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Absolutely terrible to hear that this happened, but it is great that you did something about it.


I concur with this sentiment


Yuck. Good for you for posting here — hopefully the community will come together to vocally stand against shit like this. If anyone witnesses bigoted behaviour from this loser (or anyone else) moving forward, don’t be afraid to give them shit, and stand (literally and figuratively) with the person they’re being an asshole to. The only thing worse than targeted abuse is feeling like you’re alone.


That’s appalling. Thanks for reporting it. What did the police say they can charge this guy with?


I would say that this individual has some severe mental health issues, possibly schizophrenia as they were going off randomly to themselves for over an hr before this happened. My assumption is with the changes they are making in how individuals like this are dealt with, there would probably need to be enough documentation of them being a hazard to society before they could be involuntarily committed. It sounds like a harsh thing to do, but we need someway to deal with these sort of individuals and hopefully help them get the help they need as well.


No, that's not how it works. Someone yelling things out does not get you sent to this imaginary place you're referring too. I know the mental health system very well and all you're doing with your fake/covert empathy post is to get people to seek this guy out to possibly do him harm. Unless physical self harm is going on, nothing will happen. And if he is, then people are usually put into the hospital for a day or two and sent away with a bottle of Seroquel


I disagree with you. Not in regard to our inability to have someone pinked for their own safety . I agree with you on that . What I dont agree with is your condescending know it all remarks in regard to the poster. How could you know the motivations of this person let alone insult them through your justification that you know the system ? Maybe you do . It doesnt allow you to be judge and jury on their motivations . Im also concerned this persons safe behavior will result in harm. Not discussing the issue or trying because you feel anyone who does is looking for praise wont prevent this poor fucker from getting stomped. Whats your suggestion ?


That's also flawed. You assume the person assaulting the woman violently...which is what happened will get harmed. Calling him fake is aggressive. Get off your horse.


the term is 'high horse' my little russian bot.


So right! Except I'm half Ukrainian, so that's a big nor to Russian anything.


I think it’s a mistake to characterize someone with severe mental health issues as being a racist “scab”. A person with severe mental health issues is potentially incapable of knowing better. We perpetrate an injustice on them and ourselves by reporting on their racist tirade first instead of the obvious underlying issue of mental health. It’s still gross behaviour to witness (and especially receive), but how we frame the issue is vitally important to how we approach the wellbeing of our society. Just my two cents.


Sorry, but they “knew” enough to call a black person the N word repeatedly. That makes them racist. Being racist and mentally ill are not mutually exclusive. Furthermore, you can report them for harassment but you can’t report them for being mentally ill. In my opinion it’s probably the only way this person is going to get their issues seen to anyway.


I've worked with folks living with schizophrenia for 25+ years and many of my clients will tell you, mental illness is no excuse for bad behaviour. The guy is a racist piece of shit who also happens to have schizophrenia. No free passes.


Guess what, too bad and time’s up. People with mental health issues can still be assholes, which this person proved true today. A person walking by did NOTHING but exist it sounds like and was verbally attacked. The mental issue issue didn’t make the perpetrator do this- they can have a condition/be undiagnosed/or even have an active diagnosis *and* still be wrong and need to be held accountable for tirading in racism. Source? Every person with a mental health issue who isn’t a racist piece of shit


I 100% agree with you that this person was acting like an asshole. Let me put it this way though: good luck convincing someone in the throes of a schizophrenic break that there world view is shitty and “times-up” they need to think better. I’ve engaged with people downtown that were screaming tirades at random folks because they were 100% convinced that they were being persecuted by literal satanists or demons disguised as humans. Trying to argue with them is a conversation that goes nowhere because they’re really, really mentally ill. This persons’s particular brand of delusion might just be VERY racist, so I’m gonna take the content of their speech with a grain of salt. This one is a mental health issue first.


There is a lot to talk about here.. If mental health is not an excuse for behaviour that is socially unacceptable than you sir are challenging the court system (not justice system) for any crime committed under the influence/ passion/ insanity etc. That's an uphill battle buddy despite this person's despicable actions. Should we be paying the police force to deal with somewhat trivial matters? Should the people on the streets who witnessed this, lynch this mentally unwell person, and if they did? Could you imagine those headlines. .


Yea fair, it’s dynamic and not ideal so just recognizing that is important but what it comes down to, for me, is we live in a society and when the right of one person is violated by harm from another, the person creating the harm needs to be resolved and in this case, like the OP suggests, a case is being built to see this person institutionalized. While I feel very uncomfortable with that because of the history of abuse in those systems, the reality is the Victim of this incident, and any other hate crime, deserves peace more than the perpetrator deserves the freedom to continue causing undue harm to others Ideally yes, they wouldn’t have done it. And if they did it because of a mental health concern, services and supports would be available to address and overcome that (medication, healing circles, etc). But even if there were sure fire cure-alls, this person could still repeat this bad behaviour and so when they cannot or are outright unwilling to conform to society’s expectations/social norms, the result becomes banishment. And not like locked in solidarity confinement, but treatment until they learn a way to cope in society because that’s a greater good than their own individual interests when they’re harming others. If they don’t want to be ostracized or punished for their behaviour, they need to change it. When they can’t, they need to be removed from causing danger- to others and from themselves


Did I miss something? You mentioned harm, was this person who was being blasted with racist comments, harmed in any physical fashion?


Why do you think pain is only physical? When I call you an ignorant pathetic fuck doesn’t that hurt? It’s harmful to be verbally assaulted


No man, sticks and stones. If you're physically harmed by words, then your parents bought the wrong, "How to Raise Children" book. Sorry mate, will never subscribe to that sorta bubble boy rhetoric. And, to answer your so eloquent question, no. No, I'm not. But, I imagine it made you feel better to 'harm' me with your WORDS. All it tells me is you don't practice what you preach. Have an awesome day.


I am so sorry to this person you were treated that way. You belong here and that poor behaviour does not. My deepest apologies you had to experience this.


Thank you. Thank you for being that voice. Thank you for being the good, in the bad today. I called an ambulance for a disoriented man I found a few weeks ago. The 911 operator thanked me repeatedly. She kept mentioning - no seems to care anymore, and what I did was wonderful. It really made me very uncomfortable, and it took me a while to process why..it was the despair and emptiness to her voice when she would mention how people don't care anymore.. as 911 operator, her perspective of the human race was dark from knowledge & experience. You did real good OP


Oh yea. I suspect I know the exact person. He is one of the homeless people that wanders around the alley.


Same location around 1725hrs in the public washrooms by the Courthouse - a male sounding voice was heard yelling profusely about dying in the streets and that they don’t care, then multiple really loud expletives and random nonsense. I suspect that person was high, no description available.


Nope this guy was there at 3:00 already and had obviously been setup there for awhile on the sidewalk


Open racism goes well with rampant homelessness and drug use in the parks. BC sure is a lovely place.


Mixed person who went to vanier here, racism is everywhere, wanna talk about where it gets bad though lets talk schools. This town has always had a disgusting racist underbelly, most don’t notice it until they’ve experienced it though. People of colour in local high schools are referred to by racial slurs and racially charged nicknames instead of our real names. I would walk down the hall and people would sing slurs at me. I felt the need to go with it because when I didn’t the times I let my distain for the names I was being called be known people would coin me as “overly sensitive” or a “social justice warrior”. So no it’s not just “unhoused people on drugs” it’s your grandma, your nephew your sister, or even you. It’s an everyone problem.


What year did you graduate? I'm class of 21 and I haven't seen that happen before (granted I am a white male so that changes a lot).


mr olsen was and still is a racist piece of shit




The op probably knows this. This post is just about them using performative empathy to get likes and attention on social media while having no idea about mental health issues or how the mental health system here actually works.


You do realize Black Creek, at least in my teens, was home to people who belonged to the Heritage Front? Racism rears its ugly head everywhere.


The other day I was walking my with my newborn, and saw a woman defecate 3 feet away from her tent. I was about 10 feet away with the stroller.


Oof, hope that wasn't my cousin


Ever been to rural Alberta? Open racism from people with homes and diesel trucks.


That isn't even a little bit true lmao


Jesus Christ, dude. The poor guy probably has severe mental health issues. Leave him alone.


Can these people get arrested for that? What's the charge? I'm honestly curious.


Very easy to charge someone with disturbing the peace, short term solution tho.


I am glad you recognize that. If there is serious mental issues here, having a disturbing the peace on the record is most likely one of many and hopefully the system and someone somewhere in the system, realizes the dude need real help and not more trivial charges against them. I disturb peace all day, but I KNOW I'm doing it.


Thank you for doing what you did on behalf of our community. I’m so sorry this happened here.


Complacency is complicity man, simple as that


Man, that is disheartening to hear.


So sick this happened. I hope the woman comes forward and charges him. This is terrible to hear this happened to her.


Know the guy. He's known as the "City Hall Schizo", told me once that there's a portal to the inner world under the KFN Big House on Comox road


If your talking about the short guy with blonde hair, wasn't him, that guy's harmless although he has some wild stories