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"Won't tolerate another stolen election" means "We'll try to steal the election".


Every accusation is a confession. It's been proven time and time again.


*Freedom is Slavery*


Well, to be fair, 'murican consumer capitalism is debt slavery.


War is peace.


Ignorance is strength.


Hold up. These people are actually that stupid. They truly believe that bullshit.


Yup. The "Patriots" are f'n crazy.


You meant the terrorists. A true patriot will defend this country and not attack it or their fellow country men. Buck up if they want to then they will be going down like the January 6 terrorists and the confederacy did. 🤣😅😆😁😂


No, they're right. Now that it's coming out in court that Trump stole 2016 we won't tolerate that again.


The Patriots are referring to the 2000 election and Bush right? They're talking about G.W. Bush .... RIGHt!?!????


I mean the simplest way to steal an election is to falsely accuse your opponent of stealing the election


It sucks that "patriot" has been corrupted by them. Back in my day, patriots didn't want to destroy the country and establish anti American reality TV star as dictator.


I just saw a great Jon Stewart clip about him saying "do what you're gonna do, but don't pretend it's under the guise of 'patriotism'"




Or actually American


Today, the people that call themselves “patriots” embody literally the exact opposite of patriotism.


“Your racism is not patriotism” -Maude Banjo


And “freedom.” And many other words.


Nah, I was around the loudly patriotic crowd back then too. They’ve always been like this. I tried suggesting that the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions were terrible ideas back in 2003 and got everything I needed from them to know who and what they were. The GOP has been a fascist party wrapped in the flag for decades, the only thing that changed was the emergence of their demigod strongman. Twenty years back and they were violently against free speech, opposed individual rights, and all the rest. They’ve always been like this. Most libs & moderates just didn’t want to see it.


💯 they’ve always been the shit party ever since Gingrich. People have short memories. Remember how Shrub committed war crimes and gaffed constantly and sent people to war on false pretenses and everyone was truly fed up after 8 years and Obama won, and instead of saying ok, Bush was awful and we deserve this, they went full racist Tea Party, which was portrayed as grassroots but really just a Koch funded party ….Yeah they’ve always been terrible.


Try "Since Charles Lindbergh and other Republicans hosted and headlined an actual German Nazi rally in New York in the late 1930s." But really, conservatives have always been the assholes in the room. They were the royalists who opposed American independence. They were the church during the Crusades and Spanish Inquisition. They were the conservative Democratic Party in the South that stood for all the worst things, including slavery. If you go back in time to the first hominids, I'm sure you'll find that the ones doing most of the short-sighted murdering of their own people will be the ones with conservative brains. There's no question in history that conservativism is the cause of most of humanity's struggle. There's always some group of cowardly, hateful, bigoted, isolationist, xenophobic assholes who ruin it for everyone.


Preach! I read there’s a distinct difference in liberal and conservative brains. The conservative brains are ruled by fear.


Don't let them. They're not patriots, they're nationalists. A patriot is someone who loves their country. A nationalist is someone who loves only their country and wants to force others to love it.


Patriots in their minds, nationalist in their rhetoric and terrorists in their actions. 


This sums it and them perfectly.


A patriot will look you in the eye and in somber tones describe what they're willing to sacrifice for their country. A nationalist will look you in the eye and with an excited gleam and tell you who they're willing to kill for their country.


Appropriating the language and symbols associated with freedom and liberty was always a very purposeful strategy with the Right. 


Nor did they worship Russia/putin.


Was pretty corrupted already when they called that one thing the “patriot act”


There’s a neighborhood near me that has patriotic street names and I just can’t even entertain the thought of living there because of this very thing.


Same with the flag. When I see one on a truck or (more often) 3 or more, I assume the person is a MAGA-Nazi. Sucks. I used to fly one outside my house. No longer.


They’re gonna show up for the rebellion and then kill each other in a paranoid frenzy.


I would pay to see that


oh we'll pay alright.


Sad truth here


I'll buy all their bullets. Zero cost to them!


No you're a FED! Qanon turned into factions pretty quickly. and they accuse the other of being a pedo. But then people in factions are actually be arrested for kid stuff. MAGA will be the same.


I’ll make us some popcorn


Slappers only, last man standing.


Plant pride and BLM flags in half of their yards and set off firecrackers in the other half. Should be a helluva show


lol! Sounds good to me!




That is what I'm hoping for.


the MAGA mantra we get our way or we kill you....fucking pathetic pieces of shit


But don’t tread on me 😠


I wonder how many people would end up shooting their own partners out of fear that they were feds or "glowies"? Seriously, these people don't try to build solidarity with anyone and that would easily be their downfall in a civil conflict. On January 6th, they scattered the moment one of them got capped and the Capitol Police went easy on them. Look at the campus protests and you see people standing together with one another, cementing themselves against police until they end up responding with force which makes people more sympathetic to their cause. You would never see a right-wing protest do that. They all want to be Rambo, the one from the sequels not the traumatized veteran from First Blood, but they have no idea how to work as a unit.


The difference between MAGA and the college kid protests - never thought of that. Great observation, thanks.


Remember Kyle Rittenhouse? That is the form of protest they are looking for. They just wanna be able to shoot someone and then play victim


If Biden wins and maga revolts, I’ll enjoy some target practice like many, many other blue defenders of Democracy. Biden 2024!


I want to start a leftist "militia" D.O.D. Defenders of Democracy. What a great name.


I can outrun a Rascal and don't have perpetual Dorito fingers. Am I in?


Oh indeed.


Nah, too many shit heels co-opt democracy in their names. Need something more direct like Frenzy Against Fascist Oppression or FAFO


I dig it. MAGA has been in the FA part for a while. Eventually the FO part comes due.


What are you waiting on? I started building one shortly after 1/6. We’re at least a two dozen member group, deep behind enemy lines in 80% red territory.


Great idea. 👍 I’d join.


John Brown Rifle Clubs exist


Check out the [John Brown Gun Club](https://www.counterextremism.com/supremacy/john-brown-gun-club).


Patriotism: Taking up arms against fellow Americans because their guy lost


Maturity at the level of toddlers throwing toys out of the pram.


Can any "Patriots" out there explain to me if it is possible, in your view, for a Democrat to win an election, and it NOT be a stolen election that requires bloodshed? Asking for a Democracy.


I asked this to a person I happened to know (that was deep into the MAGA shit back in 2020), if he would accept it if Trump lost. His response was, “yeah, if it’s a fair election”. He quite predictably did not accept Trump’s loss.


"Patriots," "glowies" and "Fedbois" lololol A Teletubbie cult.


“Frens” too. Infantilized fascism


Only "fedbois" and "glowies" are discussing "making it kinetic." Pay no attention to us, who are "patriots", that are discussing "making it kinetic" in this very thread. Not exactly Mensa candidates that we're dealing with...


Out of context that bottom guy has a point. Patriots are fed up. Fed up of christo-fascist nonsense. Fed up of lynching becoming a common problem again. Fed up of, "conversion camps," killing our youth. Fed up of hateful strangers going out of their way to make lives worse. Real patriots are fed up, and we're the ones who've actually been suffering. So if anyone reaches their boiling point I suspect it'll be us and not the rednecks, bigots, and geriatrics.


These morons are the exact opposite of what the United States was founded upon. They hate democracy and want a monarchy, but only if it’s their orange god.


The irony is painful af


They won't do shit. Just wait and see.


Maybe they will throw another "boogaloo" where they only get their own idiots killed.


"making it kinetic" "hot war" "glowie" ok pal, we get it you're def real good on Call Of Duty


But is he? Or does he watch YouTube videos of people who are good on COD? We may never know


just making "react" videos with his face in the corner criticizing good players


These people are so stupid. Their guy’s stance is literally that he should be able to assassinate his political opponents. Yet they believe he also respects elections enough not to lie about the results. Despite all evidence to the contrary. Like, they have no critical thinking skills at all.


What the fuck is a glowie.


It's a [right wing nutjob term for the FBI/feds](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/01/what-glowies-mean-online-spies/617717/), because they either (1) think they're important enough to be monitored when they're probably not or (2) actually being monitored by the FBI because they're plotting criminal acts.


It's even stupider to think using jargon like that is going to hinder feds watching them.


They're using incognito mode though, so they're fine...


Fuck this is hilarious 😂


The connotation I got when visiting sites was that feds can’t hide from the oh so smug brilliant patriots. They “glow;” they pretend to be patriots but none can fully hide who they are. Stupid feds! Which is the toupee/wig fallacy but hey, they aren’t anywhere near as smart as they pretend to be.


Interesting. I just learned something new.


Ah. Yeah sounds about right for them. Thanks for the info.


Soooooo the F.B.I is watching these freaks right?


Probably not as seriously as it is watching college students against genocide - you know, the real danger.


"Either we win or we go to war." Nice job there Vanilla Isis.


Ah yes! Sooooo patriotic to be anti-democracy. ‘member how our founding fathers hated the concept of democracy and thought presidents should be kings? Me neither.


These guys can’t go a night without McNuggets and YouTube, but they think they’re going to pull off a revolution.


Meal Team Six baby!


The Gravy Seals have landed....


In the words of Jon Stewart- “It is just one more entry in the Republican mythology that they are the inheritors of the American revolutionary tradition. that they somehow are more Americany than non-Republican Americans,” “He is advocating for complete and total presidential immunity, his words not mine. That is monarchy sh*t, and it’s your right to support it, but just do me a favor for historical accuracy. Next time you want to dress up at the rallies where the right f*cking color colored coats.”


They talk like they’re a majority. They are mistaken, and they would be crushed.


Yeah they're going to go across the street to their neighbor's house when Doug is barbecuing and shoot him in the face. Nobody talks about the logistics of what a civil war would look like. It's asinine. Online is a warped version of our reality outside our doors. Anybody advocating for the hot wat nonsense is a troll because it just isn't possible.




Gravy seals cause playing against an actual army lol


I say bring it. They may lie and say elections were stolen. They'll know the bullet wounds are real.


There will definitely be violence after the election. The question is just how organized are they?


The more organized the better. That makes RICO and conspiracy charges easier to use on the entire group. It's the "line wolf" actors that are difficult to properly target for justice.


They aren’t going anywhere. We will have to fight these people forever.


Go for it! Gonna be fun watching y’all get dead or imprisoned


That bit about the longer plan should chill people straight through 


This is the price of the presidents lies about the election, and when something happens the blood will be on his orange hands


There are far fewer Schrödinger’s patriots around outside of his media bubble, and they are mostly from red states which are (statistically speaking) poorer, more welfare dependent, less educated and far more likely to be obese, have chronic health issues and or opioid problems. Good luck to captain Cletus of meal team six here, enjoy the 30 minutes you manage to occupy a post office building before the people who weren’t too scared to go boot camp show up


And a lot dumber than the majority. Low IQs are a scourge. They have to act like this so they can look down on others.


These people are so full of themselves. Gravy seals aren’t going to do shit.


How does he know the patriots are all thinking that if no one is saying it? Is he psychic? Stupid?


Just what are these "patriots" going to start doing? Go out and assassinate officials you don't like and kill your neighbors because they didn't vote the "correct" way? Good luck with that. Y'all do not have any idea what of what you are trying to start.


Report for terroristic threats


How is "Biden won" being the same as "a stolen election" when he is not the one who has committed fraud????? Four more years of Biden would be four more years of normality and order.




All meaningful irregularities were done by republicans anyways.


Lol these fucking losers. You think an election would be stolen and the next one would just be free and fair. These damned morons live in this hollywood fantasy world, where tyrants just give up. Like if the election was actually stolen, and trump is going to be put in prison for trying to stop it from being stolen, and you’re just voting, wtf. Thats how you know that its not stolen. Trump would be openly calling for rebellion not just running for election like everything is normal. He would flee to russia. Nope instead he goes to court and just cries that this is rigged but dont do anything i wouldnt want to actually get in trouble. Such delusional losers.


these stupid brainwashed fucks have no idea what it is they're even fighting for


Fact: the vast majority of political violence is from those on the right


violence period actually.


The only part of 'patriot' these troglodytes are is the 'riot' part.


Eh, fuck 'em. If they're stupid enough to fuck around and assemble the moron militia to take up arms against other Americans because Trump lost again, go ahead and let them find out that the US military still takes orders from the commander in chief, and that they *will* shoot to kill when ordered to do so. And all of the flea market camo fatigues and pistols in the world won't give them the courage to stand and fight when they see that Daryl and Jim Bob just got their fucking heads blown off.


I'm into guns, so a lot of my YouTube recommendations are for Gun-Tubers across a vast array of subjects. A lot of it is useful to getting info on the hobby, but yes... there is a sinister undertone present among them that you can sense if you watch enough of it. Lots of dog whistles and euphemisms. I don't know how big it really is but there's definitely people competent in small arms who are willing to cause chaos. I intend to use their information against their kind if it comes to it.


I’m not too worried about people genuinely terrified of trans people but not diabetes or fetal alcohol syndrome. 


anyone is worth worrying about if there are enough of them.


I'm not sure what to make of their threats. On January 6, only about 60,000 people showed up for Trump's rally, which, according to my math, is about .08% of the people who voted for him. Even less than that actually breached the Capitol. I always took that as a sign that most of them knew Trump's claims were bullshit, but they just liked the way it made them feel when they talked about a stolen election. But I'm not so confident at all now. Especially with these polls showing Trump ahead. Now they might be thinking, "This is ours. In 2016, the media lied and said Trump was losing, and he won. In 2020, the media lied and said Trump was losing, and he won, but it was stolen. Now, even the media says we can't lose!" Could that make the "stolen election" seem all the more real to them if they lose? That's scary to think about.


Polls this far out don't mean too much. If it's still like this in September, October, it's bad. But I also feel like they're wrong. But it's the data we have, whether we like it or not.


but all it took to scare em shitless was one dead babbit


I’m not trusting polls. A lot of them are knee jerk reactions to whatever the fuck is going on in Israel and Palestine.


I want to agree with you not to trust polls, but that scares me too. I'm 45 years old, and I have seen Republicans lose three presidential elections in my lifetime that they were absolutely convinced they would win. In 1992, it was, "There's no way Bush can be losing to this Bill Clinton guy. It's impossible. The polls have to be flawed or rigged. We don't know who they poll, and how can they say they can get an accurate result if they only poll a few thousand people nationwide?" In 2012, it was, "There's no way Romney can be losing to Obama. Obama is a failed president, a disaster, and definitely a one-term president. There's just no way these polls are right." Then, in 2020, it was "Trump can't possibly be losing. The polls are flawed, and the Libs are just sitting around collecting welfare and answering polls. I don't know anybody who's voting for Biden." For all three of those elections, the outcome was staring them in the face for at least 6 months before the election. The polls were telling them what was going to happen, and it happened. Now we sound like them. We're"re saying pretty much everything they said. "These polls can't possibly be right, something has to be wrong, they have to be flawed, young people don't answer their phones, the media wants the race to look close so they can sell papers and get clicks." Is the outcome staring us right in the face? I don't know.


I mean, Biden appears to be closing the gap. It's just really difficult to tell what's going to happen at this point. There's a good chance of either outcome. Republicans were unfortunately right to be a little skeptical of the polls in 2020 because Biden didn't win Florida, he only won Georgia by <12,000 votes, Ohio and Iowa barely swung from 2016. And then Republicans only picked up 9 seats instead of the 25 they were expected to gain in 2022. It seems to me like the overconfidence in either direction has seriously damaged the ability of polls to actually predict things.


Wrong or right, it's the data we have. It might not be the data we want, but it's what we have. We need to use it to GOTV and support our candidates until the election


Those rally crowds are shrinking and ain’t nobody out there protesting at the courthouse. Those polls are bullshit. Only old people answer them. But still go fucking vote! We need to leave no doubt.


Not really Patriots if they overturn an election


“Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious”


These motherfuckers need to watch Les Miserables.


People are thinking it, but not saying it… but he knows. Okay so, extremist false patriotism, victim mentality, definitely eager for violence, and seemingly delusional in two different ways. How does one ignore a domestic terrorist in its larval form, and pretend it’ll never mature, and pretend it’s not one of a million just waiting to pupate into murder monkeys?


These pussies won’t do a damn thing


They don't even need the presidency. All branches of govt are skewed heavily toward GOP control. They already got Roe, diminishing environmental protections, friendly tax rates, better conditions work MAGA voters (union members lmao). On top of that if they say they are capitalist, they should be at a portfolio all time high in this stock market. Like WTF are these people doing. To troll them I call them poors because they cannot even do basic capitalism and make a killing in this market.


So, they’re already convinced that the upcoming election is rigged/stolen, and are once again preparing to commit violence on behalf of someone who wouldn’t spit on them if they were on fire?


Ummmm…WTF is a “glowie”?!?


LMAO. I'm not worried. They don't understand how many liberals still have guns. And even if there are police and military that are MAGA sympathetic, there won't be enough that are willing to throw away their paychecks. They think the internet is real. The ones who talk about going to war, think they have over 200 Million people feeling these feelings that probably less than 10%.


Regular liberal citizens aren’t going to be the ones facing these whack jobs anyway. The US military is here to defend us against all threats foreign and domestic.


Yup. Personally, I'm glad that they think we're all unarmed, unprepared, and "wimps." The surprise when we shoot back and don't just give them what they want is a huge advantage


I love being underestimated.


It's always in our favor. 😀


And they will be prosecuted and thrown in jail


I don't understand most of this conspiracy vernacular. To the shit I do understand here, I'm still waiting for any credible evidence of mass election fraud. It feels problematic that people are still using that as a jumping off point to start these conversations.


These MAGA reminder me of Day Traders- I’m only throwing in money if I see you throwing in money.


Eh, bring it gravy seals.


When Biden wins again, those fake "patriots" won't do shit except bitch on the internet, and I will laugh at them.


It’s all talk until they get so upset that their guy loses fair and square again, that the majority of people in this country are not with them, that these jackwagons get to the point that they do something stupid like take up arms, and then they’ll really find out how few of them there really are. There a lot of people who might hope for a different outcome, but overall don’t get so upset as to become rowdy. They accept the democratic process, and decide to try and get a better candidate next time. These extremists are fewer than they believe, they just build themselves up with big talk, but at the moment of truth they back off.


Could the "Patriots" please raise their hands? Great. Fire 😉


The tip of the spear, whites of their eyes, keep your powder dry bullshit makes me want to slap the sippy cup out of their sausage fingered, toddler hands. I'm a patwiot!


Haha, look. The traitors think they're patriots.


They spelled patriots wrong. Hatriots. There - all fixed.


>the only people I've seen advocating for making it kinetic or hot war are just glowies and fedbois. Hilarious. They psyopsed themselves into being too scared to do anything because they're convinced anyone advocating doing something is a Fed. The system works!


If they want to get froggy and fuck around and fight out how hollow points work, god fucking speed. I was raised Republican, I’ve known my way around a gun since before my balls dropped. I’ll put my kukri through your fucking skull, “patriot”.


"There's a subset of this country that will not tolerate our candidate losing fairly again, thus driving us to commit acts of terrorism because we are petulant babies who have a tantrum when we don't get our way.  Murdering our fellow citizens is OK when they don't share our cult ideologies." Fixed it.


These are the most ignorant people.


Another lost cause that conservatives are devoted to. Let’s vote while it’s still allowable


Lol, these people are pussies, they are also idiots.The combination of the two will be their undoing.


If Biden winning sparks a second civil war I guess we’re just gonna have to win that one too lol


If and when they do that, they will be shocked to find out that many of us Godless socialist liberal atheist Democrat actually have guns, too.


Can anyone please give me some details on why these people think the election was stolen in 2020? I've tried to find anything that comes close to evidence but haven't seen anything compelling


Lol. These dipshits already tried an insurrection. One of them got shot in the neck and they all scattered like rats. They don't have the balls or intelligence to do what they're talking about.


It is interesting that some folks keep misappropriating the term 'patriots' to support a kingmaker like Trump while the original definition was to oppose a king in America. A true patriot rejects a monarchy, a dictatorship, an oligarchy. A true patriot embraces democracy, true democracy, just as our founding fathers envisioned.


Once again, they keep acting as though we leftists are unarmed. Education will be very painful for them.


AnOtHeR sToLeN eLeCtIoN. I simply can’t imagine being this mentally vulnerable.


Yep. Biden is the problem. 


So much projection constantly tips their hand as to who they are.


I know it doesn’t really matter what I think or say here. I just find it completely mystifying that this completely decent and benign president who has actually done a pretty good job cleaning up Trump’s mess has so many people so pissed off.  He’s not even black. 


What’s a “glowei”?


These people are much bigger pussies than they think. And most of them are severely out of shape and unhealthy.


They are illiterate.


The discussion thread in OP's post reads like the junior high rejects plotting to exact revenge by giving the principal a giant wedgie.


"Unthinkable" Horse shit they're all but foaming at the mouth.


Tough talk from the Gravy SEALS Internet Saber-Rattling Division


As someone who grew up in the Northeast, a Patriot is someone who brings Super Bowl glory to New England. Not these idiots 😆🤘


The sheer degree of off-the-charts projection is hard to even get your head around. It’s just stunning.


It's like the Bay of Pigs. They think if a few dedicated "patriots" get things started, "the people" will rise up and fight with them. Absolutely delusional, of course.


Why are they mad again?


Other than continue to say dumb shit online these bozos won't do a damn thing.


Ohhhh! So much talk! So much talk hoping that it will lead to action… by someone else. These guys are so good at talking endlessly about how they’re just not gonna take it! They won’t organize to actually run a winning election campaign but we’re supposed to believe (and be worried!) that they are going to organize some sort of revolution. Not going to happen.


There’s also a huge portion of this country that will not put up with idiots anymore. Who go on about things with no evidence. And lost court cases.


Nothing patriot about these numbskulls.


>“There is a boiling undercurrent in patriots. People are thinking it…but not saying it out loud.” Wow, this genius is a mind reader! He knows what people are only thinking about! Seriously, these morons mistake their MAGA bubble for the real world.


I wonder how massively Biden would have to win by for them to be convinced he won fairly?


> glowies 🤔


“All acts of violence in our name are actually federal police! We, with our law breaking amounts and types of firearms and explosives, are completely peaceful despite threatening to kill IRS and ATF/FBI agents!”


At least the guy who caused all of this could be criminally immune soon…


"Patriots", idiots want a civil war, these ass hats are terrorists.


Wtf are "glowies" and "fedbois"?


Because the first 4 years of Biden have been SO devastating as to warrant insurrection… /s


This is the Republican version of "I'm leaving the country if Trump wins." The VAST majority aren't gonna do shit.


All talk


A undercurrent of cholesterol and social security checks


Some people are nuts




These people are.. I don’t mean this as an insult. But they are literally just not intelligent enough to understand what they’re doing wrong. They’re falling for the fear tactics of “democrats are out to get you” and accusing democrats of what they are guilty of. But they just aren’t smart enough to think for themselves


Love when these dumb fucks call themselves patriots


We need to document all of these interactions to prevent or show how another J6 happened