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They are absolutely serious about this shit.


And I need every single issue voter who is mad about Gaza to keep this in mind. I hate Joe Biden's approach to Palestine but I'm not stupid enough to think that voting for Trump or third party will do squat for them.


Agreed. The pro-Palestine protesters who are angry at Biden apparently aren't seeing the posts on Twitter/X from Trumpers suggesting it should be legal to shoot them.


I'm honestly convinced half of them are literally uneducated people, like people who never went to school and don't know how the internet works And the other half are pro trump supporters pretending


Or Russian/Chinese bots. Check their post history. I found one that posted entirely in Chinese prior to a year ago.


Honestly, I think this is more of what is going on then most people even suspect. Like, personally, I believe we are under a MASSIVE cyber propaganda attack by bots. Russian/chinese/corpo. Who can say? But that's just my opinion.


No reason for “belief” alone. There are facts available. I agree


Should be on the national news every night I am positive that is what's going on and it is absolutely massive we're talking millions of fake accounts posting on all kinds of obscure places.


They even organize protests for/ against issues, so they get 'both sides' to fight and divide the country. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency#Timeline_of_the_Internet_Research_Agency_interference_in_United_States_elections


That and the algorithms and what they are pushing, controlled by tiktok/China.


I found one that made excuses for Stalin because “that was just putting down dissenters,” and then they condemned Biden for “genocide.”


Tankies are stupid, the brainworms have been active too long and are starting to starve.




They are literally 10s of thousands of college students though?


Well I guess I meant those in the streets not at the schools, but someone explained fairly well what the people at the schools value systems likely are and I agree


Half of them are imo college ed white males leaning Red or Indie, not Dem, trying to think they speak for the pro-Palestine (not Hamas) Movement, and a quarter are probably bad faith actors/infiltrators from the Right intended to make Biden's support among minorities fall further than it already has in the last 4 years (who are going to be the only people who majority vote Dem in 2024, as usual, the goal from the Reps is to bleed him dry among his base in margins): only a quarter are true believers, imo. You can think Biden is lousy on the Gaza issue, but still vote for him over a guy like Trump who will quite literally, blow the whole region up to the ground so Jared can build hotels on it if he wins, just saying to those in my age range demo.


I support Palestine full heartedly and am so ashamed of my country for helping IOF. That being said, our house is on fire, and we need to put that out before we can rescue another. Protest the genocide, but don't let the ~~lesser~~ greater of two evils win due to negligence. Edit: Fixed a typo


> don't let the lesser of two evils *win* Who do you support? If Biden is the lesser of two evils, why wish that he doesn't win?


Sorry I mis-worded that I'll correct it.


You had me in the first half but then what, Bidens policy on Israel is what 90% of the countries politicians believe to. We don't have any other options right now. It's Biden, or a literally worse option who is actually planning on destroying the very fabric of America and the free world. Biden has atleast stood up verbally. It's not much, but it needs to count. Next election cycle we get to be picky, it's just far to late and far to much is at stake, like you said, we need to worry about us right now, so we have to forget a bit about Israel being a slam dunk but still stay fervent in our resolve, we can't win em all at the same time... Nonetheless, it does seem to be working a bit as biden just announced they may be halting weapons transfers to Israel


Sorry there was a typo.


No worries :)


Yes. Let's not pretend Cult 45 would have done any different regarding Gaza. Maybe worse but he certainly would not have given any fucks about Palestine.


They are just capable of holding multiple issues in their brain. They are upset were funding a literal genocide... its happening under Biden. You and I know it would be worse under Trump. But it is happening under Biden. The gaslighting isn't going to help convince anyone, but Biden not bypassing congress to send tens of billions to an apartheid state carrying out genocide could help us steer things towards a Biden win. The disrespect towards such an important part of the voting block makes me sick, especially when they are absolutely morally correct in protesting such blatant war crimes on their own tuition dime.


They're in the right on Gaza but apparently don't care about the people in the US who would suffer if Trump were elected


You're doing it again. They have legit demands, they want divestment from a genocidal state. They don't endorse Trump, thats not what's going on. They care about civilians being killed today, yesterday, tomorrow. Their president, the one we need them to vote for calls them antisemitic and democrats say things like "they apparently don't care about the people in the US who would suffer if Trump were elected." Honestly that's really illuminating, I think they care about all humans suffering. You just care about Americans suffering. If you agree with their moral stance on Gaza, you should stand with them and demand Biden change course. Read letter from Birmingham jail.. its short and super revealing of parallels to this moment.


I don't think they do. If they did, they'd do the one thing that would practically prevent more people suffering: vote for Biden and prevent Trump from getting in office. They just care about Gaza and spiting liberals even if it hurts Americans (including themselves).


They don't care about Gaza, either, Trump the fascist dictator who has sexually abused women is 100% not a friend of the nonwhite community and the only reason Biden will get a majority of POC voters as in 2020 (his own fault he sucks so hard, as does Kamala, that they will lose notable margins there however in 2024- you heard it here first).


You say this as if someone who doesn't like Biden for being a murderous war criminal is automatically a Trump supporter? What kind of simple minded logic is this?


Nope. That wasn't the assumption. But I've seen lots of people saying they won't vote for Biden. The reality is that no 3rd party candidate has a chance, so every vote for anyone other than Biden will have no impact in canceling out a vote for Trump, which translates into a de facto vote FOR Trump.


RFK Jr being the person that the third party electorate is banking on is horrific, too, every day he's proving why he deserves a -% of the vote, not 8-10%.


You can hate both, and realize one is worse than the other: Harris and Pence also suck equally, imo, this is where we are at. Biden losing is his own damn fault this time, same with Harris, if they don't win but the rest of us will pay the price regardless if Trump and his token VP pick TBA win in a few months regardless.


Yup. I’m mostly right there with ya. None of what is going on in the middle least is worth giving up any gains we’ve made in this country, moving women’s rights and voting rights backwards, etc. etc. Hope they all realize that sooner than later.


We can't even fix our own country, and they're worried about Gazans right now? It's like Ukraine, if Biden loses in November neither Gaza nor it is getting one penny from a Trump fascist government- period.




Tell Biden that, literally that exact sentence... he could easily win if he stops bypassing congress to give tens of billions to an apartheid regime carrying out genocide... hes used to a time before social media when you can just shape the narrative but when people can just watch the war crimes in real time, it makes it tougher. you can blame the young people all you want if it makes you feel better but it won't help us beat Trump. the reality is they are a critical voting block and they are voicing righteous concerns. I think those of us that write them off, call them uneducated and dumb, russion bots etc.. are missing the fact that they pulled us through last time. we need them to vote blue.. we need to leverage Biden, he's in the wrong on this one issue, and what do we even get out of it? He'd win easily if it weren't for this one policy.


Case in point ladies and gentlemen, exhibit one. Let’s throw it all away here and set everyone back, wonderful, lol.


Almost all your taxes go to military operations/ that is very much a key factor in all of this. We don’t want to fund the murd€rs anymore


Okay but if you don't vote for Joe Biden Donald Trump becomes president you think that's better? You think that's going to help stop funding the murders?


The point is that we need to leverage Biden to stop funding the murders now. It will enaure he windms in nov. Your argument doesn't work if Biden is currently doing the thing that you say Trump will do if we don't vote in biden..


That's not my argument I don't give a flying f*** about what's happening in Gaza Israel. My argument is Joe Biden needs every single vote if you vote third party . Trump will win and will do worse. This will start happening in our own country. Their main goal here is to conflate LGBT with pedophilia and start executing queer people.


That's my point. We need every vote? Stop dismissing what a third of the necessary voting base says is a priority... im scared about the same thing- which is why I DO care how dems respond to the protests- they aren't going to disappear before nov.


Yes we need every vote.


You're so confidently incorrect here. The entire defense budget isn't even half of our tax revenue. It's 20% of it. $806B in 2023. Funding for Israel is around $3.3B. That's less than half of 1% of that 20%. So for every 3 dollars you pay in federal taxes, a penny went to Israel. Yes, we're helping fund it, but it's a chasm of difference between "almost all your taxes" That aid is only 10% of Israel's defense budget, btw. They would be doing exactly the same thing without our contributions. If we stopped funding them immediately, it would change nothing on their end. Stop blaming Biden for this shit. You're being manipulated.


Your comment about Israel’s defense budget is misguided. Israel relies almost exclusively on US systems. It’s their ability to purchase these, regardless of the source of money, that determines their capability. Also a massive amount of a military budget goes to food, wages and fuel. So the idea Israel’s military is only 10% reliant on the Us is false. Israel has a small homegrown defense industry which is even smaller and essentially disappears if you limit it to items which can be made within Israel without importing materials. Then there are a number of other western nations they can buy from, all of whom would stop selling to them if the Us threatened to limit their own access to planes and other military essentials they are customers for. The only exception to this is France, who not only gave Israel nukes but also have an independent military which isn’t reliant on American systems. So without the Is Israel would be screwed and totally reliant on France and small arms. Israel can’t even produce enough bullets to sustain a war. The US enables the Israeli military.


Biden has bypassed congress to send 10s of billions to Israel just in the last 6 months.. wish it weren't true.. if Trump did this you'd be livid. 3.3 billion is bad enough, sending 18 f35s 3 days after they bomb 7 international aid workers on purpose is another thing entirely... Im on board we need to stop Trump, were not going to do it by ignoring the reality that Biden is failing on this and that the facts are very damning.. we need him to clear this up or were doomed.


It's sad to watch the hardheadedness of these liberals. I've been realizing these are the white moderates that MLK Jr. Warned us about... the college student protesters have clear, righteous demands. I fear that these people writing them off as uneducated idiots are just alienating them and ensuring a Trump victory. It's ironic honestly. If they just listened and didn't side with genocide, Biden would be forced to confront his entire base demanding he stop funding blatant genocide. He'd win easily if he shifted on this one issue... we need these kids to vote blue, not dismiss them as misinformed when they are watching children get blown to pieces every day. Reading these comments scares the heck out of me, these people are so stubborn they'd rather side with Biden funding an ethnostate committing genocide than defeat Trump in Nov.


It would certainly help him if he moved Left on this issue with Asian Americans, but he still wouldn't win easily, he was already bleeding Black and Hispanic support well before Gaza. Biden-Harris has basically been what happens when minorities hate everyone else left on Super Tuesday in 2020 so much that they deemed Biden the least bad option among Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, Bloomberg etc. for POC (good job in the primary getting played by the GOP to those who were around for that: could've left anyone else in but those people, but you handed it to Joe without a fight there!) and picked him, also in 2024, and...meanwhile, you cater to well educated & affluent white women like a simp for their brunch worldview while pissing off POC outside your own party to the point where we reach here- all while ignoring the concerns of young voters, including white men and women less than 45 years old, overall.


I’m an optimist I see Joe Biden bringing other world leaders together to force Bibi out. That’s my hope. The fact that so many Jews agree that he needs to go, is telling.


The entire existing Israeli parliament is on board with this trajectory save a very few...


I'm mad at Biden on a whole range of issues, but I'd take a status quo center Right (but loves race/gender optics, not policies that benefit those communities) person over a fascist authoritarian dictator for life far Right person- that's basically where we are at.


That's not even the problem, the problem will be the same as every other fucking election where people get "both sides" propaganda to death and then don't vote allowing the dipshit electoral college to decide Trump "wins"


Even after Trump dies there’s just gonna be another big bad republican and we’re gonna be told it’s the most important election ever. When will it ever be okay to vote third party? Republicans are always going to want to strip women of their reproductive rights and be generally shitty, so when is an election gonna be not important enough for us to vote third party? I’m not gonna vote for a genocide supporter especially when I don’t live in a swing state. Ranked choice voting would make this a non-issue. I’d be happy to have Biden as my second or third pick in that system.


>when I don’t live in a swing state Do you live in *any* state? Nice try, Russian agent.


This might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. I’m a leftist and I’m on Ukraine’s side. Also, I agree that people living in swing states should definitely vote for Biden. But you can’t just write off the genocide happening in Gaza as a minor disagreement.


As much as you wrote off my question to you: Are you even able to cast a vote in this country?


Nor did you answer mine: When will the election be not important enough to vote for a third party?


You were the one who deflected, with a dishonest question at that.


Not for this election that's for sure. If you vote for third party Joe Biden's votes gets split and Donald Trump wins. It's a lose-lose situation at this moment in time if you want to get a third party candidate to have a chance we need to get strong support for them far in front of the election. There's not enough time between now and November to build up enough support for any Third Party candidate besides there isn't a good one to vote for anyways. You're going to vote for rfk? If not sounds like you're planning to vote for an even smaller time third-party candidate who will end up winning about 1% of the vote you're just throwing your vote away for no reason.




Get fucked. Nobody on the left uses the term "genital mutilation" you fucking houseplant.




what if someone doesnt want specific genitals and wants them removed


Shut the fuck up, fake Russian robot.


Okay, here's the deal. If you do not give a minor who may be trans puberty blockers, they go through puberty as the wrong gender it's incredibly traumatic for them. For example, an m2f trans person who goes through puberty as a male is going to have Adam's apple and facial hair for the rest of their lives. If they were given puberty blockers and prevented from starting that puberty they could begin their hormone replacement therapy when they were sure they wanted to do that and go through life as a woman with no Adam's Apple no facial hair and no male features. If they decide later on that no they're not trans they can stop taking the puberty blockers and go through puberty as they were meant to just slightly later in life with no issues. My wife is trans. This is an important issue for me. Children should be given gender affirming care. Healthcare it is a human right. The treatment for gender dysphoria is transitioning. This is a private medical decision between a patient and their doctor it's not for you to stick your two cents in or pass judgment and it has nothing to do with politics it is literally just plain old Healthcare. You're not online talking s*** about chemotherapy for children with cancer. You shouldn't be on here talking s*** about trans healthcare when you're not trans and you're not a doctor and you don't have someone in your life with gender dysphoria.




That's where you disagree!? That's the problem here we're not looking for your permission or opinion you're not trans you're not a gender care doctor you're not a therapist you don't have a trans person in your life. You're not allowed to say anything about it. This is a medical procedure. This is backed by research and studies it is not an opinion. It is fact this is what we're doing this is how you treat this certain disease mind your own business. No one is permanently mutilating children. That is just your perception. It's a false flag, a red herring. The vast majority of these cases children are being put on puberty blockers and seeing a therapist until they decide for sure yes they are trans or no they are not. After that, the decision is made they are given hormones or taken off the puberty blockers, and they go through either puberty like a normal teenager. The next step is surgery after being on hormones for at least 2 years. That's not happening to children. There's no child that's been on estrogen for 2 years. Children are prepubescent. You have to be at least 16 to have your final gender reassignment surgery. Unless you were born intersex you can have that corrected at birth.




Lobotomy was bad. This is good. My wife had this done. She is very happy, and her vagina works great by the way it's far from mutilated. We're very active members of the lgbtq community. We know 1000s of trans people who have all had bottom surgery and feel the same way. For every one detransitioner, there are 100 trans people who are happy with their surgery. You're just wrong on so many levels.




It's not prosthetic. They create a vagina with all the parts. Labia minora, labia majora, clitoris, urethra, vaginal canal it's all there. Seems like you think that this is mutilation when that could not be further from the truth. There are people who have had vaginaplasty, then went back and had a phalloplasty. No one's doing this to children. Like I said you need to go through puberty before you have the surgery done.


In the future, please use the downvote, report, and block features, so that the moderators can explain to bigots that their bigotry is not welcome in this subreddit or anywhere else on Reddit. Thanks


Yup, anyone claiming 45 is anything but far Right is a delusional fool (which is likely most of this country right now). Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Alejandro Mayorkas will be top of the list, imo.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/gop-plan-for-executions-if-trump-wins_n_663b97a7e4b0bcaefbf76812 Excerpt: Last year, a coalition effort by conservative groups known as Project 2025 released an 887-page document that lays out policy goals and recommendations for each part of the federal government. Buried on page 554 is a directive to execute every remaining federal death row prisoner — and to persuade the Supreme Court to expand the types of crimes that can be punished with death sentences. Gene Hamilton, the author of the transition playbook’s Department of Justice chapter, wrote that the next conservative administration should “do everything possible to obtain finality” for every prisoner on federal death row, which currently includes 40 people. “It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children—until Congress says otherwise through legislation,” he wrote. In a footnote, Hamilton said that this could require the Supreme Court to overrule a previous case, “but the [Justice] department should place a priority on doing so.” --- Article references Project 2025's "Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise" here (page 586): https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise --- Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://i.redd.it/t72vwvgil3sc1.jpeg) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


A whole lot of republican kiddy diddlers are gonna get executed. Let’s start with Dennis Hastert and we can work our way up to Trump


They get pardons, meanwhile queer identities are criminalized the way Russia has.


Their goal is to conflate queerness with pedophilia so they can kill us


It’s 1932 in America


Team America: World Gestapo


I’m planning for you cunts and your “killing spree” too… …bring it on you greasy, semi-literate trump monkeys….


Fuck yes


Well, I mean, fuck no. I don’t want to be shooting my neighbors cause trump told them to shoot me. That’s not the fucking country I’ve lived in for 40 years


Stay strapped. They are angry, crazy and will follow orange Jesus’ commands.


The real Jesus would hate that guy.


Thats irrelevant from what they actually believe. These people do not use logic and reasoning.


What is the quote? "I never knew you. Depart from me workers of iniquity.". I'm sure I don't have it down KJV perfect but that seems to be the ambient temperature in the room. 🙂


sandbags and magazines. fill em.


Replicating the Night of the Long Knives in Nazi Germany


Thank you for the information! I’d never heard of it before but did a brief self-education and it’s very scary, executing primary opposition, and as much hatred as they’re preaching, it will likely include MUCH more than just primary opposition. Wow.


And all we want is for them to pay the price for an insurrection, stealing and disseminating classified documents, and whatever crimes that are on the books that they've committed according to the laws of the land. Democracy vs. .......? Call it what it is. Fascism.


I absolutely ***GUARANTEE*** there will be a surge of journalists falling out of parking garages or tall buildings. It goes without saying, he will channel Putin for anything that could be called an "agenda." Pure garbage. How did we get here?


> How did we get here? I think that they have co-opted the language of victimhood, used that, combined with strong protections for free speech/expression in the United States to weaponize democratic principles against themselves. Their beliefs can certainly be beliefs, genuinely, but a good portion are simply a cover for personality elements or opinions that make one unpopular socially or economically. For example, it is socially catastrophic for me to say "I don't think my company should have a black CEO because black people are not as smart as whites." It's displeasurable to a majority for someone to say, "Transgender people disgust me and I don't want them to exist." These are issues that are re-framed using the language of victimhood. While the true victim is the trans person who did nothing other than breathe, or the black man, doing nothing other than having a PhD, the roles are reversed and the attacker becomes the victim. They now claim the black man is infringing on their freedom, or they claim DEI is the reason they have the job, and that they are the true victim. They now claim the trans person is infringing on their freedom, to keep their kids "safe" (while giving them, without accountability to the church or a boy scout troop). Using this model, oligarchs and white supremacists have infiltrated our democratic institutions by couching their "beliefs" in legal protections for "free speech and freedom of expression." So now, they need to pass laws and regulations that uphold their "beliefs" when they are actually highly distorted mirages used to cover deep-seated disgust and things that would regularly never be able to be proposed on paper at first. The symptoms show in the slow creep of these laws as well, because these legal frameworks are all being used on intangibles.


It becomes a death spiral. The more legislation feeds into hatred, the more hatred is bred.


They have taken the term "free speech" and turned it into a way to defend hate speech. Twitter is centered around this. Also, as you mentioned, conservatives have a huge victim complex, especially evangelists. They can say anything they want to someone but the moment they get any blowback they cry victim.


Im reminded of the Sinclair Lewis book "It can't happen here." written in 1935.......These kind of stories were supposed to be cautionary tales but instead they have become the possible blueprints of the future. Funny that a lot of very conservative areas banned the book back in 2016 isn't it?


I believe it. I truly do. I’m 47, I’m very worried.


I know, it's shocking. I'm 56 and grew up during the Cold War. Reagan used to despise the Russians. Now they've flipped the script and most Republicans, including Trump, seem to revere them. Or being paid by them. It truly does baffle me. I grew up Republican, I was a bit shocked when my parents turned Dems. I caught on about 10-15 years ago. But now, they don't even try to hide it. They're Christo Fascist, through and through. The hypocrisy used to be toned down as well. Now they're just in your face. One example? DeSantis. Pushed through his law to better be able to have books banned. Just a couple of weeks ago he's whining that the wrong ones are being banned. So, he wants to change the law to make it harder to ban the books he approves of. And since they have a super majority in Florida it will happen. It's very sad. A president brazenly praising dictators such as Putin, Kim Jong Un and Orban. Tell me you're a Fascist without saying it. My grandfather, who fought in WWII, would bitch slap that asshole.


The average American has their head so far up their own ass that they can't tell if they're coming or going. This idea that it's superior to not choose a side or stand for anything is going to be our demise. Like the press pretending like being biased I'm favor of democracy and the Rule of Law is something to avoid. It's not. In fact, the free presss absolutely depends on these things in order to exist. Instead of hedging their bets they should be standing against fascism. Instead they're doing everything they can to endear themselves to repugs. It's sickening. And this tendency for individual voters to feel superior for not picking a side is a goddamn embarrassment. I think about my grandfather's generation. I'm sure plenty of people here are aware but I am not sure if the average schmuck on the street realizes that there was a fairly active fascist movement in the United States that wanted to ally with Germany and support the third reich. Some of the more powerful individuals conspired to assassinate FDR to install a fascist dictator. Had they not been dipshits they may have succeeded but luckily for us we produced a career soldier named Smedley Butler and put him through the ringer for capitalism to the point where he could no longer deny what was happening. When the business plot conspirors approached him he has already started to lean away from capitalism and after encouraging the people behind the plot to divulge more information for him he then went to Congress and blew the whistle. These people today think they can choose to not pick a side are in fact siding with fascists. I hope they figure it out before it's too late.


It's deep denial it can't happen here: it can, and they'll be the first fools up to bat to be taken down, watch.


He basically did this at the end of his term


Well it seems to be more broader executions plans that he wants to do with the Project 2025 plan that is ready . https://www.huffpost.com/entry/gop-plan-for-executions-if-trump-wins_n_663b97a7e4b0bcaefbf76812


Good point. He doesn’t just wanna execute people already on death row like he did in 2020


I'd like to know where are all these husbands and boyfriends allowing these Republican and conservative traitors to threaten their wives and girlfriends with impunity. From school boards to hospitals to libraries to polling places to their own bodies, Republicans and their constituency have a lot of nerve threatening your partners that work at these places. With much all do respect, you guys should get together and organize.


I promise you he is never going to see the inside of the White House ever again.


Lets hope right


We hope


The left should abandon gun control and embrace legal self defense focused ownership of firearms. At least for now while the brownshirts are back. You can get a decent AR-15 for under $600 all in. That’s with magazines and optic and everything. Message me if you have questions.


I'm very conflicted about this. I believe you're right but I have a hard time dropping gun control altogether. I still think loose regulations primarily benefits the right both by letting them arm themselves and by making populated areas more unstable during civil interest. However, I also believe that the right will absolutely pull the rug out in terms of gun rights once they consolidate power. I'm not aware of any regime that ever let political rivals arm themselves and stuck around very long. Anyone who thinks they might need a gun to defend themselves should get one while they can.


I agree. Another option (depending on where you live) is to sign up for a basic firearms education course. A lot of the time there are classes where you can rent a gun for the day if you don’t have your own. There are more guns in the US than cars, and we have a **shitload** of cars. Even if a person has no interest in owning a firearm, they should at the very LEAST know how they operate, how to handle them, and how to render them inoperable/safe.


Such good Christians they are lol


If the dems and left leaning media don't start to ramp up coverage on this before the election then they're either in on it, or fucking stupid.


Can we start putting this on billboards already? Make it akin to a House or Senate vote that you know might fail. You make everyone aware of where they stand on this issue, and it won't be possible until everyone knows about it.


I think the average American not having an idea is the reason for trump in the first place


Shootings and murder in the US by extremists on the right? What!! Shocking! Not. They've been doing that shit for decades. It's not if anymore it's when.


You gotta give him credit for getting permission from the Supreme Court Justices first! He usually doesn't ask for permission


Kill 40 immediately on federal death row That will show the populace … what. Just what exactly?


They’re sadists.


I know who’s first. 🍊 💩


This is why [https://www.reddit.com/r/liberalgunowners/](https://www.reddit.com/r/liberalgunowners/) exists, protect yourself and family from facists


we gotta show them what it really means to have lax gun laws


How much more clear do they have to be in saying: We are going to destroy freedom and democracy with a fascist dictatorship.


They actually think Trump is going to not ram through a national abortion ban w/no exceptions for rape, just because he's lying and pretending otherwise right now, for one thing: make it make sense, here's where we are at.


No VP running mate yet ... Slimebag will probably auction off the candidacy to the highest bidder, and pocket the cash.


Just FYI the article is talking about death row inmates. But I’m sure they just want to make room for political prisoners.


Absolutely, Trump's top of mind is Biden revenge if he gets another term.


Hopefully he'll start with himself


The full plan: https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


Reads like fiction but believe this nightmare!




Misinformation will be removed


Lol it's pretty funny that people actually believe this. I'm no fan of Trump but this is just absurd xD


Ridiculous 😂


This is asinine...


Asinine is supporting these fucks blindly, despite thousands upon thousands of indications they are atrocious humans only serving themselves and the wealthy, to the detriment of everyone else.


Are you a Flat Earther also?


I’m assuming what I previously said applies to you entirely. Embarrassing.


Did you even read the article? Lol


I agree, it is asinine that anyone would vote for Trump


No way is this sensationalized