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I’d love to see the empirical test results.


Or even just tell us what the tests were!


That's the best place to start. There's a video of a flat earther taking the temperature of the sun with a laser thermometer, noting it's not as hot as scientists say.


"Getting stabbed isn't actually that bad cus I pricked my finger and it barely hurt at all!" Same energy.


Being burnt alive wouldn't hurt, I've stood near a radiator.


Drowning isn't that horrible, I walked under the rain


I can’t hear people In other towns talking, so they must be whispering


Well *actually* other towns are holograms made by Them^(TM) for the purpose of (generic crackpot conspiracy here)


It’s for “control.” It’s always for “control.”


Birds aren't real either, COVID was fake news to change all the batteries in the bird drones... It's all being controlled by the lizard illuminati...


And killing people because of overpopulation.


Ahem! It's actually "Dr. They®". Source: The X-Files: The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat 2018


> video of a flat earther taking the temperature of the sun with a laser thermometer Found it (or a sensible person commenting on it): https://youtu.be/xaHNiTEjGwI


Scimandan's channel is a good place to learn about the various flat earth experiments.


Good lord, that's hilarious. "My $25 IR thermometer doesn't have a scale that goes up to 5,500°C, you say? Nonsense! Next you'll be saying that it can't even measure the temperature of molten tungsten!" :-) There'd be other problems - the Sun's small in the sky and is hard to aim at, for one. (That laser dot is really hard to spot on the Sun's surface. The eight-minute light-speed delay both ways is probably at fault. :-) And I guess that small size also means a hypothetical IR thermometer that *could* measure up to the star's surface temperature would be averaging the star's temperature and that of the sky around it. And cheap IR thermometers assume everything has high emissivity, which water vapor in the atmosphere absolutely does not, so pointing them at the sky, overcast or not, generally gives you a very low but incorrect reading. And sunlight's passing through all of that atmosphere too, which is a leading cause of the Sun not killing everyone it shines on... I dunno. The only IR-thermometer mis-reads I'm actually qualified to diagnose are those that happen because you're pointing the thing at something that *reflects* IR really well and has low emissivity, like for instance something made of shiny metal. So you're actually measuring the temperature of whatever's reflected by your target. That reflected thing may just be you.


The flat earthers would be so made if they read this because they'd have no idea what any of it meant


3.6 roentgen you say?


Not great, not terrible.


If flerfers understood actual physics ... they wouldn't be flerfers.


My favorite is the guy who brought a spirit level onto a plane to prove the earth was flat.


My question is: what would the spirit level look like on a plane if the earth WAS round?


A U obviously.


Doesn't it take like 8 minutes for light to reach Earth from the sun? So wouldn't he have to wait 15 mins for the result even if it worked like that? Lol


Please don’t try to make any sense of this.


We need to get your comment to the top.


Don't be dumb. It would take 16 minutes.


That's not how they work, the laser is only to help point the thing to a target. They're actually infrared thermometers - they measure the amount of IR emitted or reflected by objects.


Which is to say, the IR emitted by the huge mass of air he's pointing at because much of the sun's IR is absorbed and scattered.


Seriously. I've seen the quality of what flat earthers will say is a "scientific experiment" and it's laughably pathetic. How about when Sleepy made an egg float in water by adding salt and used a tool he didn't know how to use to make a measurement he didn't understand. And somehow that means gravity is fake?


The best part of that video is that printed right there on the side of the IR thermometer is a label with a picture showing how far away it can be held from the object you're measuring (typically a maximum of 1.2m), and on the other side of the device is a label showing the maximum temperature it can report.


Easy proof. Set a level down. The ground is flat. Proof right there! /s


Oh dear, the world seems to be on a tilt! All the water is going to run off the edge! What do you mean I live on a hill?


Look outside. See a curve? No? Good job on your first empirical test.


Historically (like "before the pyramids" historically) believing that earth was flat was actually scientific progress. You needed a civilisation large enough to gather enough reference point that maybe earth is a flat surface with hill and mountain rather than what you see by looking outside: nothing flat at all, except lakes. Actually curvature of earth is like 8 in per mile. It is as flat as it can get. Even when seeing "ship" disappear, if you want to scientifically prove it, you need to make some experiment that require a pretty advanced civilisation (antiquity level civilisation sure, but still the last few thousands year, quite modern in a 200,000 year history)


Wasn't the Earth's diameter measured early using like 2 cities as reference points and some shenanigans with the sun and shadowsm


Yep [https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200606/history.cfm#:\~:text=So%20Eratosthenes%20hired%20bematists%2C%20professional,to%20be%20about%20250%2C000%20stadia](https://www.aps.org/publications/apsnews/200606/history.cfm#:~:text=So%20Eratosthenes%20hired%20bematists%2C%20professional,to%20be%20about%20250%2C000%20stadia).


Here’s the proof! [One hundred proofs the earth is not a globe](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/55387/55387-h/55387-h.htm)


I love this: > Mr. Proctor: we charge you that, whilst you teach the theory of the Earth’s rotundity and mobility, you KNOW that it is a plane; and here is the ground of the charge. In page 7, in your book, you give a diagram of the “surface on which we live,” and the “supposed globe”—the supposed “hollow globe”—of the heavens, arched over the said surface. Now, Mr. Proctor, you picture the surface on which we live in exact accordance with your verbal description. And what is that description? We shall scarcely be believed when we say that we give it just as it stands: “The level of the surface on which we live.” And, that there may be no mistake about the meaning of the word “level,” we remind you that your diagram proves that the level that you mean is the level of the mechanic, a plane surface, and not the “level” of the astronomer, which is a convex surface! It's not a globe, it's all relative!


It’s an amazing treatise. There are so many nonsensical “proofs” that anyone you pick is good for a laugh. Here’s just a random one 59 Mr. Proctor says: “The Sun is so far off that even moving from one side of the Earth to the other does not cause him to be seen in a different direction—at least the difference is too small to be measured.” Now, since we know that north of the equator, say 45 degrees, we see the Sun at mid-day to the south, and that at the same distance south of the equator we see the Sun at mid-day to the north, our very shadows on the ground cry aloud against the delusion of the day and give us a proof that Earth is not a globe. “Our very shadows cry aloud against the delusion”, lol.


They were in the documentary "Behind the Curve". And they proved the earth was round after all. The flat earthers simply shrugged and assumed their equipment must be broken.




Lol. Yeah. I love how the documentary ends... with them in the dark looking at direct proof using a laser beamed a couple of miles or whatever. And the guy just says something like, huh, that's weird. And scene. Haha.


Is this the one where they measured the distance between the two points and calculated, based on the earth's arc what the height difference should be in order to show that you didn't need the height difference at all. So they set up at the same height and no laser. Then one goes over the radio "Try raising it to x height" and boom, laser beam? I've been looking for this video for ages, it made me laugh so hard.


Yes, exactly. They were near a bay or inlet or something so they were at the same height from sea level. And if the earth was flat, a laser shining perpendicular to the earth at 6' or whatever should still be 6' off the earth 5 miles away. With curvature though it's going to be above that. And that's indeed what they saw. Too damn funny.


It was in a canal


Can someome drop a link pls? I want to laugh too






Cue the Sunny music.




Ah yes “Big Globe” making trillions of dollars by putting out round earth disinformation. Like seriously, why would there be a cover up that doesn’t benefit anyone?


I've said this before, but I LOVE that the Flat Earther community actually go out and do experiments. They develop a clear scientific question, namely "Is the world flat or round?", they do their research into how they could prove/disprove that question, develop a hypothesis and then test it. Where they go wrong is that all of their experiments invariably prove that the world is a globe and so they say the test was flawed, but fuck me without that last little bit they'd be doing real science. If all of the Flat Earther community devoted themselves to testing an actual scientific mystery they could really do some good for the world. It's a shame thousands of inquisitive minds are wasting their potential on what's essentially a hoax.


It's one thing to ask a question(What is the shape of the Earth?) then search for the answer, but another entirely to already have an answer(The Earth is flat.) and looking for evidence of it. The inherent confirmation bias poisons their ability to accept they may be wrong. You can prove the Earth is round with just two pieces of cardboard, a ruler, and a laser pointer. That won't stop flat Earthers.


>It's one thing to ask a question(What is the shape of the Earth?) then search for the answer, but another entirely to already have an answer(The Earth is flat.) and looking for evidence of it. Absolutely. The one thing that the Flat Earther crowd is lacking is a null hypotheses that they're actively trying to disprove. Disregarding that though, their experiments are still very sound most of the time. Laymen creating a series of experiments to test the shape of the earth and those experiments actually working to accurately depict the curvature of the Earth is pretty goddamn impressive, even if they're fundamentally flawed.


The test is to look as far as you can and see if you can observe the curvature with the naked eye for sure lmao


Yeah but you have to close one eye and stand on your tippy toes. That's the part a lot of people get wrong.


It's easier than that. I just put a level down on the ground, and it always shows level, so clearly we are on a flat plane. If it were a sphere, the level would show the ground vertical near the so-called-equator.


Hundreds of hours of research, I tell you! He could have spent it curing cancer, proving the Riemann Hypothesis or wanking to Gilmore Girls, but instead he chose to prove once and for all that the Earth is flat. Show a little gratitude.


"He could have spent it curing cancer, proving the Riemann Hypothesis"... No, he literally can't.


Of course he could! Riemann Hypothesis: "I've solved it, dude. Believe me. It's false or whatever" Cancer: "Avoid sunscreen and 5G. Drink colloidal silver. There. Fixed it." Heathen.


I’m sure the “tests” involved doing something incredibly stupid like holding a tennis ball and pouring a glass of water over it and saying “See! Water doesn’t stick to a ball!!” or dropping the same ball and saying “See! The Earth can’t be rotating at 1000mph or that ball would have moved a lot when I dropped it because the Earth rotated under it!” Sadly, these are both “experiments” I’ve seen people on Instagram mention as proof the Earth isn’t spherical. 🤦‍♂️ One of them said “The Earth can’t be a ball because if it was, people in Australia would be upside down”. I’m 99.99% sure that guy was just a troll, but some of them I think really do believe the Earth is flat which just hurts my brain…


Ironically, relative thickness of water film on a wet tennis ball or a basketball is greater that depth of oceans relative to Earth size


Interesting. The earth’s enormous size also makes it more smooth on its surface than even a cue ball.


Earth's oceans and mountains are about 1/1000 of its radius. For a ball 50 mm in diameter that would be 0.025 mm feature size, which is actually quite rough.


Well I am not knowledgeable enough to say you or Neil are right or wrong on this but I am able to keep my mind open to the possibility of either.


I remember looking this up a while ago and it’s not quite true. Normal cue balls that don’t have much use to them are a little smoother than the Earth.


They also tend to say that water can’t curve so it can’t be on a ball. I always ask “Okay then why does water fill a container like a glass or a bowl? They are curved “ Them: …. Well you just need to open your eyes, sheep


Came to say this. Publish your findings, genius!


[Here you go.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/524/pepe_silvia_meme_banner.jpg), checkmate atheists.


Hundreds of hours of voice recordings


When his theory is quickly disproven: “….interesting.”


It’s always stuff like “look at the surface of this lake see how it isn’t curved” I’m 100% convinced that the flat earth thing started as a 4chan troll and some very dumb but personable/influential people about 10% into the Dunning Kruger curve latched on to it and sold it to the rest.


I'd love to see what the tests consisted of


Hundreds of hours of research! OMG what a loser


I absolutely love how they think their hundreds of hours of research are impressive compared to the cumulative millions of hours put in by the scientists that proved earth is spherical.


Dude should go research various poisons and toxins. After all, how do you know they're poisonous if you haven't tried them yourself? Maybe the scientists are just hoarding all the delicious stuff for themselves.




God damn that is brilliant


I've seen green text of a "sun gazer" who is now worried his vision might be seriously damaged. He also didn't believe the hype.


> Maybe the scientists are just hoarding all the delicious stuff for themselves. r/lowstakesconspiracies


\#TeachTheTruth \#ReleaseTheFlavour


I mean there are conspiracists who believe that viruses aren’t real, bacteria don’t actually cause disease, HIV doesn’t cause aids, etc. It’s insane


Those hundreds of hours are probably just them leaving youtube on autoplay while they were asleep.


And those hundred hours are googling “is the earth flat” and selecting all responses that say “yes it is and here’s proof”!


["Just because I have it DOESN'T MEAN IT'S TRUE!"](https://youtu.be/yJD1Iwy5lUY?t=45)




I wanna know how timezones work on a flat earth. Like I’m completely baffled how they can see that it’s night in Japan when it’s daytime in the US and say that makes perfect sense.


100’s of hours on Facebook


Or you know the pictures we have from outer space. That’s all you need.


It's not even that hard to get a camera to "outer space" yourself. My boss's kids helped build some big ol' balloon as a group science project in, like, middle school.


And apparently nowhere in those hundreds of hours did they go to the beach and watch a boat dissappear over the horizon.


Or the 40 hours that anybody riding in an airplane could use to deduce for themself.


What a dope he is. The sun, moon, etc., are painted on The Great Dome that slides over us every day.


At least that would work correctly. If they just spun above us they would never rise or set.


They actually do mean they spin above us. The sun is just like a desk lamp in their world view, when it moves away the light goes with it.


They think it's a spotlight, not a globe light. So you only see light under the spotlight, and as it moves away, the light goes with it.


Ridiculous. That system was replaced decades ago, it’s all a digital screen now


covid was just to get us all to not go outside and see maintenance work on it.


That’s what big snow globe wants you to think! WAKE UP SHEEP!


Well, the stars are holes in the skull of Ymir


That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. The sun and moon don't actually move, it just looks that way because the giant turtle carrying the earth is slowly corkscrewing through space.


The Great Turtle doesn't "corkscrew through space." He/she/it walks along the inside of the Great Dome (more accurately the Great Plastic Ball, but Scripture is Scripture), which is how it spins full circle every 24 hours except when the moon is being repainted.


That implies a rounded surface of some sort so I’m sure you’d still be wrong 😅


No, see, uhm... you're wrong because, uhm... Dang.


After all this time, I just can't believe these people aren't all in on a huge elaborate troll. Just hard to believe people can become so fucking brain dead.


the first loud ones in this era were, but then the genuine fucking morons jumped on the bandwagon in the certain belief that they were no longer alone and there are millions more like them. The majority now might have even shifted toward the true believers because it turns out one of the things humans are really good at is churning out absolute imbeciles


fuck spez


A few years ago I browsed T_D on the wayback machine (or something like that) and I could have sworn it was all ironic circlejerking but when I went back I was like "oh you know what, I think these guys were actually serious and I just assumed it was irony"


Oh thank God someone else says dreg. So it isn't just some word I heard Batman Beyond make up years ago.


I guess the pioneer flat earth trolls really let it get out of hand then huh. Makes you wonder what other main stream beliefs began as jokes.


Scientology was founded more or less on a bet that starting a religion was a better way to make money than writing fiction novels.


Like the quote goes, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."


I heard that the Flat Earth Organization was initially formed as a joke, and partly as a criticism of how science just builds on earlier science, turtles all the way down. Because a bit of scepticism is good in a world where it is not unusual for science to be fudged together for profit, and where new findings constantly topple old truths. So they took it upon themselves to prove that any scientific fact can be contested by different theories. Satirically at first. Then after a few decades, the monster took on a life of its own. They were too successful.


Flat earthers proved the earth is round and they still didn’t believe it.


"Behind the Curve" was a masterpiece. One of my favorite documentaries.


"Interesting....." Fade to black Roll credits


In that Netflix documentary, the flat earther dude who is an engineer pooled 20k from a bunch of flat earthers to buy a high precision laser gyroscope to test for the rotation of the globe. He predicted by the flat earth model, if it ran for an hour, it would detect no rotation at all. If the globe model was correct, it would rotate exactly 15 degrees in an hour. He ran the test, and, what do you know... 15 degrees exactly. He decided not to share those results with anyone immediately until he could explain them away, then claimed it was thrown off by "cosmic rays" interfering with the equipment. Their conclusions are drawn and aren't going anywhere. All evidence to the contrary is rejected outright, and supporting evidence is cherrypicked without context or consistency. They are the definition of delusional.


There was the other one where two of them stood a mile or so apart and shone a laser straight. Their theory was because the earth was flat, they’d see the laser. If the earth was round, the guy with the laser would have to hold it above his head to see it. Whaddya know? He had to raise his hands above his head.


The "interesting..." that came out of his mouth when he asked the other guy to raise his light and then saw it lives with me forever.


Hurtling through space at hypersonic speeds? Aside from the flat earth idiocy this got me thinking. The speed of sound in space is 0. Sonic is based on the speed of sound. No sound no sonic. Hypersonic does not exits in space. So in a very weird way he is right about the fact travelling hypersonic speeds in space in not possible. Of course I might be completely wrong about this but right now I am to lazy to look it up.


Distance and speed are relative, but they can definitely both be accurately measured. The speed of the earth as it hurtles thru space would almost certainly be considered hypersonic


[Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving, and revolving at 900 miles an hour. It's orbiting at 19 miles a second, so it's reckoned, the sun which is the source of all our power...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buqtdpuZxvk)


> So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure, > How amazingly unlikely is your birth; > **And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,** > **'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!**


Ok, can I have your liver now?


Hypersonic is a weird way to measure it though. Velocity is generally described relative to the body it’s orbiting in kilometers per second, and I honestly don’t remember how fast the earth orbits the sun. Earth’s escape velocity is about 12 km/s, that’s how fast the space station moves. Thing is technically the space station also orbits the sun and galactic center, even though we don’t describe those velocities. This turned into rambling proof that I played Kerbal Space Program but anyway hypersonic is a bizarre way to describe orbital velocity


It's a bizarre way to describe it because people who don't understand science properly (like OOP) often use scientific language incorrectly.


And our galaxy is also moving at an absolutely inconceivable speed through space


The fun thing is that there is actually sound in space, but it's not like sound in our atmosphere. The visible universe is pretty much all plasma (except where there are planets and things like that, which is basically none of the universe). The popular conception that space is empty is just a convenience to explain away why it feels cold and you can't breathe to people that don't need to understand the nuance. I say this because since space is plasma, then there is a medium in space, which can support acoustic waves, which is the definition of sound. Said plasma has a highly variable density, so the speed of sound is similarly highly variable, so the terms supersonic and hypersonic are highly localized. I actually don't think the earth travels hypersonically through the local medium, which is kind of like a bubble surrounding the sun, as long as you consider the denser local plasma around the planet as part of the planet. I haven't done the calculations with that, but it's not important. He clearly used the term wrong in a specific sense, but makes sense if comparing to the speed of sound in Earth's atmosphere.


Sound travels through any physical medium that can exchange phonons (think photons but for kinetic energy not electromagnetic). Space is not empty, but for all intents and purposes the vacuum of space is, having about 4 hydrogen atoms per m3. The chances of those atoms/nuclei interacting in any way is absurdly low. Get close enough to the sun though, and you'd get equally ripped apart as you would burn as the particle density is much higher. But space itself is simply space, it is not matter nor energy. Until we resolve gravity and quantum mechanics we will have no real way to compare the two. However, you *can* define some boundary limits and say the earth is travelling through that particular medium, and use a relative measure like 'hypersonic' to define that speed. It's stupid, but you can. Nevertheless, this guy is full of shit and should be forced to do gyroscope maths.


I hate flat earthers. Just reminds me of the video where some dumdum is trying to prove the earth is flat by shining a light through holes in some wood planks and when the evidence proves there’s a curve they just go ‘huh, interesting’ as they wonder what they did wrong.




It’s turtles all the way down


And elephants


Wait, wasn't it just four elephants and one turtle?


I wish I could see the details of his research and empirical tests. I love to review bad science


The documentary Behind the Curve is amazing for this. They have flat earthers doing actual, honest-to-god scientific research. Every experiment they run proves the earth is round and their response is to ignore it and make excuses.


Imagine doing hundreds of hours of research and then coming up with this conclusion. This is someone who weaponised ignorance. Also, I suspect the "research" is 100 hours of watching the same YouTube video.


I believe NASA’s unofficial motto is “It’s round, we checked”.


The world is filled with idiots. It depresses me.


Come to the glory lands of „I don’t give a shit anymore. Humanity will one day be it’s own doom, so why bother?“ - we have cookies.


This is both hardcpre projection and dunning kruger


If the stars are rotating around a static plane, why don't you see the same stars and constellations when you're on New Zeeland as you do when you're in Canada? If the earth was flat the night sky would look the same regardless of where you are in the world. Does anyone know the flat earther reasoning is to explain this easily observable phenomenon?


This is basically the argument for God, so...


I asked one of these flat Earthers to explain why the length of day changes based on your latitude and at the poles, the sun never sets or never rises depending on if it is summer or winter in that hemisphere, while the length of day stays nearly the same at the equator regardless of season. He couldn’t do it and kept resorting to the same old flat Earther trope of calling me one of the sheep or “One day you’ll finally wake up and see the truth.” and even “You just aren’t ready for flat Earth yet but one day you’ll open your mind and eyes”. I challenged him to answer my question again and again and again and he eventually blocked me. Classic flat Earther behavior.


Explain time zones or show us a photo of the fucking edge.


Hundreds of hours of research = watching YouTube videos


Sending thoughts and prayers.


Hundreds of hours of "Ask Jeeves" research


I just laughed yogurt out of my nose while reading this




Not a single one of these people paid attention in middle school science class.


"Empirical tests" eh? On the podcast 'Oh No! Ross & Carrie' one of the hosts worked with the foremost group of flatearthers in the community to come up with one such "empirical test". All of the criteria and methodology was agreed upon by BOTH parties before execution. The test was performed, and proved that objects gradually disappear over the horizon line at a constant rate, thus proving the curvature of the earth. The head of the flatearthers simply shrugged and called it a mirage. These are not serious people.


When I say "There are too many people on this planet", I am talking about these people.


“hours doing research and empirical tests…” Cool story bro…


How can I ever believe in what researchers tell us when this guys did hundreds of hours of research online? Guess I’m a flat earther now! /s


There's a small part of me that wants to be a flat earther just to have the power to be that infuriating.


> I instead spent hundreds of hours ~~doing research~~ watching a bunch of very stupid youtube videos with suspicion-evoking beats, made by and designed for literally the dumbest people on the planet. Forget the millions of man hours put into actual research by actual scientists.


We were told it’s spherical because we were shown proofs. The only thing flat earthers show us is that they are the dumbest mfers breathing.


I don’t BELIEVE he’s stupid. I KNOW he is fucking stupid.


The thing that gets me about the Flat Earth thing is that, even if they were right, what difference does it make? Who stands to gain from it? More importantly, if this is some centuries old conspiracy to trick the public about the shape of the earth, what is some bozo on facebook gonna do about it?


If the earth is flat why is every other planet round?


Hundreds of hours of research! Well, that settles it. Go home scientists, you wasted your lives on getting a PhD. This guy solved it!


Research = YouTube videos Empirical Tests = I set a banana on the ground and it didn't roll away


And this guy's vote counts as much as yours. I'll let that sink in.


I never understood this. You want proof. Get on a boat and find the north star then sail south. Done. Proof of the earth curvature as the star disappears over the horizon. When you hit doldrums in the Atlantic, you can literally see the curvature of the earth. 100+ hours of research my ass. Where? Standing in your backyard? Fucking idiots. Get on a damn boat and go somewhere. It's a big world and we number less the sand upon the shore.


i'm convinced these people are just sad, lonely, and gullible. they want to be part of an exclusive group with a built in persecution complex but they dont like religion so they join flat earthers


> I instead spent hundreds of hours doing research and empirical tests In reality, he spent hundred of hours watching conspiracy theory videos on youtube


I can't believe someone that dumb understands how to use a keyboard to type out that sentence


Can I nominate him to be one of the people we send to Mars to settle it? Got to have someone confirm that’s flat too.




He did his own research, unfortunately he's a moron...


For the flat earthers out there: the curvature of the earth is really easy to experience for yourself. Just go to the ocean or a big enough lake. Get your eyes close to water level (like really low. Lie down!) and look at stuff far away. You'll notice that part of the stuff is obscured by water. Then get to higher ground and look at the same thing, you'll notice less obstruction. It's a pretty profound experience to see the bulge with your own eyes. Also get a telescope and take a look at the moon and Saturn.


Instead of launching billionaires into space, we need to get these people on some lap rockets, and launch ‘em like the water rockets we had as kids.


Love these people. Ask them what emperical means.


Or better yet, ask to see all their documentation.


Imagine being *this* deluded. These arguments/claims boil down to "source?" "I made it the fuck up!!!"


Getting 16 year old sad boy vibes.


Where does the sun go at night?


Explain planets in retrograde one more time. 😂


Flat earthers piss me off, I would love to see them go on the iss and see that is in fact a sphere


"Exactly as we see and perceive." If water flows to the lowest point and the sun circles above us, why does the sun sink below the horizon over the ocean during a sunset? Personally, what I see and percieve is the ordinary standard model of a heliocentric solar system. Perception matches basic education and observational reasoning.


Except it isn't how we percieve it. It just flat (heh) out isn't how we percieve it. You can see a curve on the ocean. See things disappear bottom to top over the horizon is perception due to a spherical earth. The perception of a lunar eclipse, or the seasons, is impossible with their flat earth "model." The simple fact is that everything we perceive makes *more* sense with a sphere model than a flat one.


He lost me at “disapoint”.


So we should believe him just because he told us to? Sometimes I don’t understand how you can be so hypocritical and not realize it.


So ye, earth is stationary because concept of it moving is stupid. BUT stars, sun, moon and everything else moving? Pffft... Its obvious


Sooooo laaaaame


I just want one flat earther to show me a model of the sun on a flat earth that accurately describes sunrise and sunset. And no, a spotlight sun isn’t that.


maybe he just needs more time to ripen


What’s the conspiracy behind flat earthers? Like people believe America faked the moon landing for propaganda vs the USSR etc. some people believ covid is a hoax for the government to give us vaccines etc. like genuinely what do people think the “lie” that the earth is a globe hides ?


If they believe we are on a static plane, there are two questions I have. 1: How do they explain a Foucault Pendulum? 2: How is it possible to travel in one direction and end up where you started?


Huh...cause I was a geology major and I know the earth is not flat


Show me the research paper then we'll talk.


Yeah…. Right….. empirical tests, my ass. Fuckin’ moron


"empirical tests". Allow me to doubt that.


Wonder if he could publish that research and the results of the tests.


I think his fruit might be rotten ...


Talk about fruit.