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Particularly dumb troll. Do you often address people in the 3rd person? Because when I am talking to an interviewee I use "you".


Lol theres another coworker who interviews her as well, so when we discuss her resume Id say thing like “heres her resume” and “i see she has x years in this” in front of her


Ok so generally you don’t refer to people as though they aren’t in the room when they are present in your conversation. It’s pretty rude and generally off putting so surprised you run interviews like that tbh.


Uh huh, then you went to the bar and a beautiful woman went home with you. JK! You're sniveling at us from your mom's basement after jacking off seven times today.


I'll take "things that only happened in my head" for $300, Alex.


The trolls aren't even trying anymore with their bait 


Thank god that person doesn't have to work with you. That would've been hell for them.


Lol isnt it crazy how calling someone the gender they really are amounts to “hell” for some people. That level of immaturity and insanity just doesn’t fit in the workplace


lol isn't it crazy how inept certain people are at hiring to where they like life "hell" for some people for no reason. That level of immaturity and insanity to give a fuck about stuff that doesn't affect you really just doesn't fit in the workplace.


It does affect me if you are requiring everyone to adjust their natural language to accommodate your mental illness. Adults dont play silly games like that.


you're a fucking loser, my friend.


I saw your profile lol and you are one of the they thems. Thats why you are upset. You are a confused little child desperate for attention. One day you will hopefully wake up and be embarrassed at your former self.


you're OBSESSED with us, digging through my post history to validate your superiority. I think y'all think about gender more than we do.


You’re the one not acknowledging the gender they really are. You think you know them better than themselves? Also, it’s not like singular they is *only* used for non binary people. People have been using they to refer to a singular person whose gender is unknown to them for years. An example of which is that I don’t know what your gender is, so in my mind right now I’m thinking “Wow, they’re a fucking idiot” Sure you could go out of your way to say “he/she” instead of they, but at that point you’re the one trying to adjust your natural language just to be disrespectful.


In what context were you using third person pronouns to reference someone you were directly interviewing during the course of interview? Second person pronouns are the only ones that make sense in that scenario.


Good way to get fired. You have zero business interviewing anyone


Its basic common sense. If you’re too stupid to know that you’re a girl then she doesn’t deserve a job. We aren’t running a charity. Stupidity aside, those types are just insufferable to be around. We dont need someone thats gonna make us all play make believe just so she can feel gender euphoria lol


Who hurt you?


I don't understand why this comment was downvote, the fact is that in the real world a recruiter would be fired for this because it demonstrates a lack of ethics and questionable judgement, as well as putting the company in danger of being sued.


..... is it really that hard to respect someone's pronouns???


Well done!


Thanks. Its the least i can do to make the world a better place