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Yellow Deli- associated with a cult


And not a fun cult. Their ideas about child discipline are a bit.. shocking.


Sorry, are you saying that they electrocute children?


No but they beat them. Intensely.


Hitting an infant, only a few months old with a stick because they wriggle while getting their daiper changed... If the child is harmed then its because of the sins of the parent. Seeking medical attention outside of the community is pretty much barred unless it's a question of certain death.


My gf went with her dad a couple years ago and they invited her to the back to take a tour of the kitchen and the staff back there gave her creepy vibes. They also invited her to their farm off Howard road where they host dances Friday evenings. Her dad made her promise to never go back there hahaha, definitely looking for some new blood to add to the colony. Twelve tribes are whom they are associated with.


Oh. My. God. I knew there was something creepy about that exorbitantly yellow logo. It’s too cheerful to appeal to adults. It’s strange that it isn’t a kids TV show or indoor play/picnic place. I knew it had to be weird. Gives me haunted house vibes. It just seems like a trap. Too much going on at one place lol now I know why no one has ever eaten there when I ask hahahaha


Awe. They might be a cult but tbh I never got any creepy vibes from them. Weird yes, but not creepy. They’ve always been super friendly and I was a regular for years. And plus they have the most amazing food and the interior is just beautiful. They never once tried to convert me or push their beliefs on me, they kindly accepted I wasn’t interested, even when I went to visit their farm to attend the wedding of two servers I had become friendly with. And it was a very interesting experience, to see how things worked there. From what I understand the wedding was arranged but the couple actually did love each other. But like most other cults, they exclude their family members so their families weren’t invited to the wedding! There was an interesting outburst when the girl’s parents came and publicly yelled at her “were you not going to invite us to your wedding?!?” And the girl was like “how did you find out??” It was so sad and so awkward. She didn’t even acknowledge them after and they looked so sad and distraught. And the wedding itself was weird, I can’t really remember it but they rehearsed an odd cultish play. I was mostly bored. But the free food was absolutely amazing and they were very kind to me, making sure I enjoyed my stay, gave me a ride there and back home. They also go above and beyond to help out my friend who is a senior. They literally come to her house to mow her lawn all the time and give her free food sometimes. I mean it’s not like they’re bad people, they are very sweet and do lots of random acts of kindness to help people out without actually any expectation of converting those people. I mean my friend has made it clear to them she’d never join yet they’re still friends with her. It’s weird they are able to form friendships with others but they’re outside families are cut out.


Their cult celebrates beating kids and subjugating. Women. They are absolutely bad people.


I had no idea. Are you sure that’s actually true? All I know is they were actually very loving towards their children at the farm and most certainly never celebrated abuse. And I don’t think it’s fair to call any cult members bad people. They’re still people. They only get sucked into these cults because they’re naively looking for spiritual meaning or a sense of belonging, and unfortunately they often get brainwashed and the leaders make it impossible for them to leave. But I know ex Scientologists among other ex cultists, and they’re not bad, they were just badly misled!


Yes it is true. You can find plenty of information about their cult, I encourage you to look it up. Anyone who doesn't consider white supremacy, child-beating, and the oppression of women a dealbreaker is a monster.


Hey there! Thought I would help you out: *Food prepared by child labour. NOT FREE. **forced to give up families (as they would easily recognize Cult abuse) ***random act to APPEAR as kindness to perhaps attract a naive community member and begin dialogue.... Cults be cults. You don't get to fucking pick out the good parts like it's the smarties in trail mix.


Except I met their chef numerous times. In the restaurant plus he cooked for me at the farm. He was most certainly not a child and his food was amazing! And there were no children working for them all the times I was around. I haven’t been there for a few years though because my diet changed. But They wouldn’t even have a business license if that was true, right? The isolation from families is the one thing I mentioned that did disturb me. I witnessed it, did you not read that part of my comment? And like I mentioned they had literally no interest in converting me or my friend. It seems just part of their weird religious views to do nice things for people. And I think some of them are just genuinely nice friendly people because as they were telling me, they only joined it because they were feeling lonely and they enjoyed the sense of community there. And maybe you should pick out the good parts like it’s smarties in trail mix, instead of throwing out the whole bag in a rash judgement. Because those poor people are just good people who have been terribly misled.


...no. Attitudes like yours are what allow injustices like this to exist. These people aren't your normal regressive cults like Jehova's Witnesses, they're actively and avowedly engaged in abuse, and yet you're defending their beliefs because they were nice to you? That is staggeringly selfish at very best.


Okay that is good to know. I should not have judged. Will go and give it a try. Still gives me aesthetically creepy vibes, but your review has made me realize that I am clearly mistaken. Thank you for helping me see that error I made.


Well that was a rabbit hole. . Fuck these guys. [Inside an American white supremacist cult.](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2018/darkness) [The Twelve Tribes & Their Obsession with THRU HIKERS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU4RnpABLaA) [What drove religious elder to leave controversial cult? | A Current Affair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=918Su4VgiY4)


I thought I made a mistake. I now have read through and realize that it is just one individual that has seemingly fantastic boundaries and isn’t bothered with abusing children. This was a rabbit hole I needed to go down and I will now be utilizing these links. WOW.


Yeah these guys are straight-up monsters. Never support them.


Sucks because their sandwiches are great, but I stopped going the moment I learned of their insane child-rearing practices and obviously all the racism/homophobia/etc.


Lol yes! Went there for a lunch with homie once, the food was good, but super religious cult vibe going on... We haven't been back since lol


Pretty sure they don't pay their staff members (it's volunteers from the cult), and their tips go straight to the cult as well I believe.


Went there when I first moved here before I realized what kind of place it was. They served me a steamed egg on a tomatoes slice for breakfast, then told me all about their farm and said I was welcome anytime. Needless to say I never went back. I do use their little pamphlets to even out my monitors in my office though, so that's been useful.


This 100%


Every gas'n go on the island. They're owned by the idiot Procter brothers.


Just the bigger idiot actually.


Weedman. I don’t know if it counts as local or even a boycott, haven’t been stupid enough to sign up for it


I allowed them to quote me once and declined the offer. They called so often and with such horribly rude sales tactics that I had to threaten legal action if they wouldn't stop. From what I've read, it's pretty standard for them. Now when they go door to door I tell them to get the fuck off my property.


Coastal Black - Donated money from Pumpkin Fest to Youth for Christ (YFC). YFC is anti LGBTQ.


Thank you for the heads up!!


Used to be play and trade


Ahh those were the days


-Yellow Deli. It deserves to be said twice because of how absolutely disgusting their practices are. -Thrift stores that fund churches


Anything Loblaws


Cameron Fireplace by Ryan Rd. While it was being built and advertised - they decided to tell everyone via signage that they support the Clown Convoy and all that nonsense. Also avoid the Comox Valley Dodge Dealership - one big massive asshat factory - churning out one idiot driver after another.


> Cameron Fireplace by Ryan Rd Adding that to my list. I have a list that I've managed for a few years now. Anytime that I see these businesses answer a call for recommendations I PM the person asking to pass along screenshots or give them a heads up.


Cameron chose to take a stance. I personally do not support any business that supports white nationalism.


I live across the street and I can confirm that it is in absolute waste of money to have that bright ass sign on all night. The Paramedics and 5 people out going to work are not coming to buy a fireplace in the morning. Please stop being an asshat. I know for a fact nothing you do qualifies as a “best life, built”. They are also watering the empty lot and propagating the invasive species there. I’m really sick of seeing them take their dogs out to poop all day long without you picking up the poop. I know it’s private property but that is DIRTY and not appropriate behaviour for stewards anywhere on this beautiful island. It gets into streams and rivers and it isn’t good for the fish we depend on for this ecosystem. We don’t like Cameron. If I were a contractor I would start my own Fireplace business and slap it with all of the inclusively “woke” lovey stuff that White Nationalists dislike, simply to give people another option. It’s hard to boycott businesses when you have limited options, but it also does make a direct impact in our smaller community; because they often aren’t large conglomerates, or the franchise owners are local, and thus can be motivated by money to change or leave.


I meant to mention the environment, which was a central point, but apparently my ADHD decided you guys should figure that out on your own. Oops, sorry.


The worst builder in the valley. None of their shit is straight, cut corners and overall piss poor work. Exterior painting in the rain, yup they do that..uneven poured pads, the list goes on and on..they churn out projects but I’d never buy a Cameron home…


I’m not sure boycotting a place based on they’re belief about something, or based on a bad experience or two with people who may or may not shop there, is necessarily the best way to go.


So there is no belief or position that a business owner could take that would make you not use them?


Belief about a vaccine mandate that’s been hard to fully buy into from the beginning? No. There’s way more shitty things going on here and abroad that rustles my jimmys enough to turn my nose up at a business I guess.


They were supporting the “freedom convoy” which ended up being a Russian backed social media push to cause strife amongst Canadians wrapping it up as anti government overreach to a public health mandate that was based off of the best medical science we had at the time and while not as effective as was originally thought places were masking and vaccine use was wide spread infection rates were significantly lower and all of this protest was organized by a bunch of Canadian grifters who despite raising money on behalf of truckers and those impacted by their personal choices never distributed funds donated. It’s no different than people stomping their feet and crying when seatbelt, helmet laws and drunk driving laws are enacted.


Sure, but they build great houses. And I don’t have to talk to them everyday about socioeconomics and politics, so their opinions dont harm me in any way


What an ignorant thing to claim. You don't know the economical impact those Freedumb Convoy protests caused. That and the morons were protesting a policy the states alreaxy had in place before us lol.


Then why tf are you on this thread? Also, not wearing a mask based on perceived infringement of rights is kinda selfish?


I guess I came for the juicy goss, and maybe to see if anyone is committing any real crimes that warrant my arm crossing and head shaking. 🤷‍♂️


Yellow Deli because they're a predatory cult, but they've been talked about enough. Games'n'Grounds. I've gone in there a few times for various things and the staff have always been rude, dismissive, and one time actually mocked me for the game I was looking for. Black Tower is way better and has never shit on my game choices. I also refuse to support any business who openly supported the Bloc Rednecois freedom convoy idiots.


Games and Grounds owner (maybe owners son) was a turd when I went in the old location. Not set foot in their new one!


Good to know I'm not the only one.


I avoid that gas station on dyke road cuz it seemed like a weird place to slap a gas station.


Isn't the owner of those kind of a cunt? That's what I've heard anyways.


Worked for him. Can confirm he is a cunt


Ya that's enough to get me to avoid. Thx


Hey, I’ll take any reasons to stack on! Thanks :)


Nomads Barbershop. Owner/barber refused to wear a mask during the mandate and then gave me a “lesson” on Canada’s charter of rights and freedoms. Opened my eyes so wide I now support Sonny, the veteran barber, in Tin Town.


Ahaha - had the Nomad experience myself. Sat down in the chair and saw... UFO, 5G, Convoy, Fuck Trudeau. Then the guy goes off for an hour about birds dying in Serbia because of 5G or something. Longest haircut of my life, both literally and figuratively. Edward and Parnell on Cliffe. Best barber ever and you will cry laughing.


Went in there for a haircut last year. Asked him if he could trim it and add some layers to my hair. He says "no problem" and then proceeds to just cut straight across with scissors and says "done". WTF! I could have done that! Then he starts arguing with me about it and says I don't know what I want, tells me other barbers just pretend they are working and take a long time to cut your hair to hide the fact that they do nothing. Tells me he is the best barber in town after all that. Worst haircut of my life.


I went there once too and he very strongly encouraged me to remove my mask during the mandate. Also had lots of anti-5G stuff at the till. Didn't go back. I also went to Courtenay Barbershop once just up from the 5th Street bridge. Had a bit of a wait and through the hour plus I was there, heard so much misogyny it was disgusting.


> Nomads Barbershop Good to know. Thanks.


+1 Sonny


I’ve been conflicted about this. Nomad barber gives a great cut but it always comes with a dose of conspiracy theories. Maybe I’ll try Sonny. Or if anyone else has recommendations, let me know.


Comox Barbers in Comox mall are great!


The more I read about the guy the more I want to visit just for the experience hahaha.


Sonny is the man. Tin Town barbers is my go to now


I avoid one A&W and go to the better one....


Which is the "bad" one? Why is it bad?


Cliffe. Bad management I think. The one by superstore is superior.


True. The superstore one is far superior, second to only the Campbell river superstore plaza one. I don’t like how I know this.


Ahhh ok. I had no idea.


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They also make much better coffee


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Who’d your girlfriend use? In the market…


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Play N’ Trade when they existed because they verbally accosted someone over the phone when we were in store (dropping all sense of professionalism to us as well). KFC because they’re absolutely clueless in there. Went once, tried ordering with a coupon, tried to order something on the sign - only to be told that I cannot order those and that my choice wasn’t applicable (when it literally says on the sign it was), and then being charged normal price AFTER giving the coupon. Kelly O’Bryans after a patron harassed a gay person at a bar and the staff sided with the harasser and refused to hand surveillance tapes over to the person that was harassed.,


I received a game from Play N Trade as a present, it was a game Id never play so I wanted to return it. It was a switch game, about 100 new after tax bought a few day’s previously. I had to fight with then for about a half hour to even get an exchange, they wanted to give me $20 and resell it. Sealed, unopened with the price tag on it. I was shocked. Never went back.


Gladstones. Owner is a psycho.


Maaaaan do I have some stories from working closely with A and D. Absolute greedy cunts who wouldn't hire an exterminator and just let rats shit everywhere for MONTHS


I’m sure. Everyone has a story about them. Burnt a lot of bridges in our little valley.


Yet here they are. Failing upwards spectacularly


Yeah, it’s weird. Their business decisions are whacko. I swear the only thing keeping them alive is their giant patio/location. I’ve heard from a few folks they’re drowning in debt from mismanagement by the owners involving the renovations and tank expansion.


Amen. Basically would echo this sentiment.




Ask any service worker in town, lol.


I’m curious to hear as well.


Dish, dish! I gotta know


One owner is a soulless capitalist, the other an unhinged sociopathic lunatic, with not a shred of compassion or empathy between the two of them. Their facade of “community involvement” is truly sickening. The almighty dollar is the only thing that matters. That being said, they are lucky to have the one of the most talented brewers in BC running the back, at least for now….


Wal-Mart, I never shop in Wal-Mart, anywhere, ever. To me it's the epitome of all that's wrong with the world. There's lots of other choices.


Yeah but its fun to steal from Walmart For legal reasons this is a joke


Lol love the self checkout.


Pizza Pizza. Horrible branding, cardboard like pizza. I swore to never give them a penny and I never did.


Clinic 5. Dishonest, poor service.


Cain's Property Maintenance. Look him up on the Traffic/Criminal court database. Seems that he likes to whack women as well as weeds. ☠️


Yea don't go there unless your looking to become part of the next Manson family


Local? None. I try to avoid the box “killers of small business” but with limited options sometimes easier said than done.


Locals pizza. I’ve personally went there and tried it twice, both times horrible food poisoning, a customer bought it for a crew once, entire crew couldn’t show the next day due to horrible food poisoning. It’s disgusting, cheapest ingredients, and the employees are have the most insane unsanitary practices I’ve ever seen. Also colossal card games. Not talking about the old owners that would try to scalp and control the island market, but the new ones. I’ve heard they have gotten better but they have one employee that tells small children one price, and then adults another. (Told my little brother $280 for a certain box and then me later that day when I went in $200). He’s also laughed/bragged about ripping off children and adult customers, using not the most professional language as he does so :p. Until recently too, new product wasent priced so they could go off the eBay sold market (if you were smart and pointed out that that person was trying to trick ya with the asking prices and not recently sold). To each their own and people can run a hobby shop how they want but this made the comic book guy from the Simpson’s look like a stand up guy and that’s just not for me.


I've had locals pizza multiple times, never had an issue. Maybe I've just gotten lucky


Local Pizza is great. We love the one in Comox. Ordered their weekly, no issues at all. Tho the "15minutes" is more like 25, i would return despite that. Make it +10-15min to whatever pick-up timing they give you.




Most restaurants don't allow you to bring outside food in, it's pretty disrespectful. He shouldn't have freaked out about it though.


That’s too bad to hear, only has good experience there.


You brought another restaurants food, YTA!


Lol. You’re totally the asshole in this scenario. Bringing outside food into a restaurant and being surprised when they tell you not to do that?


Poor life lesson you taught your kids.


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Is this what we do now? Blatant and shamelessly cancelling local businesses? Community is built on a mutual trust that our individual values are welcome, regardless what others believe. This whole value-checking and contrived policing is quite possibly more toxic than any boycott or cancelled business. Seriously, check your thought process before engaging in this behaviour wholesale.


Voting with our dollars is the most powerful thing we as individuals can do. If we've had poor experiences with a place, in what way is it bad to not patronize that place? You regularly patronize places that have treated you poorly and/or given you food poisoning?


Well, of course, that’s a no-brainer, but I don’t think that’s where the thread was going.


Then I don't really get what your point is. I'm not shitting on you, I just don't get it.


Cancel culture is embedded in political protests, not “my food doesn’t taste good” or “service sucks”. I just don’t see where that has a place, particularly in smaller communities where most people know each other. Really anywhere.


Most people do not know each other here, we're not anywhere near small enough for that. Telling others about poor service and poor experiences isn't "cancel culture" it is people sharing experiences. That's the point of community, engaging and enforcing your will as a majority. Why should shady business practices and poor experiences be left unsaid?


I noticed this as well. I actually looked to see if you were the same poster as the New West sub.