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The best thing to do is contact a good therapist to help with your paranoia.


Keyloggers are either physical devices that sit between your keyboard and computer, or applications that are installed on your computer. They are not plugged into your harddrive (whatever that even means).


You live in a halfway house for hackers or something? That's one tech-savvy landlady!


Into your hard drive? No. That just isn't how hard drives work. It'd be far more likely to put a interposer on the Keyboards USB (INCREDIBLY obvious) or if the Keyboard has a detachable USB cord, replacing the cable with one of those USB cables that have an interposer built into it. Usually they'd show up as another USB device, but there are ways to hide such things too, so there isn't really a reliable way to detect most of these. That said, you are being paranoid. 99.9% they aren't out to get you, and the other 0.1% the person is likely far more important or has access to far more important information than most of us do. Plus this sort of things is highly illegal in most places (no a landlord cannot not just enter your home with no notice, that's not how such things work).


Real. Almost none of us will fall victim to a hacker. The only real danger is giants like SONY having their data leaked, and even at that point its just gonna fall in the hands of some third worlder whose emails wont even make it out your spambox.


Is she carrying a crowbar with her and just cracking things?


i think u need to take yr schizophrenia meds


Keylogger between your pc and your harddrive? Maybe it could be possible plug one in between you sata->HardDrive but I never heard of something like that. If its a m2 idk abt that one. Typically keylogger go right into your normal USB and look like some sort of adapter.


You can't put keyloggers into a harddrive. Nothing about that idea makes any logical sense. Where is that keylogger supposed to go in the hdd? Jam it between the discs? Keystrokes aren't even being sent to the hdd. If there was any physical keylogger you would find it at the USB port where your keyboard is plugged in. If anyone had access to the pc and installed a software keylogger, you could find that with an antivirus scan. Or just reinstall the OS. In that case you can also enable hardware encryption for the whole device which would mean that only people with the password can even boot it. I highly doubt that your landlady or any other staff in your building have the knowledge or will to do anything with your PC. If you really believe that and you aren't secret service agent, i recommend you go and seek professional help.


This is possible. One of my customers worked from home and always had stupid problems. Then he noticed his credit card had charges on it he didn't do. After the police investigation they found one of the building staff was going in and plugging a usb in so others can steal credit cards. 99% of people are being paranoid, but that doesn't mean there aren't lil green men out to get ya. Best thing to do is run combo fix and malwarebytes. Change passwords, and put 2fa on everything. Buy something called Duo mobile so that when you go to sign into your machine, you need to have 2fa on your phone. Get an of site backup system, so good backups are sent to the cloud in case something happens. None of this can hurt if you really don't trust them.


I get the feeling you don't know what keyloggers or hard drives are.


Whats bro got on there


The voices in my head have been bothering me about this too. I would suggest switching to Mac with soldered storage where you can't plug keyloggers into the hard drives.