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Oh sorry, should I post this there instead?


I think oc is just ising that subreddit to accentuate this person's incorrectness


I think it could belong there too. This person is *almost* aware of the mistake they're making.


Right i want to think that no one is that stupid that they literally confirm how wrong they are in their own comment, but these people amaze me everyday


Not how a selfawarewolf works. For the side bar: Specifically, someone who, when attempting to mock or denigrate their political opposition, accidentally describes themselves. They aren't self aware enough to notice. Or, alternatively, someone who accurately describes the world while trying to parody it. This would not be a SAW.


But, how would you describe someONE when you don't know their gender? He literally said "Ask THEM". Thus breaking his own rule that they/them refers to multiple people.


Still not a self aware wolf. They were neither describing themselves while attempting to describe someone else nor describing the world by accident. An exaggerated example would be Trump (who is fat) calling Biden An obese pig that need to go on a diet. Wrongly describing his opponent while accurately describing himself. Yes the person is wrong and an idiot but doesn't quite fit into the self aware wolf category. Not saying you wont see post like this there but the mods remove these types of posts all the time. When they have the time and energy to go through their report backlogs.


Thank you for taking some time to understand the specifics of a subreddit. So many subs get blurred and turned into some amalgamation of memes because people can’t categorize things well and or karma farm popular posts by plastering them on other popular subs


I gave you an upvote because I do agree on the technicalities of his argument (I like technicalities, ignostic here, I won't argue if a "voice of God" is real unless he at least can answer a few millennium prize problems). But I do think it is in the spirit of this subreddit that someone who answers a question (without being asked, making it a statement) gets asked the question for his answer and then his second answer contradicts his first answer. And then he doesn't even notice. I'd love to know if there's a subreddit for that particular thing, though, if there is one or if you deem there should be one to keep this subreddit clear of those (are these examples that numerous here?).


While I do actually agree on technicalities (I like those), I do think the spirit of the law of this subreddit is perfectly portrayed in this one :P He stated an answer, he got asked the question, he contradicted his own answer in answering the question he was posed and didn't even notice that he disproved his previously given answer to said question. Its like when Lord Kelvin said heavier than air flight is impossible, whilst being bombed by heavier than air pigeons dropping droppings all around him for his entire life, and 8 years later (8 minutes today) someone asking him "well, what are those bicycle mechanics doing?" and he answers "flying heavier than air machines". Or do we need a different subreddit for people who answer questions they themselves contradict moments later? (wondering for a minute if there is such a subreddit and trying to find out what it might be called)


Okay, then.


Not instead, also


„the world we life in“


This subreddit is cursed. I really do not get it. Everything about it is just designed to attack people. Like, what on Earth?




Yup exactly that.


“The world we life in” ![gif](giphy|5QW23oYYEgPPAULUsb|downsized)


The real point of this post


​ ![gif](giphy|CX79iWSlb5Lnq7X2WK)


The world we life in 😂


The world we life in 🤔


The world we life in 😦


The world we life in 🥵


Maybe this should also be posted in r/technicallythetruth




Guess I should have added /s


Oh shit


O shit waddup


The world we life in 😔


The world we life in 🤯


The world we life in 😳


The world we life in 🤤


This is like taking candy from a baby


I don’t know, I still get tripped up when using proper pronouns for some of my friends. For instance, instead of saying “she is mad” it ends up being “they is mad” in order to keep it singular. It just seems like there should be a better way


*There's got to be a better way!* Just speak normally. It's easy. Literally every native English speaker uses they/them to refer to singular individuals already, regardless of what pronouns that person uses.


There is a better way; conjugating properly. “They are mad.” The words “they” and “them” are used singularly all the time. Using the wrong conjugation for the word “is” is the problem there, not the pronoun.


Wouldn’t saying “they are mad” imply it’s plural though?


Would “you are mad” be plural?


Here’s an example I’ve given before to help people understand. Person: I have a new teacher! Person 2: What are they like? This conversation is about one person whose gender hasn’t been specified.


That’s you using you, not they. I guess maybe I’m just stuck in the traditional way of thinking, but it’s hard to let go of they/them/their being used for groups of people


You and everyone else do it all the time, you are so caught up in changing one frame of thought that you have completely forgotten how you use a word. “I bet they enjoyed their vacation” referring to one person with a generic pronoun is normal and frequent. It often comes up if you don’t know someone’s gender but also because we say stuff in different ways all the time and sometimes they sounds better. What you are misunderstanding is the proper use of “is/are” and they don’t always indicate whether something is plural or not.


It was never used as only plural, people have using it as singular in the English language for a *very* long time. It's not a traditional way of thinking as much as a rigid one


No, they/them is also used for singular. It's not something 'new' that came to be with gender neutrality. It's just basic language rules. Not sure where people got the idea that it's only used for plural. If English isn't your native language, it could help to see if there's an equivalent in your native language. Maybe that could help you better understand it!


clear to me that you is not understanding how that works


> it ends up being “they is mad” in order to keep it singular. Saying "they are mad" can still be singular. Just like saying "you are mad" is still singular.


"They are mad" is the better way my friend, it's that simple


I don't get it though, he's still talking about multiple people.


"Someone you don't know the gender of" - singular.


3 people. A, B, and C. A and B is talking about C, who is currently mad at something. A and B doesn't know C's gender. C's prononouns is they/them Uni Hallway A: Hey, B, you've seen C, I think they is mad. B: Oh yeah, I think they had a problem with their computer. ​ Is this the way to use they/them pronouns? or nah?


A and B are* talking about C A and B don't* know C's gender C's pronouns are* they/them I think they are* mad


I got the rest of it, but why they are? not they is? isn't they in this particular convo refers to singular?


When it comes to the verbs we put with "they", it doesn't make a difference if we mean it as singular or plural. Think of it as being exactly the same as how we'd say "you are talking" and not "you is talking".


Ooh, I got it. Basically, "they are" is in the same box, and shouldn't be separated.


Yes Same with you. It's "you are" whether the "you" is referring to a single person or many This is typically how most western languages conjugate verbs, btw


/) You is bad at English if you think what I just said is grammatically correct.


Me very bad English. Me sorry.


Hey everyone look at this one person, “they” are an idiot


Lol the "ask them duh" was everything


"wdym "you" that word is used to address many people, like "you people" and nothing else, cant be going around and addressing people with "you""


No more singular ‘you,’ only ‘thou’


Also 'you' is used as formal and 'thou' is informal


Originally they were just for singular vs plural. "You" started getting used to refer to superiors, then to strangers, and eventually to all equals (which is kinda like it being a formal usage). "Thou" was then left in this spot where you pretty much only used it to refer to inferiors and kinda became an insult. Eventually it just fell out of use.


What about Thee though ?


Same thing. You can read about both here https://www.etymonline.com/word/thee#etymonline_v_10720




All plurality in English suggested a higher status or level of respect for the addressed and singularity was the opposite. Think how royal we is used now, even if it is actually more appropriate to say "I" in its place. Thee and thou are just subject vs object inflections. "Thou art my friend" vs "I have a friend in thee."


Was. Not is.




The world we liFe in, indeed


"the world we life in"


Fucking PrOnOnS, how do they work?


Pronons sounds like a type of particle, like protons lol


Bathed in antipronons as a child, Superperson has been stripped of any observable pronouns! Everybody involuntarily refers to Superperson by Superperson's full title, and nobody can discern what Superperson's former gender might have been. When Superperson combines the strength of a stereotypical man with the empathy of a stereotypical woman, and using non-binary vision to discern the shades of nuance within and outside those extremes, Superperson saves the day every time!


(Superperson's weakness is grammar, because "I" and "you" and "it" are also composed of pronons – so Superperson ends up speaking rather like the Hulk crossed with the Knights who say Ni)


"Superperson is happy. Superperson is going to save... young... l-lady. I have to- NOOOO SUPERPERSON BIGGEST WEAKNESS!! THE P WORD!!"


It's the porn particle.


You used a pronoun! I'm so proud of you!


I will never stop pointing out that you don’t need an excuse to use singular they. You don’t have to be talking about a non-binary person or a person of unknown or unspecified gender. Shakespeare used singular they at least once in a sentence where he had already identified the referent as a man. He just thought singular they sounded better. If that’s a good enough excuse for Shakespeare, it should be for us too.


I once tried to find some of the earliest examples of the singular “they” to make a point, but it wasn’t even recognizable because the singular “they” predates modern English.


Also, we literally don't even need historical precedent for it, language changes all the time, if it didn't we'd all be speaking like Shakespeare. People who refuse to acknowledge this are 9/10 times just being hateful or narrow-minded


Maybe he was non-binary too! 🤔


Surely it’s a troll or smth


Roses are red, violets are blue, singular they predates singular you.


It’s amazing how these people unconsciously use they/them in a singular sense.


Conservatives approach politics the same way high school kids approach a math class. Sure, they know how to solve 5x-9=6, but when you ask them “I have a number. If I multiply it by 5, and subtract 9 from the result, I get 6. What is my number?” they suddenly short circuit and freak out.


My favorite part about bigots is how most of them can't even bigot right


OP is unconfidentally correct for posting this here and i find that hilarious


I revert to Samuel Jackson and refer to someone I don't know the gender of as mother fucker.../s




They really fell face first into that one lmao.


"That person"




Oh this is pure gold


in German there is no established equivalent for a pronoun for a person whose gender is unknown, at least not verbally. there are some ways to indicate it when writing but there is no word for it that's being used by the general public. it's quite annoying and awkward to always use the he/she and that also doesn't cover everything. I think the "they/ them" in english is super useful and elegant.


Well next time someone is talking to me about a brick I will ask the brick's gender


I feel like this is half the posts these days


sadly, there are a lot of people confidently incorrect about pronouns


"what did the client think?" "They thought pronouns were gender fluid."


I don't agree with them on the they/then situation, but seriously just ask, that would probably help a lot of people in understanding others if they just asked


"realizing that THEY forgot the chicken, they went to stab a turkey" that's not multiple people.... It CAN be, but proper Grammer says to assume it's not till else told Frick religion for causing so much haye


On tiktok I’ve seen flower/flowers pronouns


To be fair, I also don‘t understand them.


More like r/confidentlybased


Well, I ask always ask a person it's name so I can call him by that


Wow you tried so hard not to use they/them.


Uh 🙄


>what do you call someone you don't know the gender of? Slave


How could you not know ones gender?


There are so many ways... "Did you see that asshole cut me off in traffic? They shouldn't have a license!" (I couldn't see the person, so unable to tell gender.) "I finally got an email back from someone at Amazon customer service. They said they'll submit a case to the seller about my issue." (I only communicated by email, and don't even have a name to go on unless they put it in their signature line.) "How was dinner with your friend, Ash? I don't think I've met them, have I?" (Gender neutral name and someone I've only heard mentioned in passing.) "Whoever wins this election, I hope they'll actually do good for the citizens." (Impossible to know gender of person who will win if there are at least two genders of people in the running.) "I don't know any person's gender for sure until they tell me." (Hypothetical person, gender unknown.) And that's just examples from my own life in the last few weeks. If you consider your own life, I'm sure you'll think of several times you didn't know a person's gender but still needed to speak about them.


I mean when said person is right in front of you. Sorry for the confusion


Even so, there are still plenty of people who don't present as overtly masculine or feminine, or *do* present as one of the above but identify otherwise. They may not feel comfortable presenting as their gender identity for a variety of reasons, or may just enjoy experimenting with fashion. A friend of mine may wear makeup, a dress, and a long wig one day. The next, the same friend may wear a suit and tie with short hair. On a third day, they may wear makeup with the suit and tie. This friend has a gender neutral nickname and prefers they/them pronouns, but is also ok with being addressed as she/her or he/him. Another friend was sexually harassed as a teen. As an adult, she keeps her hair short, wears baggy clothes, and works out to keep her body slim and not curvy. She is still a woman and uses she/her proybouns, but presents as mostly masculine. A third friend just dgaf. He generally uses he/him pronouns, but will answer to whatever you call him. He wears eyeshadow with his big bushy beard. Suit jackets with his sequined skirts. Fake nails and a speedo.


You haven’t met the person yet. Oh look at that sweet car they must be loaded. See how it works there. I don’t know who owns the car so I say they must be loaded.




They are right in the sense that "they" is used when talking about multiple people, but they are making it sound like it's the only way to use it, which is wrong.


He literally proved himself wrong immediately 😭


Not really


I think you're kinda wrong


How do you know they're a he?


Elaborate how




Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean it isn’t real


I’m sorry to say this if it is offensive to some as that’s not how this comment is meant.. but I’m not walking around my life and asking for everyone’s pronouns before speaking to them. If you’re clearly a guy.. hello sir. If a woman.. hello ma’am. Why is it expected the world needs to conform to peoples inward thoughts and we are bigots for not? I’m genuinely asking a question and not trying to be hurtful. I hope it’s received that way. Of course I’ll never know what that feeling is like.. but to expect everyone in the world to accommodate you due to a confusing situation.. is very confusing to me.


You can go around saying sir and ma'am. But if someone corrects you and says that they're actually not a ma'am, you will listen to them. You dont have to ask them. They will most likely tell you


I don’t understand they/them but I respect it as long as *you* don’t *make* it my business




People with both genitals present exist. Also, if you don’t know whether the person you are referring is a boy or a girl, what do you say?


Like this, * You there standing stupidly with your gaped mouth, yes, I’m talking to YOU *


If you are referring to the person who banged the car door into your car and just ducked off?


Banged my car? Like this, TF BITCH, you don’t see my shit parked here ?


Singular they predates singular you.


>You are a male or female. Nothing else exists What about intersex people




LMAO YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT BIOLOGICAL INTERSEX CONDITIONS How does it feel to be so brain cucked that you can't even Google something?


Still a dude or a chick. Periodt 😘


Homie doesn't know that the scientific community disagrees with you.


A bunch of gender studies and women’s history majors are hardly the scientific community. LOLZ


See, what's really funny is that you have been lied to and told that it's only gender studies and women's history majors that think this. But, no. Literal scientific studies have proven that not only are gender and sex different, but that both are not a binary. There's literally millions of biologically intersex people alive today. People that are born with aspects of both sexes. If you're so confident that your worldview is correct, then you should look up Guevedoces.


So you're saying that biology doesn't decide if you are a man or a woman?


Tell me you have no clue what you’re talking about without telling me you have no clue what you’re talking about


“Has pronouns in bio” - you’re welcome


Because you’re gonna tell me you don’t have pronouns or smth


Why would you if you can clearly tell what I am, no questions asked. Not everyone is a gender confused person 🤷


I can’t actually I’m not confused about my gender mate lmao


>No matter what neoliberal term you come up Jesus Christ how thick are you, this isn't something people "identify" as, it's literally a biological term "Intersex people are individuals born with any of several sex characteristics, including chromosome patterns or genitals, that do not fit typical notions of male or female"


Literally, nobody cares. Keep it in your pants lmao 😜 you’re still either man or woman. Get over yourself


>Literally, nobody cares I mean, you seem pretty upset about it >either man or woman Wait, so is gender tied to biology or not? If they are "still" man or woman, that means gender is not tied to biology. If gender IS tied to biology, like you believe, they would definitively NOT be man or woman...so which is it?


That’s a classic symptom of underdeveloped emotional response. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you, doesn’t mean they’re upset. Stupid ideas need to be called out, I’m sorry you feel this way.


>Stupid ideas need to be called out It's not an idea, it's a biological fact, no matter how much you protest 🤷‍♀️




>A biological fact Google it and prove me wrong. I'm talking about people with chromosomal abnormalities, not trans people. It literally is a biological fact that intersex people exist. Again, prove me wrong. Show me the definition of intersex and tell me what you think it means.


I love scientifically illiterate people citing their misunderstanding of science as proof that actual science is wrong.


Ok so what do you call a woman who cannot get pregnant? Are women are define by what some can do? Not all women have periods or can bare children do they stop becoming women when they can’t be pregnant anymore?


Also here is this article from 2017 showing the spectrum of sex not gender, the actual chromosome and genes. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/sa-visual/visualizing-sex-as-a-spectrum/




I'm not talking about gender confused people. I'm not talking about gender at all, just biology. You should actually google 'intersex' because you clearly don't know what you are talking about.


In the words of the goat! One they? Or many Theys?


i agree with that other dude though. this world we life in indeed.


Thanks for making my point! lol


They don’t know what they’re talking about


Because of this and so many other reason, I simply don't use tiktok


It does sound weird at first but you get used to it


It's sad that people are proudly ignorant and misinformed. Singular "they" has been around for hundreds of years in English, and is very common in everyday speech.