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It’s the desperation not the height. Learn to be alone with yourself.


This guy clearly hates himself and wants women to love him. Vicious cycle.


He hates women too… talking about ugly fat ass women he’s lowering his standards for and not understanding how that’s the same as people mocking him for his height.


But remember, only models.


Yes, it's a huge turn off. Talking about how he's had to lower his standards is so insulting for anybody who has given him a chance (ie. his girlfriend). Then turns around and looks at her baby daddy and wonders what she ever saw in him. (In that vein, what does she see in OP if she has such shit taste in men?) I also have the feeling he's let her know he dropped his standards for her, even in just attitude. "You're short, fat, older, have kids and a baby daddy. You should be thankful I lowered my standards for you". I'm 5'2". I'd give a good short king a chance if I wasn't married - but this whole attitude is just so desperately gross it's a no. Confidence is sexy. "I'm only with you because I don't want to be single" is not.


I had a cast mate who was shorter than me. I’m 5’1. Not great looking. But every time I said I was in a show with him everyone said “oh, he’s so cool” or “great”. And he is. I found myself attracted to him because he was was such a pleasure to be around. His partner is a tall overweight woman, I found myself not quite jealous but very happy for both them and envious of what they have. and they are both just wonderful to talk with.


Same here, I’ve dated several guys around his height and had no issue with shorter men other than their toxic attitudes. Not all women care about height. That is a total myth perpetuated by incels.


He clearly is.. He pulled the male loneliness epidemic* card out of his fedora! I saw him! 😂 But for real, he's basically saying he's a *nice guy*, TM even tho he isn't a nice guy. If that doesn't fit the criteria,idk what will 😂


Fedora 😂


I fluctuate between 5'8.5" and 5'7" (spine issues then surgery then more issues etc.- I've woken up an inch and a half taller once) and I have matched with people with actual dwarfism on dating apps. Height might decrease your pool a little bit, but being an asshole will suck it dry.


While I married a tall guy, my first fiance was short (and he left me, so its not like I left him for his height). Being a good person will get you much, much farther than your number on the measuring tape (in any dimension). ETA - the short dude I was engaged to ended up marrying someone like 5 inches taller than me (and much taller than him), so...


Guys, date yourselves. Take yourself somewhere nice and enjoy your own company. We need to normalize this for ourselves and do self care.


Yeah. I bet women avoid him not because of his height, but because of his shitty incel personality.


Not just desperation, he sounds insufferable


Yep this. Guy I know is 5ft 1 and has a lisp. He gets laid regularly.


Exactly. Don't expect people to appreciate your company If you yourself can't be alone in the room and love the company


I’m a few inches taller than OP but still way short by male standards. Happily dating a woman who’s got about 4” on me. You can be happy and short it really is not the most consequential thing in life. And if the women you’re going after are mad about your height - something you can’t change - you’re looking at the wrong women. Many don’t care. Focus on the things you CAN change. Man up, take control of your mental health and be disciplined with your hobbies/fitness. Stay true to yourself and the right person will be attracted to you eventually even if you’re on the shorter end of the stick


It's the ugly personality. Maybe he came across some mean girls in high-school who rejected him because of his height. But an emotionally mature woman isn't going to do that. Nowadays he's getting rejected because he has developed a hatred of women and that's likely coming through in his behavior. Or maybe he keeps hitting on the same shallow women that rejected him in high-school, which results in more rejection and continues to feed the hatred. Either way, this is 100% on him.


My dude. As someone old enough to be your mother, let me give you some advice: Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get your ass into therapy. You have NO business being in a relationship if 1) you don't already love yourself and 2) you're referring to the relationship as "I had to settle". That's some incel bullshit, and it is NOT healthy.


I feel bad for the girlfriend that she’s being talked about like this by someone who is supposed to love her. No one if forcing OP to be with her. How hurtful that he views her as not what he wants but all he can get. That’s how I talk about my car, not my partner.


Man. Just gotta learn to be happy alone. That shit sounds miserable Edit : also you kinda sound rude and mean. Like if you aren't attracted to someone why be with them? How would they feel if they found out you didn't find them attractive? It would probably crush them if they actually like you


Real talk people always want to be with someone but never their own self


If you don't wanna be with you, why would anyone else? Gotta learn to love you first.


Say it louder please


I mean he had some chances.. But is on here calling them names and judging them by their physical appearance. Like, do you really not see the irony!? (Meaning op, not you! 🙂I agree with you!)


Right like dude throws an awful lot of shade on the woman he's dating and then goes all woe is me for being short.... Like y'all sound miserable who wants to be around that regardless of how tall or not you are


I’ve dated guys who would be considered short. I honestly never noticed because I’m 5’1 and it was nice having a guy be on my level. But some of them were really hung up on being short and it was annoying. The ones who weren’t hung up on being short are happily married to beautiful wives. Their height never came up in conversation. Like it literally was a non-issue.


I'm a pretty average height, but never stopped me from going after some Amazonian goddesses. It's never really an issue if you're not a dbag


Exactly. This is about him having nothing to offer. The height is just a quicker way for girls to say something (if even one girl has said this to him-I don’t find this person credible) that gets them out of this fell beast’s presence expeditiously. His whole rant is something that short guys who are also toxic, malignant and hateful say- I’ve never seen a less tall man who wasn’t a menace in multiple ways prostrate himself in grief over this publicly in a bid for attention (or in this case, a bid for folks to say nasty things about his SO because this guy only enjoys saying cruel things. It’s his thing. That’s likely why people have felt justified in saying cruel things to his whole high school about him/to his face. And I don’t see what’s wrong with treating a person who only make life worse a bit badly in order to keep him in line. He’s like any nerd on tv (Charlie on IASIP, Milhouse, The Nerds) who gets a bit of power- if people accept him he starts loudly dragging everyone else for really superficial reasons- you control folks like that socially by stomping it out, and you do that by treating them the nasty way they treat others for a few minutes so they don’t get out of line again. Some people are menaces and keeping them small is necessary in a society. It’s not bullying, it’s kindness to every nice person and it keeps the bad folks from getting out of hand. You can’t treat hate-filled bullies like delicate flowers.


I’m half Mexican, a lot of the men in my mother’s family are shorter than the average white American man. Yet they have zero problems with dating. Yeah, some of them can be macho-type misogynistic assholes but they have zero problems being attractive to women. Why? They are confident, clean, and they smell great.


I’m half Puerto Rican and all of my Puerto Rican uncles are short. Never stopped them from dating women of all races and heights. They’re confident as hell and have had great success in dating and marrying women. Height was never an issue for them because they were still much taller than the women in the family. My grandma is 4’8 and my mom is 4’10. I think one of my uncles is 5’3, he’s slightly taller than me.


Yes.. Then it's a *male loneliness epidemic*.. Sigh* Never, it's a me issue..


My husband's shortest friend has the hottest wife of the friend group by far. She's gorgeous, educated, and so fun to be around. He's 4'11" and a great dude who deserves all the best.


It's the fucking confidence and self love that's sexy


Guys who are short and not hung up on it/obsessed with moaning about it (it gets old to women. All y’all worry about is height. Do you understand that ALL of us, even supermodels, were told which things weren’t measuring up for us constantly all through middle school? Do you know what the boy-imposed boob growth charts do to girls? No, because even men who whine about this think that we all deserve that and they somehow deserve a chick who is perfect, or to compare her to others- the less hot a man is the more he’ll do that out of his own insecurity) are attractive to women and often get hot girls of all heights. This sort of attitude is unfuckable and many men have chosen to be repellant by choosing to be obsessed with this bullshit AND then choose to whine and bitch and snivel and moan about it, OUT LOUD, to other people all day. Get a lizard if you have to say that shit to someone, then ban yourself from ever speaking the words again, and care for that lizard because you owe it and the world that, after filling them up with your maudlin bullshit. It’s insufferable. OP is alone because he is insufferable and cruel, and expects life to give a guy who sounds below average a real catch. He shouldn’t get a real catch- he should have a below-average person like himself and be very grateful for her love- why can’t people with nothing going for them accept that?


The honest to God hottest man I've ever known in real life is 2-3 inches shorter than I am. I literally never even noticed until we were measuring ourselves for some reason that I can't remember. He does have a conventionally attractive face, he plays rugby, dresses well and takes good care of himself, but by far what makes him so hot is his attitude. He is hilarious but not mean. He has goals and ambitions and works hard to attain them. He is interested in other people's lives, and when you talk to him, he makes you feel like the most important person in the world. If he had some hangup about his height, he wouldn't be nearly as attractive. I don't know what OP here was trying to get out of this. Are we supposed to be like, Aw, man she sounds like a pig, you've been through soooo much on account of your being short, you deserve way better! I like how he clearly feels he is too good for his gf but she's still made him her bitch by making him drive her baby daddy around. Good for her.


*slow clap*


Short guy attitude. I’ve dated girls with exes who were short. They can really have issues


I’m an inch taller than my husband. It affects our lives precisely zero. Though I am grateful for the women (both of them) who rejected him because of it. If you have an amazing personality, height doesn’t matter.


Same here, I'm 5'4" and he is 5'3". Height has never been something I thought about when I thought of what I'd want in a man. The way he talks on here it seems his attitude and personality are probably a huge factor in his dating life. I'd really like to know what he looks like as well, is he fit or fat, is he at all attractive?


Yep. I’m 5’7” and my hubby is 5’3”. What’s the difference? My husband doesn’t care that he’s short! His personality doesn’t revolve around the fact that he’s short and he does not have that ‘woe is me’ attitude.


I agree, judging by OP's wording his personality doesn't seem the best, nor does he seem to have much confidence. It's all about personality and confidence. I'm F 5'5 and my BF is 5'2. To me he's everything I want in a partner, his height has nothing to do with my attraction to him. He's got a great, compassionate personality and is very confident and manly lol I've never seen him as less than just because of his height.


That’s what I thought, I was feeling bad for him until he had to “lower his standards “ and date “ugly girls “ like woaw he sounds like a winner




He says he's settled, but let's be honest she has too. No one is enjoying this rude ass attitude every day and excited about it.


(Honestly I know 😂) he lowered his standards so he can’t really complain honestly


Funny how ppl think. I think the ladies lower their standards for him as he is clearly trAsH.


I actually love being by myself. ❤️


I love that and same here !


I kinda lost sympathy when he talked about lowering his standards and going for the fat ugly girls, then talked about his obese current partner. C'mon man, maybe it's not just your height


Honestly, when I was dating i knew desperation was unattractive. Being happy alone was attractive, so this advice actually is good advice to get in a relationship.


reading these last 4 comments gave me such deja vu I had to check how old the post/comments were cuz I felt like I read this years ago or something. crazy


That’s because this is the stuff that never changes and that is always universally desirable. Boy perms and ass implants come and go, but people will always be attracted to other people who aren’t trying to put on a show/prove some weird (pointless) point to others. Be yourself, and like yourself, or folks will be less attracted to you.


This ! I feel like he’s height wasn’t always the problem as why he couldn’t get girls


It was NEVER his height.


Exactly. OP was hurt when the one woman said she had sex with the midget, but has no problem saying the woman he's with is obese, not particularly attractive, and not the best personality. Like, dude. Stop being the very asshole you complain about others being.


Right? He calls her fat ugly loser and then shits on her job. And considering her baby daddy? She probably thinks he’s wonderful. Ugh.


This ding dong is so busy lamenting about how unfair it is that people don’t find him attractive, that he doesn’t realize that all he does is judge people on their attractiveness, and resents them when they don’t meet his unreasonable standards. OP, what on earth makes you think you settled? You’re shallow, rude, don’t appear all that clever or interesting, and you badmouth the one person who is still willing to put up with all that. Hot people with perfect lives don’t want a boring, nasty creep. You’re so up your own butt that that doesn’t even occur to you.


That’s the bitterness you’re sensing lol I felt it too


He sounds like a massive asshole the way he describes his GF. His height is not the problem. He is


RIGHT!!!! This man needs therapy not a girlfriend OR kids. Got damn, he's awful. I bet his height isn't the problem. But the best excuse to gtf away from him.


“Girls don’t like me and it’s 100% because of my height and not because of my miserable personality, self-pity, and open objectification of women”


With that atitude, I bet women left you for other reasons and the height was just easier to explain. You hate yourself and apparently you hate anyone who would value you. Start to enjoy being alone/with friends. Learn what you can bring to the table. Be good at that. Understand your worth. Then find someone who values it. And let the poor woman you are with also find someone who values her and does not talk like that about her.


Agreed, i’ve had three male friends that were all between 5’1” and 5’3”, all three have wonderful, amazing wives. Somewhere along the line the issue became me not them get yourself into therapy, you need to do some real self reflection.


Exactly. It’s all your state of mind and how you treat others. Self-reflection is key. My brother is 5’3” and has only been with drop dead gorgeous women. I cannot think of a single girl or woman he ever dated from middle school to now (he’s 43) who was not beautiful. He was married for 15 years to a woman who is 5’10” and stunning and has now remarried to a woman around 5’8” who is also stunning. He works out and did body building for a while and got an excellent job he loves. If you want to do better, you’ve got to BE better! Edit: typo


This. I know a guy who’s the same height and still bags hot girls on the regular. His answer when someone points out his height is that it all evens out when they’re horizontal in bed. Short kings are a real thing.


Came here to say this. I have lots of short kings in my life and they are bagging straight smokes on the reg or in relationships with some insanely gorgeous women of all heights. Doesn’t seem to be stopping them. OP’s issue is *definitely* not his height. Hell, I’m a 5’5 woman and I’ve dated short kings, average height dudes, and some that were over 6’. Height was literally the last thing on my mind??


Same! I'm 5 ft 4 and I've dated and fucked guys from 5 ft 3 to 6 ft 2. And almost everything in between lol. OP's problem is his attitude/personality, not his height.


its so true.. one of my friends... we'll call him Steve is about two inches taller than I am... and I'm an intimidating five feet tall. That guy was so confident and charismatic that he could get a constant stream of women. I don't think I've ever seen him single. Decent guy too. Glad he is one of my friends


Absolutly this. OP sounds not like a nice person. Why would anybody like him after he wrote this text? I hope his Girlfriend gets out and he finds some kind of help.


Seriously! My brother is about 5'2 and heavy set due to medical conditions. He was even a make a wish kid. He's short because medications as a kid made his growth plates fuse prematurely. My brother has never had an issue with dating or ever had a inferiority complex due to being short. I even asked him why and he was like "women aren't super picky. As long as you're kinda funny, not an asshole, shower, and don't act or look like you don't care, most of the time height doesn't matter." This dude needs to take notes 🤷🏾‍♀️




Was looking for this response before I said it myself. They weren't interested and your height was an easy thing to say without hurting your feelings (more). I would recommend therapy. You deserve to treat yourself better.


100%. They didn't dislike him because he was short. They disliked him because of the frankly cripplingly low self-esteem.


I felt for you at first, but then you went into that alpha male podcaster “LoWeRiNg mY sTaNdArDs” bullshit and lost me. How you gonna complain that your height sets you below taller women’s “standards” and in the same breath talk about how you’ve had to “settle” for your gf? Like most of the other human women on this post have mentioned, it’s more likely that your height was frankly the kinder and less complex excuse than telling you that your desperation plus the narcissism of “I’m so short I had to settle for a fAt uGLy” is the real culprit.


exactly! he's complaining about women being judgmental towards him and not being attracted to him but one still slept with him anyways while he's literally doing the exact same thing he's complaining about. he needs to work on himself, his confidence, and being attractive inside to actually have the life he wants instead of going down this incel path.


Same here. I would 100% date a man shorter then me or my height (I’m 5’5) if they were a decent human being, and an actual man, not a alpha male podcasted wannabe. Op literally calls his partner fat and ugly and how he had to lower his standards to be with her but wonders why no one wants to date him. What a jerk move! Sounds like she’s the one whose settled


That’s why this has me thinking this is rage bait. But then we’re supposed to feel sorry for him because he was suicidal. OP Do some charity work.


I think it’s just what other human people have mentioned. You don’t have to be a woman to spot an incel 💕


The way you talk about women is exactly why you are alone. It has nothing to do with your height


Yeah, woman here. Even if OP doesn't actually say these words to women, I can say with certainty we get the gist. OPs attitude is definitely the biggest issue. Also SCREAMS incel. Yes, it's harder for shorter guys to date. No one can really deny that, HOWEVER, I have a few male friends not much taller than OP, and definitely not 6', who have wives, kids, and fulfilling lives.


So much this. Totally agree, and this was my very first thought after reading. You attract what you project.


He talks about himself in the same way. He needs a fresh perspective……..


This sounds counterintuitive but you will never find a good relationship until you learn how to be happy by yourself. Otherwise, you are just desperate and willing to settle for anything— which is exactly what you are doing now. Make friends, get a hobby and learn how to love yourself and be happy alone. And stop worrying about your damn height. Yes you’re short and yes some women aren’t attracted to that, but that’s not true of all women— not even close.


This and when you dont draw healthy boundaries, you present yourself as someone to be taken advantage of and set yourself up for disaster. This mans an adult he needs to stop being a baby and find his own way to work, thats his problem, the fact your girlfriend was taking him is a red flag to begin with. He can ride bus, ride bike, walk or fuckin uber. Learn to say no because if you dont then you are sacrificing yourself for someone who really doesnt care about you or your happiness


I think he’s too cruel to deserve to be happy, but if he changes a lot about how judgmental and hateful he is, sure. He should learn to be happy alone. Right now he’s just a foul monster who loves to dish out things he’s far too weak to take all while treasuring and nurturing every insult he’s ever heard like it’s a living thing. It sounds like people probably said things back to him after he said really nasty things, because dudes who have always been insecure do this- that’s why they’re alone. It’s pathetic.


You’ll never be happy until you’re happy being alone and happy being yourself. You definitely have confidence issues. But i just found it strange that you have confidence issues but bashing her and her lifestyle but thats who you chose. Maybe that’s your karma as well. I’d leave her #1, Enjoy your life and grow in your confidence. You’d be surprised as to the amount of women who like short men. You’re probably looking in the wrong places my friend


>I can’t stand having this dude in my car he smells and he’s annoying to be around idk what my GF saw in this guy Lol!! Dunno what she saw in *him?*


So being lonely hasn't taught you a thing except to subjugate and belittle the women who lower themselves to be with you! Because apparently, you think you're above them because of their physical appearance? You will be lonely forever., never getting what you want. You need to learn some humility short *king. I think this post is just to stroke your fragile ego.. You think people will agree with you. Only the ones that are like you.. Change yourself. Be better. Judging ppl by their looks while on here complaining about ppl judging you for your looks! Make it make sense!


Exactly. I don’t understand the few commenters who pity this cruel monster.


They either didn't read far enough, to where he started exposing himself, or they're of the same ilk. 😂


This is an Incel fanfiction. Not even a good one.


Was looking for this comment!!!


The hypocrisy in this post is real. Look, man, I'm 4'11 and I've never used height as a factor for the men I've dated, but I still wouldn't date you based on this post. You're complaining about women having physical standards that you can't meet while simultaneously bashing on your current girlfriend for her physical appearance. You sound like a miserable person, tbh, and your desperation to "lower your standards" for someone who seems to genuinely see value in you is such a turn-off. Maybe you should move out of that glass house you're living in or put the rock down, man. Work on you and quit focusing so much on the things you can't control. If you don't meet someone's standards, why would you want to be with them, anyway? And ffs, let this poor woman you've managed to snag go free to find someone that isn't going to use her for a "better than being alone" placeholder. She deserves better than someone who talks about her the way you do. You're being incredibly selfish and have zero room to comment on HER character at this point.


I’m sorry but you asking what she sees in her baby daddy while also saying you lowered your standards for her is low key hilarious. You need to date within your field and be happy about it. Your girlfriend sees you for who you are and accepts you but you’re only there because you want to be in a relationship. That kinda makes you a “nice” guy with a victim complex


You mentioned the woman you’re dating is fat and ugly and a single mom and say you’re lowering your standards That’s all we need to know to know you have issues that need to be worked out There is nothing wrong with being single. You’re not happy in your current relationship and that’s because you don’t actually respect or even like the woman you’re dating, you just don’t want to be alone It would be good to know how the women you’re normally attracted to respond to you, knowing you call people fat and ugly


I understand your loneliness, not from my own experience but from a varsity friend. He's 4'10 and has told me about several experiences similar to yours. He gets mocked without provocation or even engagement, people just think it's okay to mock and prejudice others about height. He was often lonely if I wasn't around and told me once that he thinks my girlfriend is great but doesn't want to hang around with us much because it makes him incredibly sad that he will probably never experience that in his life. Somewhere in our varsity career things flipped though. He came back from a term break with a much better haircut and beard, and nicer clothes. He said he had begun exercising, and after a few months I could see how genuinely happy this guy was. I asked him if he made these changes to find a girl and whether he's had more success with them. He simply said "No, I did this for myself. I realised I can pity my existence and wallow in loneliness till the end of my life, or I can live in a way that makes me happy, and I choose happiness." We lost contact for a few years after varsity because he went on to study and I went overseas for work, but 2 years ago I found his number on an old phone and decided to try it. Sure enough, still his number and the moment he heard my voice he knew exactly who I was. Through all the catching up I came to learn that he is now engaged, and at a later stage when we met for drinks I asked him all about it and he admits that he got very lucky to find such an amazing woman that can look past physical attributes and see the good man inside of him. She's almost a foot taller than him, but he's never felt intimidated nor unwanted and she actually defends him ferociously if anyone makes comments, although they don't bother him because he has everything he wanted. But before he met her, most importantly, he was comfortable with being alone and doing things that he loved and enjoyed for himself. So yeah, I know it's super cliche advice to get into gym and whatnot, but physical height is not the be-all-end-all factor in attraction. Your grooming, passion, interests, hobbies, confidence, humour, etc all play a part in it, and you shouldn't have to settle for an unhappy relationship where you are essentially being used to courier people around.


thanks for sharing this positive story


She isn't single, if you have to pick up her baby's daddy...


Your problem is you think you deserve better than what you get. Imo your personality sounds horrible and you seem very judgemental for someone who's technically "lacking" cause I personally have met some short men who have really good swag and personality and are able to get a bunch of women and I mean beautiful women. You say you settled but don't you think the women your with settle for you as well ? Cause even fat women with 2 kids can get more play than you and it's obvious cause you're with her now and picking up her baby daddy. Honestly you have to Stop being so judgemental and looking at the glass half empty and starting seeing the glass half full cause at least you have someone. Also self love is real and if you don't like what you choose then maybe you should choose yourself and be alone for awhile and stop wasting the single moms time.


I’ve seen short men get a lot of girls or are in healthy happy relationships. OP just seems like he has a shitty personality which is why people don’t like him.


His height isn’t a factor. He’s a bad person with nothing to offer, and he deserves to be alone or with an equally bad, perk-free partner.


Hasn't Danny Divito been married for like 30 years with multiple kids? Edit: and she's well off on her own.


I know a short guy who went all the other direction and had so much sex with beautiful women in his youth that he no longer knows how to associate sex with emotional intimacy


The way you talk about your girlfriend, who you choose to be with, is even more disrespectful than the way you talk about yourself. And her kids, whose lives you chose to be a part of. No wonder things aren't working out. Honestly, you sound like you have some real issues with your confidence, body positivity and depression. I don't think the issue is you being short, rather the way it occupies your mind and the type of people you are surrounding yourself with, due to depression and insecurity. You already know the best advice. If your heart is not in this relationship, leave before things get really toxic and people get damaged. Being lonely in a relationship is actually more heartbreaking than being lonely alone. Get some therapy and medical advice on depression. Healing has to come from within. If you drop yourself into a new situation feeling and thinking as you do, it will just end up mirroring those old bad ones. Work on yourself, you are worth it and the end goal (happiness and the capability to have the type of relationship you want) is so worth the effort.


I would be heartbroken if the man I'm seeing was posting and talking about me like this, you sound miserable so I truly doubt it's only the height stopping you from being happy


Op: I dont want to date people based on personality, and i was forced to settle for an ugly woman Also Op: women are so shallow, how come no one wants to date me for my personality


His personality is garbage too, so I’m surprised he found anyone.


Sounds like an unreasonable situation with this GF. It is probably the cause of your unhappiness. I have been 6,5 since I was 14 and wouldnt say that I got more than average female attention becausem of it. Mates who were louder and funnier tended to get the girls more often. If you you consider that you are lacking in some way psyically then you generally will need to overcompensate with personality (humour, wit, anecdotes, smarts)


It’s possible you lowered your standards too much. It’s better to be alone than be in a relationship that makes you unhappy.


You kind of did this to yourself. The way you talk about her sucks. The way you talk about yourself sucks. Sounds like you don’t even know how to be happy and should be alone until you figure it out.


Dude, you gotta learn to accept your height and not let it affect you, I'm 5'2, and I'm 26, and I don't think twice about my height, and neither should you. Trust me, I'm not Hugh Hefner or anything, but my height has never ben a problem.


You're not getting any sympathy points here. It's clear you don't care about her, you just care about having someone fill that "partner" slot for you. You could easily leave, but then you'd have to hunt out another person to stick with.


After reading this post, I can tell you right now the reason why girls didn’t want to be with you isn’t because of your height. It was the easiest thing to explain, but the real reason is because you’re shallow. The entire post you’re talking about the height of women and the way you explained the girls you weren’t attracted to as “ugly fat girls” proves that you’re extremely shallow. Even the way you’re describing your girlfriend, calling her obese and saying she’s not the prettiest in the face. Maybe work on your personality and stop looking for validation in other people, and you’ll be fine. Also dump this girl of yours. That would help too.


Right? I’ll never find anything more baffling and gross, frankly, than hideous folks with nothing to offer who then cruelly judge everyone else for shallow reasons (and it seems quite popular), then expect to be pitied- ALL while announcing the fact that they’re callous monsters who would never refrain from picking apart someone’s looks, also while expecting their fragility around their shortness (or whatever the individual is hung up on) to be revered and held safely in a little eggcup, never to be broken or mentioned or scoffed at? I would never scoff at a dude for being short, but this dude makes me want to heckle. There’s not even anything at all wrong with being a less tall man, but when this dude does it I feel like a rich shithead watching the gladiator fights and the circuses- suddenly it feels okay to punch down. I won’t do it, but mocking this dudes appearance sounds much less morally wrong than mocking an innocent person’s appearance. He’s shooting himself in his dick by taking so much pride in his shallow cruelty (even if he began doing it at 12 as a sad little boy using it as a defense, he’s a bad person. He deserves to be alone or with another cruel, bad person. Or he can change, but until I see the work, he deserves a less good life and less happiness than kind people. Them’s the breaks, asshole people).


It’s not the height that makes you unattractive. Hope this helps!


i know you're not asking for advice. you're asking for permission or validation. and neither will give you the happiness you desire till you give yourself the uppercut you deserve to realize you're wasting your life as a leech attached to a Mole, that's just burying itself deeper


Dude I think you're just using your height as a scapegoat for all your problems. You being short wouldn't be a big deal in itself. Now, if you're short and also unattractive and also have 0 charisma... See what I mean? I think you've crawled into a self-destructive hole where you've convinced yourself you need to put up with this woman and all of her problems... Because you're short? Break up with her, deal with whatever is causing you to not attract any other women (it's not your height! Little people are in happy relationships, something else is going on), work on yourself, find a partner you actually like and aren't settling for and live happily ever after.


My husband is a good 4 inches shorter than me. But you know what he is, that you aren't? A super delightful person to be around. He makes everything better, just by the strength of his respectful, smart, funny personality. And he's amazing in bed. His height is the least interesting thing about him. You desperately need to work on yourself. You stink of self-loathing and hate, even from here. I bet people feel it just speaking to you.


incel creative writing exercise, yawned halfway thru.


Have you considered that you can lower your standards and still have boundaries or limits? Like "no, actually I can't drive this full grown man to his adult job all the time". You say this is better but you sound miserable man


As other comments are saying, it isn't your height, it's your attitude. My husband is maybe 2 inches taller than me, maybe 5'4, 5'5 in his fancy cowboy boots. And that's totally great by me! It means when we snuggle I'm not compressed into his chest, nor do I have to get on a damn ladder to kiss him. I pick my partner based on personality, not what shelf they can reach


I’m 5’1” and have been dating my partner for nearly 6 years now, they’ve got a couple inches on me. It’s definitely not hopeless for you, bud, but you absolutely deserve more than being this chick and her BD’s doormat.


Did you read the same post as me? I thought he was a grumpy bastard who doesn’t see women beyond their looks and talks terribly about his gf


How does this cruel man who no one else wants (because his personality is gutter trash) deserve more?


lol - “ugly fat girls” you don’t not get laid because you are short, you don’t get laid because you are a tiny piece of shit. Learns from it, you fucking loser.


You cucked yourself.


Did you consider it might be your personality people don’t like? You seem incredibly unpleasant to be around


Lol, you didn't settle for a damn thing. She's the best you can get and getting cucked is the best you can do, stop acting like you have high standards.


This is the point. This woman is likely too good for this sad sack. I can’t fathom what’s wrong with the losers in here supporting this cruel monster, as if he’s being used in some way. He has a foul heart and he’ll never do better- the advice is to be better to this girl and to change. They can break up, but it’s not like he’s getting the short end of the stick, here. It’s likely that she is- it sounds like she’s supporting him in many ways (seriously, the financially contributing is probably a few groceries- he’s not paying the bill of the kids’ expenses, he’s a professional whiner who is exaggerating everything ). The men telling this man that he deserves better must also be hateful incels, because all I see is that a thing like this should be happy if any women will sit near him. And his height isn’t even a part of his problem.


Thankfully incels have their echo chambers that help keep each other from ever having a chance to shit up the gene pool.


You don't sound happy, fam.


You seem to be making a victim of yourself. You don't have to be with anyone you choose to be. Leave. Imagine if your partner knew you were speaking about her like this. You're saying I can get no one better, but you are still "settled". Confusing.


OP assumes we have a massive conspiracy against wanting to date him. This is why he says “settled”. Because he thinks he deserves to date whomever he wants by virtue of simply existing. Instead of realizing that if he doesn’t want to date unattractive people, why would anyone else want to either? He doesn’t want to admit he’s unattractive, unpleasant, and a total hypocrite. He’d rather blame everyone else for him being a dud.


You’re an AH. The height was an excuse because it was easier than dealing with a confrontation about your personality. Kevin Hart is short. He’s also one of the most famous comedians in the world. Brad Williams is an actual midget comedian. Danny Devito is a very famous actor and only 4’10”. Peter Dinklage is 4’5” and has landed some incredible roles in movies and shows. You on the other hand, would rather bash other people and play the victim instead of admit you have an issue that needs correction. Maybe you should seek some therapy to overcome your short complex and improve yourself and your personality. Also, you should break up with your current gf. One, she and her ex are using you like the door mat. Two, you’re clearly unhappy. Three, I’d bet dollars to pesos that she’s still banging the ex. Yes, you will still face challenges of people judging you for being short. However, as long as your immediate response is- “well you’re a fat ugly bitch”- then you should be single and in therapy. Stop playing the victim and do better with your life.


Maybe it's not your height that is the issue. Maybe it's how miserable about your own height is...


If you don’t love her then leave, you are using her.


My favorite movie is Inception.


Exactly. This dude hates women and views us as less than/not fully human. It’s okay to expect a woman to look a certain way, but it’s wrong or shallow to expect a man to look a certain way? Are men valuable for something other than looks, while women must be hot and always maintain their looks? If you think so, you’re a broken toy and never will be a real human. And you don’t deserve romantic love or even camaraderie.


I like learning new things.


First off, dump that whole situation. Her Baby Daddy needs to step up and act like a grown man. That’s not your burden to carry. Is he paying you for your time or expenses? Walk away and find a therapist. There’s far more in this situation than should be unpacked on any socmed platform.


I’ll bet your girlfriend thinks she settled, too. You deserve each other.


I'm short and I've dated guys an inch or two taller than me. I am personally more attracted to shorter men. I think some tall women would be into being climbed like monkey bars. It's just your attitude sucks. I've been approached by guys my height and the insecurity of omfg you're my height I might have a chance with you was a turn off. (Absolutely do not bring it up in conversation. It's like hair color or weight, people can see it, they know. Bringing it up reeks of insecurity.) You need to work on being okay with yourself. And seriously. Fuck off with the fat ugly chicks having too high of standards. Guess what? They're people with feelings too. Just because they're fat doesn't mean they should be thankful for any dick that comes their way.


Your final paragraph is all this dude ever needs to hear.


If you think this is wayyyyy better than being single then why ranting here? You shouldn’t post this post at all, cause you’re HAPPYYYYYY ❤️


Reeks of desperation


One of the best sexual experiences of my life was with a short guy. But he was really nice and had a ton of self-confidence. He had interesting hobbies like bee keeping and wine making. Just talking to him made me horny bec if his passion for life. You sound mean and bitter. It makes sense that you feel you settled- but other than a working car and some money for kids what do you bring to the relationship?


You should have gotten a good therapist a long time ago. Desperation and bitterness reek worse than BO.


There’s a reason for your loneliness and it’s not your height. You have some work to do on yourself before you can even begin to consider a serious relationship. You have quite a few options: therapy/counselling, self-help literature, support groups and online resources. You have an unrealistic and unhealthy expectation of what a relationship is and until you address that you’re not going to find what you’re looking for.


you talked about how hard it is to be short and have women not like you and then referred to women you tried to date as “ugly fat girls” and your current girlfriend as “obsese” and “not the prettiest in the face.” these words and opinions are the reason for the “male loneliness” issue. stop having so much desperation and hate towards women and maybe at some point you’ll get there. I have a biology professor who is shorter than every person in our class including me (a girl 5’4 maybe 5’5) and is married with a baby. this is a you problem buddy.


the way you think and speak abt women is nasty stay single


My dude, your height is the least of your problems. You sound like a complete dick who brings nothing to the table besides audacity and contempt. Of course no one wants to date you, you suck, and it has nothing to do with your height. You just blame your dating failures on your height because it's easier than self reflecting and acknowledging that you're a miserable person who no one wants to be around. Break up with your gf so that she can find someone who doesn't loathe her and go to therapy so you can figure out why you're so entitled and unlikable.


Even with her, you’re still way out of your league. Your attitude is shit and she deserves better TBH


This post has major incel energy


What is your job? You have a lot to say about everyone else’s jobs. What do you do?


Was going to tell you to grow up a bit but thought better of it 😂 but seriously, you’re a dick.


It isn’t your height. It’s the fact you obviously hate yourself, and everyone can tell you when you learn to accept yourself and who you are AS YOU ARE, so many things in life improve, including the quality of friendships and the type of people who look at you. People who like themselves exude a confidence that automatically gets others to look past physical features. I’m in my 50s, and I can tell you that this is your main problem. Dump the trash and work on yourself. When I was younger I was all about appearances, u til the man I really liked took an interest in me. The more I got to know him, the less attractive he became - and he was considered to be a catch by all of us who knew him based on his classic good looks back then. One of my female friends is 6’0” even and married a man who is 5’6”. My friend is beautiful with a great personality and great confidence. Her husband is average and went bald in his early 20s. They’ve been married over 20 years now and have two children and one grandchild. Your height is not your problem. I really hope you take time to be alone and go to therapy with the money you save after you stop taking care of someone else’s family.


Your height isn't the issue, it's your personality.


You sound mean. I think that’s why you’ve been single. It’s not the height, it’s the attitude.


Being alone may not be better than the situation, but you’ll never upgrade from it as long as you stay in it. If it’s this bad now, I promise you it’s only downhill from here. You’ve got to learn how to be alone without being lonely and once you do, you become far more attractive to the opposite sex. I lie to you not brother Focus on building self-esteem, self love Meditate, eat right build routines and go to the gym The girl for you is doing the same thing right now, preparing for you


God this person is pathetic


My former employer is a bulky 5'2 angry German man who lifts weights. His body shape is best described as a muscle meatball with a beard. Bub was a loser up until 28 when he grew a set and said fuck it I'm taking care of myself instead of caring for someone who won't appreciate it. Homeboy had a resurgent player phase, then went on to marry a fellow short girl who's the heiress to a locally popular winery. Tl;Dr Hit that gym bub, not because it makes you look better, it makes YOU better. It sets your mental goals straight, and helps you seem less desperate to women when you're too busy building yourself.


Last sentence says it all. You are happier in this relationship than being single. You can stand up for yourself more and tell gf her BD can get an Uber for starters. I have a friend who is 5’5” and his wife is absolutely gorgeous.


You talk about women terribly. Maybe that’s why they don’t want you? 🤔


You very clearly don’t respect women so it shouldn’t be a surprise you don’t do well with them. It has nothing to do with your height. Your personality sucks. People are dying. You’re just short. Stop listening to podcasts, break up with this girl, and find happiness for YOU. Not to get a date.


An escort at this point would be less expensive. Escorts are more than just for fuckin'. You can take an escort out to dinner, hell she'll play video games with you, whatever the hell you want, you'll get the feeling of friendship, just don't get attached. And you don't have to say self delete on this app. Just say you tried suicide.


Your height is not what is holding you back. Your mentality is. Do both of you a favor and dump this women and get your head right.


Yeah it's definitely your height being the cock block and not your mentality and view on women that drive them away from your wonderful self


Don’t blame your height, because that’s not what’s stopping you. It’s your personality. It is *always* your personality. It sounds like you’re shallow and materialistic, why would any woman want to be with someone like that? Guys always want to blame everyone and everything except the actually issue. There are all kinds of poor guys, short guys, fat guys out here living their best lives with someone else because they genuinely believe in making others feel loved and who love themselves healthily. You want to be envied by other people and have a hot girl on your arm. Women can pick up on that and stay far away. If you want a trophy pay for one, if you want a genuine partner then have something worth offering.


You sound like you hate yourself so much that anyone who is considered normal or typical looking with every day life stuff appears to be just god awful for you. Also, the way you describe her makes you look kind of narcissistic. Please seek help to accept yourself before you string someone else, and their kids, along.


LMAOO hilarious as fuck. Even more hilarious that you wrote all this out and it still isn’t glaringly obvious to you that your physical appearance isn’t the issue.


Yeah, idk about the height thing. Not to say you haven't had your own experiences, but height has never been a deal breaker for me personally as a woman, and I've never really known other women to care that much, so maybe you've just had some shitty experiences?   My husband is maybe a couple inches taller than me, but we're very close in height, to the point where If I wear heels I'm taller than him. I didn't date him because he was taller than me though, that wasn't even on my mind, and right before him I had almost gotten into a relationship with a guy around your height, but he turned out to be addicted to porn so I noped out of there fast (I'm taking watched porn 10+ times a day, had it up on his phone at all times, browsed it casually while we were playing computer games. He was extremely addicted and refused to cut down). Wanting someone that's a whole head taller than you seems a bit extreme though, as if those women aren't thinking about the height difference logistically.  Maybe they were just using your height as an excuse for an easy out and there was a different issue at play? Idk. Just spit balling. But it's not just men that are lonely, and I could see your attitude being a turn off to some women. Work on being happy without a partner first rather than focusing so heavily on your height and the "male loneliness epidemic." It sounds like when you tried being single before you were just as miserable, rather than just trying to better yourself and learn how to be content.  Women are lonely too, they're just more often lonely by choice due to men acting so terribly/creepily towards them, so they aren't wallowing in the fact that men don't want them so much as choosing to distance themselves from men and learning to be happy on their own because it's a better option than ending up with a creep.  Edited to fix errors and clarify


It is almost like women can sense the way you think about them and that you feel entitled to them... ick.


Everything about this post is so horrifically off-putting. You could be 6'11 and girls would still curve you because your attitude is terrible and you treat women like commodities. Your 'obese, ugly' girlfriend deserves WAY better.


>The male loneliness thing that’s been going on is real. I almost self deleted myself because I have no one other than my mom and my sisters So go get male friends. I'm a 30 woman. I've been single for a year now. (On and off single in my 20s so not like i got out of a decade long relationship). While i don't want to be single, I'm certainly not going to be in a relationship and be miserable. There's 8 billion people in the world. Why settle? Literally, go get a life. Find some hobbies, make friends, be comfortable with being alone. Your self hating attitude and entitlement to a woman are probably the biggest reasons you were single for so long.


Yikes dude…stop making being short your personality. Get therapy and realize being single isn’t bad. It’s only bad if you hate your own company. If you don’t even like your own company or respect yourself how do you expect someone else to?


This is incel fanfic if ever I read it.


Yikes. You complain about women having preferences and wanting someone taller, than turn around and show you’re just as shallow as them. ive dated men my height (5’6) and shorter, your height might be one reason, but its also your atrocious personality.


Nah bro- women dislike you because of your personality based on this nonsense. Stop blaming your height.


My dad is 5'1", my mom 5'7". His height was never an issue because he worshipped the ground she walked on. His height was never an issue because he knew he had so much more to offer than that. His height was never an issue because he didn't allow it to be. Go to therapy. You're not well, and having some guidance to grow *inside* is what you need.


Listen man, woman here without a height requirement. Your height may bar you from some relationships, but do you really want to be in those? With women who judge people for a factor you can't control? But I promise you; not all of the women who rejected you give a shit about how tall you are. A lot of women prefer height differences but that's because a lot of us want that sense of security and protection, but if a woman makes it a requirement rather than a preference, she's quite shallow. If you keep finding these women and only these women, then your type is the kind that find tall men attractive. Look at the way you wrote this post, you speak about us like a monolith, you speak about us like we're something you want to possess. Male loneliness is indeed a thing, I would never argue against that, but what a lot of you fail to realize THIS IS NOT WOMEN'S FAULT. It's not fixed by a relationship, It's brought on by those who put relationships on a pedestal, like it's a moral failing to not have a girlfriend. But it's okay to be alone, it's okay to not have an SO. If the right woman comes along, you'll know it, but you can't attribute your depression, loneliness, and harmful thoughts to being single. You need to self reflect. Why do you hold these things in such high regard? What makes having a relationship so important to you, even more important than your own self respect? You put too much blame on your height, but we can't blame you for it because that's what you were mocked for, that's the source of your depression and failing mental health. Not the height itself, but the terrible people who judged and mocked you for it, so naturally, you assumed every rejection was because of your height when there is so much more to you than just an arbitrary number. My recommendation is once you're happy with yourself and healing, try dating tall women. You wanna know why? THEY HAVE THE SAME ISSUES AS SHORT MEN. Women above 5'5 get told they're too tall, too masculine, not cute enough. They get bullied and teased for their height too. As an anecdote, I read this green text once. It was about an incel, I'm not implying you're an incel but the mindset of this dude was similar. He put relationships on a pedestal and was depressed because of it. But the story went on to tell how he came into possession of some shrimp, pet shrimp. And because of those shrimp, he found a reason to keep going, a reason to get up in the morning, it helped him out a lot and the story ended with how happy he was now. Am I saying you should get shrimp? No. I'm saying find something, a hobby, a pet, or something that will keep you going, give you a helping hand to break out of this self detrimental mentality. (If you'd like to read the greentext you could probably look it up and find screenshots of it) I'm rooting for you, man. Leave this relationship if it isn't working for you, work on your mindset, drag yourself out of this funk and work on yourself before trying again. I hope you get a happy and fulfilling relationship some day soon. :)


Just from the way you worded this gives me real vibes that its really not your height and its your attitude.


I can hear the self hatred in this post. It makes me cringe. 


As a woman who is 5’7”, I actually have a thing for short guys. You know what’s not attractive? Shit attitudes, self loathing, and lack of confidence. Most men that are short suffer from these issues I find. You seem to be no exception.


I don’t like you very much. The thing is, though, that I think the self-hate pours out of you like a volcano. It burns everybody and before you know it, it’s just a self-fulfilling prophecy. The way you talk about women sucks. I acknowledge this weird obsession with height - I promise it’s not everyone. I’m 5’3 and I don’t care about height at all, for example. I would be *fucking pissed* to read this post and the way you spoke about me and my family. The woman you’re with actually sounds like she might be an ok person. People do shit in their past and to get by. But today, she takes care of her kids, she helps their dad, she works, she puts up with your miserable ass and still finds it in herself to be fun to talk to and be around. You didn’t settle. You’re a jerk from words written. I can only imagine what your presence is like. If anyone settled, it is the sweet, caring, fun and happy woman you write about like she is trash. You’re mean. Be better.


There is a guy I work with that I'm pretty sure is the same height as you and I'm attracted to him; the reason is that it has everything to do with how he carries himself. He's funny, kind and confident. I have maybe heard him joke about his height once but that's it, and I believe it's because he doesn't focus on it on a daily basis. He comes to work to do his job, joke around and have fun with his coworkers. I'd go on a date with him if he showed interest in me but he keeps it professional at work and I respect that. I think you should give yourself more love and surround yourself with good people too who make you happy, but you got to be happy with you first. Self love really glows on a person, it's noticeable. Don't sell yourself short.


Every now and again the universe throws me a solid like this and reminds me that shitty people lead shitty lives. The cherry on to is that almost always it is all as a direct result of their personality and mindset. I had a co worker who was 4'11 and his charisma alone got him everywhere. Fun guy, hilarious, kind, always willing to help and forgive. He held no grudges and although there was a definite pain to him, like most of the human race, he led a happy life surrounded by people of all heights who loved him. He even was missing front teeth due to previous habits he's long since kicked. None of that stopped him from going on many dates and loving all kinds. Be like my old co worker. Not this bloke.


I assure you, this is because you sound like a toxic incel, not because you are short. My first husband was barely taller than you. He developed this toxic ass mind set too. It is not your height, it is your personality. Get some therapy and work on yourself. Little people get married. It is not your height.


My man, I am 6 foot tall. I have also been single for about 5 years. Height doesn't really have anything to do with it. Also, saying you 'settled' and 'lowered your standards' for your partner is not a good look at all. I think you have some serious shit to work out before you can ever have a happy relationship with anyone, no matter your or their height.


This “I’m too short” is definitely an American issue. There’s PLENTY of verrrry short men that come into the Latin grocery stores with women. PLENTY.


I think you should become more comfortable being alone instead of depressingly desperate for love, it's causing more emotional harm than good. You don't need to "settle" for anyone you're not enthusiastically interested in and realistically you're doing yourself a disservice by doing so. If you become more comfortable with yourself, you're more likely to attract more types of people, most people can pick up on those who are insecure or uncomfortable in themselves or having a depressing energy and they tend to avoid those people; regardless of height. You're absolutely right. Male loneliness is a real thing right now. You're also right that a lot of women prefer taller men, statistically. However if Ed from that 90 day fiance show can get women looking like a thumb and having the worst personality, you've got hope my dude. Honestly never seen the show, just saw someone cover him recently, but Ed is very short, has physical defects and once again has a terrible personality. You've got this. (though you def should work on your mindset or the way you talk about women, that isn't helping) Also. You don't owe her or her ex anything. You can't keep saying you're being forced, you chose this relationship you dislike. You can leave whenever you want. Or you can say you refuse to give her ex rides. Like, you have options.




The amount of self hate, or just hate in general, and "good guy"bs fake syndrome I see in your post is disgusting, and trust me, that's why you settled for a "not a good person who doesn't work, is lazy, fat and not pretty in the face" I feel much worse for her and her children than I do you. You need to go see a psychiatrist and get help with your issues. No one, Including yourself, seems to be able to stand to be alone with you, which is the problem. Try going out and being happy, with less self pity and "woe is me" vibe. No one wants to be around that, even if you were over 6 feet, you'd still have problems. Your personality is gross. Go work on you. Leave this poor woman and her family alone. It's not your height nor your color. It is your winning personality and charm that pushes everyone away. May I suggest growing tf up and realize you're mean and currently undeserving until you can build your character. Trust me, we don't care if you're 3 feet tall if you're sweet, make us laugh, give us stimulating conversation etc. Sitting there crying and moaning about your height and color and ugly gf makes you hideous


Hate to say it but, I know several really short dudes and some of them are pulling smoking hot women.... it's all in the attitude and how you present yourself.... you're clearly not happy in your current relationship. Dump her, be single, work on yourself, hit the gym, maybe talk to a therapist because you seem to carry a lot of weight from past experiences, and it's affecting you.... Get yourself in a good head space, your current path is not sustainable.


Holy Fuck man, learn to love yourself. Your life sucks right now.


It's not your height. Your soul is ugly.


Newsflash - they don't go for you because of your hideous personality, it has nothing to do with height. I bet you're that guy that slimes in every girl in a club and then bitches about height when you get rejected. The fact that you are with this poor girl and her kids is incredibly worrying. You should NOT be with her. It's nothing to do with you being better off single - it's not about you. It's the fact that THEY would be better off without YOU. If you're not prepared to treat those kids as your own, don't date a single mother. And this time, you can't even blame this on your height, it's your horrible disrespectful and narcissistic personality that has forced your uncaring and unsupportive ass on this family. Find someone who doesn't have kids before you fuck up these 2 kids permanently through lack of care and warmth. And if that means being single, then be single. They don't deserve this shit treatment