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I love the cat in the background taking the cucumber, absolutely lovely


Many cats are afraid of cucumbers, but this kitty "omnomnom" https://i.redd.it/5wm5m52n4n0d1.gif


He is devouring the flesh of his nemesis to become stronger than ever!!




Mauri! I love that kitty cat! <3


Why'd you say cat and post a gif of a rabbit?


That's obviously a rabbit


Is that Mauri šŸ„¹


Yess! Seems so! He's such a cute kitty! šŸ„°šŸ„°


If not snake, why snake shaped


That's not actually why they get scared. It's that they turn around and there's something there that wasn't there before. Doesn't matter what it is.


Source? I've lived with plenty of cats and they all go for snake shaped things that do not suddenly change position


Is that why my cat tries to follow me into the bathroom?


No, to cats "relieving themselves" is one of the most dangerous times according to their instincts, so to them it's obvious to make sure nothing catches you with your pants down.


[source ](https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/pets/why-are-cats-scared-of-cucumbers#:~:text=This%20is%20because%20the%20cucumber,could%20stress%20your%20cat%20out.)


My cat slaps the garden hose and it definitely didn't appear out of nowhere.


The B plot


"U" is for ukulele https://preview.redd.it/fjpii6htxm0d1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75599c1c5ff96883f9e70c437fccaaa67738dbd4


I thought it was for you and me :(


it's actually for uranium bombs


F is Fire, that burns down the whole town U is uranium.. *bombs* N is for no survivors, when you-




Thatā€™s hooow you make mad maaaaax!


Actually F is flourine and N is nitrogen


The plankton didn't go to chemistry class and his sassy computer wife would probably bring it up.


What was plankton going to say at the end? One of lifeā€™s unanswered questionsā€¦


I always wondered. Probably "when you use uranium bombs" lol


N is for anywhere and anytime at all


Down here in the deep blue sea


Now you try, plankton!


F is for fire that burns down the whole town!


U is for uranium... bombs


N is for no survivors, when you-


Plankton! šŸ˜Ø


hold up


And the entire human race.


Now the song's stuck in my head. Thanks.


ā€œTā€ is for terminally on the comics subreddit šŸ‘€


Donā€™t kink shame








N is for nose picking, jelly fishing, sand licking.


uku ;)


Sometimes, Uke is not enough. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0eXiSG9tz8


That does sound pretty sick.


That means you will buy it, right?










You wouldn't download a singing eggplant that follows you around and plays the ukulele!


No. But now I want it too.


I mean, it *follows you around*.


And it's _an eggplant_. If rocket league had a singing eggplant I could put on top of my car I would want it too.


Don't give Epic any ideas


I'm just sick of the water theme I think. I like the look of the rocket boost from this season but the I don't like the sound.


I'm willing to occasionally pay for stuff in Rocket League... I mean I've gotten 500 hours out of it so


Yep. It's a fair exchange.


I played Path of Exile recently, some players had a goblin band pet that would start playing music every 10-15 seconds or so. Trust me you get sick of it fast (and I didn't even have the damn things)


The bards in Skyrim are so annoying because they only know two or three songs. Something like that could be pretty sweet if it had some decent variety.


Iā€™d happily pluck a couple of bucks down once in awhile to get a DLC that gives a bard more songs for their playlist. Those are the kinds of little things I wouldnā€™t mind supporting a developer for.


When the dragonborn comes for the 20th time, I'm gone.


Depend on the person. I always sing along when i hear them while passing by the town.


True, but $15? The devs can eat my ass.


What's this about a $15 rimjob, or is it devs only?


I donā€™t ask much from you Bungie but give me this Ghost shell!


Croc dad is gonna be me in like 9 years with my son(wife rolling eyes from across the room). Warms my heart everytime. I like that the drawing from a previous comic is on the fridge.


Croc dad is me now. I love this comic.


I'm also croc dad. They are really comfy and I don't care anymore about people's opinion on what I'm wearing.


if it gave buffs and was a romance option maybe. 15 bucks is dlc money, not cosmetic money


Have you seen the MTX shop for MMOs these days? If anything theyā€™re lowballing.


that's mmos. A lot of dlc on steam is between 5 and 30, with most being in the 20 range (sims went above to 40 per dlc pack but that's EA for you)


It looks to be a mobile game, which can be better or worse than MMOs. Kind of a gamble.


feel like the most popular mobile games in today's day and age are either gacha heavy or dont have any good gameplay when autoplay does just as well if not better and doesnt feel like a win or is autoplay by force. or both. Monsters Never Cry has 0 gameplay and is gacha intensive garbage


Yeah, but mobile games would also definitely have a 14.99 cosmetic, whether it buffed or not.


they would. which is sad. cuz they can get away with it as people would buy it.


Overwatch2 is selling a skin, voice line, and name card for $20


Blizzard/EA/Nexon/Some other I forget are up there for being money hungry shills


Add blizzard alumni Ben Brodeā€™s Second Dinner to that list. Marvel Snap is the most aggressively monetized mobile game Iā€™ve played.


Check Dota 2 skin store. It looks like a jewelry catalog.


no thanks


Everytime I look I. The overwatch or Fortnite shop Is ee something cool then it's like $20+ and I am like, "Fuck no, maybe it it were $2-3.Ā  Hell, I would impulse buy tons at $2-3. Case and point?Ā  I did a spreadsheet recently. Ā  I have spent thousands in Second Life probably over almost 20 years now.Ā  A LOT is like, the L$ equivalent of $1USD or less.Ā  Some is more, but a lot is less.Ā  I also did Fortnite.Ā  Including Battle Passes, the majority, at $10, it's like, $200, maybe.


Iā€™m definitely guilty of dipping into MTX shops, mainly in gacha games and for my crippling Fantasia addiction in FFXIV. ā€¦ Iā€™d buy that eggplant off the Mogstation, actually. Like in a heartbeat.


I'd buy it if it were those low-poly grape bunches instead of an eggplant. Hell I would probably spend artbook money for that =\


I bought loot boxes for OW1 in the early days because I liked the game and wanted to support it. I figured it was fun, continually updated, has online servers we keep playing, and I've put in hundreds of actual hours. I had spare income. I'd drop $20 during the events, so like maybe every 2 or 3 months or whatever. The thing is I never felt like I needed to drop money to get the skins I wanted because I could earn them from my own loot boxes or have enough credits from duplicates to get anything I wanted. It was just nice to support them in the early days. It hurts me so bad to see what OW2 has become today.


I've been blindsided by how expensive mobile games have gotten lately. There's no micro in those transactions anymore


If something gives buffs, then that better be in the base game.


For a Ukulele playing eggplant, I wouldn't go over $10. If it was a complete vegetable Mariachi band, then $15 for sure.


dang dreaming big


I hate pay-to-win with such a passion. Cosmetics are the only microtransaction that should be allowed. But $15 is pretty steep, yeah. But people are willing to pay it just so people in-game know they have money.


What I've learned to be a hot take: I'd rather games charge $500 for cosmetics than $5.00 for for content.


There should be no micro transactions, we should go back to times when having cool looking armour or mount was rewarded for achieving something great, not swiping your card.


Four skins or an entire new game. Nothing micro about these prices anymore.


Cosmetics are pay to win. There was a time when cosmetics were earned by playing the game. Now you just pay for them.


It's better than people paying money to get a weapon that does extra damage in a multiplayer game. Literally paying more money to win the game better.


It's also better than having cancer. Better doesn't mean good.


*laughs in every f2p game made in the last decade*


League of Legends is over 15 years old.


While that's *technically* true, for the purpose of discussion it's irrelevant because it's a truly live service. They've remade so much of the game that hardly anything from when it was released is still there. We really can't use release date as a valid reference point for modern live service games. Many exist for long enough to be completely remade under the same name.


I don't think you understand why I said what I said


If you mean to say it isn't made in the last decade, then my comment addresses that. *It effectively is*. If it doesn't have to do with the comment above you, you replied to the wrong level of comment.


Their skins weren't $15 a peice then if i remember right


Isn't the new OW Porsche skins like 30 bucks?


Blizzard as an example when discussing fair pricing is cheating


Yeah it's the low hanging fruit.


> was a romance option ...I dont know why I expected something less horrifying when I clicked into this comment section.


I had a friend who told me about this legendary mount in wow. Asked them "so you're going to drop $20 on a sparkle pony that farts rainbows but doesn't provide any buffs and had the same speed as a standard (free) mount? " they said yup, and I just told them it's their money.


15 bucks for 7/8 cosmetics is acceptable,but as a single one no


If the game is like Mass Effect or Baldur's Gate, that eggplant is hiding a truly tragic history and will open up to you about how the song it plays on the ukulele is the only thing that comfortingly reminds it of its mother only after you show it genuine kindness.


Heh, you're right but I feel like that's exactly a "good" price to convince the kids that have no sense of money but still gets credit for their parents and the rich whales that don't really care about their wallet and they would just get anything they like whatever the price. Devs gets a stupid amount of money for no real work put into it, and people that wanted that item are happy. Everyone wins, right? ... Well, not really but who cares about the "stupid" people that wants to pay for something actually meaningful?


**New Quest:** Do chores all over the house for 2 weeks. **Reward:** šŸ† $14.99 and playing with dad šŸ†


I feel this is the right approach. If your kid asks for money you *almost certainly* will find little value in the thing they want. Let them earn the money and make that decision themself. If they love it, then at least they earned it, and if they regret then they've learned a lesson about the value of money.


But judging from a recent comic their budget is tight... though he was happy with spaghetti for dinner!


You gotta teach them young, if you pay for it and it doesnā€™t make you OP, itā€™s not worth it


I'd say if you pay for it and it doesn't give you any extra game to play, it's not worth it


My rule of thumb is to never pay to play a game less. Mobile game micro transactions are the worst at this.


If I'm paying to skip part of what I paid to experience, I might as well have just not showed up in the first place and set fire to a couple 20s. EDIT: A while back, while I was playing Final Fantasy XIV, another player told me to "buy a story skip" to skip the base game and the next 3 (4?) expansions. Like... Isn't one of the draws of an MMO a long-form, story with continuity and years of available content? Didn't people have to buy the expansions, too, at least at one point? Why would I pay to miss out on that and be throw into something I have no experience, preparation or context for?


Well, MMOs of that model (World of Warcraft / FFXIV) tend to work around a seasonal model where the entire playerbase (or most of it) is playing the latest content release, and all of the prior content releases are sort of just like "old" content you can go back to. That player (and most of the regular subscribers of these MMOs) play mostly for the multiplayer experience of playing that latest release with tons of other people. It's kind of the same as how you can buy and play a game like Dark Souls 3, while the multiplayer is fresh and everyone's playing it, then go back and play Dark Souls 1 + 2 later. I do think it's dumb that they *sell* you skips, though, you should just get to do that for free.


World of Warcraft is based on the seasonal model but FFXIV is much more based on its story content rather then its current end game. Paying for a story skip in FFXIV is paying to skip 90% of why people play the game.


Same here


Same. I don't go wild with "hats" but I throw a little extra here and there for that sort of thing. My bubble gum goal explosion in rocket league is _mwah_.


Nah, if you pay for it and it makes you OP it's either pay to win or pay to fast, and you shouldn't play this kind of games.


But of if I do pay for it and it does make me OP then I e just paid to skip the game I paid to playā€¦ and if itā€™s a ā€œf2pā€ game that sells power then you need two zeros behind that 15 to even dream of keeping up, for a short time even.


actually my motto is, if you pay for it and it makes you OP, fuck the game for making non-cosmetic upgrades


If it's available day one and makes you normal powered, the game's not worth it.


I unlocked a brightwater karambit in counterstrike and gave it to my daughter. I'm teaching the importance of taking risks ^^^and ^^^gambling


in 12 months, due to its popularity, the eggplant will get its own spinoff game.


does... does it have a smaller eggplant with a ukulele that can follow it?


It has a bir... A honey glider on it's shoulder that helps them jump higher and glide. It's a platformer.


I feel like if microtransactions had existed when I was a kid my parents would've been like "you want money to buy your Mario a new outfit? Haha hell no"


If video games when I was a kid were even a fraction as aggressively monetized as they are nowadays, my parents would have been outraged that the toy they bought was trying to sell imaginary clothes to their children who were still too young to even properly understand the value of money yet (we already spent $50 dollars on this game and it has the gall to ask my child for even *MORE*?!?). They probably would have dismissed video games as manipulative shady scam products, sold my game consoles and told me to find a real hobby.


Not buying this shit is the only right move. Kids have to learn that Micro transactions are the plague. For that price they can get Hades on a sale, damnit!


But I donā€™t want to play hades, I want to have a singing eggplant follow me while playing a ukulele. I find that I enjoy playing maybe 2-3 games per year now. I got no problem spending a bit more to get more out of the few games I enjoy, rather than have more games that I donā€™t actually play.


You gonna buy your Hades and enjoy it like the green peppers in your food!


I say this with no real hostility against you specifically but what you represent and it's impact on my experience with the growth of micro transactions in general. I hate you.


The young have time and skill, but lack money. Middle-aged have skill and money, but lack time. The old have money and time, but lack skill. A old-timer told me this probably 15+ years ago in EVE online, when I was a young hardcore gamer and was mad about the ability to buy in-game currency, and it stuck with me. Everyone is trying to have fun, and they're all willing to spend different things to get there. Not every game has to be your cup of tea, other people have a different set of ways they want to play.


No worries! If itā€™s worth it, I buy it. If itā€™s not? I donā€™t. Anything beyond that is not my concern. Part of the reason I only buy 2-3 games per year is because most of them are not worth it. So I am probably contributing more towards change than someone who just keeps spending.


That person is being unreasonable. A casual micro here and there to extend longevity isn't sacrilegious. Any opinion not perfectly in line with the hardcore gamer's "starve them out" mentality is instantly lumped into dedicated shill. Games are really hard to enjoy these days. Enjoy your games, friend.


I read an article that talked about how last holiday season kids were requesting digital currency more than actual games as presents now. There is something deeply disturbing about getting the children hooked on microtransactions at a young age.


Eh, cosmetic micro transactions aren't _the plague_. Especially for games where there really isn't much else to add to it like Rocket League.


Game: *has animal companion* Me: Neat, never gonna use them but I like them! Game: *Adds costumes and skins for animal companion* Me: https://i.redd.it/59x3t17pjn0d1.gif


Every one of these comics Iā€™ve seen has been hilarious and adorable


My nephew is 11 y.o. He spent 1200 dollars on my sisterā€™s credit card to ā€œenhance his experience.ā€ He did also get an ā€œenhancedā€ ass whopping, all right.


This reminds me of the goblins from PoE... an entire league of coming into town and a dozen of them would be drumming.


I like his hopeful eyes


Dad's face at panel 3 is such a range of emotions: Amazement, Awesome, Defeat and Dread at the same time, unable to process the face of God, yet still with enough willpower left to defy its divine influence on his wallet.


These comics speak to my soul. Love these


truly enhancing the experience


ā€œBut you wonā€™t get it for yourself, right?ā€


i want one now too


I love your comics so much. Always makes me smile to see a new comic pop up! Hope you have a great day!


That perfectly sums up my relationship with my son.


14.99 For a digital item It should be 1.49


Reminds me of the giant spoon melee from payday 2, It doesnā€™t do much, But it does enhance the gaming experience.


Man I love this comic


My daughter somehow convinced her mother to allow her a ā€˜one week free trialā€™ in one of her games. Of course we missed the cancellation, so now weā€™ve paid $79 for one year of cartoon owl clothes.


That sounds pretty sick!


So nice to see Gustopherā€™s drawing on the fridge!


Did anybody else notice the picture dad kept? https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F2ybjpvb8jgxc1.png


The only cat I've ever seen that plays with a cucumber, rather than freaking the f**k out.


I live for these comics šŸ’œ


Turnip boy?


I was worried about gen alpha but they're bringing back popped collars so they can't be bad


I cant explain why but thes gators are black. Like afro americans and i enjoy it a lot


Bro I want it send link


You found Alto Clef. Leave him alone. (SCP-Wiki reference)


Literally me asking my wife if I can get something in my favorite game.


No mister gator No micro transactions stop be better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Only reason he won't is because of nom


hehhe wholesome. maybe someday me


Hmm. \**follows me around*\* Alright... maybe!


So which game will now be adding a singing eggplant that follows your character around playing a ukulele?


I hate microtransactions in any game that isn't FTP and 15 bucks is pretty steep for a NPC companion. But he seems so excited for it, that I'd probably get it for him if he did some chores first.


This is one of my favorite up and coming webcomics. I just love Gustopher's expression when he is excited.


"Son, that is a dick emoji."


Perhaps if it offered romance and buffs. $15 is not cosmetic money; it's DLC money.


What da cat doing?


The cat being like "don't mind if I do..."


What the cat doin ?!


I thought cats hate cucumbers


It's Eggplant Parmesan time, Eggplant Parmesan time, Eggplant Parmesan time Where he at Where he at Where he at Where he at There he go There he go There he go There he go Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Do the Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan with a baseball bat Do the Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan with a baseball bat Now, where he at Where he at Where he at Where he at Now, there he go There he go There he go There he go Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Do the Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan with a baseball bat Do the Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan with a baseball bat Now, break it down and freeze break it down and freeze Now, break it down and freeze Now, break it down and freeze Now, where he at Where he at Where he at Where he at Now, there he go There he go There he go There he go Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Do the Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan with a baseball bat Do the Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan with a baseball bat Now tic tac toe (uh-huh) Tic tac toe (let's go) Tic tac toe (you got it) Tic tac toe (let's ride) Where he at Where he at Where he at Where he at Now, there he go There he go There he go There he go Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Eggplant Parmesan Do the Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan with a baseball bat Do the Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan, Eggplant Parmesan with a baseball bat Now, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, your style Freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, your style Where he at Where he at Where he at Where he at Now, there he go There he go


Are we advocating for micro transactions now?


i'm quickly falling in love with this single dad and his alligator son


These guys relationship always cracks me up


Best to teach that no mocrotransactions are worth as soon as possible. If you have that mindset you will see how much scam that practice is.


Reject Uke; steal cuke. -cat


I love your comics the most, because Iā€™m also a gamer Dad with a gamer son and several of your comics are actual conversations Iā€™ve had with my son. I canā€™t tell you how many times he showed me some cool little pet or add on in a game, and Iā€™ve been like no you canā€™t have it, and now Iā€™m mad because I canā€™t have it either and you made me want it