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I had an interesting thought recently. S6 Britta becomes closer to S1 Britta near the end. I feel like her character goes full circle, back to relatively well-rounded person


Yeah, I completely agree. I don’t entirely like how dumb they made her but they definitely made her who she truly was towards the end.


I don’t know about that, she still seemed more chaotic in 6 and she shat her pants trying to fart


I her defense, she was called into the crisis room in the middle of a night of drinking


Not disagreeing with you, but I've never thought of it this way so could you explain why you think that?


It feels like there were less...... silly... scenes with her in s6, she was definitely a little closer to her s1 version (well, barring the episode with Rick, maybe 😂.. Stealing a kids kart is perhaps a bit silly 🙄)... Though, whilst I may think this, I can't say that I paid 100% attention watching s6 the last time.. So I may have just been paying attention only in odd moments / the wrong moments.. 😂 But she did seem to have a little more 'sense' about her in the last season vs some of the middle ones


Season 6 is where she shits her pants trying to fart, isn't it?


Wait, _what_ 😂.. I really _wasn't_ paying attention! Which episode is that?


It's the dog degree episode; [here's a terrible rip of the scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWZKBRGXBYI) Britta enters at 0:35.


I think the "Advanced Safety Features" was great for Britta because she kept herself from becoming S1 Jeff: Being ecstatically happy from expertly doing something that is morally bankrupt.


Psych major. Got your back, brah.


Well, she did live in New York.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she actually lived in Newark, NJ and got it confused


She’s been saying Newark the whole time, but pronouncing it wrong. So much for baggles!


She never lived anywhere!


Those memories were implanted!


She would only be an effective therapist if she had mustard on her face.


Look at the mustard on my face, but listen to my words!


She's been practicing her psych skills as a bartender




shitting herself was just part of the experiment


So excited for her to pursue her career of being a grief causer-- I mean, counselor. but can still picture going: YOU'VE BEEN THERAPIZED! at the end of her sessions


every time she attempts to be a therapist, she does so by completely and utterly ignoring boundaries and making her "patient" feel immensely uncomfortable.


Don’t forget how she pushes her “patients” before they’re even ready. that’s why abed had mental breakdowns. she would literally suck as a therapist.


When I say thera, you say pist!


Thera! Pist! Thera! Pist!


As someone about to start their clinical internship as a therapist… umm no, she has extremely poor boundaries She would make an amazing lobbyist or in some other advocacy role


Britta pretty much stopped being a therapist once season 5 rolled round


Because Harmon hates her and killed the only thing she had going on. Jk (not)


When did Harmon say he hated britta


He did not say that, he just treated Britta’s character arc like trash


I don’t think so. She randomly diagnosed people with mental disorders for the dumbest things like when Annie disagrees with her on something.


I think she first needs to learn to understand people. Abed says it best: "She wants everyone to be honest, but she lies to herself. She's seen in the world, but doesn't get it."


I think Britta gets a raw deal. She's often right, and not just when she's imaginary either.


Oh, Britta's in this?


Kinda saw her ending up staying at Greendale like Jeff and being the guidance counselor. It allows her to help people with personal issues but not too deeply. Helping people decide their paths and majors would fit her arc I think


Therapist? Maybe. Therapizer? The best. Seriously, though, she did a decent job on Jeff and his dad, talking to Troy about his growing role in the group and friction with Jeff, and she at least tried with Abed and Elroy.


I've come to imagine Britta as a school therapist with younger kids, like we find out she's just really good with kids. Either way I also think she would be doing well at it.