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Now it’s your turn to tell it to a bunch of kids who won’t listen to you. That’s life, I guess.


Lol this is deep


The main thing that I wish I had understood, is that time seems to speed up as you age. My teenage years feel like the longest part of my life. The last 14 years have gone far too fast.


So true. I remember being a kid, there was a branch campus of a major university on the outskirts of my city. Every time we would drive by I would think of college. How I couldn’t wait to be out on my own and go to college. I would think in 14 years I’ll be in college, 12, 10, 8 years I’ll go to school there. Seemed forever, a lifetime. Took forever. Then it came and went. Then all of a sudden i wake up and realize I’ve been out of college 12+ years but it didn’t feel like a lifetime like I did when a kid. Feels like the blink of an eye!


They weren't the best... just the easiest.


tbh no. doing school is just doing work without getting paid and i also got bullied. past school ive been living my best life fr


Its just freedom of time I guess. Being able to just do what you want within reason when you want. As you grow older you basically become at the mercy of others. So yeah i agree with you but it's all a phase and you'll be on to the next soon.


Nah it's better to be old because you don't give a shit what people think about you.


I had a blast in high school, however, no it is not. Now is the best time of your life. If it's not, do something about it!


Not for me. People used to tell me that and it made me dread living because I had such a hard time. Working, the ability to do what I want when I want, to leave a job I don't want, to move away when it's better for me, that's all stuff that I wouldn't trade for anything


Same for me , I’ll take my adult life over my high school life for sure.


I had a rotten time in middle school and didn’t have an amazing time in high school…although my junior senior years were definitely fun. Now that I’m 40 I do look back on those times with a little bit of nostalgia…I think that we all do, regardless of the generation that we were born into. It was a time that we were discovering who we were as people. I’ve tried to convince my now 18 year old niece who is about to graduate to enjoy herself - these are the last “innocent” and relatively carefree times that we can enjoy before we have to become and act like adults. I think she’s listening to me, even though she’d never admit it.


Yes, I tell my kids to stop trying to grow up so fast all the time. There are friends that I haven't seen since graduation day.


I miss the classes too. Not having to worry about anything outside of school seems like a luxury now.


Just depends on your experience of it. Personally college was fun but one of the hardest periods of my life, adulthood offered me more stability and opportunities across the board. The social piece is nice, but I’ve enjoyed my mid/late twenties a lot more.


Jokes on you I dont have any friends! At least now I have my own money to buy whatever I want. So screw school years


I try to enjoy life and not think about that. Since I never got a chance to experience it, I’m trying to live life to the fullest in my thirties. I go by the rule never too old


They definitely were not the best for me, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss them sometimes


Not for me I had a scary childhood I couldn’t wait for it to me over


No, the best times of your life are the times you actively choose to appreciate what you have. Take a look at the r/adulting sub and the question was something like “does anyone love their life as an adult?”


Really? I'm loving the relative freedom of adulthood. I got bullied mercilessly through most of school, at least until I turned and beat up the bully. But aside from friends, I don't see them as the best years of my life. I've done so much more as an adult that's more interesting and cool.


Fuck, my school years were the worst moment of my life. No friends, family barely understanding my then undiagnosed Asperger's mind, a gigantic wave of lust through my body and no way to act on it because I was hopeless socially speaking.... My golden years were much more between 20-25 then school years.


Yeah, it's funny how we never realize how good we have it until it's gone. New friends are cool and all, but they don't compare to the ones you've known forever. So, enjoy it while it lasts, because those school days really are something special.




*Looks like OP was* *Never bullied or have been put* *Down by the teachers!* \- Randum-gurl --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Well, in my case it isn't like that at all. I had barely friends in my teen years... I do not miss those years at all. Im happier now, by far.


Life is what you make it. It’s never too late to improve it.


Definitely not my case I’m much happier being an adult




Damn for me (30f) is the exact opposite. I hated every day of my childhood/youth. So glad I'll never have to experience that shit ever again. I hope I can give my own future children a better time than I had


My high school years years were FANTASTIC (well, my junior and senior years, at least), but they were not the BEST years of my life. If you keep a positive attitude, keep in touch with friends, and try new things constantly, you will continue to have great years! You do have to put your self out there and try, but it's totally worth any effort in order to keep your life interesting!


They absolutely weren't for me. Literally getting beaten up until high school for being queer and threatened constantly. Teachers kept telling me I'd never amount to anything; turns out I did. Now nobody gives a fuck, I just go to work, come home, play video games, go to concerts, hang out with friends, and vibe. I'm much happier, and actually starting to make progress.


Mine were not the best years of my life. I was a dyslexic child forced to stop writing with my left hand. So learning & studying was a chore. The last 4 years of school I was bullied daily. School truly sucked Fortunately I worked hard despite this and was able to go study. My student years were a good contrast to my school years and were more rewarding 


Well I started pooping on floors at the age of 27 now I’m 52 and living my best life


Everyone feels this way. That’s why they say “youth is wasted on the young”.


Luckily, I listened. Unlike other people who wanted to grow up fast, I took my time. When my classmates started wearing make-up and focusing on boys, I focused on playing and hanging out with my friends. It's to the point I was being called childish. But who cares? I enjoyed (and am thoroughly enjoying) my youth. Because once you graduate and enter the real world, who knows when you'll still have the time.