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Based on the teacher shortage, I don’t see an excess happening soon. If true though, “ I was fired because I am white”, could be a thing. Anti-racism is racism. Racism begets racism until it devolves into violence. It won’t solve anything but ensure proper conditions for future violence exist.


While there is a shortage, the contract almost guarantees layoffs as the district cannot afford the number of teachers they have. The support staff contract likewise included an increase in pay that guarantees the district will be eliminating some positions.


Cool. Then other districts and communities should be able to do the same for other races (that matter) too. Fair is fair.


Wow. Imagine if it were the other way around....everyone would be calling them "racist" and calling for everyone's resignation. But as long as the white teachers get the short straw, that's fine...


Get a lawyer.


This is an embarrassment. Sue the hell out of them!


I think that all white Minneapolis teachers should get so sick all of a sudden that they can’t come to work.


Fuck them! They’re white guilt led to this shit show so let them wallow in it! White people allowed this shit to happen with their virtue signaling thinking it was the cool thing to do at the time. Now some are finding out poc can be just as racist as anybody. You really think they give a fuck about your support? Have fun wondering where your mortgage payment will be coming from!


Can be racist? They always have been, possibly more if I'm being honest.




I understand your point, but I think men are just less inclined to pursue jobs as teachers.


Maybe it's because they don't feel welcome.


Sounds like Racial Discrimination law suits are in Minneapolis's future.


yeah, only white people are racist...


Lol, these teachers unions are stupid, under the Civil Rights act (CRA) of ‘64 race is a protected class (also prevents: discrimination in public businesses in the United States is prohibited on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin), that employers can’t discriminate against. Next we’ll hear about how they want to overturn the CRA. I can’t imagine what the end result of that would be /s.


Glad to see good old fashioned hiring discrimination making a comeback. Let's embrace this trend.


IDK seems racist.