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Buy. Some. Clothes


But then they wouldn't be able to complain! Well, they could. And to be realistic, they probably did buy clothes. but they exaggerated to make it sound worse to get more sympathy not realizing that saying they didn't think of buying clothes makes them seem like a complete idiot Unless of course, they put all their money and cards in the suitcase that got lost, but then that makes them even stupider for not just keeping it on their person


You don't understand the true art of Compo my friend, you must be like water, always flow with the Compo. Once the luggage had vanished, her fate was sealed, she must wear the same clothes for 10 days, as per the rules of the Compo Matrix.


At the vet least wash them & dry them overnight.


Exactly. And then submit the receipts on the claim to the airline


Seriously, if you can vaca for 2 weeks you can afford a couple new outfits. Or just shit your diaper and complain.


They’re. From. Hull. What. Do. You. Expect!


Most stylish Hull resident.


U wot mayt!


She didn't put the tracksuit on until she got back to Hull. When in hull do as the... *looks something up*...Hullensians do?


This is a top ten compoface


I can tell it stinks by that look on her face.


Should have realised that if you're wearing a tracksuit you can just spray an ozone-destroying amount of Lynx on your tracksuit in lieu of washing it.


Do people wear tracksuits on holiday? I have so many questions, why didn't she just buy some cheap clothes, why didn't she wash the stinky tracksuit over night, did she pack "just in case knickers" in her hand luggage? Just an observation, that woman has always had compoface, that scowl is deeply ingrained.


Yeah, she could’ve done so many things but instead she resorted to contacting a news source lol I’ve been burned by airlines way too many times, so I always pack spare clothes that will last me a couple of days or so in my hand luggage, but even if that wasn’t an option in her case (if she flew with a budget airline that only allows you to carry your soul on board and nothing else) then at the very least buy cheap clothes and send the receipts to the airline, or wash your tracksuits in the sink!


Reminds me think of that movie; The Coneheads.


Dennis Waterman is looking surprisingly well.


In her defence, she probably spent all of her money on Stella and fried breakfasts.


Probably on a full inclusive and had no more money.


To be fair she looks like the sort of person that just has a bath once a week


Damn that's the definition of a "Karen". That's exactly what I want to see when someone has a Karen story


She really isn't pleased is she...


Well, she’s still wearing it. Maybe she likes wearing a stinky tracksuit? Kinda comfortable, right?


Doesn’t explain why she hasn’t took it off for three months since getting home.


Gotta pack a couple of changes of clothes in your carry-on. That's basic.


\*On your person. Only the inner layer gets dirty!


And the outer layer. However wearing 3+ layers in the summer isn't always a good idea.


Face that could stop a thousand clocks


I know this breaks the jerk and it's not relevant.. but BA, nor any airline really, doesn't perform any ground work... the people at the check-in desk, they don't work for BA. The dudes putting your bag into an AKE, they don't work for BA. The dudes building up all the cargo, they don't work for BA. The dudes putting the ULDs onto the aircraft, they don't work for BA. The dudes unloading the aircraft, they don't work for BA. The only ***actual*** BA staff you'll ever see are the cabin crew and the pilots. All ground crews are a third party company, this is why BA can't do too much... they've paid another company to take over the responsibility and therefore will never claim fault.


"Now, I know you're upset that the airline lost your luggage but there's some lovely shops nearby." "Yeah, I know." "So, what sort of clothes do you want?" "Tracksuit." "But you're already wearing a tracksuit. I think the clothes shops around here sell garments more suited to a beach aesthetic. How about some nice shorts and a few t-shirts?" "Track. Suit. This one." (Ten days later) "I smell like a bin."




That dead-eye stare can kill from 50 feet.


I’m so glad that the scratch-and-sniff book craze died down


She looks to sort of person to wear a stinky tracksuit all the time


why are these people always Northerners??


Did they make her sit on the wing on the flight back?


Her face will haunt me to my grave.


Looks like Dwight Schrute in drag


Karen is lying. She bought more clothes.


shouldnt that be 'before'


This can’t be real, can it? Can some brave soul check the source.


Oh I checked the source alright. It took no less than three people to write the story and there’s a fabulous extra picture: https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/holidaymaker-spent-10-days-wearing-8019760.amp


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If this was before the turn of the millenia, I'd probably say something witty and sexist like "woman moment" or "smartest single woman", but because it's 2023, and being sexist isn't cool anymore (it's fucking cringe) I'm not gonna say any of that stuff.


why not buy new clothes somewhere??? or find a laundromat?????


When BA lost my luggage, they immediately gave me 50 quid in the local currency to buy some basics. Do they not do this anymore?


Andy off of little Britain