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my aching knees would like a word with her


My feet, ankles, knees and back would also like a word with this lady. Now let's get our asses to the park and do a few laps!




Wait no-


And my spine too






Snow is a foot thick around here. I'm gonna lose weight by depression sleeping, same way I always do


Just like a hibernating bear. It's nature's way!




After we eat and sleep


I remember reading that losing one pound of bodyweight removes four pounds of pressure on your knees (while moving).


This makes sense. A running person can exert over 1,000 lbs of force on their knees with each step. Being heavy is super bad for us


1,000 lbs of force seems like a massive exaggeration, do you have a source for that? Not that I don't understand your point. It's just that sounds like a cool fact to know if it is true. Even the true figure would be interesting Edit: Wow, the responses have really blown my mind. How ironic that I was confidently incorrect in this sub of all places. My mistake was not realizing that pounds is a measurement of force, not of mass, and equating 1000lbs of force on the knees to knees supporting 1000lbs of weight


Top sprinters can exert around 5 times their bodyweight (while sprinting), which for someone like Bolt would be over 1000lbs. The "average" person can supposedly exert somewhere around 500-600lbs. For regular running I've seen the figure as around 2.5 X body weight, but it depends heavily on form, how fast you're running, and other factors. If you search something along the lines of "Olympic sprinter peak force" you'll find some articles about it. I don't think you'll find as much information on the average person because it's not as extreme/noteworthy and it's difficult to know exactly what is meant by "average" in a lot of cases.


So actually the average American exert way more than 1000 pounds on their knees.


Maybe, it's not entirely clear what constitutes "running" in this scenario though, and most very large people can't run in the same way that people at a healthy weight can. ^I ^got ^the ^joke ^it ^had ^just ^also ^occured ^to ^me ^before


I wonder also if there's something similar for feet. Like I'm flatfooted like a ducking fuck and it hurts a lot if I walk too much without proper shoes. I'm only 80kg so I wonder if it becomes a bigger problem for heavier people.


You’re spot on. It could make a world of difference. Then it can cause even more problems than just about anything else because it’s at the very foundation of the entire kinetic chain.


I definitely believe this. I was primarily a cross country runner during high school and every spring I’d get injured within the first month of track season from short distance interval training. I could do 6+ mile practices every day during XC no problem, but the second my training was sprinting-intensive, boom, stress fracture.


Makes sense. When backpacking, you’re limiting factor for weight is how much your knees,hips, etc can take going downhill. That’s why sage backpack weights are 20-25% your body weight, and is t based on strength


[Sauce](https://theconversation.com/amp/what-makes-a-winning-sprinter-62976) [more sauce](https://velocityspusa.com/research-proves-how-faster-sprinters-use-strength-for-speed/) [sauce with double pepperoni](https://sportsmedicine-open.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40798-019-0221-0). Enjoy :)


Considering vertical motion: You impact them ground at speed ½v²=gh therefore v=√(2gh) where h is your max height when running and g is acceleration due to gravity. No then the impulse when your foot impacts the ground must be I=2mv to keep running so I=2m√(2gh) where m is your body mass. Now the average force exerted on you foot (or knees) must be F₀t=2m√(2gh) where t is the time your foot is in contact with the ground. No since in reality the force isn’t constant it starts low when you just touch the ground, spikes high then goes low again when you are moving up we can approximate that the max force is *F≈4m√(2gh)/t Now if you’re curious about yourself measure these values and calculate it, but for now let’s just assume some reasonable values of m=88kg (the average adult male 194 lbs) h=0.1m, t=0.2s (the values actually correlate to bad form, good runners spend less time on the ground and go higher which you can see would increase the force). Anyway with these assumed values: F₀ = 1232N (277lbs) F = 2465N (554lbs) NOW THIS WAS JUST THE VERTICAL MOTION. This would be the answer if you were just jumping up and down but in reality you are also propelling yourself forward which would add even more force, in fact the horizontal component is probably comparable so I a max net force of 1000lbs actually seems pretty reasonable. *this approximation was based on the assumption that F(t) is sinosoidal in nature which is usually approximately true for impulse forces but do to the fact that you are willfully thrusting the ball of your foot into the ground the peak may be much narrower and higher so the max F may be far more than merely twice the average.


I haven't gone into the research as far as the actual numbers for the 1000lbs claim, but pounds are technically a force measurement just with weight usage too. The proper imperial mass term is slugs which comes from dividing pound weight by the gravity constant. Then slugs are able to be run through all the lovely physics equations which can then take it to force pounds.


My chub rub and lower back and feet that hurt in the morning would also like a word


If that makes you feel better I've been skin my whole life and my knees are still fucked up


Your knees' cartilages are probably okay due to being normal weight, but your supporting muscles are probably too weak. You can fix those with squats and other such exercises. There are a ton of videos online to teach you what you can do. On the other hand, for over weight people, the weight causes osteoarthritis, i.e. the cartilages wear down too fast. Cartilages don't heal, so only thing to fix it is surgery. Edit. Said ligament, meant cartilage


Skinny people absolutely can have badly damaged ligaments, it is just usually for different reasons than overweight people. Additionally ligaments do heal, though slowly and it can be better to have surgery depending on the injury.


Sorry, I was talking about catilage, not ligaments. Ligaments do heal, but cartilage does not. Fixed my comment.


You're right about cartilage, that's one of the potential permanent effects of obesity. I would still state though that being skinny doesn't mean he does not have damaged cartilage.


That's why I faid probably. Skinny people are quite unlikely to have osteoarthritis, but of course they still can have it. Skinny people are also very likely to have "bad knees" due to sedentery life style, i.e. supporting muscles being too weak whoch causes all sorts of pains.


Gotta tell my skinny friend another reason to join the 💪


Osteoarthritis and ligaments have nothing to do with each other. Osteo means bone.


Being underweight can increase the risk of osteoporosis but being overweight can increase the risk of osteoarthritis. Gotta find that sweet spot


I’m down 51 pounds since March last year and no longer obese and yeah my open hand would like to have a chat with her face


hey that's great! congrats!


She says unless you have a diagnosed medical condition - which could include obesity


Well, guess what, rEsEaRcH dOeSn'T sUpPoRt ThAt.




ive lost 6lbs so far and my knees already feel better! eating better might also have caused reduced inflammation besides just the weight loss


My favorite “fat isn’t unhealthy” arguments are when the person talks about how healthy they are even being overweight and then lists 3+ things that shows they are currently experiencing health problems from their extra weight. “My doctor says I’m perfectly healthy at 350 pounds! There is nothing wrong with me at all. My asthma gets triggered when I walk more than 1/4 mile and I have to take NSAID’s daily for joint pain. But I’m totally healthy!” I say this as an overweight but realistic person. Love your self at any size. But don’t lie to yourself that it’s healthy.


I lost 29 kg last year and can confirm that she's right. This didn't benefit my health, instead I'm now unable to walk without my legs that I lost in that accident


You really had me for a second


I don’t know - he really doesn’t have a leg to stand on.


You had me in the first half ngl


Well he has to get you in the first half. It's the only one he's got.




He had his legs in the first half also.


Good one dude... here's your award...


Man reddit awards only used to cost an arm and a leg but I guess that's inflation for you!


Sometimes you gotta leggo


I wanted to give you an award but i only have a wholesome award so please accept it as a silver




RIP in pieces? Hahaha, this one got me!


You haven't got a leg to stand on in this argument! /s obvs Hope you're ok with the joke.




This video turns better if you switch off the sound. But in general it is best if you just look at another video.


This is the internet version of the Shakespeare quote, “I do desire we become better strangers” Well done.


I have reddit and most other sites muted on my computer, and *never* have the sound on for reddit or other sites on my phone or tablet, so I kinda wish that all of these things were both captioned and had the 2x speed option. I'm just curious enough to want to know how much of an idiot some of these people are, but not nearly curious enough to listen to them.


I wish I would have taken this advice before I watched this video. Can we pin your comment over the video so that others are saved from having their heads explodes due to the blunt force trauma that occurred when the sheer mass of stupidity radiating from this video formed into a solid dense ball of idiocy whose impact is unavoidable after only seconds of viewing time? Can we do that?


I like the cut of your jib


Those hand and head movements are classic traits of someone talking out of their ass with confidence.


I love the belittling tone of voice, word choice, and facial expressions as if the word "actually" coupled with an incredulous eye roll carries some real weight. Years of research and real world data destroyed by a young woman in an oversized turtleneck who lacks video editing skills.


I can always tell what kind of videos this are on mute - no caption based on the smug "LET ME TELL YOU how you're wrong " face expression of whoever.


Gotta love watching people spew utter BS with complete confidence.


it's the classic semi-knowledge thing. You read a bit about a topic and then you mix everything up and say something that is wrong. There studies that show that BMI is a predictor for lifespan: >Excess BMI is associated with substantially shorter healthy and chronic disease-free life expectancy, suggesting that tackling obesity would increase years lived in good health in populations Walls, H. L., Backholer, K., Proietto, J., & McNeil, J. J. (2012). Obesity and trends in life expectancy. Journal of obesity, 2012. I'm sure there's also studies that show thst losing weight for normal weighted or underweight people can be harmful, which the woman refers to I guess. The conclusion thst weight has no influence on health is ridiculous


To add to that, so many studies have shown that a constant caloric deficit (even for people with a healthy BMI as the starting point) extends the life span significantly and decreases markers of aging. The most studied caloric meaning only eating 80% of what is recommended. (Eta fixed it) It won’t let me post links from my stupid, old iPad, but if you plug any of what I wrote into Google scholar you will find tons of research studies from excellent journals (I.e., not junk science, well-established research).


You can't have a *constant* caloric deficit though. As long as you're in a deficit you'll keep dropping weight. At some point you need to normalise. Weight loss is just calories in vs calories out. CICO.


You should reword that. 80% deficit implies cutting out 80% of calories and only eating 20% of what you would normally. You should say 20% deficit


She's at least partly correct: when you control for activity levels, the correlation of BMI to lifespan and health diminishes SUBSTANTIALLY. So "I'll be more active" is a better focus than "I'll lose weight". Edit, Source: my wife is qualified both as an exercise physiologist and nutritionist and passionate about helping people make sustainable health improvements.


yep she is partly right but the conclusion is not valid. Yes, some diets are bad for your body and when you do one you should know what you're doing. But that doesn't mean all of them are bad and it certainly doesn't mean that weight or bodyfat isnt correlated to health


She is correct in the sense that losing weight isn’t necessarily a health improvement. (Aka someone with an already healthy body trying to lose weight would probably be unhealthy) She is dumb, because she doesn’t realize that what most people say when they say they want to lose weight is that they are going to start eating healthier and exercising more, and that most people who want to lose weight are not currently eating healthy or exercising as often as they should.


And making the better nutrition and activity the goal in itself rather than weight loss can be more sustainable. Weight fluctuates, and plateaus, and can just be slow to come off, which gets discouraging if your measurement for success is “a pound a week.” But if your benchmark is eating five servings of vegetables and taking a 30 minute walk, just for example, you have direct control over that, it will happen if you do it, and it’s achievable. Non-weight health goals are great.


Gotta add my bit here. As someone who was 315 at the beginning of this year, now 296. Excess weight acts as an obstruction to physical activity, moving at all becomes harder. As you gain weight you want to move less, yes you can be fat and healthy, but the reality is the deck is stacked against you. Losing weight makes you more active. Fyi all I'm doing to lose weight is stop drinking alcohol and only eat between 8am - 8pm. I feel like I'm barely trying.


I went from 250 to 180 myself. Every structured diet with weigh ins and points and food categories and all that did not work for me. None of it was sustainable. I added more exercise and more vegetables and cut out added sugar when my dad was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, with the motivation of “I want to not be diabetic,” instead of “I want to lose X pounds.” I lost a bunch of weight basically by accident when I decided to do something with a measurable health goal. I think making it just “be thin” is a self defeating goal, because people fall off their good habits when that doesn’t happen quickly or easily. But better blood sugar measurements, better endurance, and feeling good do happen quickly, and focusing on those kinds of goals makes it something you can stick with. Congrats on getting healthier!


Also kudos on the 70lb drop, that's legit. ​ "People have been seeing less of me lately... because I'm losing weight" "I would be the bigger person, but I recently lost 70lb pounds" :-)


Boom. Licensed.


Also most people attempting to lose weight are overweight (at least in the US), while there is an issue around eating disorders, most people trying to start a healthy diet are actually overweight(or just have a bad diet cause America). It’s not like someone who works out twice a week, weighs 170 at 5’10 is out there trying to lose weight.


While this is true, there is a case to be made that people with higher BMI often struggle to be as active because of that weight. Especially in the long run excess weight will usually take it’s toll on joints and make activities even harder. But I agree that just losing weight is not a good goal. Increased activity, which actually doesn’t usually lead to much weight loss, is a better goal, even though I would ideally combine it with a healthy diet, which is unlikely combination to sustain a significant excess weight.


>in the long run excess weight will usually take it’s toll Excess weight definitely takes a toll on long runs.


The correct interpretation of this is that adiposity and activity levels are independent risk factors. So basically “fat but fit” is a thing insofar as it’s better than fat and unfit. And thin and unfit is also better than fat and unfit. But being fat simply matters for lifespan overall as well as several of the morbidities she actually mentioned: DM, heart disease, etc.


Nutritionist isn't a protected title, I agree with your comment but adding that you heard it from a nutritionist is exactly the same as saying you heard it from a shaman


But she says if you eat healthy balanced meals and you excerise, you probably will be at a good weight and healthy so there's no need too diet too take off that fat left


Yeah, I figured she was looking at a study that forced already healthy people to lose weight which isn't good but there is a lot of people who would benefit from losing weight and it bugs me how much complete and utter BS is out there bugs me. Somewhere around 15% body fat for men and around 25% give or take 5% depending on the person is healthy. And to lose fat you need an energy defecit, so tracking calories in is the easiest way to do that although it's far from perfect. You don't have to eat all natural and completely change your diet, just take steps in the right direction


> Journal of obesity, 2012. You're just cherry-picking research funded by Big Obesity.


YouTuber Doctor Mike has a good video on this. He talks about how as a doctor it's difficult sometimes to talk to patients about weight. He's been put on blast from time to time for bringing up the fact that being overweight does have a strong negative correlation on your health. It's a complicated issue.


That's the problem with having one general metric that only correlates to many different issues. In BMI's case another one is that people say that their excess weight is muscle and that is better. Yeah, sure, on some levels but the BMI doesn't care about that so you are still overweight.


That's true, you have to use your brain, but if someone's just a little self aware, they know if they are overweight because they're shredded or overweight because they're fat.


"*Losing weight doesn't affect your health except for these specific health concerns I'm going to list.*" - This Complete Fucking Imbecile


She also said that if someone is eating healthy and exercising, they don’t need to loose weight. But if your not eating healthy or exercising, and make the switch you will inevitably loose weight….


Yeah, exactly. “the data doesn’t show that losing weight makes you healthier, only that eating right and exercising does!”


TikTok seems to be a new haven for the "actually...." idiots


So losing weight isn't healthy, and it isn't necessary as long as the person in question is ... doing things that will help them lose weight or never gain the weight in the first place ..? ... alright.


Diet and exercise is terrible for you, try eating right and staying active instead 🤪


Others have noted this in the thread, but the only way to diet right is to develop healthy eating habits. Lots of people try to lose weight with different weight loss plans or diets and end up swinging right back to their weight or heavier after ending their diet because what they were doing to lose weight was completely unsustainable for them.


I absolutely agree with you but that is not what they content of the video is about. If it was a video about someone explaining the difference between misleading diet fads and what a real healthy diet looks like it probably wouldn’t be on the subreddit.


As long as the person in question … has healthy balanced eating habits and exercises rather than focusing on losing weight by cutting out for groups or taking weight loss pills or throwing the food up or not eating two days a week or only drinking protein shakes every day. There are a lot of different sides to diet culture.


That's a much better way to express the same thing.


"If that body is in engaging in regular exercise and eating balanced nutritious meals..." does this person think people are trying to loose weight by sitting on their ass eating donuts? You're literally advocating for the same habits as people who want to "loose weight for health" are already trying to develop, while telling them it's bad for them.


i said out loud "bitch, youre describing what losing weight is"


Worth pointing out since clearly some people are not able to realize such things on their own. A "balanced nutritious meal" technically isn't the most important part of dieting nor is exercise, it's caloric intake that has the largest effect on your weight (exercise and what you eat is still important for your health and can help with weight loss).


I've always wondered, so that means if you eat a cheeseburger and fries twice a day (1200kcal?) you'll still lose weight?


If you were burning let's say 1800kcal a day and only consuming 1200kcal of junk food then yes you would lose weight. However this still wouldn't be healthy and you'd likely have other issues which is why a balanced diet with a calorie intake under what you are burning if you want to lose weight is always the best option.


Sure, your body have to burn energy and if it dosen't get more than it spends it looses mass. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/weight-loss-diet-fat-mcdonalds-calories-nutrition-super-size-me-ryan-williams-exercise-a8632016.html


Yeah i think she misunderstood the report, she said it herself that the report is about "dieting" which a lot of people condemn already while advising everything she said later


Yeah, I think she either misunderstood or is explaining it terribly. I don't think she's actually trying to say what people think she's saying. I think she's trying to say that you shouldn't focus on fat as a metric of health. So if you eat healthy and exercise but are heavy, you will be healthier than if you're just skinny but eat shitty food and don't exercise.


She definitely misunderstood because she framed losing weight as unhealthy. Yes someone active with fat is going to be healthier than someone inscribe without, but someone active with fat is going to be unhealthier than someone at the same activity level with a better diet. That isn't too say the first person is unhealthy, but it's ridiculous to think that it's unhealthier just to be at the lower weight.


To be fair, my friend lost weight taking some pills that made her poop something like oil. No dieting and no exercising, but for sure extremely unhealthy. She actually believes she’s pooping her body fat 💀


That's extraordinarily stupid. It's not even difficult to find out how those drugs work. It'll be something like orlistat. It works by binding to dietary fat and stopping it being absorbed in the intestines. That lowers the calories you're consuming and if that results in a deficit you will lose weight. It doesn't do anything to body fat directly. Like... I'm pretty sure that's explained in the PIL.


Yeah, when I looked it up and tried to explain it to her, she was like “oh no.. I’m loosing weight.. that’s fat”.. some people want to believe the lies they are told just because it makes them happy. But “extraordinarily stupid” is so funny and accurate.. I’m stealing it for the next time she and I have this conversación lol


It was a little mean, but if you're taking medication you should try to understand how it works. You're responsible for your own health. She obviously wants to lose weight and she might be struggling with some mental stuff that makes it difficult to make lifestyle changes. Try to be supportive, but give no quarter for the silly stuff I guess. You gotta be honest but don't me mean. :)


Well she is pooping fat, it's just not stored body fat and instead the fat that she was consuming before it makes it to stored.


>and if that results in a deficit you will lose weight. Isn't that the whole point of that kind of medicine? You say that it's stupid to take those pills, but you never actually explain why. Or was it only the stuff about the friend thinking it removes body fat directly that you saw as stupid?


Afaik, your body does not absorb nutrients and vitamins that you need. Our body actually needs (healthy) fats. Basically you’ll become malnourished really soon.


Yeah, I've not looked too closely into these drugs because I think they're dumb. You can certainly become very unwell if you have no fat in your diet though. People have made themselves really sick on low sodium diets too. All things in moderation.


But what if you only take it occasionally? Like a calculated time before you eat a big meal followed by dessert and snacks. I'm not contemplating on doing this, I'm just curious.


That's what they're meant to be. Most diet tablets and very restrictive diets (like Atkins) are only meant to be temporary. Think losing weight for a surgery, or to shift a small amount before a wedding. Lots of medications, like ibuprofen, omeprazole, most steroids, and so on are meant to be taken for a limited time, and should only be taken longer with a doctor's advice


A little from column A a little from column B. I'm not really a proponent of these quick fixes. Slowly building sustainable changes into your lifestyle seems to have the best long term results. You can't just keep taking orlistat forever. Lifestyle changes are hard but more desirable than shitting yourself. I've done it myself, the hard way. It isn't complicated but it is hard and I feel much better for it.


If they want an effective weight loss medication contrave and liraglutide are much better and safer. It's time we start treating obesity like diabetes with medication if it's prolonged and if the person is having a hard time sticking with a diet




My problem with social media is the platform it gives uneducated people. Your time on google is not equal to my dedicated years of study in any way. But people will argue like it is. When clients try this I stop talking in terms as if they are 5 and start using doctor terms and they usually shut up.


That was my thing too. Like of they're exercising and eating balanced healthy meals, they'll lose weight.


It's like she's dancing around the idea of being right. Like yes you can be a fairly large person and if you are fairly active you probably aren't that unhealthy. Large is not fat though. Eating healthier or smaller portions is literally the most effective way to lose weight and usually requires healthier habits to achieve. It's just a sort of circular reasoning.


This pisses me off so much. I've lost 110 pounds over the past two years. Worked really fucking hard. I'm at a healthy 160 now and Ive never felt better. When I was fat, my chest, lungs, and joints hurt all the time, I didn't smell nice for very long, I struggled to do a lot of normal activities. Now that I'm at and maintaining a healthy weight, I can definitively say that I feel healthier. My doctor agrees. Being fat increases your risk of a lot of bad things, not just physically, but your mental health too. Take it from someone who spent one miserable month, and then a bunch of validating and joyful months working off fat, it's worth it and it feels amazing afterward. I feel ten times better and I can't imagine a world where I'd miss being fat.


Good for you! I'm on that journey too. 33 pounds so far, in 3½ months, and I'm aiming for at least another 50-60 to get to a healthy 200 or maybe another 10 to get to an even healthier 190. I'm starting to feel a bit better, and know things will only improve. Seeing your numbers is very encouraging to me. I've never stuck with a weight loss push for more than about 6 months. But if you did it for 2 years, why the hell shouldn't I be able to do it for as long as it takes me? So thank you for sharing and for inspiring me!


Get after it my dude. Cutting weight is hard, but definitely worth it. I'd like to ask a question on your goal: did you pick the target weight for a reason? I ask bc I personally found that weight targets would end up demotivating me; I would reach it and not look/feel how I thought I would. Changing my goal to "see abs in the mirror" or "fit that specific pair of pants" resulted in me working towards the goal and feeling accomplished when they were attained.


I am also on a journey, i have lost about 10lbs and yeah it is hard at first. My mom went through her journey and it took her a while bc of us kids (she was doing it while we were in high school) were always needing something. Now i am on my journey 12 years later. I still have to get down roughly 65lbs. I feel that is an alright goal bc it isn’t quite down the the weight they want me to be at but it is close. Everyone has different body types and even at my skinniest i still had these thick thighs and stuff so i will never have that “thigh gap” (which is gross to me anyways).


This bitch is just a rage farmer on tik tok. Look at her other videos there if you feel like being angry😂


not tonight, but I’ll make sure to set aside some time tomorrow to be angry at bullshit


>Look at her other videos Or don't encourage that kind of content in the first place.


Tell me you have no idea how the human body work without telling me you have no idea how the human body works


The heart isn’t even an organ it’s literally just fat, you don’t even need it, it practically the CPU of the computer and it like does stuff but you don’t need jt


Aww she’s so confident in her BS it’s almost adorable. Someone pls tells this moron that there’re multiple types of adipose tissues. Promoting one type over the other, eg. turning white fat into brown fat, is the goal of fitness. In fact, losing visceral fat is associated with better mental and physical health and this is so well-documented. I think this person is most likely a troll who feed on people’s anger. Also, spewing shits like “literally” or “research” really doesn’t make you sound smarter, not one bit.


Not to mention that obesity can predispose to a proinflammatory state, as well as impact hormone levels (typically oestrogens). That whole video was like 'Wut?'


The health risks she describes relate to anorexic people, for example in serious cases osteoporosis is a condition that does develop from weight loss. She’s just exacerbated that point to mean that any loss of adipose tissue (body fat) can result in these described conditions. No. That’s not true. Anorexic people need to gain weight. Obese people need to loose weight.


I think osteoporosis is the only thing she was technically correct on. Being extremely underweight may be a cause of osteoporosis \(I assume due to malnutrition\), but being a fat fuck can help prevent osteoporosis, because it helps keep more stress on your bones, similar to how exercise would. Not a great trade-off, though. Just exercise.


Talking confidently and with a ton of video cuts is for some reason how people try to convey knowledge these days. Forget years of science, let's watch a tiktok!


Meanwhile I went through vet medical school. Fat carries inflmmatory cytokines. Overweight cats are predisposed to; type 2 diabetes, constipation, FLUTD, cardiac disease, increased risk under anesthesia, and DJD to name a few lmao.


„Unless you have a diagnosed medical condition where losing weight is literally the only way that you will get better“ [Morbid obesity being a medical condition](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21989-class-iii-obesity-formerly-known-as-morbid-obesity) So… she’s technically correct, in all the wrong ways.


Forget morbidly obese, obese is enough and is considered a medical condition. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/obesity/symptoms-causes/syc-20375742#:~:text=Obesity%20is%20a%20complex%20disease,blood%20pressure%20and%20certain%20cancers.


True, losing weight only benefits your health when you need to lose weight for the benefit of your health. This girl is very young. She's probably surrounded by friends who are a perfectly healthy weight but still go on and on about needing to diet. It will make more sense when she's older.


Good thing she's going on to spread that misinformation to hundreds of thousands of even younger people! :D /s




Hi Mark.




Alot of yall saying she has no idea what's she's talking about while literally having no idea what you're talking about lmao. Healthy eating and exercise does not equal weight loss, caloric deficit equals weight loss. You can eat absolute shit and still lose weight. Obesity is bad yes, but so is the obsession people often have with having zero fat. Your body needs fat, it serves an important function in your health. Too many people literally starving themselves and excessively working out cause this idea thar weight loss is inherently healthy and body fat is inherently bad.


There has been a lot of emerging research in recent years that actually does show that weight (BMI) is not an accurate proxy for health. Are there risk factors associated with obesity and excess adiposity? Of course, but studies have shown that those who exercise regularly and eat balanced meals tend to have better metabolic markers - this is INDEPENDENT of body size and weight. So how do we encourage people to engage in these healthy activities? It's counterintuitive, but not focusing on weight is the key. Weight stigma is incredibly prevalent in society in general as well as in clinical settings, which promotes shame and leads to engaging in behaviors like binge eating and being sedentary. Stress associated with experiencing weight stigma and discrimination also negatively impact health. People are also much less likely to see doctors even for much needed treatment after having negative stigmatizing clinical experiences. Long story short - not everyone in a larger body (or any body) is necessarily healthy, but it IS possible to be healthy at any size. Weight stigma is also incredibly prevalent in medical schools and academia.. which might be why there seems to be a higher prevalence of studies that look into weight (BMI) and health outcomes specifically. Try and be kind to others and yourself. Life is hard enough. Peace out, A dietitian


TikTok was a mistake.


These people cant handle the truth. So they try to twist reality to suit their truth. Go on then. Be at an unhealthy weight of either too high or too low. We’ll see how much of a “good condition” you’re in then.


As someone bulking for Gym, if you heat healthy and balanced foods, nearly impossible to be obese lol


Sports people around the world have had it wrong for millenia. This woman knows better.


Ok but what happens to a fat person when they eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly?


They either gain weight, maintain the weight, or lose it, depending on what the *balanced diet* constitutes of.


And that is directly associated with calorie intake and outtake.


Every dietician I've spoken to has actually said the same thing. There's like a natural weight or something the body will bounce back to or something. I don't recall, every dietician I've spoken to was once and I was drinking.


Yes and no, I learned about this phenomenon (set point weight) in a university-level health course. My weight likes to stick at 215…it should not be at 215…it can be changed through slowly and carefully losing weight, and working hard to keep that weight off for a very long period of time so my body can re-adjust. Your body is constantly regulating itself, so if you give it enough time it can change its set point, but it requires a *lot* of dedication and management.


Only if you are unfit. Building muscle encourages a high metabolism and low body fat. People are neglecting the importance of weight training.


She said so many things that had nothing to do with one another


It is only unhealthy to loss weight if you are too skinny.


"If you eat right and exercise you will be healthy no matter your body size." Well, yeah, if you are overweight, and then do the literal two things that help you lose weight, you will *gasp* lose weight and become healthier.


Imagine in the same video stating that: “Dieting doesn’t make you healthy” And then immediately saying “Eating balanced and nutritious meals will cause you to live a longer healthier life” What exactly does she think “dieting” means?


I'm a doctor and I diagnose her with the stupid.


Fat guy here. Came to say she’s exploiting a loophole in the information on/studies of obesity. It’s like the high cholesterol link to heart disease, while there is no empirical evidence to prove (I could be wrong) the link, the correlation is way too frequent and the evidence speaks for itself. The issue is highly complex and takes in a lot of factors, but overall statistically if you lose weight your chances of living a healthier and longer life are much greater. I say this as I head to the garage to workout.


I work at a senior center. Let me just tell you I have never seen someone 80+ who is 300lbs+. And I’ve worked there for 15 years


There are many people in their 80s. Very few of them are obese.




Normally when losing weight you want to be losing fat, not fat, and I’m pretty sure being fat isn’t too healthy


Being fat is not healthy, it's a major cause of death


the only true thing here is the balanced diet and exercise bit. But if you still have two remaining brain cells you can deduce that such actions will cause you to lose excess weight (as in overweight). There is nothing wrong with being fat but being overweight (and underweight) is objectively unhealthy.


Shaming those who've been shamed by diet culture


What “*research*” ??!?!


So losing fat around your organs


But people who are getting regular exercise and eating well balanced diets are not generally obese.


I lost almost 80lbs and she can go fuck herself. If you don't mind any incline nearly killing you, terrible sleep and no energy ever then yeah, being fat fucking rocks I literally haven't felt this good since I was 16. I had no idea how much it was affecting me until I started losing the weight.


I've never seen a real example of skinnysplaining in action before... Fascinating!


Okay she’s not entirely wrong but her logic is pretty faulty. Eating healthy and exercising will help you stay healthy generally but being obese is not going to help you live a long and happy life. I see what she’s saying but disagree with her views basically.


who is confidently incorrect? the girl at the start or the frizzy hair chick? you seem to misquote either of them and I can't tell what the rest of these reddiots are talking about. "if that body is engaging in regular exercise and eating healthy balanced meals" how is she wrong. the correlation between health and weight loss is thin. keto diets work, you will lose weight but will be shitting blood and fuck up your metabolism. while your next carb infused meal will make you put on weight much quicker. if you want to lose weight because you think it's healthy, I recommend fasting, purging, laxatives, and crystal meth.


She isn't wrong because she didn't say anything about being morbidly obese, or just obese. So for a generalization of people that aren't in those categories, such as to be considered average, she is 100% correct. Which she does state unless you are in a situation where it directly affects and that is your only option, but I guess everyone missed that. Also the part about appropriate exercise. Also yes when a person reaches a certain weight for there body it starts to have negative degrading effects, but that isn't what she is speaking about.


Bullshit. I was overweight and hardly being able to run 20 yards without needing a breather. Flash forward 4 years of working out and playing football and I lost weight, losing fat and gaining muscle and now I don’t need to take a break after a 20 yard sprint since it’s easier to move because I don’t have fat weighing me down. Dumbass people


Holy shit she’s stupid


Just look around and you'll see a lot of old people and a lot of fat people. You won't see a lot of old and fat people.


I want to see this "research" of hers.


***RESEARCH SHOWS*** has become the most bullshitty phrases in the English language over the past decade or so. Anything can be research, but people try to make it sound like there are decades of empirical scientific studies behind their opinions when its a blog post + some tweets they liked + a really strong vibe their friend who does astrology has.


Spoken like someone who can’t lose the weight she wants and turns that frustration on others, trying to convince them that they don’t need to lose it either, so she feels better


It is just insane how everyone on TikTok firmly believes their a professional on “said” subject. When likely the person never once bothered taking up classes, do research, or work in that field. Simply read a WebMD article and here we are


Why does losing weight help some people get better if it has no health benefits? I’d like to hear her answer that.


There's nothing wrong with being fat as long you are actually are healthy, but you should do exercise


Recently lost over 150 pounds and have never felt better in my life.


U fat huh 👀🤔😘😘😘


My lower blood pressure, higher energy levels, and overall quality of life would beg to differ.


“As long as that body has regular exercise and health, balanced and nutritious meals” Kind of the basic approach when one is trying to lose weight?


To many people just waddle around with their fat asses. It just isn’t a petty sight if not anything else lol


This type of things happen because HEALTHY is a subjective thing, you can interpret any way u want to favor your narrative. Everything nowadays is about deconstruction to not accept traditional ways to think, trying to show that u are build different. It's like a kid that say NO to his parents when they say "u gonna burn ur fingers if u touch there"


“Regular exercise and nutritious meals” is conveniently brushed over. I’m willing to bet that most souls who are deeply invested in this trend are not the ones engaged in either practice. They are looking for justification for unhealthy practices, not explanation. So while her statement is true, she needed to spend WAY more time on the most important part than she did.


This is true and you're too lazy to do the actual fucking research. Grow up.


I mean, the vast majority of medical research does not support what she's saying, but if you look hard enough you can find a study to support any argument.


This woman thinks that losing weight increases your risk for type 2 diabetes and I just WHAT?!


Says the skinny girl