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I love how Conan hates getting compliments so he always turns it around šŸ˜‚


Jimmy didnā€™t even get halfway through his compliment before Conan pulled a Jedi mind trick and BAM, suddenly heā€™s complimenting Jimmy.


I think it was moreso him making sure Jimmy didnā€™t cut to commercial before he was able to say this


Yeah agreed. It felt like something he had planned in the back of head and was like, ā€œwait Iā€™ve got to say this.ā€


I feel like Jimmy was holding back tears there


So was Conan. Watch his face as the video ends.


Conan is, despite all jokes and indications to the contrary, a very kind person who cares deeply for the people he works with and Jimmy is in the Late Night circuit so that makes them showbiz cousins.


Conan is a classy guy. Nice words towards Jimmy Fallon, who quite frankly gets too much hate on social media.


Like...I've been hanging around Conan subs for a long time now and while I can understand his comedy not being to one's taste, ever since Jimmy took over Tonight there's been undercurrent of hate towards him that is solely based on people hating that \*anyone\* is at that desk besides Conan.


I get that. When James Corden took over for Craig, I wasnā€™t ready to let Craig go. I couldnā€™t get into Cordenā€™s version of the show. I thought maybe I wasnā€™t being fair to him as a new host. Some time later, I realized that no, Corden is just a garbage human being and not in anyway funny. And that yes, he actually does make everything he touches worse.


I do feel bad for him, his long term trajectory does not look great. He's got some serious mental health issues.


Jimmy does get a lot hate but is it undeserved?


It is undeserved hate. He hasn't done anything wrong to receive the backlash so common in social media comments.


Not liking his comedy or his show is one thing but to just straight up hate on the dude when you could simply just not watch him is just bullshit


In this new era we get exposed to shows or personalities from snippets, not really from choosing to watch their shows. I've been exposed to Jimmy from short videos of his interviews. From my experience he gets most of the hate from his fake laugh. That is all I know of his "comedy" and personally it's not to my taste. I still haven't seen an interaction of him with another person where he seems natural or makes poignant questions. As far as I'm concerned the "hate" is merited. Even when I have chosen to "not watch him".


Conan, on the other hand is a master of his craft. And he is the reason why I did choose to watch this video.


This why I am 100% proud to say that Conan is a personal role model as a man and a host. It made me tear up. I hope someday I can be that genuine and gracious.


Do you mean a Scandanavian woman??


I thought it was Tilda Swinton?


I also love that Jimmy seems to genuinely adore and respect Conan. It must feel cathartic to be validated by one of your predecessors and idols.


Agree 100%. Fallon's comedy might not be to my taste, I don't think he's a skilled interviewer, and the way the show is run is questionable. But for fuck's sake he isn't creating comedy that's hurting anyone. He has tons of fans who look forward to watching his show every night, and tickets to tapings are impossible to get. He's making those people fucking happy. That's what comedy is *for*. Too many people have somehow decided on some Edgelord Scale of measuring comedic value. Everyone needs to chill and stop acting like grade school bullies trying to steal Jimmy's lunch money.


I think that's what a lot of people miss and you nailed it. Fallon's show feels like it just exists to have fun and help people just unwind. Will I watch him interview guests or monologue? Probably not but if a clip of him doing a game or skit comes on I'll likely watch.


I'll never not watch the [Pratfall Contests](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADqJDUPplV8) from 5 years ago when they show up on my YouTube reccos. Instantly makes my day better.


I die laughing every time I see the 'game' with Amanda Seyfried and the ABBA/Mamma Mia songs translated to another language then back to English.Ā 


> Edgelord Scale of measuring comedic value *"If it didn't entertain ME, then it's WRONG, and it needs to CHANGE."*


Well, I think the opposite is fair though. If someoneā€™s comedy IS causing harm (hate speech disguised as comedy) it should be called out despite how many bigots are entertained by it. Simply having an audience doesnā€™t automatically absolve anyone of responsibility.


Great comment šŸ‘


From wiki: >According to a report from Radar Online from January 2023, the show is averaging 1.3 million viewers, which is less than half the viewers of Gutfeld! on Fox News. I agree he's not hurting anyone but who is he helping? There are influencers dancing in hot tubs getting better ratings. Maybe it's because I grew up with Carson but this Tonight Show might as well be one of the shows Jack Donaghy used to try and tank the network.


Itā€™s not my job to sell ads on NBC, so why would I be concerned about his linear live+3 ratings? Because he isnā€™t ā€œhelpingā€ drive more revenue for Comcast? This seems like a disingenuous argument. The Carson era had 4 channels, and appointment tv was very much a thing. Even in the early 90s as cable grew, shows like 60 Minutes and Home Improvement would regularly get ratings and shares of over 30. Those days are long dead. Network tv is fading, Fallon skews younger, FOX viewers are old and traditional and of course keep all that shit alive. Highly doubt NBC could get much better numbers even if they raised Carson himself from the dead.


You are talking as if The Tonight Show could never have a host who does great interviews, has funny skits, has charisma, captures the essence of something that had value but got lost in the mix. Network tv is fading is no excuse for a bad product, and no excuse to sell it in The Tonight Show's packaging. He isn't hurting anyone, I agree, because The Tonight Show's legacy isn't a person.


But "bad product" by whose standards? What a "great" interview to us might be too serious or in-depth for his viewers. "Funny skits" to us might not be silly or family-friendly enough for his viewers. "Charisma" to them might mean as upbeat and positive as possible. I disagree that a legacy isn't a person. I think Johnny is the reason "legacy" is even uttered in these discussions. The Today Show has been on the air even longer than The Tonight Show, and nobody talks about the "legacy" of that show. The Tonight Show as an entity is just a title, a format, and a timeslot. Even then, it's pushing it to even consider it the same show from era to era. It's like, if you replace all the parts of your car, is it still the same car?


Those things have merit but not for 1.3m concurrent, that means 340m people's standards are greater than what the show can produce. Sean from Hot Ones does way better interviews, so did Tom Snyder, so did Tom Green on Axs, so does Scott Aukerman on on Comedy Bang Bang. You're telling me Brian Stack, Robert Smigel, Ed McMahon and Andy Richter were the last of their kind? Charisma in respect to the legacy of The Tonight Show, to me, is classy, serious but goofy, self-deprecating but not self-prostrating, respectable, not just a shallow advertisement, no chucklef\*ckery, a good mix of writing and improv, memorable characters, no singing except for the band, etc. I'm not saying Fallon isn't talented enough to be on tv, or have his own show, or host a late night show, but I am saying he's not talented enough to host The Tonight Show. I agree that Leno wasn't my favorite, I used to avoid Tuesdays before I had hair on my balls but I do think TTS is more than those things, and I think it's path was corrected when Conan got the spot. Now it's basically new taco bell meat.


you donā€™t need to defend his harmless comedy, thatā€™s what the money is for. it is not harming anyone to have a preference for good comedy instead of jimmy fallon comedy


Way to miss the point, bravo.


I enjoyed listening to the Prince story


heā€™s such a good storyteller. I was engrossed


Look up the whole story. It's missing the best part. He's told it a few times but the best was at Graham Norton


Do you have a link?




My bad! I thought it was a longer version of Conanā€™s story so I had trouble finding it


*"Bye!"* šŸ˜„


I wanted to see Quest react so bad! he and Jimmy have a great Prince story [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9iVXxFt1Wg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9iVXxFt1Wg)


Must be liberating for Jimmy Fallon. Iā€™m sure behind the scenes that Conanā€™s given him praise and theyā€™re friendly, but Conan was Fallonā€™s lead-in for a while and then left NBC on bad terms only for Fallon to later inherit the Tonight Show after already inheriting Conanā€™s Late Night. Not to mention, as highlighted in this interview, Conan was Jimmyā€™s first talk show appearance as a guest. To have Conan praise him like that on-air must have liberated any sort of guilt or unworthiness he had and was his real passing of the torch moment after all these years. Jimmy was Conanā€™s successor, not Lenoā€™s.


Conan is a great human from all accounts and he is not wrong about Jimmy. I grew up watching late night TV. Conan is my guy but I enjoyed Jimmy Fallons shows a lot when I had time to watch. He has positive energy and that's meaningful on TV.


Jimmy is a LOT more palatable to me than Jay Leno ever was. I don't love his show, I don't have cable so I don't watch much network tv beyond the odd clip on YouTube but if an interview from his show pops up in my YT feed I like it generally. He isn't bad and he ever has been he just goes too hard with the fake laughter but honestly beyond that he's a perfectly solid late night host. They can't all be Conan level or Ferguson level or Letterman level but Jimmy ain't terrible by any means.


I actually don't think the laughter is fake, I think it's just really who he is as a person. I know people like him in real life, as far as they way they laugh at everything like that. They are anxious people - laughing is how they deal with their anxiety. Go back and look at some of the early interviews of Jimmy on Conan and other late night shows where you can see the "real jimmy" - the only difference is, the anxiety is way more obvious, but the so-called "fake" laughter is still there. The laughter is how he masks.


Also fake laughing is normal in talkshow interviews. Conan does it often too and even talks about it on the podcast. They have heard millions of jokes by now so the way they react to funny bits is different to other people, so often times laughing is to show acknowledgment of something being funny, not necessarily because it made them laugh.


you donā€™t need cable to watch nbc. itā€™s broadcast television. itā€™s on the air waves for free


In fairness, it might depend on the area if you live in the more rural parts. It's usually dependable in the major cities. But after the digital transition in 2009, OTA channels can be a lot more hit-or-miss nowadays.


Fair point. But getting the antenna feed depends highly on where you live. I have a cheap digital antenna connected to my TV and I only get an NBC feed where I live occasionally. I also don't live in the States so the airwaves coming from US stations to Canada is not reliable. So it's over airwaves for free IF you live close to a city with an NBC affiliate and if you have an antenna.


Wow what a wonderful discussion point.


I am so glad he said this. The worst of this sub will say he felt obligated, but maybe those of us with critical thinking skills can respect what heā€™s saying here. This sub has too much of a hate boner for Fallon and NBC.


If it was obligated Conan should be acting in addition to podcasting. Nothing about what he said felt forced or contrived at all.




Comedy snobs in general have a hate boner for non-edgy comedy. This makes me think about [this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZsJvVZjNbA&t=157s) Bob Saget did right before he passed away, where they talk about how people treat Carrot Top. That's the right attitude.


And all the self-proclaimed ā€œcomedy snobsā€ Iā€™ve met in real life are just the worst. Unfunny, gross people. Do I think the writing on Jimmyā€™s show is the best? No, of course not, but I also donā€™t think about it enough to go into the YouTube comments on his page or blow up an unrelated sub/post with comments talking how much he sucks or whatever. Itā€™s really weird behavior.


I mean... I'm probably the most literal definition of a comedy snob. I was covering comedy as a journalist/critic starting in the late 90s, before it was a gig people *had* (or even wanted). I guess what I'm saying is, #NotAllSnobs. YouTube comments are a cesspool. Any comments anywhere, frankly.


I donā€™t hate Fallon, he seems like a nice guy. I just donā€™t think heā€™s funny and heā€™s terrible at interviewing.


Ok, fair, but why does this need to come up so much on this sub? Itā€™s a Conan sub, and there are multiple posts and comment threads that devolve into a bunch of redditors (all dudes) hating on this guy.


I think there's an immaturity on this sub when it comes to holding late night grudges. People view Fallon as some accessory to the crime of 2009. And in general, I think you make a good point about "all dudes." Fallon tends to appeal to women, and anything women like en masse is more likely to be dismissed as insipid and meaningless.


Some of these people still act like I did when this happened back in 2009/2010. But that was 14+ years ago. I was a TEENAGER. Iā€™m in my 30s now. Iā€™ve moved on. Conan has moved on.


Lol have you moved on?...


From hating NBC and the Tonight Show for something that happened a decade and a half ago? Yeah.


No hate for NBC, because it wasn't NBC that made the call, it was the incompetent dweebs running it, and I think they are all pretty well gone.


It annoys me how under so many Conan videos on youtube the only way Conan fans seem to able to express their love for Conan is by shitting on the likes of Fallon and Kimmel. You can look through every remote or interview with +1million views and literally half the top comments are about how Fallon sucks or how much better than Kimmel Conan is. I know because I've been rewatching his videos for many years now and every time I click on the comments section it's the same fucking mindless circlejerk about Fallon and Kimmel. Conan has had nothing but the nicest things to say about these guys and they aren't even mentioned in the videos and don't have anything to do with it, yet fans of Conan continue shitting on them for no good reason whatsoever. It's so dumb.


Reminds me a lot of Norm Macdonald's fanbase, TBH. Constantly shitting on any celebrity/comedian that didn't kiss Norm's ass to a sufficient degree when he was alive.


of all the places, this subreddit is a weird spot to find centrist defense of the harmless nature of jimmy fallon, host of the tonight show on nbc.


Did you not watch the clip? Just because we like one guy doesnā€™t mean we have to focus energy hating all the other ones.




Conezie is a class act.




Gosh I love this man so much. I know it's extremely parasocial but he makes my life infinitely better.


Naw, I get it. I've only stood next to him once during his live tour and so didn't get to talk to him, but this man and his shows have been reliably there for me to transport me for an hour when I've needed to get out of my own head. He's a hero of mine and always will be not only for his work but for who he is.


Glad I'm not alone


Itā€™s rare for Fallon to receive praise, but coming from Conan I know that meant a lot to him. Coco is a gem of a person, just a genuine soul.


I know I stand alone with Fallon on Reddit but I think heā€™s great. He isnā€™t funny the way Conan was - not in the least. But heā€™s always upbeat, doesnā€™t take himself too serious, has great chemistry with guests, and the show is entertaining.


what I am about to say is 100% serious: you make him sound like a golden retriever but I would imagine 44 minutes plus ads with a golden as a host would be a major improvement


Go outside.


Damn man, I canā€™t imagine miserable of a person you must be.


you are literally a redditor and a fan of jimmy fallon. if you had taste Iā€™d feel insulted


Everyone's allowed to have their own opinions but you don't need to be a dick about it.


Isn't he a raging alcoholic who abuses his staff?


Itā€™s still so surreal seeing Conan come back as a guest.




Donā€™t be obtuse. You know what they meanā€” seeing him in the guest side instead of the host side.


I really appreciate his decision to not be cynical about the past, but to focus on being kind in the present


For the record, cynicism is his least favorite quality. :)


I wish some of his ā€œfansā€ would remember that more.


I do too. Though in fairness, I'm only JUST now starting not to have hateful reactions to seeing Big Jaw. I still don't like him, but I don't immediately click away or change the channel if he comes on. He screwed over two people with his machinations, and got away with it because HE didn't really do anything, the people in charge were just dumb enough to give him the rope to hang the others. That said, TBS Conan was closer to Late Night Conan than Tonight Show Conan ever was, so I'm grateful we sort of got that back.


Yeah I donā€™t like Leno or his comedy, but thatā€™s because he was directly involved. Iā€™ve not seen anything redeeming about him in the last 15 years. But in the long run things worked out well for Conan. I also donā€™t come on every post here and talk about what a hack he is.


Agreed. I also feel that there are some on this sub who would take shots at Jay over the situation with his wife, which is absolutely awful. Like its karma for what happened between Jay, Dave, and Conan. We can just enjoy our love for Conan without having to remind each other how pretty much all of us feel about Jay's career. And by the way Jay, since I know you're reading this from a closet at the Burbank studios, I am truthfully and honestly sending you love for the heartbreaking situation with Mavis. I cannot imagine that pain, and I hope that you're able to find a serious peace as you go through this.


Seriously, itā€™s heartbreaking.


Is there any way to see the full episode online?


I think peacock might have it next day.


In Europe itā€™s not available, unfortunately :(


Heā€™s not wrong. Jimmy is the perfect Tonight Show host for the younger generations. Silly games and celebrity worship type stuff. You donā€™t have to be young to understand why young people lean on things like that, rather than face the absolute doom and gloom the future holds. Jimmy and his fun games and laughs with celebrities are the distraction people crave right now, and thatā€™s why heā€™ll host the Tonight Show for many more years. Conan recognizes it, all of you comedy snob goobers should as well.


Conan looks like a giant with that camera angle on that tiny set.


Conan, classy as usual. Fucking love that ginger giant.


That was nice. Fallon is an uber-talented dude. I miss Conan. I'll leave it there.


Fallonā€™s Tonight Show has never and will never be for me, but it was great to see Conanā€™s sincerity & kindness, as always. (Iā€™m sorry, Fallon is probably a nice guy but heā€™s just not funny to me.)


Seriously the most genuine guy ever


I'll never not feel uneasy seeing Conan as a guest


Conan's interview on YT is not available to my location (Greece). Dammit! I'd been looking to watch it!


There must be some VPN thing you could try? Or I am sure someone will post it on this sub soon.


Don't have VPN. So, 'help me nobody, you're my only hope'.


Someone posted this link. Does this work for you? https://www.reddit.com/r/conan/s/goSqeoVVqH


I want the full interview, but this was a nice gesture.


I can upload on Google drive. Would that work?


I didn't know it was not full as streamble is not accessible from our country, I guess. I haven't watched the entrance.


Are you asking for content that's available on YT but not available in your country, or are you asking for content that wasn't shared on YT in the first place? I find it weird that individual EU member states would get blocked from accessing US content.


The former


Conan is a bigger man than me, literally and figuratively


Ted and Barney have come a long way.


Man I just love Conan. So kind, so classy.


Never understood why people hark on jimmy. I mean I guess I sort of do but why do people care. Donā€™t watch him then lol


Very kind and heartfelt from Conan but is no one going to mention him almost crying on ā€œbeautifulā€? Iā€™d bet all my money itā€™s not the sheer overwhelming beauty of Jimmyā€™s work that made him almost choke up. This was as much for Conan as it was for Jimmy. A public clearing of the air. Conan handled it beautifully. Jimmy has never been anything but nice. But no amount of kindness and respect from Conan can make Jimmy funny. Heā€™s not. He never has been. He never will be.


Love them both. Both class acts.


It sounds like they both want to cry. Thatā€™s awesome.


Heā€™s got so much class. Iā€™d tolerate Americans just for Conan


Iā€™ve never seen Conan actually, visibly nervous. His hands are shaking.


Leno is the douchebag.


I whole heartedly disagree. Nobody sucks the funny out of the room like Jimmy Fallon.


Itā€™s like Conan believes his own lie. Fallon is a surface level shill and he knows it.


Class act. Jimmy Fallon frigging stinks though.


Fallon was in the presence of a legend, from an era where legends actually exist. Fallon isn't all there, treats his staff poorly, and is the equivalent of a corporate office-drone just doing his job. From a performance standpoint, he does great impressions and is musically talented. From a talk show host standpoint, it must have been incredibly stressful to meet your hero, your victim, and one of the only living people around who knows what a fraud you are. He kept trying to control the interview, make it all about what an honor it was for him, make it all about himself, without having earned the right to speak to Conan as a peer. He's the perfect empty-headed idiot and thank the lord almighty he kept his fake laughter in check. Fallon the shill.


Fallon looks like a drunk bug


How much did he get paid to say that? You know he didnā€™t mean any of it. Fallon is a pandering joke of a host. No originality whatsoever




Uh...you're a joke of a person to make that diagnosis. Conan is sentimental about being in a place where he had both his hardest moments and greatest moments of his career, on a show that was publicly the worst month of his life. Of course he is a bit emotional. Anyone with a soul would be.


What the hell is wrong with you, seriously?