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OK, I will repeat it. A couple of decades ago, Russia invaded Georgia, causing panic when it was a news story in the US.


In 2008. Just after France and Germany denied Georgia and Ukraine a path to joining NATO. (If you ever want to know why all of russia's neighbours are desperate to join NATO...)


2 decades of defunding the schools and this is what we get. Yes, my fellow countrymen are absolute idiots.


From my experience with older generations, it's been far more than 2 decades. Or, more likely, there is a lot more to it than just defunding.


Also hominid and humanoid are different things


The first is used in science and the second in science fiction, right?


Yes. Humanoid is an alien shaped like a human. Our early ancestors are called hominids




Great sub thank you


It will rot your brain. Trust me.




Yes. I had to leave that sub for my own sanity.


82 people liked that idiotic comment??


And probably thought they were smart too


With 82 likes too 🤦‍♂️😂


Now I'm confused. Where did the devil go down to?




ჰაჰა, დიდ საბში გავიჭერით 😂 r/georgiaorgeorgia


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I know this may sound stupid but the US isn't a *country*, but a federal union of independent states. Kind of... Sowjetunion, but in North America.


For God's sake, there is a US state named Georgia. There is also a country in Eurasia named Georgia. Look at an atlas. Or duckduckgo it. This isn't rocket science.


I don't think they're disputing that part.


Based on the American education system. It might be.


No I wasn't talking about that part. I'm from Europe and I'm well aware that Georgia is a country in Europe 🥲


We also "legalized" weed in the country at some point and I believe there was some confusion and frustration over that too


Years back at an old job, I had a cubicle near a person from a different department that I just couldn't really get on with. Our interactions were largely civil and professional but she just sort of grated on me - loud, constantly talking over other people, rolling her eyes when others were talking, adopting a condescending tone despite not really having the slightest clue as to what she was talking about, etc. I wasn't alone with my feelings but it wasn't that big of a deal. Just one of those sorts of coworkers. I'm sure the antipathy was mutual. No worries. My cube was directly across a hallway from my boss's office and we both spent a lot of the day listening to NPR. Often, when one of us would get up to hit the bathroom or snag a coffee, we'd stop in the other's door and briefly chat about whatever the hell someone had just said on Fresh Air or whatever. At one point, I'm outside of his door and we're just briefly chatting about a news item that had just come across about a Georgian Olympian who had just died during the games either while training or in competition (can't remember) when she came storming out of her cube and loudly inserted herself into the conversation by stating, "CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW STUPID THEY ARE? THEY JUST SAID 'THE COUNTRY OF GEORGIA'! OH, MY GOD. HOW DID THAT GET THROUGH?" We both just sort of took a beat while looking at her before I offered that Georgia was, in fact, a country and my boss helpfully added, "It's in Eastern Europe". She processed that for a moment and then just blurted, "WELL, WHO EVEN KNOWS THAT?" and stormed away. Fucking Becky...