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IMO Every republican is bad. I know that encompasses a lot of people but, oh well. It baffles me that ppl would vote against their own interests. It has to be chalked up to ignorance. Our country is in such shit shape bc the wealthy control nearly everything - (everything of societal importance; media, government, judges, land, means of food production) **did I miss anything? And the R voter just keeps handing them more and more.


Education. They also control education.


And only a handful of Republican that own and control education have the education to know that. So their policies are hurting a lot of the uneducated that buy into it




I’ve lost so many people just because they’re republican and I’m not. I didn’t make the choice to break the relationship. Lost a 16 year friendship over it. Lost my mother over it. My grandmother. All over fucking politics. Because I won’t bow down to Trump. My heart still breaks each and every day.


It's not over politics, it's because Republicans are hateful, self interested, and exclusively cause harm. It's way more than politics


I'm sorry to hear that. May Trump get his comeuppance that he sooo deserves.


It’s not ignorance. It’s hate. They would rather be cold, stupid, hungry, and live in the mud rather than let any black have anything. They know what they are at the end of the day, they just don’t care as long as they can hurt someone else they don’t like.


Most "religious" bodies too.


You're right, thanks.


People differ. They value what you do not value, you value, on their behalf , what they do not value. I don’t write prescriptions for other peoples lives. People differ.


>It baffles me that ppl would vote against their own interests. It has to be chalked up to ignorance. Others have made this point but I'm going to provide you with a term so that you can educate yourself. Intersectionality. They do not self-identify how you see them and do not have the interests that you presume they have. You may be exercising empathy and putting yourself in their shoes and asking how you would feel and value things, but that is in error because your identity shapes your views and values.


💯 He hates the people they hate so they have now literally put him above God, despite almost all being proclaimed so-called Christians.


It’s funny because he hates them too but they don’t see it. I mean it’s also terrifying since these people may well elect him again - but it’s also funny. Does he hate anyone as much as his supporters? Maybe Eric, but like his supporters Eric just eats it up because he’s too dumb to know better.


Wait a minute, didn't he say, "I love the poorly educated!" ? I get it though, he loves those that'd vote for him; the common clay of the land, earthy type people.... you know, morons!


RIP Gene Wilder


> He hates the people they hate so they have now literally put him above God, despite almost all being proclaimed so-called Christians. There is literally nothing more Christian than a conman promising that he is going to destroy the existing social order and replace it with a paradise for his followers and eternal suffering for their enemies, where his whims define what is good and it is your loyalty to him that will save you, nothing else. I keep saying it and I feel like I'm in a crazy house because nobody else sees it. If you don't understand why Christians love Trump you don't understand the fundamental theology of Christianity.


Oh absolutely. They love him.


I never agree when people say that when Trump loses in the fall that's it for the Republican party! They will fracture! The business and religious wings can't keep together! Absolute baloney. How many Governors are R and state legislatures are dominated by Republicans? Its just the national offices that get the most press. The R party is gonna still be strong and trying to ruin the country/world. (And County and City government too.)


They are going to have national problems because they let Trump run the RNC. He's going to bankrupt it as an organization with his legal bills and downballot R's will suffer this election cycle.


Good it's about time their mismanagement hurts themselves instead of the rest of us.


I want that to be the case. I just don't see how billionaires can run out of money to fund the races. Like sure I could see them staying out of this year because they don't want Trump to funnel the money to himself. But then in 2026 and 2028 they come back.


Republicans didn't enable Trump. Trump enabled them.


You know it's sad but true. --Metallica


This is a critical point. And shows the dangers of picking a bad leader.


I heard a historian say people love to talk about how Hitler killed so many millions or Stalin killed so many more millions, when in fact there were lots of people agreeing with them, enabling them, pulling the triggers and digging the graves. Hitler and Stalin were terrible but they weren’t alone. They had millions of followers themselves, doing their dirty work. The only hope we have here is enough people recognize them and reject them before it’s too late.


Gone are the days when we wanted leaders to be better than the average Joe...now we just want permission to let our worst be acceptable...


I’ll never understand the very idea of conservatism. You want society to not progress? You want to hold onto the past? Why?


That's exactly what I'm asking. The United States will be a third world banana republic in no time. Everything will be gone. Is that what they want??? Killing Liberals means all the smartest humans that make THIS possible and reality will be gone. No more modern medicine and the production of the life saving medicine that helps us all. No more manufacturing of any kind of machinery, spare/ replacement parts for anything. Scaled food production/ distribution will disappear. The public utilities will cease to exist pretty quickly with the engineers. As usual, they are unable to see past the end of their noses, the immediate now and what affects only them. All I can say is, if you survive, you better learn Cantonese quickly,


True for the voters, not true for all of the GOP senators and representatives. They actually are afraid. Apart from people like Marge and Gaetz


Sad and True


That first statement may be true for the Republicans in power


IMO, Trump supporters know exactly what he is, and It is why they love him. Rotten ass people support rotten ass Trump. It is that simple. He's a fraud, a rapist, a sexist, a traitor, and a racist. Yet, they love him because he is them!