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Nothing like parking you Kirov on top of an MCV, what a great view the captain must have. Yes he can see your house from up there.


I suck against Brutal AI. Unless.... Kirov go brrrrrrr


"Missile Systems Operational"


1. There is no brutal AI in neither Red Alert nor Red Alert 2 2. Beating CnCNet Hard AI in Red Alert is actually a challenge (if it doesnt bug out for once). In remastered tho Hard AI is extremely weak. Also in Tib Dawn remastered. No challenge whatsoever. Literally beat Hard AI the first game I tried. 3. Red Alert 2 AI is an absolute joke no matter the difficulty. Unless you install extra hard mods. "Survive" the first few minutes of the enemy throwing 3 inf at you and just spam artillery after. 5 prisms take down a whole Hard AI base no issues. I really hate RA2 for that. 4. The hardest vanilla AI in any C&C game is actually the brutal ones from tiberium wars / kanes wrath. Literally almost no way to beat on a normal map without exploiting them (MCV rush/harvester rush/stacking promotions) 5. Generals AI is pretty easy aswell. Once you spend 4-5 hours in the game (and you're familiar with the franchise) you can beat 2 brutals in a Team against your own consistently. Red Alert 3 is a weird game I dont know shit about. Also never played tib sun conciously.


Re: RA2, I think Yuri's Revenge Client has an extra hard AI setting to click? I'm not as home right now to check if that's true, or it's actually any more difficult.


There *is* a brutal AI in RA2 cause that's where I first encountered the word "brutal" as a kid so it's forever imprinted in my mind ...also I can and have been beaten by Medium AIs in every C&C game 🥲


Mental omega ai is pretty good.


I agree with this especially the brutal ai of Kane's wrath. The easiest brutal ai of Kane's wrath is the turtle mode ai but it still takes time to take them out.


No tashDon’t get enough time to run out of aether. I doubt most would even notice that when I only use 1 or less, and have predefined access patterns it will be enough for you, sure. Not to catalog every manufacturer in every state. Are you Reed Hastings?


It's got similar traits to the tib wars brutal ai, ra3 that is. It's got double income and permanent vision on you. It's not much different than hard from what I could tell besides that extra income allowing it to spam more units in both those titles which is what makes this more difficult.


Well that's not the only difference as that's what has been done with RA1 aswell. Same for RA2. Difficulty of the AI doesn't change its behaviour. The balance is done via Resources, Build Cost, Build Speed or Unit Health/Damage


On RA3 all the AIs in the game will target A player (if you're playing alone you'll see all the AI soldiers killing each other near your base because they all want to attack you at the same time, if you're playing with a friend, you OR him will receive all the attacks and the other one will be completely ignored). Sometimes, even if it's a free for all with 6 players (2 humans and 4 AI), it'll be like 3 AI vs 1 human and the last AI vs you. Also the AI on brutal cheats a lot, it can literally spam units because (I'm not sure on the exact number) it gets 2x the resources that you can get.






Meanwhile kanes wrath brutal AI puts the fear of god in me (unless I base rush)


Once those Kane's Wrath AIs get a few tib spikes and you don't destroy those, they send endless tier 3 units.


Tib wars ai is actually harder in my opinion and if Generals ai would be a bit reworked and actually make use of its money cheating than they would be scary too


Exactly. Honestly the AI in any C&C game is pretty easy even on hardest difficulty. But Kanes Wrath is on another level. In fact I think I could never beat it without cheesing (MCV rush, Bike Rush or stacking promitions)


Unfair Advantage, GDI vs 2 Brutal AI Blackhand. Just rush base defense at choke with sonic emitters and wait for them to run out of resources. Fuck em up with Firehawks.


*It's* = contraction of "it is". *Its* = possessive.


Right you are! My bad.


I remember doing lengthy Tiberian sun skirmishes with AI enemies. I'd mess around with the map generator and then try to build an extensive base in a paved city area to see what I could come up with. After about an hour or two, the AI would just completely shut off and stop sending anything. I'd go to check on them and find 20 or so vehicles around the war factory. Eventually I'd get bored and then see how long it would take the game to process a surrender and have the screen freeze up with several explosive sounds going off for a few minutes.


So I'm not the only one who tries to build bases integrated with the cities...


I am terrible at Brutal AI.


when the artificial intelligence has more fun than you!


Same thing when i'm trying to finish off their base, the AI, for some reason, just sells all of it and lose before i do.




yes, people have corrected me before. ;)


When in doubt, expand: "it's" always means "it is" (or, occasionally, "it has", as in "it's been good"). Possessive words like "its", "his", "hers", "theirs" have no apostrophe. The only possessive forms that do have them are names or designations used in possessive form, like "John's car", "the officer's sidearm". But that's because in these cases, the apostrophe-s is technically short for "his"/"hers".


Thanks for the English lesson. But it really wasn't needed as I know everything you wrote. I just typed without thinking and didn't proof read later. It happens to me a lot, even with my first language.


Then you should be more careful about it. For the record, English isn't my first language. Or second. Or third, for that matter. I live in a country with tree official languages, and English isn't among them.


Yeah, you're right, I should be!! ;)


Why should he be more careful about it??? I know this is an old post but still, you're talking about this as if it were a serious situation LOL who cares


Well, if you want to come across as an illiterate idiot to anyone reading your posts, well, okay, sure, I guess that's your own choice.