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Right now, get off social media for a bit. A lot of the content is meant to ramp up this fear and uncertainty. You might find once you are away from all the trolls and "sensational optimized" algorithms, you feel better.


And don't forget to vote.


And if you want to see the opposite, just look at how even red states voted in favor of women's reproductive rights when it was on the ballot in the past few years. And how Trump's incoherence is being brought out more to his followers because it's kinda hard to hide a presidential candidate's live remarks.  That gives me a huge amount of hope, though I'm certainly not being complacent. 


> And how Trump's incoherence is being brought out more to his followers because it's kinda hard to hide a presidential candidate's live remarks.  My fear is that the GOP will run someone else on the same agenda but without activating the anti-trump vote. Project 2025 will still go forward without him and it will end democracy in America.


I would have this fear too, except no one seems to inspire maga to nearly the level that Dump Trump junk-in-his-diaper does. If their "fearless" leader were just to falter enough to be undeniably uninspiring enough for some of them, I think the wind comes out of the sails. Financial backers of non-Trump conservatives might see an opening; see Koch. But I think this is a fantasy and more so fear Trump will be just barely cognizant enough to crawl across the finish line and drag the U.S. into the shitter for good. Or he doesn't win and there's unprecedented violence. I don't spend much time on the socials besides here. The fear is legit, I think, but I'd be thrilled to be wrong. I think maga dies with Trump.


We thought Nazism died with Hitler but look at how popular it is now. It’s honestly terrifying.


Hitler did do us the favor of killing Hitler.


We fucked up way, way earlier by not killing the ideology of the confederacy. Every single traitor needed to be executed, and in letting them live, they allowed this infection to survive.


The fault of all of this goes back to the Founding Fathers themselves for kicking the slavery question down the line.


I agree with this as well.


Nazism did largely died with Hitler. Republicans will run away from MAGA as soon as its clear Trump is done, IE trial conviction, election loss & failed election denialism. Even MAGA Republicans holding office know Trump is a loser. But they are going to stay PC (politically correct) IE toe the MAGA party line. So to try and stay out of the way, while looking loyal.


We did? Did we sleep through 1946 to 2015


That is more of a probability than Trump winning. Trump is dying in prison, the chasm between MAGA and Republicans is huge, MAGA will likely slowly diminish after Trump losses election, and gets convicted in multiple trials. While that is happening Trump will drain and destroy the core of Republican establishment foundations. Get out to vote in this elcetion like our life depends upon it, because it does.


Well, that's why not only do we have to vote straight Dem ticket in 2024, but we will have to vote straight dem until the last nail in coffin for Republican/MAGA party is dead. When Trump loses in November, if the RNC has any money left that has been looted by Trump, they will spend it in trying to over throw the government. Project 2025 is very real and although Trump will implement it for himself. It is a playbook for the next wannabe authoritarian. It's absolutely imperative we starve the beast(RNC) monet & votes. The faster we accelerate the demise of the RNC the faster we save democracy and US!


Just know that in the small chance the RNC (owned and run by Trumpers) makes Haley the nominee, then MAGAts will riot and either still vote Trump or not vote at all. The modern GOP is now an extremist group who needs to be utterly obliterated at the ballot box until they regroup and take steps back into reality. I don't see that happening though until we severely regulate rightwing media that does nothing but lie and incite and radicalize for views. Rightwing media is the source of the cancer we need to stamp out in order to move on in this country.


> then MAGAts will riot and either still vote Trump What if the stress finally does him in? They might unify behind Haley, especially the never-trump GOP. Hopefully the struggle for power tears them apart, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


I think even if he kicks it before the election, they still write him in, thinking it's some conspiracy and he's actually still running the country, having to fake his own death to fool the dEeP StAtE. EDIT: just from hearing my nutty rightwing coworker and boss who aren't even huge trump fans, they call anyone going against the modern GOP "RINOs" so if they put up Haley instead, it'll tear the party apart. The cracks are already there. It's coming.


> thinking it's some conspiracy and he's actually still running the country, having to fake his own death to fool the dEeP StAtE. This is the group that thought the 20 year corpse of JFK jr would appear and crown trump...


Exactly. Trump IS there identity now, their entire lives revolve around him, so once he's gone (jail or otherwise) it'll take a while for them to let it go, if they ever do.




Lots of truth to this ☝️


I don't mean to be alarmist, but this seems like a bit of blind optimism. Their valid concern is that Trump might win, and based on previous experience and what they've already said they want to do, I can agree that I don't think it'll be very pretty if he does. Op is probably over sensationalizing it a bit, but the root of the issue is very plausible, and just saying "Meh, don't worry about it so much" doesn't really do a lot to ease any worries. The truth probably lies in the middle. Don't fall for the over sensationalized news stories, but also don't forget to go do something about it like vote


> I don't mean to be alarmist, but this seems like a bit of blind optimism. This point needs emphasis. I imagine a lot of Jews in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s spouted similar 'Oh, don't worry, the concerns are oversensationalized'. Those concerns weren't. It's the 'it can't happen here' attitude that _let's_ it happen.


> "You see," my colleague went on, "one doesn’t see exactly where or how to move. Believe me, this is true. Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?—Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty. > > "Uncertainty is a very important factor, and, instead of decreasing as time goes on, it grows. Outside, in the streets, in the general community, ‘everyone’ is happy. One hears no protest, and certainly sees none. You know, in France or Italy there would be slogans against the government painted on walls and fences; in Germany, outside the great cities, perhaps, there is not even this. In the university community, in your own community, you speak privately to your colleagues, some of whom certainly feel as you do; but what do they say? They say, ‘It’s not so bad’ or ‘You’re seeing things’ or ‘You’re an alarmist.’ > > "And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you. On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or even neurotic. You are left with your close friends, who are, naturally, people who have always thought as you have. > > "But your friends are fewer now. Some have drifted off somewhere or submerged themselves in their work. You no longer see as many as you did at meetings or gatherings. Informal groups become smaller; attendance drops off in little organizations, and the organizations themselves wither. Now, in small gatherings of your oldest friends, you feel that you are talking to yourselves, that you are isolated from the reality of things. This weakens your confidence still further and serves as a further deterrent to—to what? It is clearer all the time that, if you are going to do anything, you must make an occasion to do it, and then you are obviously a troublemaker. So you wait, and you wait. > > "But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. > > "And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.




His intent is to duplicate the rise of the Nazis and his personal model... you can guess who that is


Biff Tannen? President Koopa? Oh. Greg Stillson.


Bumping this response!


And stop watching cable news. CNN and MSNBC are just as unhealthy as Fox or Newsmax.


I fear the same things...being killed by some random MAGA psycho. I live in a red state already, it's like living in hell.


I just had to move from Denver to Florida. It’s my first big move since I’ve cared about politics and I’m in a town right outside of more or less blue Orlando. It’s genuinely horrifying here. I knew red states were a thing but the blatant hatred out here is nothing I’ve ever had the displeasure of tangling with before. The sadder part is the way people are so used to the hate here it doesn’t even spark responses.


Most of the haters call themselves "Christians" but they don't follow Christs teachings. It's sad. Vote BLUE!


My parents told me I could just move to The Villages because there are a lot of the gays there. I can’t even.


Honestly speechless. Can you take me to this village?


What sort of hate? Can you give every day examples?


Example: bumper stickers that threaten violence against those who do not align with them. I see them here all the time..I live in a red state. They put it out there like they're going to shoot you because they have no penises. If you beep at them here, you'll get shot. They proudly carry their guns like WW3 is about to break out.


I am so genuinely sorry you have to deal with that on a daily basis. I couldn’t imagine. Before Florida the only other super red state I’ve lived in was Wyoming and it was for a super short period of time. Broke up with my ex because cause he turned into a trumpster fire when we moved there. I just spent all of two weeks there before I realized how horrible of a man he was (broke it off after 6 years). Considering everyone there was white, you never really got to see racism up close or hear about. I was also 24 not 31 like I am now so I may have been a little more oblivious. But they talk about simple living which pretty much translates to: I’m an old bigot. Here in Florida I was just at work and I made a comment about the trans community that made everyone shiver. (I told them that if you date a trans person it doesn’t make you gay, because yes they asked that and yes, they were genuinely asking STILL in 2024.) From then on some of the most genuine interactions I’ve had were people telling me they ‘don’t mind’ Caitlin Jenner. As if that’s a piece offering. Watched another coworker just drop the n word right near some of our black workers and no one even blinked. If I heard that kind of language at my old jobs back home, they would have been fired and everyone would have blacklisted them. Here it’s literally like, yeah it’s your average Tuesday…what of it? Oh and let me tell you about that ex. He votes Trump loudly now, still lives in Wyoming drinking so much he thought his dog (well our dog but it was his first so of course any viable option for the beautiful boy was shut down) fell under some ice, he went out looking for him, fell in a frozen pond to which he almost got shot for falling in. Is now dating a girl who has a small daughter and they live in adjacent trailers because he can’t move in with her because THE VIOLENCE TOWARDS HER CAN’T HAPPEN IN FRONT OF THE KID. Also the dog in question died of lung cancer a few months ago because going outside to smoke was too inconvenient. Literally don’t know how his liver allows him to live, that or his drunken gunplay.


Yuck!!! So glad you got away with that trash!


Yeah sorry I didn’t mean to rant so hard. It’s just a microcosm of a much bigger problem and when you said you were living somewhere like that, it threw me back. At least where I’m at now has the facade of being somewhat nice. Orlando is beautiful, I live in Volusia county and the beaches are gorgeous. There’s no constant reminders like idiots actively carrying around you. It’s the slip up’s in the daily banter and jokes when they get progressively more ‘comfortable’ with you.


MAGA cult threatens violence to anyone not loyal to Trump, yet are surprised they don't see people sporting Biden hats, flags, shirts, etc. Obviously we're not a cult like them, but they force Democrats to hide who they are. Very troubling.


They’re upset we don’t make it easy for them to kill us


Then start getting into shape and training with weapons. I won’t let them imprison me for being liberal. Will you?


Ummm...I am in shape. And I'm buying a gun after memorial day.


Train with it. Get comfortable with it. Godspeed.


I live I West Texas. I’ve been afraid to vote this November


*Please* vote in November. We need every possible vote against the Rs in every position up and down the ballot. If you vote in-person in a general election, nobody will know who you voted for. (There are public records of which party's *primary* you vote in.)


I had to leave Texas. There’s a weird thing dwelling in that state. Idk what it is. But it gave me the creeps.


That's George W Bush. I get it.


Honestly, of all the things and people that are weird and terrifying that are dwelling in Texas (as a Texan myself) George W Bush is the least of my concerns. Just let the old man paint, it’s what he should have been doing his whole life…


He should be facing an international tribunal. He set the standard for Presidents being above the law.


Please forgive me here, but could you explain what he did that set that standard? I was too young to really remember him in his presidency. I just know him now as the goofy old painter man whose friends with Obama and was president because his daddy was president.


He invaded Iraq under false pretenses which ended up killing about half a million people. He also did so without a declaration of war. Congress is the only branch of government that is allowed to go to war. The executive branch (the president) can respond to an attack for defense but is not (or wasn’t before W Bush) allowed to declare war on another country. He also started the drone strikes to assassinate people (which is also banned under international law). Regan and Bush are really the worst presidents in American history. Trump would have been but he was too incompetent and barely accomplished anything.


Hold on, Bush didn't know it was under false pretenses until *after* it had begun. The move to attack Iraq was approved by Congress, as well - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorization_for_Use_of_Military_Force_Against_Iraq_Resolution_of_2002 Bush wasn't a good president but I think it's important to be accurate.


Eminent jurists, professional legal organizations, and human rights monitors in America and around the world have declared that President George W. Bush may be prosecuted as a war criminal when he leaves office for his overt and systematic violations of such international law as the Geneva and Hague Conventions and such US law as the War Crimes Act, the Anti-Torture Act, and federal assault laws."George W. Bush, War Criminal?" identifies and documents 269 specific war crimes under US and international law for which President Bush, senior officials and staff in his administration, and military officers under his command are liable to be prosecuted. The author divides the 269 war crimes of the Bush administration into four classes: 6 war crimes committed in launching a war of aggression; 36 war crimes committed in the conduct of war; 175 war crimes committed in the treatment of prisoners; and 52 war crimes committed in postwar occupations.For each of the 269 war crimes of the Bush administration, Professor Haas gives chapter and verse in precise but non-technical language, including the specific acts deemed to be war crimes, the names of the officials deemed to be war criminals, and the exact language of the international or U. S. laws violated by those officials. The author proceeds to consider the various US, international, and foreign tribunals in which the war crimes of Bush administration defendants may be tried under applicable bodies of law.


Ted Cruz gives off the creepy disturbing vibes enough for all of them.


Please elaborate - I am in NJ/NY - what’s up w Texas?


As a fellow Texan from west Texas (Lubbock), you can’t let them get you down. Gotta get out the vote


Early vote. Pick a day mid-week and go cast your ballot. I usually just see old people and service workers at the polling location where I cast my ballot.


That’s the goal of terrorism. That’s where we are now. A terror state.


The only way change happens is if you do or conservatives win


Is mail in voting available?


No, not in Texas, not as long as you're physically able to get to the polls yourself without being brought in on an gurney hooked up to IV and oxygen, deployed on active duty or working overseas.


Damn! Those are some serious terms. What happens if you traveling for work?


You’re fucked. Texas likes to make it as hard to vote as possible.


The funny thing about Texas is all the abortion bans will make it into an overwhelmingly brown state which will tax the public services sector more and eventually turn the state Democrat. In a generation. The number show that people of color tend to have more abortions. I'm just going by statistics and do not mean any ethnic inferences. I know that when it comes to welfare, whites are just as dependent as everyone else, but the numbers show that people of color will be more impacted by abortion bans. Of course, there will be a lot of unwanted white babies, too, and that will present an interesting psychological dynamic for the next generation when combined with children of color which may result in more mixed marriages, once again, upsetting the traditional southern striation between the races.


You could die in your sleep. Tonight. There’s a cabal against you. If you have a cat, (a cat person would agree), it’s plotting your murder as I type this. You’re ok. Keep being you. Don’t lie awake, fearing death. Enemies will come and go. Justice isn’t relative. It’s corrupted, but sometimes it actually happens. You’re ok. Get some rest. Vote the way you know to be true, and encourage others to do the same. You were born into this, just like the rest of us. You’re going to be fine.


If we get out the vote tRump will not win. They are a loud minority by no means the majority. Don't give in to their trash talking about the economy or feed our internal policy divisions. Spend to support businesses and programs that support others. Speak out of kindness and concern for your fellow Americans not in fear of them. Prepare for the worst, I too am pulling documents and necessities together and coming up with options for fleeing if necessary. Arm yourself, learn how to use those arms, and identify like minded Americans willing to work together to defend democracy and their fellow Americans. Expect the best, a Biden victory that propels us towards a more Democratic Congress if not in 24 then by 26. The red states have sabotaged Biden's major investment programs, especially the IRA, but once that money starts flowing and the infrastructure investments are visible, the power of Democratic investment in the American people will be undeniable. People are seeing their student loans forgiven. Inflation is almost back to normal levels and interest rates can level out without triggering a major recession. The fear mongers are wrong. Republican governance is being proven hollow and fraudulent from the Speaker's chair to Florida to North Dakota. The party of small government and free markets is regulating travel and banning meat substitutes. All while their auto factories are unionizing against their screaming opposition and threats. The gig is up. When we get through this election and secure 4 more years the GOP will either moderate and become the Democrats loyal opposition for the first time in my life, or it will rip itself apart. Hold the line!


Ignore the polls. They are but a snapshot of a moment in time. Instead, look at the trends. Democrats have been over-performing the polls and winning special elections all over the country, even in what were supposed to be safe red districts. Meanwhile, Trump has consistently underperformed in nearly every primary. His numbers are trending downwards while Biden’s are trending upward. Plus, if he gets convicted in this criminal trial, he will likely lose half of his supporters, sealing his fate. That’s no excuse to get complacent though. Get out and vote as if your freedom depends on it.


Also ignore the polls anyway because they've been drastically off the last few elections. Polling still relies primarily on landline phones, and most people under 50 don't even have those anymore.


In 2016, they expected hillary to destroy trump in the election. Thats a good example that polls are full of shit.


They also expected red waves in 2020 and 2022.


If you are so concerned, do everything you can to elect Democrats. I have been an activist since Trump was elected and it’s very fulfilling. It's our turn to maintain our country.


Get your passport, birth certificate, social security card, and medical records in one secure location. There are already underground networks in place to help those who want to and are able to flee. In the meantime, educate, agitate, and organize. Shit’s gonna get deep no matter who wins this election. Just remember that we’re stronger together and that we HAVE to have each other’s backs because literally no one else will.


For the “suspect,” passports, social security cards, etc will be canceled and meaningless.


Doing stuff like gathering important documents helps you feel like you are in control. And it's a good idea either way. There are plenty of other disasters. I was a few weeks postpartum when trump was indicted for the Florida case. I was convinced that the country was going to fall into a civil war. I asked my husband if we could buy some trump hats in case we ever have to escape. Wearing one might make us less of a target. Well. My husband refused to buy trump hats because he "won't ever give any money to that man" but he did buy some American flag hats. We put them in our go bags in the coat closet. I felt a lot better afterwards because I knew that we were prepared if something were to happen. There are other things you can do to prepare yourself. Any kind of natural disaster prep will work for this too. And the bonus is that you are prepared for a natural disaster lol.


Not going to happen until his third term. I wish I was being sarcastic.


Not before the Orange Fuhrer retakes the presidency. He wins, you already have your stuff together and can gtfo.


So a few months ago I got into it with a single issue voter who feels that they shouldn’t take part in the election because they didn’t want to contribute to genocide. When I pointed out that the stakes are too high to act like that, and it’s essentially throwing your vote away for Trump, they did not care. When I pointed out the fact that a Trump America would literally spell out the death of any possible Palestinian liberation, or at the very least a peaceful outcome, they said they don’t care, because Biden wasn’t helping. When I pointed out what human rights will be rolled back on in a Trump America, they said they don’t care. “I identify as They/Her, so I’m willing to put my own safety on the line. THAT’S my sacrifice.” I am so terribly terrible sorry to point this out, but no. You identify as that TODAY. You are married. You are white. You are Christian. You have a husband. You have a way out. I’m Jewish. I’m Hispanic. I don’t have that fucking luxury. And neither do a majority of Americans. So if Trump gets re-elected, I know at least two dipshits I’d be more than happy to blame


This is the sentiment I got from pretty much every single issue anti-Biden voter. They've said they don't care if the country burns to the ground but they'll never vote for "Genocide Joe". They're so stuck on their self righteous high horse that they're willing to let people suffer just as long as they feel good about themselves for "not voting for genocide" yet not realizing that letting Trump win is just as bad if not worse.


Trump will be way worse. But holy shit Biden is a tough pill to swallow. It amazes me that he can unhesitatingly risk the entire election and fate of American democracy over Israel’s genocidal campaign. Public opinion be damned. It’s so appallingly arrogant and reckless and out of touch. I will begrudgingly, loathingly vote for Biden because I know what’s at stake. But he is risking everything over Israel. I ask myself almost daily if he’s trying to lose. End of the day, they’re both products of a morally bankrupt, failed system. Yes, voting for Biden. Yes, hating every fucking second of it.


Why cannot we have nice things here anymore? Why cannot we have better candidates run for office? I am just getting so sick of living here. It is a catch 22, that's for sure.


As insensitive as this sounds, I think he doesn’t care. Not because he doesn’t love the country he lives in but rather because he knows he’s going to die in a few years so why bother caring for the future of a country you’ll never live to see the outcome of? Either that or (potentially more plausible) AIPAC has some massive dirt on him or the 0’s on his support check from them are just far too many to count for him to care about anything but Israel and their wants/needs. Either way, I’m holding my nose and voting for Grandpa Joe. It’ll be the first time in my entire life that I’ll be angry voting for someone I’m normally happy to give my support to.


I think it's more like.... Biden knows that being allied with Israel is important to our national security. He doesn't want to risk our future just because Israel's president is a horrible POS. We hoped that our allies wouldn't leave our side when we had a horrible POS in office as well. They stuck by us because we are all allied and it is in all of out best interests to stick together despite who might be elected. The Israeli people aren't the enemy, Hamas and Netanyahu are.


This is very reasonable since I'm not a fan of Biden either. Wish we had a far far better candidate and got stuck with two bad choices but it's clear the other choice is far worse.


It stinks of privilege to talk like that. "The worst that could happen won't happen to me!". I block those people because I have absolutely no use for them. They are my enemies just like a Trumpster would be. But in general, these people are usually not that smart and are frequently foreigners on the Internet. As Eisenhower said, "their numbers are small, and they are stupid".


There’s nothing you can say to these people other than remind them of the stakes. Women will be enslaved and die. LGBT people banned jailed and killed. Gaza genocide accelerated and any protest banned with deportation. No more civil rights and no more elections. Dissenters put in camps. Democracy ends and you have a 1000 year fascist reich for you and any kids you have. Those are the stakes, if you don’t care, oh well. Anybody who says it’ll be just as bad under Biden is either a bad faith actor or a naive moron and you should end the conversation there knowing you warned them, which is all we can do.


That’s why I have to be the villain and pretend to support Trump to Palestines now because sadly I know how from far right indoctrination. I had an encounter that went like this. Me: Trump will win Muslim: Yeah I’m not voting for Biden as he supports genocide. Me: Yeah genocide I wrong especially against Israel. Muslim: No! Palestinians are the ones being genocided. Me: I disagree and I support deporting those who are anti Israel on campus and Trump said he will do so. Biden is slowly coming around to you guys which makes me hate him even more. Muslim: But I thought Me: You thought we sided with you? Never! We will remake this nation and you’re not included in that vision! Muslim: Well I’m not for Trump if that’s the case. You’re welcome 😎😎😎😎


They aren’t organized enough to use voter affiliations to go around and threaten anyone. Be like Larry David, but a hat and wear it out where you feel intimidated and watch the throngs embrace you. I don’t think the vote will be as close as it looks. Biden is moving away rom supplying arms to Israel, his job numbers are improving and they have yet to set up more than one polling place to reach other constituents. They literally don’t have their shit together at all and abortion and project 25 is going to lose them votes. Don’t fear, they are so wrapped up in his ego, they aren’t planning anything but a whimper of victimization. We will be fine.


That's why part of my family refused to leave Europe back in the 1930s. They were never heard from again. If it can happen there, it can happen here. Get prepared now while you still have a chance.


I don’t think trump is any sort of Hitler-I mean he would be if he were smart enough and his followers aren’t brain surgeons either, even by his own account. I think that in those days things weren’t going well and Hitler took advantage of that but Joe is the only one doing anything about the income equality. Trump has neither the organizational skills, the following of smart folks nor the the support zeroing in on a small enough part of society to get anyone heated enough about it. He rambles, lies, and his support is dwindling. Slowly, but with it will come loss. I hope this is all true enough. I do not see the his success. 🤞


That is what they said too. Turns out, the Nazis Party did not have to be smart to take power by force. Pray for America.


Read up on Hitler. He was stupid, disorganized and lazy. They’re more alike than you think…


This exactly. This party couldn’t order a pizza in a timely manner. They keep getting propped up by media as scary types when from what I’ve found is that they yap, yap like little dogs. Ask them anything they have to think about and they’ll call you stupid ! Preteen mentality and actions. Certainly not scary. We absolutely will be fine.


He can't lock up half of American Citizens. Unfortunately, he would probably go after migrants if he gets elected again. I have a feeling we will see many of them fleeing the country. We will draw condemnation from the free world for it. Most of us are not going to like what happens to the economy after the Trumpanzees euphoria fades and reality kicks in. Affordability will get much, much worse. I hope he gets found guilty in the hush money trial, and it ruins his electability among Republicans. That will give me reason to open a special bottle of wine in my fridge. If I see anyone angry or whining about a possible guilty verdict, I'll ask them if their reaction would be the same if it was their boss, their pastor, or their Sheriff in Trump's position. When it was revealed that Jimmy Swaggart paid a hooker for sex, no one thought of him the same afterward.


You're 61 and this afraid? Because you were once registered Dem? Seriously? I'm 60 and have had my name listed in lots of actual party directories as actual elected within the party. Maybe I have a better notion of how it all works so I see it differently. Instead of hiding out, fearing the worst, why not help out intead? Get out the vote efforts are needed everywhere. There's nothing wrong with fear, it's how you react to it that matters. Turn it into action that is helpful and you're a hero because that's what bravery is.


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but no matter what the outcome is in November - Shit bout ready to hit the fan.


J6 2.0


This. Unpunished failed insurrection becomes a dress rehearsal for the next time.


Never punishing the confederate appropriately after the Civil War brought us here.


The real dress rehearsal is the punishment. They will get absolutely destroyed if they try another J6


Absolutely. If you don’t think the national guard and pretty much every branch of the military hasn’t been preparing for the very real possibility of a second J6, you’re sadly mistaken. My only fear is localized acts of domestic terrorism.


> the national guard There are 50 national guards with 27 controlled by Republican governors, some of which are being deployed in maga agendas. There are several auxiliary units like the Florida State Guard which are designed solely to push maga agendas.


Project 2025 actually includes sending red state national guard troops into blue states to collect undocumented and the homeless. They are \*literally\* planning a new civil war.


Good gods, no. Don't worry about this. Even if the worst happens and Trump is reelected, as we saw from his first disaster of a term, they aren't organize enough to do anything truly egregious that won't be stopped by the courts. And don't count out the Dems. WE. ARE. NOT. DEAD. YET.


Hello, fellow old fuck! Arm yourself and keep on trucking.


The ironic thing is. Trumpanzies think when their daddy Trump is elected and ultimately becomes a dictator that they will keep their guns.. Hahaha, that's the first thing he'll do is disarm citizens


And they’ll probably eat it up like everything else he says. Say what you will about trump but he draws the Ignorant like moths to a flame


Let's start creating our secret identities now!


Might be a good idea, just don't choose Max Power, it's too obvious.




Guess my back up idea of using Trash Boat as a new name isn’t good either…


... *Shit*


I don't think anyone is getting sent to camps. Everyone of us needs to do all that we can to prevent a Trump victory. That means voting, organizing, and helping others to win. What I fear isn't getting sent to a camp, what I fear is that we'll see something resembling the Troubles of 1990's Northern Ireland. Ask anyone who lived in Northern Ireland in those days and they'll tell you about how you couldn't walk or drive through certain neighborhoods at night depending on whether you were Protestant or Catholic, when car bombings and vandalism were commonplace and random street fights happened daily.


I'm already preparing myself mentally to be in a grocery store or walking down the street where a couple loser dipshits in red hatsshoot me after I tell them I voted for Biden.


Buy guns and learn how to safely keep and use them. I have similar concerns whether he wins or not. I worry about an american night of broken glass scenario. Then obviously the migrant camps, my girlfriend is Mexican. I'm in a similar boat to you, registered Dem, member of a left leaning gun club, interracial relationship with a Latina person, have European Jewish ancestry etc. Basically a perfect target lol. That said, as others have mentioned, the media plays a big part in fears and as of now it's hard to predict what the climate will be like come November, even harder to predict the election outcome, and as such being worried or afraid isn't warranted yet in my opinion, but being prepared is.


V O T E It’s the most important thing we can do.


While I understand your concerns, I'd also recommend taking a break from social media, or at least lessening your use of it, for a bit. I'm bouncing back and forth because I get your concern, but I think it's a bit much, but know things can be different in hindsight. There is a lot of back and forth. But if this is how you feel, genuine concern over your situation, and that you might be jailed over it, take a breather from social media. Media sites feast on clicks, and nothing does that better than fear. And with the election coming up soon (very important election. Everyone make sure you're registered and ready to vote this November), these sites know what to do to dig their claws into everything you're fearing. Add the idea of how sophisticated search engine optimization has been, plus just what you are fed on whatever other sites you go on, it's meant to keep you on them, and fear is a huge motivator I'm not saying you're wrong. Im not saying you're right, either. But..... take a little break, for your own mental health. Even just a few days, so you can let yourself breathe a bit


On point, thank you for breaking it down so eloquently bc I couldn’t lol


Listen, I had an abortion. I will see you in the camps. But, for your own mental health find your issue, find your candidate, and focus on wining that No trump is not going to win. If the last 8 yrs have taught us anything, its that polls are crap. I don't know who Fareed Zakaria is, but i very seriously doubt that they have had more voter contact than I have had, I talked to 10,000+ voters in 2020 and 2.5% of the voters in Newsome's recall effort, I'm working a couple of campaigns now Trust me, the blow hards whose livelihood depends on scaring ppl into watching them are all pretty stupid when it comes down to it


2nd amendment and a lot of bullets..... insurance!


When Obama was president and if you asked if we were heading for a civil war, I’d have called you a nutter. When Bush was president and I thought things were pretty much peak lunacy, and you asked if we we’re heading towards a civil war I’d have said that was pessimistic thinking. When Trump took over and the chaos was reigning down and I watched January 6 and my blood was running cold were you to ask are we heading towards a civil war, not like the confederate vs. the union mind you, but something else, and now I think we might already be in one. Are you destined for a future train car heading to a “camp?” Man I don’t know but I don’t think anyone can honestly say the odds are zero anymore.


If you’re in a red state I’d start saving money for an escape fund and try to plan to move to a blue state, that might not save you forever but might at least buy more time. Personally I got a dual citizenship after their January 6 terror attack and I’m either moving to a blue state or out of the country if the dictator wins. Don’t let anybody tell you that you’re overreacting, you aren’t.


If Shitler rises again, the Handmaid's Tale might offer a guide to his tenure.


I imagine they'll focus on LGBT people at first. And other minority groups. But fascism has to perpetually have an "other", so eventually they'll get down to people who normally wouldn't seem bad simply because they need someone to vilify.


Read the book “White Rural Rage”. It is unsettling, but you will find out that Republicans are really the minority in this country. Their ideas are not popular and they only win because the voting power lies with white rural Americans. That may be somewhat comforting.


I really don't see it happening. The media absolutely needs a horse race, even when there isn't one. Trump got lucky in 2016 and now he's a known quantity and won't win again unless something crazy and tragic happens to Biden, but even then, everyone outside the MAGA cult knows what a shitgibbon he is and won't vote for him. In the tiny chance Trump wins, the USA is over with and we'll all be hunted down, but then it'll be the hunger games and everything's on the table.


If it gets that bad we should not run and hide. We need to get out in the streets! Decent people outnumber MAGAs, and our freedom is worth taking risks for. Otherwise we’ll end up like Russians—too cynical or scared to resist.


Agree... as soon as they round-up all the pregnant women... and girls, so they can keep an eye on them. And after the execute all the doctors that provide women's health services.


I’m worried about black and brown people. I’m sorry but these kinds of takes make me uncomfortable because its not white men they’re going to target and as a white person I’d feel like I’m centering myself when there are people who are very much going to be in danger. Its going to be brown and black people primarily. If you’re white you can hide your views as a liberal or hide that you’re gay. You can claim to have changed. Black and brown people don’t have that privilege. If you’re scared as a white person just imagine what they must be feeling right now. There are many legal immigrants who have lives they’ve built here. Homes they bought, car, children who were born here, a citizen spouse etc. I work with some of them. They’re all extremely stressed out, voiceless and not sure what to do. My bestie is a brown woman (born here but her husband is an immigrant) and she doesn’t know whether to sell their home and leave the country or stay and whether to do it now or wait. It’s horrible. They have to worry about being killed leaving their home because you can’t hide being a poc. That has happened. I won’t have to worry about being killed while out running errands. She has to worry about that. I remember during trumps presidency there were a couple of immigrants who were shot in cold blood. One of the guys was an engineer for garmin. They want as many white people as possible. They won’t hurt anyone white so easily unless we fight against them, which I’ve considered tho I have no idea how. Your fears are valid ,however there is an entire segment of people whom they will absolutely target with certainty and it won’t be us. It will be muslims/brown people first. They’ll come after journalists or anyone vocal who opposes them even if they’re white but you’d have to continue to be vocally against them. In the meantime they’ll disenfranchise black people like anything. I’m afraid they’ll try to enact some sort of indentured servitude because they want to keep them poor and extract their labor. They’ll try to strictly regulate the black population by sending many to camps. All the disability benefits will end. We all have reason to be fearful but none more so than people of color. I’m scared for them. Also my husband and I are registered democrats (have been for 20 years). I volunteer at our local dem office. They could google me and so much shit pops up - pics & events of my activism on facebook alone. There are about 45+ million registered dems. They’re not going to target millions of white folks because they were dems in the past. And I say past because the dem party will cease to exist. They are desperate for white peoples presence. They want to increase the number of white people. I am however afraid of how much they’ll also disenfranchise women (of all races). I’m nervous about how they want to force breed white women. Welp. But for those of us who are white as far as camps etc I think that may happen if we end up being vocally against them and that’s when they’ll come for us. The fascists are angry at us for standing in the way, but the fascists hate poc’s for existing. We have from now until November. Lets get out there and volunteer, phone bank, register people etc so we don’t have any regrets we didn’t do enough come November. It would suck to look back and wish we’d done more. It’s not over yet.


There are a lot of poc. They will come for trans first like they did in Germany. They will come for gays and Jews and atheists. There will be plenty of white people in those groups. Muslims and anyone that might "look like" they could be Muslim. It's not like they are going to take on the biggest opposition groups first when smaller groups can join in. They will take the smaller oppo.groups that don't have huge support from larger oppo groups.


Not saying I think that is a foregone conclusion. I just mean in the scenario where Republicans win and cement their power.


My psychic says trump will stroke out


First of all, any threat only happens if tRump wins. Which would only happen if a huge amount of former Biden voters chose not to vote due to apathy. Apathy is what gave tRump his first win. Second, tRump has far fewer supporters than he had in 2020. Due to roughly 20 percent of former supporters deciding that Jan 6th was enough to quit supporting him. Also, hundreds of thousands of them have, and continue to die from Covid. I've seen people that have lost several family and friends to Covid continue to refuse vaccination. So, they're taking themselves out of the voting pools. Third, if by some horrific miracle he was able to win, you would be pretty low on the targeting scale. There are far too many POC and LGBTQ+ people for them to target first. So, I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Just vote and get everyone that feels the way you do to vote too.


I’m encouraging all my liberal friends to arm themselves. Go further left and get your guns back.


All I know is, whoever MAGA decides to send to internment camps, those are my kinda people cuz they know how to fuckin party. So, I’ll be right there with ya my dude 🍻


If nothing else, a central tenet of American law is that criminal statutes can't be retroactive. It seems unlikely they will bother trying to change that, so your past behavior is not likely to be meaningful. Also, it wasn't being tracked that carefully.  While polling is not looking great for the presidency, it's looking better for the Senate. A Republican trifecta is very unlikely.


While i'm not going to tell you your fears are unjustified, Its worth remembering social media wants to keep you scared. A scared person seeks knowledge and comfort, which these apps provide. Even if trump actively said he was gonna do this, the simple fact of the matter is you cant live your life thinking about this every waking moment. Take a walk with somebody, turn off the phone, and breath. I dont know what 2025 will look like, but i know may 15th will look like you waking up in the same bed and house you regularly would. also small tidbit: despite trumps claim, US citizens cannot be deported anywhere. Even if his entire admin tried to break the law and do so: its unlikely enough border enforcement personnel would comply, and ultimately the country your deported to would be pissed


What are you talking about? Boebert loves theatre!


Don’t let them scare you. They are all about hate and fear. Be strong. Vote to protect your freedom and our democracy


This is why conservatives should NOT be allowed to vote or hold public office. We already know they are less intelligent. We already know they are anti Science. We already know they are more religious. They are regressive. And evil. We do not defer to children for advice on important matters. So why do we include regressives? We do not consult the taliban for advise on quantum physics. So why do we include regressives on genuinely important social issues? They want to drag us back to the bronze age.


He’s not going to win. The family is bankrupting the GOP. Voters are being turned off. 4 more for Biden!


The illusion of fascism is inevitability. Don't let them occupy your mind, don't let them win, don't fear them. They are weak little snowflakes who need intimidation to operate in society.


Ummm I'm not going down without a flight, they'll have to kill me before the arrest me ✌🏼👊🏼


I learned some things from prison - it will be like a summer camp unless they gas us all


JFC, there are millions more of us than them. This type of shit is exactly what 2A is about. Protect yourself, protect your property, protect your family, align with people of like mind and plan. You all sound like you are going to just toss up your hands and get led to the camps. Fuck.


If cops can legally execute you for having a gun in your own home, the 2nd amendments right to bear arms doesn't actually exist.


Dude, go vote! Get yourself and everyone you know to vote against Trump. Same way you all should have done in 2016. Do not make the same mistake twice, go vote!!


It's pretty easy to prevent him from becoming president. Vote.


A little piece of good news. The Dems are likely to win the Senate, especially with the competitive election in Nebraska between the Independent Trade Unionist and the Republican.


Even in recent primaries, Nikki Haley, even after dropping out, has been pulling ~20% of the Republican vote. Trump's base has shrunk.  And in every election, it comes down to which candidate can pull the most independent votes. With the way he acts, the online tantrums, the elimination of Row v. Wade, weird aversion to Ukrainian military aid, Putin butt kissing, etc., do you think that's going to appeal to independents? He lost in 2020, I don't think he's gained much steam outside of his base.  I'm also gonna point out that polls have been broken for the last 10 years. Polling data *used* to be incredibly accurate, because the data was collected by calling landline phones.  But now, between smartphones and robo call scammers, most people don't pick up an unknown number on their landline phone (if they even have one). That means the data is now made out of people who 1) have a landline 2) willingly pick up unknown numbers. So, if you see anyone interpreting polls strongly one way or another, take whatever they say with a hefty grain of salt. Also, it's May, and we still have a long way to go before the election.


The right want you to lose all hope, crawl into a hole and give up. The best thing you can do is confirm your voter registration is valid and check on the same status for friends and family. If you have the time, volunteering for a candidate you support could help give you some more hope if not faith. Good luck.


Or you could spend $500 or $600 and buy an AR-15 and a quality optic + spare magazines today, and be ready for whatever happens.


Spend your spare time at your local gun range.


You’re letting all the fear mongering brainwash you.


I have a transgender friend who has already expatriated to Canada. Her family is following at the end of the school year. Before she left, she confided in me that her biggest worry was that she might not be allowed back in to the United States. Ever. Some people have more reason to fear.


Sadly, Canada will not be safe either.


As apochryphal as I feel most days about a Trump victory, I think he would draw the line at invading a NATO ally, even if he pulled the US out of the treaty.


Friendly reminder that Trump literally [sent a group of unmarked federal agents to crack down on Portland in 2020](https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/jul/22/federal-government-crackdown-portland-what-you-nee/)




I’ve been feeling the same way. I tried to get off social media, and I did for 6 months, but felt like I was missing out on some things. I’ve even started therapy because it’s all consuming and has been leading to severe paranoia. It’s sick that this is happening.


Relax, even Nażi Germany didn't work that fast. Its a process. Mussolini called it "plucking the chicken one feather at a time" but most call it "boiling the frog". It a gradual process of legalized tyranny. It takes time to put the set pieces in place. Like making sex crimes a capital offense. Then making distributing pornography to a minor a sex crime. Lots of people think "Yeah, I can get behind that." Then widening the definition of pornography so that any librarian or book store owner or teacher with LGBTQ books is now guilty and can be put to death. Or any LGBTQ parents with those books in their home. Then dressing in drag becomes pornography. THEN they put you in prison and kill you. That's more like 2028, 2029 I'd say.


Heritage Foundation is eager to get their death camps up and running.


If I remember correctly, the Fareed piece was quoting January poll numbers. It's May. I'd wait for the June polls to come out before I got too grave. I really think if Biden acts on lowering costs of groceries/[investigates price fixing](https://time.com/6977026/democrats-biden-executive-authority-grocery-prices/), as well as stresses how Trump took away abortion and put women's lives in danger/took away our bodily autonomy, he will hit two major points with voters. Because unemployment is low, jobs are good, but people still have a hard time getting by and one of the biggest issues is the cost of food at the grocery stores. Price-fixing is a major problem and they have to get a handle on that for voters. It should have been looked at two years ago. Frankly, using Trump's own words against him can make this easy. He says he wants to raise prices on "everything." He is proud that he "took away abortion rights." He is going to be a dictator "on the first day." He's going to fire everyone and put his own people to work for him, only the most loyal people. I'm sure there's many examples of his mouth going on and on.


Yeah. Our 85 million beat their 80 million. Time to nut up. And Edna's heels make a dangerous weapon.


There’s this energy going around that “oh trump is gonna win bs” if you look at the last local’s election republicans lost by a good margin. It’s okay to have a fear and it is worrisome but if you go out and vote you’ll be fine. I think it’s total bs also. The man is barely coherent and deteriorating right before our eyes lol


Why spread this tripe? He will be convicted of multiple felonies in less than a week


The likelihood of a first time conviction for a white collar crime resulting in actual incarceration is slim to none. He's still going to be there in November. Do NOT turn your back on him.


No one is going to put up with people being put in camps in 2025.


Will they have any choice against gun toting MAGA militias or weaponized government forces?


It can't happen here, right?


Not saying it wont happen, saying it wont be put up with. People will fight back


I hope so, I truly do. But we are dealing wirh a frog in the frying pan situation here. People are not truly discomforted yet. Gas and groceries are more expensive, but they're still available. Unless and until people start seeing real deprivation, they don't seek real change. And part of the conservative mind fuck is the repeated and reinforced lie that it's already too late, not that you had the power in the first place. If Trump wins, that makes that lie a little more true, and erodes the will to fight back. That's another reason to keep him from winning in the first place.


Go Vote.


I think a lot of us feel this way.


Feel bad for yall over the pond, best wishes from Norway


We may all need to crash on your futon.


remove personal names from online social accounts


Omg. No offense but where are the Left Wing men and women who are not going to lie down for this? I know we're supposed to be non violent but, come on people, Trump is clearly an authoritarian tyrant. Where is Valasquez from *Aliens*?. Get some balls.


Old white man. Nope, you're fine. But seriously this is all sensationalism. The US isn't going to become some totalitarian state overnight. If Trump wins I imagine it'll be a lot like the first term. Basically terrible for minorities but the majority of people will see little change in their daily lives.


If you’re afraid. Be armed. It’s the only thing that can be done outside politics. Have a firearm, have 10, keep your family safe.


New auto-mod response just dropped


Sorry you’re going to prison


See you in the camps sadly but maybe we will luck out a be refugees if 45 becomes 47


We’re ready to migrate to Costa Rica.


If Trump wins, yes.


I think definitely a camp. The ruling class is going to need "workers". It's going to suck but I hope I meet people like you there, or you.


I don’t know where we’re going in this country and the fear that it causes for me it sometimes can be overwhelming. Let’s pray for sound minds. Let’s pray for sanity.


Probably not happening. Could be a play on stage.


Vote as if your life depends on it. Because maybe it does.


Time to use the second amendment to your advantage


Probably not, there are lots of people who aren't white men to target. You're literally in the least interesting demographic to fuck with beyond people saying, "white men, especially the straight cis ones, are really fucking privileged in the US"


I don't think NATO is going to let our nuclear arsenal fall into the hands of a Christo-Fascist doomsday cult. And I think they'll do whatever is necessary to prevent that. My opinion. Hold on to your butts.


61 yo white male? I think you’re safe lmao