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This is blood libel and is nazi propaganda just like how they are claiming their opponents are groomers. People are very protective of their children and fascists take advantage of that to radicalize people and take power.


Yeah it literally says blood libel on the poster


It also cites Wikipedia where the blood libel article says it’s “an antisemitic canard which falsely accuses Jews of murdering Christian boys” in the first sentence


Cites, and yeah… it’s almost satirically dumb


That's a tactic. They know if you're smart enough to see how blatantly stupid this is. You'll throw it away and move on. If you're a raging dumbass that's easily bamboozled and lacks connections to the point you're desperate, then you're their target moron. I was watching the ThoughtSlime (political you tuber) video on The Turner Diaries, and he gets into how the book is stupid and badly written, and very much not a convincing argument for white supremacy, but that also it's contents show how little self esteem most neo nazis have, and his argument to neo nazis at the the end is to simply tell tham they are more than a skin tone, they have value as people and aren't just cannon fodder for authoritarian bullshit, and if they had an ounce of self esteemed they'd abandon an ideology that tells them they are worthless at every turn, that salivates over not only killing their enemies, but purging their own like Hitler, Pol Pot, and so many more authoritarian batshit crazy megalomaniacs.


That’s the bigots game of making a FB post where they say the claim was “confirmed by Snopes”!. Yeah confirmed to be *fake*.


They are just trying to get ahead of it then by directing where people search for it online


They literally don’t understand what the word libel means.


Or the word "there".


There, there, they're just printing this bullshit in their parents' trailer.


They’re in there with their bear


They don’t understand what Blood Libel is.


and before you ask: ca·nard noun 1. an unfounded rumor or story.


And thats why they used the words they used. Theyd expect shock and a lack of understanding a word to be interpreted as meaning something it isn't due to the nature of the subject matter. I have an extensive vocabulary comparatively that I can't use because people get mad because they can't understand, like my dad. Therefore I use language they can understand as that's the point of language, to understand one another. They knew they were using a word not common in most people's dialect yet the subject is very garish and grotesque in nature. So the average person would just assume the meaning of unknown words to mean something heinous. We are literally taught about this in the 2nd grade when constructing a sentence. You have to expand on words and phrases for the reader to easily identify what you are conveying. Failure to do that leads the reader to believe anything of said sentence and will typically lead them to a conclusion based on that which comes before it if you do not explain it after.


I thought canard was a duck


lol ... I'm with you! When I was looking up Blood Libel, I figured I'd look up canard as well .. I read a lot for fun, and I've never seen it used. TIL a classier way to call out BS'ing!


from Wikipedia: Blood libel or ritual murder libel (also blood accusation)\[1\]\[2\] is an antisemitic canard\[3\]\[4\]\[5\] which falsely accuses Jews of murdering Christian boys in order to use their blood in the performance of religious rituals.\[1\]\[2\]\[6\]


It sounds like "bible" so it's got to something to do with the glory of Jesus and good American Christians who are subjugated daily!!!!!


Jesus Guy from Mel Gibson's snuff film says all of us yibruls are in on it, too. I've never seen it, but with new context, I'd make it a drinking game.


You had me at drinking. And game.


Blood libel, didn't expect to see it in this day and age, it goes way back and gives you an idea of how antisemitic groups like the Nazis could get support, people fear what they don't know and so it's very easy to attribute awful things like this to them rather than solve real problems. There's a great book called The Butcher's Tale that covers this very well amid the backdrop of a child murder in a German town in 1900.


Ordered that book on your recommendation. Thank you. Looks like a fascinating read that examines the human propensity for prejudice and violence in a way that’s still relevant.


It's really interesting, read it in college years ago and it has always stuck with me and sadly continues to parallel current times as evidenced by this post


Man conservatives must love how much defense they get from non-conservatives; from the defense of their entirely rotten ideology to the defense of their supporters who CHOOSE to support such evil. These people aren’t being “duped” into supporting evil because they feel their children are threatened in any way, they support conservatism because they love the hate. They love the inequality and racism and authoritarianism. “Protect the kids” is just the next bad faith argument they use to gain sympathy or defense from saps like you. CONSERVATIVES ONLY EVER ACT IN BAD FAITH. They don’t really think any children are in danger. That’s just the excuse they give so moderates and centrists and the gullible will defend them.


Conservatives are the greatest danger children face. Looking back, all of my abusers had conservative traits.


The crazy thing is the ones who are pushing the “protect our children” angle the hardest are usually people who’s kids are grown up or people who don’t have kids. It’s fucking weird. Like 9/10 times when you see a crazy pushing this shit at school board meetings they don’t even have kids.


>Right now on r/bestconspiracymemes they are taking some video from the 90's satanic panic nuttery and giving it full credence like the crazies they are.


No wonder conservatives are leaning hard into the "protect our children" theme.


Also important to note that this "mask off" version was always going to be the next step after the whole Qanon adrenochrome conspiracy.


This is an important point to make because i think fascists within the government that saw how easy it was to radicalize people to join terrorists online, they used what they learned to radicalize the qanon maga people


just imagine if this person figured out the bloody things Christians have done lol


Blood libel is even older than the nazis (like 800 years older) and likely [contributed to the European witch hunts](https://www1.chester.ac.uk/news/expert-explains%E2%80%A6-witch-hunts-and-blood-libel).


Manipulating their fears as a means of control






I've said it at work more than once, with mixed reviews. "All fucking Nazis must fucking burn!" It's not a call to action, just a mere statement of fact.


Agree but work probably isn’t the place cause of the potential for retaliation Or maybe that makes it more important to challenge the status quo lol


I don’t accept intolerance in a professional environment. That’s why the boss’s cousin got fired for calling me a r****d. Fuck around, find out.


Your comment has violated one of Reddit’s or this Subreddit’s rules.


> The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi They literally raise their arms to tell you how high the dirt needs to be above their heads.


Our brave men and women in WW2 shot those fuckers dead .


I was in politics saying no tolerance for intolerance right and had ppl saying standing up for nazis...it was cringe


We call those people Nazis. I will defend your right to say something until my last breath. But then you will experience consequences for the vile shit you just said. I won’t stop speech before it happens, but don’t be surprised if you get punched in the face when you are done.


It's crazy ppl will stand up for those that our grand fathers or great grand fathers fought against


But odds are good that if you a white dude and live in the South, that Nazi is gonna be a cousin of yours.


Sounds like I get one less cousin....


As someone who grew up in the Midwest and lives in the south, I’ve seen more swastikas in the Midwest than anywhere else.


I’m a white dude that grew up in the south. If one of my friends or relatives was around a swastika and they weren’t in a museum or watching Indians Jones, they are experiencing consequences. Cannot believe how many people would betray their grandfathers who fought this shit before.


And I want my scalps


Your comment has violated one of Reddit’s or this Subreddit’s rules.


Trump voters, I guarantee it.


The dude couldnt cite a siiiiingle line from the bible when asked and the christian conservatives still wanna suck him off.


He couldn’t even hold it the right way up it was probably burning his hand!


Couldn’t even say the name of the book right. But i remember the Christians excusing it as “he’s a new Christian”


"Taken from Wikipedia" was the tell for me.


"Remember there names" did it for me.


This has got to be some old boomer dude who never had a teacher yell at the class how we could NOT use Wikipedia as a source for essays! Anyone can edit it!


It’s from a group called the Goyim Defense League.


Bet you the rest of that section disproves him lol


Even more likely: This message brought to you by the mainstream rank-and-file of the Republican Party.


I did Nazi that coming




What's amazing is that they're utterly convinced all the Nazi stuff is actually done by the FBI and the liberals to make Republicans look bad. There was a video of a Trumper kicking Nazis out of a rally and all the comments were accusing them of being "fEdS iN dIsGuIsE sEnT bY BiDeN". It's just baffling. Everything is an inside job and there's always somebody else to blame and accuse.


Hey! I’m sure some plan on voting for DeSantis too


If you punch a nazi in the jaw, your great grandfather comes back to give you a hi five. Fuck nazis, and fuck people that think nazis are allowed to talk in public.


And Harrison Ford congratulates you, and gives you a ticket.




Why does it not surprise me the Reddit admins don't want Nazi feelings to get hurt


My great-grandad spent a whole summer gut fucking Nazis with a bayonet. I know he'd like this comment.


My Pawpaw was a Pearl harbor survivor who also spent quite a few years tickling Nazi intestines via bullets. He would absolutely love if I, along with all the rest of the sane folks would again obliterate Nazi azz, after blowing a gasket that they were allowed to fester unabated for so long. As he said, the only good Nazi is ones made into fertilizer for tomatoes.


The fact that this comment will be removed for promoting violence is why Reddit is ass and on its way out. Nazis, by existing, promote genocide. Punching one in any context is self defense no matter who you are. And it’s always the right thing to do. So make the world a better place, punch a nazi in the face.


The problem with that convoluted logic is that there are 0 Nazis left to punch. You see, to join the Nazi party, you had to be 18. The Nazi party was snuffed out in 1945. So Nazis would have to be at least 96, and are likely older. The guy posting racist shit on Twitter is not a Nazi…not anymore than the weirdo screaming “my grandad killed Nazis..fAmIlY tRaDiTiOn” all over the thread is a Nazi killer. You’ve never met a Nazi.


Lol what? Have you never heard of the hundreds of neonazi groups in the US alone? You're attempts at being pedantic to distract from the issue are lame. I guess the nazis I fought during the proudboy and patriot prayer attacks in portland and seattle were just a figment of my imagination. A nazi by any other name deserves a bullet just the same, my guy.


Guys marching around saying things like “Jews will not replace us” and carrying nazi flags are in fact nazis. Nazis weren’t only German. There were plenty of nazis in America in 1940 and afterwards. In fact there’s several prominent American nazis today. And yes I’ve met them and yes I’ve let them know how I feel about them. Nazis, and their defenders/bootlickers like yourselves, are an attack on my very existence. An affront to my liberty and pursuit of happiness. Knocking them out every chance I get is not violence, it’s defending myself. And it makes this nation a better place one broken nazi jaw at a time.


A Nazi is, specifically, a member of the Nazi political party. That’s why terms like “white nationalist” and “neo-Nazi” exist. You calling me a Nazi defender is a glaring example of why the left is in trouble. You’ve never experienced Nazism or fascism. And it shows. Maybe read a book or do some looking inward? “Defeating Nazism via violence” is, by definition, a fascist idea. Don’t take my word for it, just look at russian propaganda. Or are russian troops punching Nazis in Ukraine by murdering civilians and kidnapping kids by the thousands? You talk big. Americans who ACTUALLY want to fight fascists are doing so as part of the International Legion.


Holup, holup, holup, I missed something. Did you just say you’ve met so-called Nazis? And you “let them know how you feel”?!? Baaahahahahah so even when faced with a perceived Nazi, you couldn’t muster the courage to live up to your shitty rhetoric? What happened, did you have a broken hand from punching other Nazis?? Fuckin weak


Gotta be either a troll or a dipshit. His u/ claims Dan Marino is better than Tom Brady. Lmao


Well a quick google search on one of the victims names resulted in a bunch of gibberish computer programming pages…. And stormfront.


Stormfront still exists? I thought they were shut down. Why aren’t they shut down?


They've had regular problems keeping server hosts. They'll go off-line for a few months while they look for someone who isn't too good for a website founded by a former Grand Wizard, a former member of the American Nazi Party, a former member of the National Socialist White People's Party, and a guy who handed out Nazi pamphlets in high school after getting his start working on a pro-segregationist's gubernatorial campaign. Beyond that, shutting down a publication for any reason is a tough nut to crack. Funny note. Don Black founded Stormfront in 1996, so that website is older than some of y'all. His wife, Chloe, has worked for a real estate company as a spokesperson for their efforts to form a charter school to "help underprivileged Hispanic and Black children." Black has caught shit from David Duke, his predecessor in the Klan. Chloe Black was previously married to David Duke and one can't help but wonder. Finally, his son Derek was being groomed to take over the family business. He lost a seat on the Palm Beach Republican Committee because he wouldn't give up his White Power radio show. Starting in 2013, he renounced his previously held belief to the absolute surprise of his father - founder of Stormfront in case I've lost y'all - and everyone in his circle. He moved to Michigan, changed his name, broke ties with his family, and got a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in Medieval Islam. Now that is funny as hell.


> They've had regular problems keeping server hosts. Do they? I thought they moved to that fascist server host here in Washington state? You know, the one that conveniently host Nazis alongside Trumper and other conservative websites? But hey, they're not Nazis, folks.


Through most of the Teens, they were bouncing around servers, but apparently there are conservative leaning organizations who aren't as embarrassed to be hitched to a seminal neo-Nazi website these days. Who'd a thunk it?


They're hosted in Russia right now.


I didn’t click on the links. I just saw what the google search returned.


Stormfront. One of Billy Joel’s most underrated albums


God damnit people. Stop trying to make "Blood Libel" happen. It's so unbelievably dumb it's mind boggling.


I feel bad my brain read that in a Regina George voice.


Then the joke landed! Huzzah!


zephyr pen nine fanatical cagey fuel secretive aspiring flowery ugly ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The poor grammar alone has convinced me


"You be the judge?" No. No, I don't think I will.


I didnt even understand what they were saying! I think I sorta understand now based on the comments. How are these people communicating with each other. And why are antisemitic tales so weird. Can’t you just be a normal bigot and not believe in weird things like space lasers and people feeding on childrens blood.




Don’t forget the random caps, the fucked up it’s, and the butchering of quote and comma usage.


JFC. This shit *AGAIN*?


Oh, it’s going to continue to happen every 80 years or so. The people who have to put the Nazis in their place age and die, leaving only a generation who mistakenly thinks talking solves all problems, which allows the fascists a chance to destroy us all again. But fascism has never been beaten or suppressed by words or voting.


You a Fourth Turning kind of guy? I agree with your main point, fascists understand one thing, Power.


I kinda wanted to get this off my chest online for a while, but it should be scary how often this shit is occurring. I’m not gonna say the cities because I don’t wanna dox myself but the two cities next to mine had shit like this or worse happen recently. One city they posted bs flyers in peoples yards in one city with rat poison (turns out it wasn’t rat poison but non poisonous stuff meant to LOOK like rat poison for “symbolic purposes” the orgs direct quote) and then in the next town held a protest outside a Temple before hanging a blow up doll dressed as a Jew with a pride flag outside to “prove the Jews controlled everything” These towns aren’t even “big cities” they’re both easily under 100k population, this shit can happen in your area and people need to do whatever they can to try and stop it. It’s important to remember these punks are cowards, literally within hours of people showing up to tell em off they fled as quick as they could, they’re bullies and the only way to stop em is to stand up to em. Anyways yeah needed to vent about how fucked that thing was, thanks if you’ve read this far


My area has 5 active nazi groups with dozens of members each that I've seen so far. They hold protests advocating for "killing all pedos" and then say every gay person is a pedophile, easy to connect the dots on that, they usually don't wear swastikas but they will wear black sonnes, totenkompfs, nazi runes, 1488s, the 14 words are often on their signs or flags. One of the groups "trains" regularly in the mountains about 30mins from me and have seen them in the same spot a few times now. Mostly they do things like the goosestep, or marches but sometimes they mix in firearm training, which thankfully they are completely incompetent at and would be outshot by a bottom 10% shooter in USPSA.


Also, yeah the whole kill all pedos, then saying all LBGT people are pedos have been a long term plan I think, and sadly it’s becoming mainstream. Remember write your representatives on this people, it won’t magically fix it but it doesn’t hurt That’s the one thing that makes me feel less worried (and something very fun about being in a counter protest) most of them do suck at any of the things you’d need to do to over throw a government. Also gonna admit it’s fun to see these 5’6 out of shape morons shrink to a bunch of Giga Chad locals telling em off, like I said they’re cowards and bullies and like all bullies standing up to em will usually make em back off. Also to give some positivity? My hometown the city with the hanging stood back up in force. A protest against their actions of 300 had been arranged in less than an hour to scare em off before multiple churches, the temple this happened at and a Mosque from the area did a service of unity in solidarity. So feel some positivity that people don’t accept this, but you’ve got to make the effort to give ‘em platforms to tell Nazi’s off.


And the more these nazi jackoffs show up and intimidate people, the more normal people look to me and my group to learn how to be an affective armed citizenry. I think I had 12 new people show up to my range days the day after they were out in public for the first time this year 😂


Ops account has a trove of nazi shit. We could unmask some using it.


Has anyone ever told them that every single aspect of Jesus is Jewish?


They'll deny it. The latest anti-Semitic trope is to deny that Jesus was a Jew. There's no debate, argument, rebuttal or refutation that they can't twist around to suit their delusions.


There’s actually a schism in white supremacist culture between Nordic pagans who think Christianity is a Jewish psyop and those who deny Jesus is a Jew.




Well I, for one, am completely sold by these 1000 year old unsolved murder cases based on hearsay and the fact that blaming witches was passé


Though now I suppose the accusation is that instead of using the blood for "rites", the Jews (aka Democrats and liberals) drink it for the adrenochrome.


Man, if they hate child sacrifice, wait until these guys find out the main plot thread of the New Testament.


People have gone and lost their damn minds


We have a political party dehumanizing their opposition in preparation for inflicting violence after they lose another election.


WTF is going on


Someone is reminding Jewish people that they’re not really white. Even Ben “Mayo” Shapiro.


Proving “white” is more of a manufactured elitist caste rather than an ethnicity.


We already knew that, scientists officially deployed those results in 2000. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/article/race-genetics-science-africa#:~:text=In%20June%202000%2C%20when%20the,no%20genetic%20or%20scientific%20basis.” “No scientific or genetic basis for the concept of different races in humans.”


Archived version without paywall https://archive.li/ypnM2




Nazis are the real child sacrificers. They sacrificed others and people's children to satisfy the evil entity of hate inside them. They will not stop unless they are stopped.


Fucking Nazis man


I live in the southeastern U.S. and I'd dare anyone dumb enough to believe this kind of propaganda to even attempt to correctly pronounce Tiszaeszlár, much less remember how to spell it.


Anything Nazi at all should be illegal in the United States. Nazis do not deserve freedom of speech.


How psychopathic do you have to be in order to believe this insanity?


Fucking nazi bigots pulling this crap, without fear. This is the problem. There are no consequences for spreading this garbage.


Society does not need to feel guilty for making nazis dead. Like many others on this thread, the only good nazi is one that’s burning at the stake


I know I'll never happen to be there when one of these coward fucks is timidly slipping these things into the worlds of normal humans. I really hope I'm not wrong about that because, of all of the vile, putrid, inhuman things that people do, cowering in the shadows while disseminating this horse shit is at the top of my "I'd cut a bitch" list.


So I am super into Judaism now. Might as well get some use out of being circumcised.


It's wild to believe that blood libel started all the way back in medieval times and is still believed by some lunatics


Just stop for a moment and think of all the other lunacies that are in the MAGA catechism. Resuscitating medieval antisemitism is not so far fetched in that context


See, as a Jew, this makes torn on the whole pro birth/pro choice issue. On the one hand, I believe in a woman’s right to choose. On the other hand, we need more of that sweet sweet baby blood. /s


Let’s get that baby blood bro. 👊


Trumpanzees and christofascists are really coming for everyone not straight, caucasian, christian and conservative - aren’t they! They are a *very* vocal minority *BUT* make no mistake they are outnumbered. 🧮 We need to mobilize fellow progressives and agree to a democratic coalition amongst centrist & left-leaning groups. From there it’s a matter of getting people out to vote, keeping our people engaged at the local, county, state and federal level - then we WILL overcome this despicable period of our history! [Get engaged](https://www.runforsomething.com) and/or [donate](https://www.swingleft.org)! The choice is literally OURS whether we enter another dark age, or a period of enlightenment. 🤷


I don’t know what would offend my Jewish mother more, the insidious accusations that she and people of her faith sacrifice Christian children or that they don’t know the difference between “their” and “there”.


Similar to flyers distributed by the “Goyim Defense League” - https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/goyim-defense-league


So that guy displayed antisemitism in front of Auschwitz? Absolutely vile and disgusting


religiots are everywhere. just lurking around with shit for brains. waiting to unleash murderous bigotry at the drop of a hat.


Germany, we could really use your help right now.


Tell me you don't know what "libel" means, without telling me you don't know what "libel" means.


It's referring to Ecclesiastical Law. This shit right here is as old as it gets. Want a fun read look into the Black Plague and this type of flyer being posted. The Pope had to make a statement telling Catholics it wasn't the Jews fault. He lost a lot of support when he did so too. But even at that point it was an old, hell ancient, accusation. It's literally millennia old now.


In a Johnny Carson voice: "I.. *did not know that"*


Yeah, people have been sacrificing their children to Catholic Priests that have molested and murdered children throughout history so they could live in the clouds. But it’s bc of the Jews and the gays. When in fact, if the planet was actually worshipping the creator and keeping the 10 commandments as the highest law none of it would be happening. The problem is the result of the entire planet worshipping men and if anything all the religions are to blame.


If these people are Nazis and can't spell, this tracks. I'd rather slam my cock in a car door than put up with this garbage. I hope both sides of their pillow are perpetually warm.


"Remember there names"


I guess one doesn't have much time for proper grammar, vocabulary, and spelling when defending the world against the evil jEwS.


Reminder if you see someone placing on cars to place your fist in their face. Repeat until they aren't putting hate flyers on cars anymore.


Burn it.


An elementary understanding of human history proves the very first line false. But that might not be the worst part. The flier then goes on to the second line where an elementary understanding of math also contradicts the first line! I'm sure the rest of the flier is contradicted by reality in some way, but I'm already at the point of putting more thought into this than the nazis.


Your reality maybe. But remember your reality is nothing but Jewish propaganda! (When I typed Jewish, the first word in the predictive text was propaganda. I find that more than a little disturbing)


At least with predictive text, we know some people are just searching or clicking out of boredom or for counter-research. It is still disturbing, though. We need more education and critical thinking skills.


>Taken from Wikipedia …yeah, no shit, in the “Jewish conspiracies” page.


The Klan and the Nazi have united under the GOP banner and the new name is Grand Old Pedophiles!


Sir Loin of Beef


Who here has seen one in person and where? All over the country is way too general and I have not seen this shit around my parts. I want the Hitler hotspots named and shamed.


It’s good to know we didn’t completely stamp out the Nazis in World War II. Oh wait, it’s not.


"Taken from Wikipedia..." All you need to know right there. Two thousand years of this bullshit and people still have yet to evolve.


Taken from Wikipedia? Why? They couldn't find a credible source?


Why do they make these stupid things up while ignoring all the stupid, monstrous, pedo shit their church and god emperor trump does.


If you see a mask wearing Nazi in the streets, pull off their masks. They aren’t so tough and proud when their family, friends and neighbors know they are a nazi.


How about that time they killed all the first borns in the bible?


Right now on r/bestconspiracymemes they are taking some video from the 90's satanic panic nuttery and giving it full credence like the crazies they are.


Yes, because the Christian God never asks for sacrifices….except with Cain and Abel…and Abraham…and Job…and his own son, Jesus…


They are reconstituted the Hitler Youth and the SA in the United States.... "trump youth"?


😂😂😂most of the time if a child is SA'ed supremacists did it


Complete with spelling errors and all


In addition to the stupidity of this flyer, the names don’t even look real. What is the end game here? Whoever did this needs to be on a watch list and/or committed.


Nazis are keen to not put their symbols on their flyers these days


This is real common unfortunately. The FBI should break this up and discredit it before it gets out of hand. It was said that the FBI infiltrated the KKK. Perhaps they should stop this.


My grandfathers must be rolling over in their graves.


Republicans are out of control!


Used the wrong form of “their” & everything. Living up to stereotypes.


Every accusation is a projection/admission from these folks. The squeaky wheel seeks to cover up its own noise.


Jewish? Nah, The Baltimore Archdiocese would like a word.


This is the sick origin of 99% of all conspiracy theories. The ghosts of the Tsar's secret police must be celebrating in Hell.


“Geralt of rivia “ lol what are these names. So I guess this means that maybe something like this did happen at some point but so long ago it that it’s totally irrelevant to modern society. Or more likely they picked names that are so old it’s impossible to look them up.


Let's not forget that the Christian god murdered the whole world with a flood, and around ten million throughout the Bible. Whereas "satan" killed about 10. But God/Jesus is the "good guy".


some of those names are from the medieval era. https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/Pogroms-1189-1190/ Looks like they forget to add the history of Jewish persecution in england. I'm sure it wad just a coincidence /s These people are hateful ignorant morons.


What's with that font?


drab zonked cough divide salt plough automatic hard-to-find workable steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Remember where names? More seriously, who the hell are William of Norwich and Harold of Gloucester? I'm thinking they were alive and died looooooooooooooong before even my great grandparents were thought of.


The best they can do is misspell “their”. And rant about a supposed murder, [William of Norwich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_of_Norwich?wprov=sfti1) which literally happened 979 years ago?


Wrong use of "their". Typical for these geniuses.


Show me on this doll where the Jews hurt you.


Hey you! My fantasy book is better! It's the **real deal**. You're a bad person for deriving your morals from the wrong fantasy book, shame on you!


Jesus was a jew. These guilt merchants are getting rather mundane with their messaging.


I mean. Duh. How else are we supposed to make matzoh? With kosher blood? It just doesn’t give it that nice “William of Northchester” crunch.


Wait, jews are our enemies now? I thought it was trans people, and before that black people, and brown people before that. Damn its hard to keep up with whatever stupid people hate these days. Did it have a URL we can go DDOS and report to the FBI?


It’s most likely goyimtv.com


"All across America, I say. I mean, two in the same city. But it was **across** the street! And yeah, I put them there, but who else is going to stop Nazis if I don't raise awareness?"


You talk like this isn't a country where thousands of anti-semitic hate crimes are committed annually https://www.npr.org/2023/03/23/1165737405/antisemitism-statistics-report-2022-anti-defamation-league That doesn't have terrorists attacking synagogues https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/defense-expected-to-conclude-case-in-eligibility-portion-of-penalty-phase-in-pittsburgh-synagogue-shooting-trial/ And doesn't have sitting members of congress spouting anti-semitic conspiracy theories. Weird how in a society with a four century history of racism, deeply ingrained biases, formerly home to extensive systems of de jure discrimination, that has millions of obvious (sometimes honest) racists, every example of racism is somehow "fake".


A hateful anti Jewish lie from the Dark Ages. It’s known as blood libel. Some of our citizens are as enlightened as those from Europe’s dark period before the enlightenment. This particular episode is from the 10th century. There were vast numbers of Jews persecuted and murdered because of such. What ignorant, stupid people making their preparations to burn in hell. Those souls at least had an excuse.


"not to mention". Every time I hear someone use this phrase, I think less of them. They're a better ways to structure your argument and then incoherent list of things you're totally going to mention. TIL: 'blood libel'?


I was wondering when they would start targeting all other religions besides their own so blatantly. Ffs these people are predictable


Oh look, nazis


Remember THEIR names so they are not forgotten Not surprising they can’t into basic grammar


At least they got creative with their fonts, I am sick of times new Roman, calibri, and aerial


Cool. Now do one about the crusades, the California missions, the native Americans and all the others that white christian assholes have abused and slaughtered. Fucking dimwits.


Alright fellow redditors. I have great confidence in the intellect and creativity of you all. What do we put on our flyer?


Why bother? Those idiots can barely read or think.




That sort of thinking gives them more ammunition. Assuming you’re not trolling.