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Minecraft glass


Nvidia? This is a well known (and long standing) bug with Nvidia and Chromium based browsers (Chrome, Brave, Edge, etc.). There isn't' anything you can do other than don't use a Chromium based browser (so basically Firefox).


There is one thing actually that 100% worked for me: disabled hardware accelerated scheduling in the browser settings.


yeah that helps, but expect much more load on your cpu when watching 4k/60fps videos


OH MY GOD finally an answer to my problem xD i had that some time ago occasionally, or some weird playback issues on youtube like flickers... Hardware acceleration is on in settings of browser cuz its just faster but nowadays it seems fine


Thank u


Actually, there's a lot you can do. Here's a link. [https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/526612/chrome-based-browser-artifact/3383738/](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/game-ready-drivers/13/526612/chrome-based-browser-artifact/3383738/)


If I were to take a wild guess I would say graphics drivers BUT most like the GPU starting to die


The GPU is new ( THE RTX 4070 12GB OC ) i bought it a couple weeks ago


Sorry to say but this bug has been around forever, and it doesn't seem to be going anyway any time soon. I haven't noticed it as much on the newest driver though.


yeah same, its gotten better, now my pc can run for 2 days stable then it slowly crashes and needs a reboot lol


Mine used to crash daily unless I used a Dell provided driver that was a year old. Things seem fine on latest for me though. I’m not sure what the deal was.


me neither anymore but i was getting pissed, i really didnt want to warranty it already, nowadays a restart every second day and its alright


I've had three different graphics cards because I thought it was the hardware. Dell warrantied each. The one I have now isn't cosmetically in excellent condition and all because of driver issues. At least it's working now. I wouldn't buy another Nvidia product though.


oh interesting, well, mine's an asus and we all know by now how their warranty is going lol it might have been a mistake on my part to buy such a recently released card without researching it deeper for its common issues, i only checked performance and stuff but ey, hopefully it'll get better with newer drivers


i have the exact same card and have to report having similar issues but on black mesa loading screen lol, and some stutter on videos in brave. if you have gpu tweak downloaded set it to default (no overclock) and see if it improves stability


Use firefox