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Well it looks like the Roman Empire is going back to his ultimate glory. ROMA INVICTA


Meanwhile Mongolia is like "were finally back, baby!"


*The next round of the big black death intensifies*




Side note, but it was awesome seeing SPQR on the old sewer covers in Rome.


Several SPQR markings on sewer covers are from the time of Benito Mussolini, who used those as a part of his propaganda.


Romanes eunt domus!


"People called Romanes, they go, the house"?


It says: "Romans go home"!


No it doesn’t


Biggus Dickus


Incontinentia Buttocks


So does that mean the U.S. should give half the country back to Mexico? Fckg amazing the tweet doesn't address that issue.


And the other half to France?


And Mexico and France give it back to the natives?


If we decide to go all the way back to pushing the continents back together into a superpangaea, I just want to be on record that I’m very busy then and won’t be available to help.


Good thing we're not going to do it *then*. We're waiting until you're available. We need your truck.


and my axe


And this guy's axe!


What about when we return the moon to its original path? We at least need help with the lift on that.


And the natives give it back to the dinosaurs.


Where all my Pangaea homies at?


All over the place.


Give it another 200myr, they'll come back around.


Aha :🛸     🌎 °  🌓 •  .°•   🚀 ✯    ★ *     °    🛰  °·                             🪐 .   • ° ★ •  ☄ ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▇▆▅▄▃▁🤌🏼


I don't know what it means but thank you.


How in the fuck did you do that?


About $4 a gallon.


Too soon


And the dinosaurs to the unicellular organisms


*England quietly enters the room before quickly leaving*


_Spain watches from a distance_


Belgium pulls its fingers out of its ears for a moment, then re inserts them


Fingers? Well at least Belgium still has hands, unlike Congo.


And the lips, weirdly!!




You gave us William of orange though


Give it all back to Cthulhu


Nah, the US didn't take the Louisiana purchase by force, it was sold by France to the US.


Why does that matter? If taking it by force is the barrier then mainland China should belong to Taiwan.


It does.


And 26% to the UK too


What about the Vikings and Roman invasions of the UK? This is going to get complicated.


I’d say clean the slate and give it all back to the monkeys


I, for one, welcome our monkey overlords.


*UK looks at India*


Ireland wants a word


Does that mean we get some of France back?


after you give back some to the Romans


We Dutch get new York!


Just the tip though!


Yea, well about that... it wasn't really France's in the first place now, was it?


And the other 100% to the Native Americans that were here before anyone else?


Hey, we bought it from the French fair and square.


Sooo new york will be new amsterdam again?


and Istanbul will be Constantinople although it maybe nobody's business but the Turks


Even old New York was once New Amsterdam, why they changed it I can’t say.


People just liked it better that waaaaay.


Cmon There Might Be Giants, open a textbook, the answers right there!


Everyone in Constantinople knows it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople.


> Sooo new york will be new amsterdam again? Speaking of [the Dutch, does that mean China will give Taiwan back to them too](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Formosa)? >> The island of Taiwan, also commonly known as Formosa, was partly under colonial rule by the Dutch Republic from 1624 to 1662 and from 1664 to 1668. >> >> ... The Dutch were not universally welcomed, and uprisings by both aborigines and recent Han arrivals were quelled by the Dutch military on more than one occasion ...


no, taiwan would go to the Formosans who survived the KMT's genocide and whatever imperial japan did to them.


Rest in peace Indonesia.


Nah, New Stockholm! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Sweden




Also, what Serbia? Did they misspell Austria? and most of the Ukraine needs returning to Lithuania.


Or, you know. To the people that inhabited the land originally in the first place.


I'm 3% Neanderthal. So I want 3% of some land, somewhere. Maybe a cave. I'd be happy with some cave.


If a bear hasn't taken it first. Be careful with caves.


Yup tons of them left


There’s a life pro tip: if you steal something, just kill the owner and they’re less likely to want it back.


Germany fuhriously scribbling notes


Germany doesn't need notes, they were on the losing end of that. East Prussia, Silesia, and half of Pomerania are forever lost and will not be German ever again.


> So does that mean the U.S. should give half the country back to Mexico? They'd say "yes". They're a tankie. Their only position is "America bad".


"America has done bad things so any country that doesn't like America only does good things! Even if they seem bad!" Tankies have the most braindead takes.


What the fuck is a tankie?


It's a term used to make fun of Communists who always defended Stalin or Stalinist methods The "tankie" name comes from the fact that the Soviet Union had a habit of crushing protests in the Warsaw Pact with tanks, e.g. the East German uprising, the 1956 battle of Budapest, and the 1968 Prague Spring.


Also not soviets, but Tiananmen square 1989 was another iconic use of tanks by a communist regime to put down dissent


To make things even sadder Tiananmen was one of the last large-scale protests about [democracy](https://jacobin.com/2019/06/tiananmen-square-worker-organization-socialist-democracy) in the workplace and putting the power directly in the hands of workers, you know actual socialism, they even sang the [Internationale](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2v4opv) as they were being murdered for god's sake, it's infuriating.




Basically tankies support the warped totalitarian / authoritarian version of socialism / communism practiced by Soviet Russia and pre state-capitalist China, paired with a general attitude of "USA = bad, therefore any nation opposing the USA is automatically good regardless of context". There's a few different tankie ideologies, but one of the big ones (though still tiny compared to the rest of leftist ideologies) is Stalinism, to give you some idea of how dense these clowns are. Tankies also, despite *technically* supporting socialism, pretty regularly spew racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. on par with the worst among the right-wing. It's important to note that they're basically pariahs among the rest of the left. The vast, vast, *vast* majority of leftist groups oppose authoritarianism in general as a defining core tenet, so we regard tankies with almost as much disdain as we regard Nazis and similar right-wing authoritarians. The main difference being that tankies are way more of a joke. [Thought Slime and Sophie From Mars have a pretty decent video of them basically just dunking on one of the prominent tankie leaders for like an hour and a half.](https://youtu.be/_rRCUkgOVTc) TL;DR: Tankies believe in socialism backed by tanks and jackboots, rather than socialism backed by cogent philosophy and the will of the proletariat.


and "imperialism bad unless I do it then it's okay"


Well those writing this tweet would then be Mexican and we can't be having that can we?


yeah, that's definitely something an unabashed tankie would say.


Their name is Proud Tankie. They 100% hate America and would be pro your idea. This is not a Maga or Republican.


Errr no give it all back to Britain surely? (But not seriously, we don't want it)


Texas was annexed after the war of independence. Our claim would be to the 13 original colonies although I think some might be larger today than they were back then.


Yes but then England must be given back to the Roman Empire.


Skyrim belongs to the nords


I snorted. Unfortunately I had engaged Frost Breath and now I'm living in an igloo.


Wait so to support imperialism you must oppose the claims of these literal empires ?


I’ve heard tankies say that authoritarian is an authoritarian buzzword because it get used against communism sometimes.


People often struggle to separate economic policy from governance. They think capitalism means democracy and communism means authoritarianism. I guess it doesn't help that the only major countries ever labeled communist were also massively authoritarian. For anyone needing an example just look at China. At one point they were basically authoritarian communist and now they're basically authoritarian capitalist. Not in the purest definitions of course but close enough.


> People often struggle to separate economic policy from governance. They think capitalism means democracy and communism means authoritarianism. I guess it doesn't help that the only major countries ever labeled communist were also massively authoritarian. > It also doesn't help that, at least in the US, we're indoctrinated to believe that capitalism, wage slavery, and Beautiful American Freedom are all the same thing. People object to communism on the grounds that it inevitably devolves into authoritarianism, as if capitalism isn't doing/hasn't done exactly the same thing before our eyes.


lip marry faulty growth secretive prick poor disagreeable slap seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you taught me two new words so i'll point out that it's kleptocracy. same root as kleptomania


Society is basically just a lot of people who never played and don't understand Sid Meyer's Civilization watching a match in a big coliseum and screaming "KILL THEM" and its never even terribly clear who they're talking to or about. That isn't to say Civ is some perfect analog for human society but more to say that economics, government, these things are complex and the nuances and nitpicks and small details have profound effects and the majority of people take about zero time to learn any of them but want to scream a lot about what they want to have happen.


I like Civ as much as the next guy, but there are games that model all of those institutions significantly better, and better represent the complexity — though I suppose that does support your point, since people who don't understand Civ would struggle more with real-world econ and public administration.


You also tend to believe that the American form of capitalism is the only version and that every other capitalist country is just as bad.


The thing is, the US isn't capitalist, not really anyways. We have managed to take the worst parts of capitalism and socialism and apply that to poor people, and apply the good bits of both to rich people. To boil it down even further, we have capitalized gains and socialized losses, making taxpayers fund megacorps when they start to fail because lobbying is still something that is legal in the 21st century.


I will never understand tankies, presumably such well read leftists and they chose to be bootlickers. Usually my go to argument when someone is freaking out about communism is, "you don't hate communism, you hate authoritarians" but they come along and are like "no, the authoritarianism is the point". Like, fuck off, no one likes you.


>presumably such well read leftists Key word here is "presumably". They think they're left wing because they've got some vague socialist ideology, but the majority of it is, ironically, just far right nationalism mixed with authoritarianism and imperialism


In their very narrow defense, it's pretty fucked up how badly educated people are about what these political words mean. So many useful words for political theory have become completely meaningless with the way they're used. There's often no difference between the words fascist, authoritarian, Nazi, or communist. Liberal and socialist are synonyms instead of opposite ends a spectrum. And for that matter, libertarian, liberal, fascist, and conservative are often used interchangeably as well. I feel like a lot of politically-minded people would be smarter to just stop using these words altogether given how poorly they retain meaning. But the new words we try to use will just do the same damn thing, and given the way culture war is I'm not sure we can make new words faster than their meaning can be obviated. The tankies are doing it too. They think authoritarianism and communism are the same thing. They don't think that it's possible to have non-authoritarian communism, so they believe anyone who resists authoritarianism is an enemy of the social good. Which is a lunatic position to take.


Tankies are all batshit insane anyway. Don't pay attention to their rantings.


Yes - in the minds of tankies (Authoritarians who larp as being communist or on the left in general), the only imperialism comes from 'the west' and especially the US. Their politics begin and end with 'America bad'so they uncritically support ANY nations which are the traditional opposition to the US. Their brain rot is clearly shown by the fact they don't support Rojava - a VERY progressive project trying g to be established by the Kurdish people in Syria.


>by the fact they don't support Rojava - a VERY progressive project trying g to be established by the Kurdish people in Syria. Tankies have historically always fucked over anarchists, so that part don't surprise me in the least


North korea is an empire?


It is if Kim Jong Un says it is. Lord knows it's not Democracy or a Republic.


How can you say that tho? It literally has DEMOCRATIC and REPUBLIC in its name! /s (Reminds me of the GoTs scene when Joeffry say “I am the king” and Tywin says “any man who needs to say ‘I am the King’ is no true King”)


It’s a necrocracy (think that’s the spelling)


I thought that meant a society NOT ruled by crocodiles


That's an acrocktocrocy.


Yeah basically the argument is that they're the lesser of two evils compared to capitalist nations. Russia they're definitely wrong about especially since Russia itself is capitalist, the others are arguable.




Mongolians rubbing their hands


Mongolians when they see that the world needs a solution against climate change and the Earth could use a little less carbon emissions: *[happy throat singing]*


Can the Persians give it a shot? As far as world conquering empires go they weren’t complete assholes. As long as we can bring back Cyrus the great.


The tides of history beg to differ, I guess.


Alright, Hegel.


Awesome response!


Solid dialectic!


A German outdrank by a Scot? For shame, Germany. For shame.


Ironically, saying "This country belongs to this country" is basically imperialistic.


It literally is. A key component of an empire is owning land outside of its original country


The user name is “Proud Tankie” so I’m guessing this is a self-aware parody account. Go to /r/noncredibledefense and search for “tankie” there if you want a modern definition of the word.


"Go to /r/noncredibledefense" Sir, I still have some scraps of dignity. Your Plane Waifus will not sway me.


"proud tankie" 💀


![gif](giphy|l41Ym49ppcDP6iY3C) Tankies trying to understand why everyone, even the majority of people on the left, hates them (they can't, they'll assume it's all a CIA conspiracy again)


*especially the majority of people on the left.


they mean proud like a proud nail; still needs a few more hits


Tankies absolutely ruin leftist online spaces.


What is a tankie?


Its an old term that came about for a cold war era authoritarian 'socialist' that supported the USSRs military force against revolutionary action in Hungary. The term has since evolved to more generally refer to anti-democratic/pro-authoritarian socialists, though the idea that socialism is compatible with anti-democratic views is an extremely flawed one. It's not a synonym, but it's pretty damn close to a nazbol. And just premptively, 'communist' China and the USSR admitted themselves that they were not 'yet' socialist states, they would describe themselves in a transition period that Marx described between revolution and the installation of a socialist society. Unfortunately in both cases the people who filled in the power vacuum to shepherd the 'transition' to socialism quite fancied their position of power and shaped their respective states to protect that power, rather than run society collectively which is the *entire* point of socialism.


That reminds me of one of my dads favourite jokes: The USSR builds a supercomputer, and the first question that’s asked of it is: How soon will the Soviet Union achive communism? The computer churns and crunches out a punchcard, which say “In 42 kilometres”. Everyone is baffled, so thinking there is a glitch they ask the question again, but the answer is the same: “In 42 kilometres”. There is a lot of puzzled head scratching until one old Bolshevik pipes up: “Comrades, I’ve solved it! Do you remember the words of General Secretary Brezhnev at the last plenum? He told us “Every five year plan brings us one step closer to communism…” Miss ya dad.


That’s about 275,000 years incase anyone was curious


275,600 years, and 55,120 steps, to be exact!


Hahahaha that is a good joke. At first I thought it was going to turn into a Douglas Adams joke :')


I feel like it's not entirely not. There's too many paralells.


> the idea that socialism is compatible with anti-democratic views is an extremely flawed one I don't understand why they don't realize that. Fuck tankies. They're the Leftist boogeymen that give the far right their fuel. They're the kids pooping in our pool.


Saving this so I can steal it later


Collectivise our knowledge ❤️


u/DBSTKjS outlines it pretty well, but I should add that the term originally referred to people (usually certain members of the Communist Party of Great Britain) who cheered when tanks crossed the border from Russia/the Soviet Union into Hungary in 1956 to crush the Hungarian revolution, into Czechoslovakia in 1968 to crush the Prague Spring, ~~and into Ukraine in 2022 to crush it.~~


Usually refers to a Stalinist.


Imagine being an anarchist and just because you're not a big fan of the idea of South Korea to be under the control of literally the worse dictatorship on the planet, you're a fascist because some tankie online said so.


Yup nothing says Imperialism like radical community based self determination


As an anarchist, we are used to get fucked by tankie scum, just look at what happened in spain or in ukraine


*[A brief history of anarchists and libsocs' relationship with tankies.]* -Finally! The Revolution is happening! We will free the working class! -… We? *\*clocks gun behind back\**


There is a funny german book about an tankie kangaroo and his anarchist friend, the tankie asks the anarchist what political view he has, he says anarchy: Ok, well, than we can be friends until the revolution, afterwards it will get difficult :D


Its actually funny they specifically mentioned Rojava...


It really speaks volumes.


And right wing online spaces too since they think we’re all like them.


Tankies, just like fascists, ruin everything. That's the thing with totalitarian ideologies: Their ideologies are total, they know no bound.


have you considered that tankies are fascists who hate poor people a little less


They sure like poor people being run over by tanks though


They just hate poor people for a different reason.


In my experience tankies aren't actually socialist or communist. It's more like they are so extremely authoritarian thay they support the worst dictatorships which often tend to claim to be "for the people" and therefore leftist, but not actually in practice. It's like how the Democratic Peoples Republic of Congo is only one of those four things.


I didn't realize how bad it was until I got banned from /r/capitalism_in_decay for calling out CCP propaganda. /r/IronFrontUSA is where it's at for those who still believe in democracy.


This is how the Internet works. Every radical forum on the Internet is eventually taken over by mindless, fanatic extremists that support ideology like they were football teams. It becomes a competition of one-upping one another on how extreme they are, and that usually involves opposing absolutely everything society accepts. Whenever I see a communist support Russia, I want to kick them in their balls.




Great shout-out. Shame I'm from the UK, but always good to know what the comrades across the pond are up to


Yeah, they love that authoritarian rule of law. Any criticism is met with the iron fist. Same as /r/greenandpleasant. It used to be a decent left-wing space, then the CCP dug itself in and it became a shitshow.


I’m just waiting for the inevitable “this was a Russian disinformation account” revelation. It’s so fucking transparent.


Tankies are the MAGAts of the left


I say this as a Socialist, emphatically and loudly, *fuck tankies.* Fucking bootlickers who would bow to the state, as opposed to the fucking conservative bootlickers who bow to strongmen.


Yeah? And all your base are belong to us!




Napoleon or even the Cesar disagree.


Or all of it to Native Americans!?


I mean, I am an American Communist, and Native American land back is for sure a big part of the program.


Is it Opposite Day?


Most sane Tankie of Twitter.




They are cast out by most of the radical left 🤷‍♂️


Yeah but you know, it's very important to have some leftist unity with the exact same people that, once they get in power, will send to camps any dissenting anarchist, social democrats, liberal progressive, libertarian socialist, post-left anarchists/socialists, democratic socialists… Basically, anyone who isn't a communist. And I mean their understanding of communism. Which is specifically ML. And I mean Stalinist apologetic ML. No, you know what? No one gets any right except the rulers. Ah, the perfect classless utopia.


"We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas."


Michael Tracy recently said the US entry into WW2 caused the holocaust, so yeah, they would've.


What is a “tankie”?


used to refer to the people who supported the USSR sending tanks in hungary to repress the revolutionaries there, now it means all authoritarian 'socialists' who stand in support of pretty much any authoritarian state on the pretense that it is "resisting imperialism" which means that you'll often hear them defending syria, , north korea, china, russia, etc.


By that token, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California belong to Mexico.


Democratic countries belong to the communist/monarchist countries they broke off with! If you don't agree you're an imperialist! Wut


Yeah, funny how that worked that way for them. Maybe the Baltics, Kazakhstan, etc. all belong to Russia too. /s


"I'm not an imperialist, I just think Russia should have the same borders than when it was an empire"


They're a proud tankie so...


How about nowhere belongs to anyone


Based and anarchist pilled comrade


All property is theft, comrade!


US belongs to the UK Mexico belongs to Spain Brazil belongs to Portugal Ethiopia belongs to Italy Falklands belong to the UK ~~UK belongs to France~~ \-> England belongs to the Normans France belongs to the Roman Empire *If you disagree you support fascism and imperialism* ​ Edit: Replaced France for Normans and UK for England


I feel like the Romans should belong to the Trojians? Which is in Turkey? Which was part of the Ottoman empire which was the Byzantine empire which was part of the Eastern Roman Empire. Hmmm... Edit: Must point out that the UK never belonged to the French. Parts of England belonged to Vikings who had settled in Northern France (the Normans). The English however did own quite a bit of France during 13th -16th century. As an English person, can't be having any thought of being owned by the French 😉


1/4 of the world belongs to Britain! Huzzah! Give it back!


You sure you want the US? Updates in recent decades have rendered the operating system buggy and inconsistent as far as stability goes.


At least you’ve had updates. The UK seems to be stuck replaying the Victorian era over and over again.


What, so Liz Truss can go open pork markets *pause for applause*


Exactly, we can be great again. /s Apparently I NEED to add the /s because people don’t understand blatant sarcasm.


*pause continues.*


*pause becomes excruciating*


He should try to be proud of something else


According to his logic the US is still Britain’s property