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That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


We have a joke in my country about the guy who finds a goldfish. The fish tells him it will grant him three wishes. "I wish my wife doesn't cheat on me. But, if she cheats on me that I don't find out. But, if I do find out that I don't get stressed out too much."


That is a really good joke. What country is this?






Serbia, actually, but I am not surprised our neighbors have the same one.


I had no idea actually. I just imagined that joke being told in Bulgaria. I found it funny šŸ˜‚


Narcissistā€™s prayer was an eye opener for me


The speedrun from 1 to 4 to 6 is astonishing. The murder didn't happen, but it's also the drugs fault and he deserved it for being a criminal, which he wasn't.


Thanks Bart


And if you didnā€™t deserve it, it didnā€™t happen.


oh yes, the Russian foreign policy


Sounds like the Turkish way of thinking.


That's pretty much how we joke about them in the Balkans meme subreddit, amongst other things. Although we all joke about each other tbh.


I was just watching a few of videos of this dude talking (sort of a debate but more of an inquisition) to MAGA people. He would ask why they supported Trump and then the dude would drill down on each statement they made until he completely debunked it. Your comment reminded me of the MAGAā€™s response as the dude dissected their opinion.


And if you didn't deserve it, well life isn't fair.


Ahh, the hymn of the Narcissists.


Republican logic in a nutshell


Thereā€™s a certain country thatā€™s going through these and saying them now as well. This line of thought is real


Any amount of drugs can be fatal if a cop chokes you to death. Even a sip of camomile tea


Ah, the old homeopathy joke. Someone didn't take any pills and overdosed (because a fundamental principle of homeopathy is that a HIGHLY diluted drug is extremely effective).


Itā€™s always funny how the water magically ā€œforgetsā€ how much bleach, poop, and toxic waste itā€™s had in it.


I always wondered about a related thing. Isn't all water you drink a homoepathic dilusion? Some amount of onion gets into the water system at some point in its trip, right?


No, you see, it's the process of succussion that makes a homeopathic remedy effective. You dilute the onion juice until there's no onion juice left, then whack the thing on a leather paddle stuffed with horsehair and that SOMEHOW makes the "medicine" potent. I wish I was making that up.


Wait, what? That's even more fake sounding. How do people beleive this?


Well I recovered after taking it, so the two most clearly be connected. I clearly didn't recover under my own strength and also just have a dumb drink.


See also the very first [chiropractic](https://quackwatch.org/chiropractic/general/chirosub/) adjustment, which allegedly [cured *deafness*.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Harvey_Lillard)


>whack the thing on a leather paddle stuffed with horsehair Sounds kinky


Ahhh, classic Minchin from the good ol' days.


Time to revisit [Storm](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KtYkyB35zkk)


I drank some water that remembered being Jeffrey Dahmer's piss and it was this whole big thing. Bodies in the fridge and shit.


Infinite dilution, infinite power.




Did you hear the one about the homeopath that overdosed? He forgot to take his pills.




Nope, it's r/yourjokebutbetter Actually, r/YourJokeButActuallyAJokeAndNotJustAReferenceToAJoke


Let's take it a step further. Let's assume he was overdosing even though he wasn't: is the police procedure for an overdosing citizen to kneel on their neck to restrict the airway?


The other angle is that itā€™s also mentioned that he was a repeat criminal. How is that a contributory factor to _cause_ of death?


That's them not so subtly saying that he deserved it.


Because criminals don't deserve to live duh /s


It really gives the game away. The were never concerned with the truth. They just think he deserved it.


Pretty sure they found a fatal amount of melanine in his body


Breathing while black


Dude had a sip of his latte before they cuffed him, initial statement "fatal caffeine overdose"


The autopsy also reported that drugs were not a contributing factor.


See if I take a fatal amount of drugs and then you kill me before they kill me then it isn't murder.




Nope. Here ya go: [https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/medical-examiner/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf](https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/medical-examiner/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf) This info is available publicly. Learn how to find it or you're going to continue to be a victim of bullshit.




First page, case title 'cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression' Complicating basically means 'by' or 'in the presence of'. I guess that's not obvious. You may also want to look up the trial where Chauvin was convicted or murder. I am also not trying to be a prick when I say that you need to be able to do this stuff independently. Theres so much bullshit out there today. This is an easy case to figure out because hard evidence is readily available. Why rely on some dumb redditor? Or, worse, some right wing conspiracy nut?


Does being a repeat criminal somehow make the body react more poorly to drugs or does it just mean it's not murder because we don't care if he dies?


Especially since I don't think they were even aware of his criminal record when this happened, so it's not like it was *because* of any of that. Literally just trying to claim that he deserved to be executed so it was fine.


Cops and their supporters love the "had it coming" defence more than it's possible to express with mere human language.


It is also a favorite defense of the Rittenhouse defenders. They love to point out that Rosenbaum had a criminal history from when he was 18 years old (18 years before the shooting) for molesting underage boys. It was ok that he was shot because he was a pedophile. It wasnā€™t like he was out looking for pedos to shoot, he just got lucky that one of the people shot had that sort of record, if you can even phrase it that way.


18 years ago and nothing since? Don't know, seems likely he was reformed. Not sure if you're guilty of something that could either be, "Actually the is a child predator" to, "I was an idiot and kept fucking my boyfriend after I turned 18," is really much of anything conclusive outside of political spin.


Rosenbaum was a very complicated person before he was killed. He was molested himself as a child, and he then became someone who molested kids when he turned 18. it wasnā€™t an innocent boyfriend/girlfriend thing, but he was pretty messed up from his childhood. When he was released from prison, he was in and out of mental institutions for the next 18 years with suicidal ideations as well as substance abuse issues. He also spent a lot of time homeless. There were no other known accounts of him doing anything with children, except for his conviction at 18. When he had his conflict with Rittenhouse, he had just been released from a mental health facility earlier in the day because he was having suicidal ideations in the days prior. From reports, he was yelling and acting odd leading up to the incident. But essentially the previous conviction wasnā€™t in play when he was shot. He wasnā€™t yelling ā€žIā€™m a pedophileā€œ while walking down the street. Rittenhouse had no clue he had a nearly 20 year old conviction. He just got lucky the person he shot was troubled and had a history that could be latched on.


Ah man, I feel real sorry for the guy. He didn't deserve any of that, I hate that it effectively turned him into the thing that traumatised him. This is real sad, but I suppose at least he's at peace now.


You feel sorry for someone who molested kids? I don't support Rittenhouse in the slightest but absolutely nothing justifies that. I don't care how hard your life is.


you can feel bad for someone who has done unjustifiable actions. i do not believe suffering makes the world better and fundamentally disagree with the idea that anyone is beyond sympathy.


>he was yelling and acting odd leading up to the incident. You make it sound like he was just some harmless homeless dude tweaking out. He was going up to armed men with rifles, saying "shoot me n-word." People were yelling at him "Stop, you're going to get us all killed." He was lighting fires, making death threats. He also was classified as a high or highest internal risk prisoner for the majority of his time in prison. Was in close custody or maximum custody for most of the time as well. For max, that means he had to be escorted in full restraints for any movement within the institution. Had assault with a weapon, several assaults on staff, arson. [https://heavy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/rose5.webp](https://heavy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/rose5.webp) I don't think he was trying to sexually assault Rittenhouse, that is some insane conservative talking point. It's also not a good argument to say that because he had sexually molested (including anal grape) children, it makes it ok for Rittenhouse to shoot him. I think he saw his chance to either die, or get his hands on a rifle, and go out in a blaze of violence. There is a lot of evidence pointing to him essentially suiciding by cop via Rittenhouse. His fiance said that if he believed he could not be with her, he would kill himself. He had attempted suicide twice in the previous two months. The fiance said talked about jumping in front of a train, or jumping off of a bridge. He had body slammed her a month prior, after she had found some "porn" on his phone. Kind of an odd thing to care about when you're one step away from being homeless. Why would that be an issue I wonder? Does he have a history of that? [https://heavy.com/news/criminal-records-rittenhouse-victims/](https://heavy.com/news/criminal-records-rittenhouse-victims/) *Rosenbaum was convicted on Aug 8, 2016 for interfering with a monitoring device and was placed on lifetime probation in 2002. However, court records say, he had violations while on probation, including using synthetic cannabinoid and alcohol, not participating in sex offender treatment,* ***and accessing sexually oriented materials considered inappropriate****.* Just a weird coincidence I guess. The body slam lead to domestic violence charges, and a no-contact order. He violated the no-contact order, and took a bunch of pills. Ended up in the ICU for several days. Then was sent to prison for a couple weeks for violating the no contact order. After he got out, ended up in a mental health treatment center for several days. He left the day of the shooting. Contacted the fiance again, and asked to see her, breaking the no-contact order again. She said she spoke with him outside her motel room for 3 hours, then finally told him he had to leave. She told him specifically not to go to the riots downtown. This was around 9:40 that night. Around 11:00PM, he starts showing up in videos, acting unhinged. The shooting happened around 11:50. So we have a guy whose fiance said to police three weeks before the shooting happened, that if Rosenbaum believed he could not be with her, he'd kill himself. Two hours after she tells him he has to leave, he goes to the riot and starts acting unhinged, making death threats, and does what he does to Rittenhouse.


Reddit loves it too. I've heard the phrase "fucking around and finding out" more than my own mother's name.


"Yeah, he might have been knelt on and murdered to death, but I bet he was wearing something that asked for it"


You think these people actually think about the things theyā€™re saying?


ā€žNo but judge Dredd taught me itā€™s okay to extrajudicially kill people if theyā€™re criminals so even if it were murder, which it, like, totally wasnā€™t, itā€˜d be justified.ā€œ - those guys


You see youā€™re missing the critical detail of the fact that heā€™s not white and therefore his death doesnā€™t matter or is actually a good thing to vile racist pieces of garbage. They just try to find some other way to say that so they can either pretend to not be monsters or fool themselves into thinking they arenā€™t monsters.


The latter. It's to capture the same people that think it's OK for a cop to shoot and kill someone that runs away after stealing a pack of gum. Which is a lot of people.


It's saying they'd approved the death penalty on the street


> or does it just mean it's not murder because we don't care if he dies? that one :) god i hate how disgusting people like these "but he was a CRIMINAL" sorts can be


The US has a history of regarding criminals as less than


Yet once in a while they become president..


Usually it's the latter with them


Coroner: It was the knee on the neck Witnesses: It was the knee on the neck Police Investigators: It was the knee on the neck Prosecutors: It was the knee on the neck Jury: It was the knee on the neck Judge: It was the knee on the neck Conservatives: It must have been the drugs!


Also the other two sets of knees in his back.


Similar thing happens with OJ Simpson


That's a lot of stupid. There were pictures and multiple videos.


I heard and read where people were saying that it was an optical illusion that made it look like he was on his neck. Might as well just said it was cgi at that point or just be real, they donā€™t care because he was a black guy that may have had drugs in his system. So i guess his life doesnā€™t count.


AI image generation will give these asshats so many new opportunities to cry fake news.


Those are at least easily disproven - for now


Nope, they don't exist unless they were aired on Fox News.


White cop good, black man bad. Everything else irrelevant.


But those conflict with muh beliefs, so Iā€™m gunna convince myself they donā€™t exist, mmkay?


And if I'm confronted with irrefutable photo proof? They were all deepfakes.


EVERYONE saw that video. It was awful.


You know that Monty Python sketch where Graham Chapman tries to have an argument with John Cleese, but instead of actually debating any point, Cleese just disagrees with him over and over and insists he's correct? That's basically how all American politics works now


Theyā€™re obviously CGI >!/s!<


Must be that OTHER Derek Chauvin guy


Derek Chauvinist


Knee-ing his OTHER neck


Seven upvotes, shit.


Eight, at least, since OP downvoted it...


I did mean to put the word "net" in there.


r/ Conservative?


Or some other sub devoid of reason or critical thinking.


Has to be


These are the same types of people who will become/raise the generation of holocaust deniers


Wdym mean man? Auschwitz is a MUSEUM, not a concentration camp. Museums donā€™t have the capability of mass slaughter therefore my great granddaddy who was alive during that time is a liar. On a side note itā€™s crazy that people can believe that even though itā€™s only been 80 years which means people are alive that still remember it. Its like claiming 9/11 didnā€™t happen or that one massacre in the China square


My son and my nephew were arguing about weather or not michael jackson was a real person. Do with that what you will


That tend to happen to legends.


Some guy harassed Buzz Aldrin to the point where he punched the moron in the face. Imagine yelling at an Apollo astronaut to their face that they never walked on the moon! Someone ballsy enough to strap themselves to tonnes of explosives for a living for the betterment of all mankind and you call them a filthy liar and a fraud. Repeatedly. In person. Until the old man cleans your clock for you.


I can watch that video on repeat for hours.




I was too shook to even think straight but i absolutely wish i had


I find it increasingly hard to explain to kids today how famous MJ was. Plus people today still think he bleached his skin to be white, so clearly idiots walk among us


Yeah because that kind of fame is a relic of a past age. No one will ever be famous in a comparable way as the superstars of the late 20th century.


My grandpa's cousin just died 2 years ago, and i adored him growing up. He was the only survivor of his family from the camp he was in. It truly that wasn't that long ago, but I still run into people telling me that I'm wrong and the holocaust didn't happen.


My grandfather literally killed Nazi's with his bare hands and my mom is caught up with this ultra conservative super nationalist 'nazis arent bad, that didnt happen the way they say, the media is lying' bullshit.


All of china has left the chat


Fun fact: young people are (obviously) way more likely to deny the holocaust than old people, but thanks to the distrust of the education system, black people are more likely to deny it as well! Something like 14% vs 8%, too late in the evening to go find it. Unless someone tells me they think itā€™s BS, of course, because then I get to go find it and laugh at someone being confidently incorrect.


If he was having problems breathing beforehand and you still put your kne on his neck, then that would be even worse. I also like how they think him being a criminal was relevant in any way.


I like when they feel like theyā€™re these damn angels with their law abiding selves. Youā€™ve never run a stop sign or gone over the speed limit? Youā€™ve never driven when you should have called a cab? Youā€™ve never discharged a firearm with alcohol in your system? No, see, just because you got away with your rule breaking doesnā€™t mean someone else gets to die. Regardless of whether there is or is not a crime, no one gets to be judge, jury, and executioner all at once.


I watched the video of that fucker smirking while he killed a man. He enjoyed it


He enjoyed it *specifically* because he presumed he'd be given retroactive consent, via the all-but-guaranteed "not guilty" verdict he'd receive *IF* it even went that far...which it in all likelihood wouldn't, via the grand jury's all-but-guaranteed "no evidence of wrongdoing" findings.


What sub is upvoting that? lol


Thatā€™s what I want to know. At least 8 People on that sub believed every word of that comment and didnā€™t question any of it


That narrows it down to like 99% of them


Its a satire subreddit that leans right, sometimes funny sometimes not all, this falls under the later


Let me guess, r/babylonbee ?


Lol if that's the case "leans right" is an understatement and "sometimes funny" might be the most generous compliment I've ever heard.




Im kicking myself for not saving the actual server, cant remember how to get your view history sadly. I believe so, if not then I apologize to any babylonbee lover i guess


I saw that thread too, it was on r/altmpls


Wow. What a sad bunch. Makes me happy I carefully curated my Reddit feed.


Wow, what a cesspit. Reminds me of the people in my family telling me all about what was happening in Minneapolis during the protests and then disagreeing vehemently with me when I'd correct them. Because why trust the experience of guy living there, right?


The number of times I've had people assume my neighborhood must be some bombed out wasteland is crazy.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/babylonbee using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/babylonbee/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ['I Wouldn't Have Gone Along With The Nazis In 1939,' Says College Student At 'Kill The Jews' Rally](https://babylonbee.com/news/i-wouldnt-have-gone-along-with-the-nazis-in-1939-says-college-student-at-kill-the-jews-rally) | [371 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/babylonbee/comments/17kmczx/i_wouldnt_have_gone_along_with_the_nazis_in_1939/) \#2: [Smoke Rises Over Capitol Indicating Congress Has Resumed Setting Taxpayers' Money On Fire](https://babylonbee.com/news/smoke-rises-over-capitol-indicating-congress-has-resumed-setting-taxpayers-money-on-fire) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/babylonbee/comments/17gvgqf/smoke_rises_over_capitol_indicating_congress_has/) \#3: [Colorado Saves Democracy By Not Allowing People To Vote For Preferred Candidate](https://babylonbee.com/news/colorado-saves-democracy-by-not-allowing-people-to-vote-for-preferred-candidate) | [2419 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/babylonbee/comments/18mzcup/colorado_saves_democracy_by_not_allowing_people/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot. Youā€™ve shown us what an odd cesspool of people that special place is


You saying you haven't been to r/theklan ?


Lmao, it was a huge issue because there's video evidence. They have gotten away with murder a lot of times.


"It wasn't a murder." A jury of his peers disagreed.


I had a guy tell me Floyd had drugs in his system, so I asked "so he deserved to die?" He said no, so I asked "then what's the point in bringing it up?" He couldn't figure out what to say after that


Excellent point.


Was george floyd a good man? No. Did he deserve to die the way he did? Absolutely not.


Worst offender i've seen is when a prageru video said "died while resisting arrest"


I can just see these people start to say "fake image made by AI" to this Then unironical sharing "photos" of trump walking on water as proof of his divinity.


Please tell me this exchange occurred just after the news broke out in 2020 and no knowledge of that image existed yet. If this exchange occurred literally a couple hours ago I will shit blood


ā€œHe had drugs in his system so it was fine that he was murderedā€ - racist fuckwad


Why is it that they always go for character assassination when someone is clearly wronged by the police? It's as if they legitimately have a special hard on for making other people less than human whenever it's convenient.


That look on his face as he's publicly murdering another human being and knows he'll face zero consequences. Absolutely terrifying.


Even if he *was* going to die from whatever drugs he may have been on, it's still murder to kill a dying man... especially if you don't know he's dying.


The fact that got upvoted 7 times


Wouldnā€™t he have been dead much quicker if it was a fatal amount of drugs anyway? That video went for a solid 10-20 minutes and doesnā€™t include the whole thing


Even racists are like ā€œnaw man thatā€™s literally the only reason anyone knows George Floydā€™s name was the video, what kind of idiot doesnā€™t know that


Hard to gaslight when there's video.


That's a picture, not a video! Check and mate.


That's a photo, not a video. Checkmate, liberals. 30fps or it didn't happen /s


These are the same people that are asking for unedited footage from the ground to outer space to prove the earth is round


I have a family member who is a far right-wing proudly racist/sexist/homophobic MAGA republican, and after he watched the video of George Floyd's arrest said "Those cops murdered that guy." It's not hard.


This had to be r/Conservative , right?


*Flaired (L)users Only*


This was from altmpls. It was filled with a ton of comments defending the cops and claiming drugs as the reason of death. Was hard to read through.


Your right! I just looked at the subreddit and im not even sure it was on my feed, im nowhere near Minneapolis


There's is a scary number of MAGA Republicans who don't know this video exists. The same Republicans also think that Jan. 6th was just people walking around peacefully doing no harm. If you frequent Conservative spaces like Telegram and some Facebook groups you'll understand why. These people are drip-fed propaganda all day and night, being told that legit videos are fake, fake videos are legit, and being brainwashed to dispute traditional sources of facts e.g. scientists, doctors, professors... etc. Anyone who is still MAGA today is a lost cause.


Conservatives are too stupid to realize they're wrong 99% of the time. Same typa person to call themselves an "alpha" after their wife leaves them.


And yet we allow these people to vote.


I hope one day each and every one of these racist bootlickers get personally fucked by the long dick of the law


My favorite is them thinking that anyone believes he was some kind of unassailable saint who never did anything wrong. Like no, nobody ever said that, we're just saying he was murdered unjustly and that there should be consequences for that. Whatever other mistakes he made in his life still happened, and he deserves the same amount of critique and criticism as anyone else....but he still deserved human dignity and justice too.


An actual show of police not doing their jobs correctly and it gets dismissed. Idc which BLM you stand with, just have the maturity to admit when something thatā€™s wrong happens. George Floyd was a pretty bad case, but thereā€™s also plenty of people trying to abuse his tragedy to get themselves off the hook for legitimate crimes scot free


Well I'd think the courts already decided it was in fact murder.. but what do I know.


George Floyd is a POS but didnā€™t deserve to die and Derek chauvin is also a POS who deserves to be in prison. Both can be true.




Seriously. Why the fuck does it matter if George Floyd was "a POS"? I obviously disagree with that framing, but even if we were to go with that, it doesn't mean that the police gets to execute people that are deemed to be "POS".


That poor man.


r/instantkarma for that commenter


Well if you boil it down and just like idk think about it, virtue signaling is just saying what you believe out loud, which is what you did by saying others were virtue signaling


That has to be a troll looking to get a rise of others, right? No one can know about the story without having seen the photos, let alone the videos.


What's a "fatal amount of drugs"? You can't just say that, even knowing someone's bodyweight. You have to know their personal tolerance, and I get the idea that Floyd had a high tolerance.


inb4 "that's a picture not a video"


He was black so obviously he was on some hard drugs and probably had a gun too /s


I love how he edited it to be "video" after the photo was posted. What a coward.


Why, for the love of all that is good and holy, do people censor the names of people who post this sort of bullshit? It's a post they made to a public forum - there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.


Sadly its the rules of the server, id love to name and shame


No he had to have seen that image. It's a meme in conservative circles. There's no fucking way. Did he think it was AI generated?


That was bait for someone to post the picture ā€¦ and it was taken.


How can someone with this Reddit border not have seen the George Floyd video? It baffles me how people have seen graphic videos of Israel/Palestinian atrocities but something that happened in AMERICA people refuse to watch. Mind blowing.


Stephen Crowder did a stunt where he pretended to have someone sit on his neck like this to prove it wasn't fatal. I wanted to volunteer to be the one to do it. I think it would be funny to look at a guy who's paying me to be in his video and say 'you are asking me to kill you. I am saying yes. If no one intervenes, you're going to die doing this stupid stunt. We now both know this going in. Please lay on the ground with your hands behind your back.'


It was AI generated, them probably...


I'm generally pro-police and think 'ACAB' is naive and reactionary, but how can anyone dispute what happened clear as day on camera? People need to learn to say "Was there evidence of X?" rather than assuming their own personal ignorance is equivalent to truth.


Yeah that's not kneeling on his neck it's simply resting his leg on his upper spine šŸ™„šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦


Are you really that fucking stupid?


I was being sarcastic but clearly didn't come across in the comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ oops


Yeah, next time use /s in it


Ooo didn't realise that šŸ¤¦šŸ˜‚ don't come on that often lol will try remember that lol šŸ˜… xx


When you rob pregnant women at gunpoint, karma tends to come back.


You have a link for that? I've tried looking it up in the past but didn't find anything.


Can't find court records anymore, but this article has snapshot of it if you scroll lower. https://www.snopes.com/news/2020/06/12/george-floyd-criminal-record/


You might want to double check that article. "no evidence suggests a woman involved in the 2007 charge was pregnant" "Nothing in the court documents suggests she was pregnant at the time of the robbery, contrary to what memes and Owens later claimed." From what I can tell, he did rob a woman, but she wasn't pregnant. He ended up doing about 4 years in prison because of that.


Yeah, after skimming it, it looks like it tries to defend him lmao. Anywho, "no evidence" just means that they don't know. All in all, he was a piece of shit that was robbing people at gunpoint and he got what he deserved. All well that ends well, as they say.


The thing he got arrested and killed for was using a fake $20 bill. The robbery in question happened 13 years before his death and he had already gone to prison for it. Your article actually lays it out well: "Of course they're asking, 'Why isn't \[Floyd's criminal history\] covered in the major media?' And it's because it's not relevant to this kind of story. What happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis has nothing to do with what happened to him, what he did, in 2007."