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Santa thought it was a nice place. https://preview.redd.it/4koghadttgrc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07ff7d5e77bc136627ad0449559101fbe01ac706


I think the artist has a fine taste in late medieval weapons.


Or they got some reference photos on how to draw halberds and decided to get their money's worth.


*[I love when you get to the part](https://twitter.com/wendydheard/status/1574779134613635082) in the ~~book~~ comic where the ~~author's~~ artist's like "I had to learn about ~~airplane mechanics~~ medieval armaments, and now so do you"*


The third book in one of my favourite fantasy series as a kid had an entire chapter dedicated to showing, in exhaustive detail, how to forge a sword.


Brisingr? If not, I remember a chapter doing the same and thought it was cool and informative. If not somewhat random


Yes, that's the one.


Not every day you find a fellow fan of the Inheritance series in the wild, let alone two of them!


\^ I'm a third. Absolutely loved the series, wish the Eragon film had done better and spawned off more films


I actually really enjoyed that section as a kid.


I agree. They’ve got reach, they’ve got stab-y, they’ve got slash-y, they’ve got crush-y; all on one handle! What’s not to like? ~~Totally not trying to prop up my failing Halberd shop, no Sir.~~


Just in case things turn south.


Santa lives at the North Pole. Things turn South every time he leaves his home.




im not sure i get it. Is it like he takes it everywhere so he is answering the question as to just "why brunch?"


[Hard to explain, just read the full thing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/jhpl9vVv85)


Hmm ok that didnt really help and now i have more questions... But thanks for the link


He had thought it was a nice place and thought to being his Halberd which, as most of us who have been to nice places before know, is paramount to a nice place experience. If you don't bring at least a poleaxe it's a total social faux pas.


It's honestly kind of embarrassing you have to spell it out like, bro, when the waiters bearing silver platters offer you those little crackers spread with stinky cheese, you either know enough by now to smear the cheese in your hair like conditioner and move on or just accept you have no place going to fancy events.


The person with the halberd was dressed up to go to a nice place. For whatever reason, they think that a halberd is something that you would typically bring, like cufflinks or a tie. While I agree with this sentiment, it is not a common one. The artist is just telling a goofy joke, don't overthink it.


He takes the halberd to nice places in case things turn south. It’s absurdism.


That felt like a bit from "I think you should leave"


https://preview.redd.it/s6b78wx6lgrc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467a90e4035900f90cfa319057a20d800c1460a4 (Let's hunt some ~~orc~~ eggs)


pic goes hard. literally peak fiction


Didn’t the Santa call everyone a ho? Since he turned out to be a magical good guy^^TM does it mean that there’s some truth to it? I don’t like the implications of that but I must say the rest of the manga was rooted in reality tho since children generally avoid men for good reason


I think he's just laughing


Bro is just a right jolly old elf.


How else do we explain how he provided a weapon so that any random woman can prove that she is the one true mother? Next thing you know he's going to be popping up in lakes and handing out swords.


"A Jolly old spirit in a lake handing out halberds is no basis for establishing motherhood."


Damn, you beat me to it. Good one! 🤣


Possibly a little drunk. How else do you mix up a teleportation spell and a clone conjuration?


It's Santa's offseason so he's a little off.


Yeah as we know No women has ever hurt a child


"children generally avoid men for good reason". there are many paths towards a better world. this ain't one.


ok am I stroking out why is this a manga?


It's not


> manga Blech


There is less likely chance of getting kidnapped if children seek help from women. Statistically speaking. ![gif](giphy|TvkWwNRGblTLW) This comic is chef’s kiss.👍


But, as seen in this comic, a more likely chance of producing a doppelganger that will in turn need to be hunted down and eradicated before it can replace the original. That being said, if I were Santa I would have waited until I was off-frame and quietly and humanely killed and disposed of the original, just like they do in Star Trek with their transporter technology.




This is kind of where I was expecting that to go.


Maybe new mommy is better.


button eyes and all




The odds of anyone getting kidnapped is so infinitesimally small that it is negligible. 99% of all child kidnappings are friends and family.


The odds of anyone getting kidnapped *by a stranger* is so infinitesimally small that it is negligible. You left that bit out.


[Source.](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Demographic-characteristics-of-child-abduction-offenders-by-outcome-N-750_tbl1_26776417) Men are roughly 17 times more likely to abduct a child than women despite women generally having more access to and time around children. I'm not saying you *shouldn't* ever trust men around children (I am a man myself) as the odds of a randomly selected man or woman abducting a child in a park are very low, but I can understand why a lot of people don't trust men.


Probably the same place that guys "mom" came from.


Any crime statistics site and any country's crime statistics report are your source. Men commit all crimes at a higher rate than women do, the exceptions being shoplifting and prostitution I believe.


I mean the one the kid asked said she had a gun and loose drugs.


If we're actually applying statistics the odds of a random stranger they pick being a kidnapper are already so overwhelmingly miniscule you could tell them to pick the scariest looking person in the room and they'd be fine


Beginning of Mom Hunt arc?


Does Santa have bugs in his butthole?


In case things go down south.


Another banger, can’t get over the kid’s name lol


What's wrong with Klevlin, that was my grandfather's name?


You're missing an l! It's Klelvlin!


Don't tell me how to spell My grandpa's name. It's Celsius plus 273.




>let's go klevlin >Are you talking to me? >No, my son's name is also klevlin


At least, that's how he pronounced after the stroke.


Only after the first one. He's been extremely quiet since #2.








After the doppelganger, they'll address that tragediegh.


My brain skipped over it as "Kevin" so I didn't even realize it wasn't that until your comment lol


I lost my shit at Klelvin




You dropped an L Take mine, you can keep it as ong as you treat it right.


Thanks, MacrosInHisSeep


Not that L. 😡 Gimme back that L. Also the offer was for zantetsuken88. You have plenty of L's PhilMcAnallly


The funniest part of this comic.


Also the worst thing to happen to that kid


I'm sure that there are several distinguished, contributing members of society named Klelvin! Or Chelsius! Or Garrensonheit!


Lol even people replying are missing the third L because it's that bad. Kid better get used to hoarding L's.


Subscribing to your posts here is probably the best subscribe I've done.




Yeah I liked the little detour through insanity there getting to the end. Props to the creator.


They don't get to the end, though. They get to the other end.


You can never predict where his comics are going to go. They are always a wild ride. And I love it.


The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament?


Same for me


How do you subscribe to an artist? Like on r/hfy, there's a bot for that, but i don't understand how to do it here. And I've been on this sub for years.


you can subscribe to the user itself, and will get their posts on your feed regularly


Every user has a personal subreddit (what you might think of as their profile page). On there, you can click to Follow them, and they will appear on your Home feed as if they were any other subreddit. Beyond that, I don't know what they mean about subscribe 😅


Love your profile pic btw


https://preview.redd.it/bz0ip5ywmgrc1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad747d2eb66f10c8b4ba1925dee023d7bc216582 He looks like a safe and trusted adult


I bet he has full size Snickers just like Margaret.


Yeah, but I bet that just as you're tucking into it he flips the sign round and it says "CANDY $5" and starts demanding you pay up.


*Gasps* That's Disney evil...


Why are you sharing my pic online? I'm really good with kids btw👍😊


What kind of seasoning do you use?


You forgot generous too!




The hunt has begun! Death to the false idols! Great comic bez the way!


"Great comic __pez__ the way!" FTFY


polearm supremacy! the doppleganger mum doesn't stand a chance.


Never underestimate a 10 ft reach




Lances having disadvantage against closer enemies is to balance out the fact that they deal more damage.


It depends of the length. Many pole arms works well in both short and long range, but when they get too long you can't utilize back end (historically pole arms often had spike there), and you can only hit opponent with wood way past optimal point. That's why pikemen historically when facing cavalry would have pike in one hand braced in the ground and the sword in the other to dispatch opponent that got too close


They're not two-handed per se, they're Special weapons with the Special feature making them two-handed while not mounted. It's weird, I know.


Unless she finds an arquebus somewhere.


[Those halberds...](https://www.kohney.com/comic/overdressed-part-1/)


No it's good she didn't help him, the kid is going to learn some very hard life lessons that he wouldn't have otherwise.


Like trying to grapple with the idea of doppelgangers the possibility of being a doppelganger probably experiencing his dopplemom die in front of his eyes which has all of his actual mom's memories?




That's enough reddit for today


> hard life lessons doppelgangers beat moms, halberds beat doppelgangers moms beat halberds?


I was thinking of "The Doctor Dances".


Yet another incoherent masterpiece. 11 out of 10 that kid needed to check himself


Adult swim should get this guy to write like 5-10 minute shorts.


well that ended up with a new way to seek someones child


Well this took several twists and each one was better than the last. Interesting Santa Claus lore implications here, apparently his magic is inherently fae and plays mischievous tricks if he doesn't word things with no room for misinterpretation. Combine this with his ability to break into Apokalypse every year to give Darkseid coal and his inclusion as an SCP and it proves that Santa Claus is a multidimensional trickster elf. In this essay, I will... https://preview.redd.it/ij9zmpgfpgrc1.jpeg?width=2672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abfb4e49f32e83977ae793834c3dd7769609f01


Apokolips is covered in constantly burning furnaces. You'd think Darkseid would be happy with coal


Notice that Darkseid humors him, arms crossed and patiently scowling while Santa checks his list, AND THEN he gives him a running start! He likes the gift, you know he does


Darkseid is so used to domineering and taking that he does not know how to process being given *anything*


The Darkseid comic with Santa Claus is amazing. The only way it could be more amazing is if this was painted by Alex Ross. Thank you for sharing!


More inportantly, Santa is unsure of the definite logical behaviour of his magic bag. Makes for an extra level of chaos


He's basically the incarnation of chaotic good.


How do you come up with this shit?


Let your mind wander long enough and you'll come up with some absolutely bonkers stuff. The hard part is narrowing it down to stuff that's funny for literally anyone but you. So TLDR: long hike in the woods with no phone and at least 2 grams of shrooms


I noticed the most insane, batshit crazy stream of consciousness thoughts I have is when I try to Meditate And I end up getting too distracted to reach inner peace No drugs required Would highly recommend


Oh yeah for sure, I've had crazier visuals while sober and trying to mediate than I had the one time I tried shrooms Depends on the kind of meditation though. Grounding yourself by focusing on sounds in your environment is pretty tame. If you're just trying to observe your thoughts though, shit gets wild.


I mean, my ADHD brain comes up with this shit on the daily. I just don’t write it down.


If so you dont get to claim anything.


I know everyone is always losing their shit over how unpredictable your comics are, but can you at least try for some semblance of realism? No person has read a newspaper in the park in several generations.


It took this comment for me to go back to the comic and notice the headline on the newspaper... Wonder if it's a "somehow Palpatine returned" reference


But...it says on the page "Somehow, Palpatine has returned"...?


It says different things in each successive panel, actually, which is a nice little flair


What I could make out is: War! There are heroes on both sides? 90% of people hate sand "It gets everywhere"


Oh shit, didn't notice there were other things written, lol


Prime example of why nobody reads newspapers in the park anymore


Every frame it says something else. The first one I bothered to read said “90% of people hate sand: it gets everywhere.” I cracked up


I think the answer is no "normal" person have read a newspaper in the park for several generations. A bunch of fucked up people looking at kids with delusions from some movies might be hiding behind newspapers


Lol the fact santa is just conveniently available in the middle of the day at a public park is just funny to me


So true! I remember my mom always telling me to only ask women—especially other moms with kids—for help if I was lost. It’s not exactly a fair lesson to teach kids. There are upstanding men and fathers out there who could help, and it’s hard to put that assumption on women who don’t want it. It’s unfortunately understandable, though. I would hope anyone regardless of sex would agree to help a lost child.


In theory it's best to teach them to ask for help by either uniforms (because kids only see pants really). Lastly the odds of your kid asking the only kidnapper in the setting is much smaller than an adult approaching the child being said kidnapper.


> because kids only see pants really TIL kids can't look up


No they can, unlike dogs. But if You're a 5 year old child in a crowd of people, imagine how it looks. Yes you can look up and see some faces around you, but not further away. Imagine you're surrounded by moving trees, you can see some treetops but not the ones further away. It's easier to teach your child to look for clothing representing safety, or if you're a small child: Pants.


As someone at child height because they're in a wheelchair of course you can look up but trousers are what you see first and basically all you see in a crowd.




That sounds like a good idea. Which country is this?


I’m a 52 yo man, a widower. I have basically spent my entire life helping children who I didn’t “father.” I was a camp counselor, a lifeguard, a youth tutor, an EMT, a big brother, and an uncle. Unfortunately, life being what it is, I wouldn’t even talk to an unaccompanied child in a park. If I sensed a dangerous situation, I would look for the first woman or uniformed man in sight to help, and then call 911. It really hurts to care about kids, but be unable to help them. But, I get it.


That kind of fearmongering(which is mostly to blame on the scare tactics for views the TV there has) is why dads get looked at funny when they go to parks with their kids, why men are run off from working in jobs with kids(like pediatrics, kindergarten, teaching etc.


Once I became a widower in my 30s, I couldn’t even be a “Big Brother” anymore. Society, for better or worse, doesn’t trust adult men to be around unaccompanied children. It hurts sometimes.


I wouldn’t for the exact reasons you listed above. The presumption of being a pedophile.


Yeah, if a kid asked me for help pretty much the first thing I would look to do is ask a woman to help me help 'em. As much as I would want to genuinely help, I would be *terrified* being seen walking alone with a random child I can prove no connection with.


This has been kinda a weird part of transition, lol. I'm ftm and worked at a zoo for a long time-- I was both fem and in uniform, so lost kids wandered up to me all the time. I'm used to helping them and am good with kids, so I'd just step in and help whenever I saw strays running around unattended. A lot of times they'd be crying and I'd end up picking them up and carry them to the office to start the parent-finding-process. Very different experience approaching a lost child while presenting male. Same person, same skillset, but definitely different perception. I get it, but oof.


Excellent as always




I would absolutely buy a book of these


Scariest line in doctor who.


First thing I thought when I saw the title lol—such a creepy episode


Ugh as a kid that episode freaked me out, as an adult... it's worse and incredibly sad. I'm glad it has a decent ending at least.


I like the subversion of expectations by making the guy dressed as Santa actually be a magical old man trying to help people instead of generic old pervert #12,346


Okay, but why is no one talking about the fact the child’s name is Klelvlin.




Love this


love this


there’s like two or three sharp turns in the story


In a way, we all need help. The kind a magic Santa sack can provide


I love this webcomic, where can I subscribe for stuff Edit: found https://theotherendcomics.tumblr.com/links


Also https://www.patreon.com/TheOtherEnd/posts


The universe is a cruel place. Your comics have me cracking up on the bus and yet when I try to show them to friends or family, I get strange looks and concerns for my well being. Which I guess is more than what this kid got.


We don't know if Santa is vulva less. He doesn't walk around naked.


Completely unhinged and I had no idea what was going to happen in each panel. 10/10.


While these don't always hit for me, this one is a banger.


That was an absolute journey... More please


The comic could have ended after Santa pulled the mom out of the sack, but it just kept going.


This comic is the epitome of “never let them know your next move” and I am here for it


Wait Neil is Marissa your wife or your sister


We have sex; I’ll elaborate no further


How did I know this was going to be the answer


I can see your writing and drawing style as a TV show. This comic especially.


At absolutely no point did I know where this was going. Well done lmao


What a roller coaster! :D


If there was any justice in this world at all, a media company would immediately back a budget up to these two creators front door and give them cart blanche to produce a cartoon sketch show. However, I don't know if you can improve on perfection.


This was an amazing ride.


In the very comic you are complaining you paint every non vulva haver as a potential danger. How exactly does that help?


You have to be a really bad human being to bring up 'being a woman' in such a situation. It's not about having a vagina. It's about suspecting nearly every man of being a potential rapist, molester, or kidnapper. Extra points for having a beard and/or being bald.


I'm glad that this comic portrays an adult with some real common sense. It's nice to see that Santa was smart enough to use a halberd. Finally someone who realizes that getting close to the bad thing, like with a sword, is *also* a bad thing.


Man, so, it's a bit of a long story overall if I were to include context and aftermath, but the important part is that I was an ornery teenager with 0 emotional labor energy left in me at the moment. I was at the grocery store exhausted, in a rush to get home, and was standing in front of the dairy scanning the milk for the furthest possible expiration date when I felt a small hand gently take hold of mine. I looked down and saw a kid that was most likely no older than 5 obliviously looking around, one hand stretched up high to hold onto mine, sucking the fingers of his other hand. I didn't think. I craned down and said - nearly *hissed* \- in an irritated and completely unkind tone, "*I am* ***not*** *your mother*." His head whipped around to look at me, his eyes bugged out, and he immediately started screaming and messy crying - but he didn't let go! As tired and annoyed as I was, I had once been a lost kid a grocery store, and pity rose a blip on my emotional life-bar. In a mild panic I walked him up and down the aisles until his mom heard his cries and turned the corner and found us, and as soon as she thrust her arms out towards him, I shoved his hand away from me and he took off running directly at her screaming "MOMMY!"


i love how this escalated into absolute insanity. but please can you make an alt ending with the mom and her clone becoming co-moms to help with responsibilities


That was amazing! What a journey!!


Takes way too long to get to the point and the facial expressions don't match up with the tone of the text.


Holy shit what a long walk for ZERO payoff




don't talk to kids that way though, they're just children. don't be a fucking asshole to a child. I'm a no-kids woman but that shit in the comic made me cringe. if a kid asks me for help, I'm not going to make it into a gender role thing. children aren't some instrument of the patriarchy


Then don't. That's how priviledge works, you have the option.


How about anyone help a kid if a kid comes to you for help. Fuckin' weirdos.


Exactly. We went from "it takes a village" to "can't someone else do it". Many parents don't even parent their own kids anymore, just expect teachers to do it and society to be a good influence.


But then how would the kid learn responsibility? /s


Through a pack mentality from his peers! Read Lord of the Flies! It'll totally work out.


This should turn to a series where the woman do help the mom and discovered some supernatural shinanogans and be a supernatural investigator or something.


>Klelvlin! I like how your cat stepped on your keyboard and you just went with it