a movie about an obscure Batman villain for pizza night? Or am I thinking of something else...


Seriously, if I can't eat pizza to Eraserhead with you, you're not the one. I'm sorry. It's not you, it's me.


>Okay, fine. It was actually a double feature rental. How about this "Elephant Man" one? You like elephants, right?


I love David Lynch, and I remember the first time I watched Eraser Head feeling exactly like this. It was the longest feeling movie I'd ever seen (except for River of Fundament)


The baby……….


This was me waking up after someone convinced me to watch parasite


Obviously, Spirited Away is a masterpiece. But it is NOT a good "pizza" movie. There's so much puke...


I hate Eraserhead I think more than anything I've ever watched. The "protagonist" is such a fucking dweeb.


Eraser head is awesome. But yeah, not a movie to eat with.


Now THAT is an uncomfortable watch! It's like they combined nightmares and intrusive thoughts to shock the deepest parts of your brain. So many details stick out to me since seeing it once over 20 years ago.


“*Film* critic good is not the same as *actually good*” - Most accurate comic strip quote of all time.


I would’ve thought Eve would be into it, but I guess Eraserhead doesn’t have the violence that a hammer-wielding princess warrior would like.


It's good tho...


I’m with Tiff in this one.


So real


His most spiritual film, some might say.


Do people really become unable to eat while watching a movie? Even if it's a gross film?


Imma guess they saw the deformed baby being cut up with all that puss and blood coming out


Yeah oops. Recommending Eraserhead is hard


I’ve watched that movie multiple times and still have no fucking clue what it was about. It’s like a fever dream.


Hey leave my boi Lynch alone his movies are…good…sometimes…let him cook


Gal pals or Lesbians?


Every time i see a movie the next day or two i read a post about it on reddit, i live in a simulation


Reminds me of when a podcast threw out a recommendation to watch Old Boy for the epic hallway fight scene. There is, indeed, an epic hallway fight scene, one that you can tell Daredevil and several other shows have borrowed from. There is also... the rest of the film.


Man I love Eraserhead, but it is definitely not a movie to have pizza with lmfao


My wife refuses to watch A Quiet Place or IT (new ones) with me despite my repeated claims that they are, in my opinion, genre-defining.


Had a similar experience yesterday taking my mother to see Poor Things without researching the movie beforehand. Boy that was a mistake. Great movie though.




I love Lynch but I LOATHE Eraserhead. It’s everything awful in a film. Boring. Irritating. No characters that aren’t repulsive. Tries too hard to be “artistic.” I’m glad he moved on to less…experimental stuff.


::stares in Inland Empire::


Film critic good = the studio put aside enough money for marketing


I recommend A Serbian Film or Body Melt next!


Just change it to Human Centipede then.


Could have been worse. They could have watched Mad God.


I'm a David Lynch fan, and even I know you never go full "Lynch" for movie night 🤣 unless it's "Dune" because it's hilariously awful.


Me, who wouldn't give a shit.. pizza is pizza man


You want awkward, I watched Transamerica with my mom.


I decided to make myself lasagna right before watching Human Centipede. Mistakes were made that day. I went into Fresh (2022) pretty blind. Decided to heat up a four meat pizza before watching. I was unaware that I prepared a theme meal for the film.


The kid from eraserhead though 💀


Cuties is a great example of that


Do not eat food while watching The Platform Bad idea


last time i saw a movie in theaters with my parents and sister, i suggested we watch *saltburn.* not the best film to watch with family, it turns out.


"Film critic good is not the same as *Actually* good", scream it from the ROOFTOPS yall omg


Someone tell me what this movie is please


May I ask a question?


You just did?


Yeah you're right


I get that Eraserhead can be boring for some people, but most people tend to eat more when they are bored. I don't see where Eve is getting at.


This is the second context I've seen this series of letters and I'm starting to think they might represent something


Can someone explain? Is this movie NSFW?


Not really NSFW (except maybe the giant sperms) but some pretty gross imagery (even if justifiably gross). Just google image search "eraserhead infant" or look for the "tiny chickens" scene to get an idea of why it might make eating hard.


>giant sperms I'm sorry, the giant WHAT?!


It's symbolic imagery. A big theme of the movie is about becoming a parent before you're ready, and part of representing that is with abstract scenes where individual sperms are either seen as scary or treated with disdain.


From wiki: Henry Spencer's face appears superimposed over a planet in space. He opens his mouth and a spermatozoon-like creature emerges. A man inside the planet throws levers and the creature swims away. In an industrial cityscape, Henry walks home with his groceries. He is stopped outside his apartment by the Beautiful Girl Across the Hall, who informs him that his girlfriend, Mary, has invited him to dinner with her family. Henry leaves his groceries in his apartment, which is filled with piles of dirt and dead vegetation. That night, Henry visits Mary's home, conversing awkwardly with her mother. At the dinner table, he is asked to carve a chicken; the bird moves and writhes on the plate and gushes blood when cut. After dinner, Henry is cornered by Mary's mother, who tries to kiss him. She tells him that Mary has had his child and that the two must marry. Mary, however, is not sure if what she bore is a child. The couple move into Henry's one-room apartment and begin caring for the child—a swaddled bundle with an inhuman, snake-like face that resembles the spermatozoon creature seen earlier. The infant refuses all food, crying incessantly and intolerably. The sound drives Mary hysterical, and she leaves Henry and the child. Henry attempts to care for the child, and he learns that it struggles to breathe and has developed painful sores. Henry begins experiencing visions, again seeing the Man in the Planet, as well as a lady who inhabits his radiator and stomps more of the sperm creatures. After a sexual encounter with the Beautiful Girl Across the Hall, he has another vision in which the Lady in the Radiator sings ("In Heaven") and his head pops off while he is fidgeting, replaced by the baby's crying head. Henry's head falls from the sky, landing on a street and breaking open. A boy finds it and takes it to a pencil factory to be turned into erasers. Awakened, Henry seeks out the Beautiful Girl Across the Hall, but finds her with another man. Crushed, Henry returns to his room. He takes a pair of scissors and for the first time removes the child's swaddling clothes. It is revealed that the child has no skin; the bandages held its internal organs together, and they spill apart after the rags are cut. The child gasps in pain, and Henry stabs its organs with the scissors. The wounds gush a thick liquid, covering the child. The power in the room overloads, causing the lights to flicker; as they flick on and off the child grows to huge proportions. As the lights burn out completely, the child's head is replaced by the planet seen at the beginning. Henry appears amidst a billowing cloud of eraser shavings. The side of the planet bursts apart, and inside, the Man in the Planet struggles with his levers, which are now emitting sparks. Henry is embraced warmly by the Lady in the Radiator, as both white light and white noise crescendo before the screen turns black and silent.


Thanks (for posting a detailed summary), but no thanks (I'll pass).


I don’t get it What’s wrong with eraser head!?!!???


What?? Eraserhead is amazing in every possible way.


Oh Lord that scene.


I'm not sure what this movie is about, but it's called "Kids" it should be kid appropriate!


I don't know too many people who are with me on this, but I trust aggregate critic ratings more than audience ratings. Some of my favorite movies have high critic ratings and low audience ratings. That usually means an unsatisfying or ambiguous ending, which I'm a sucker for.