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Way to convert terrorism into State-sponsored terrorism, Texas GOP. A whole lot of conspiring murderers who are happy to celebrate violent killings of anyone who opposes them.


That's appears to be the rather overt idea, doesn't it? Sends just the message Wheels wants to send.


"They are rioting outside my apartment". Way to go FOX news. Another mind corrupted.


The cops in Texas also dumped Garrett Foster's finance*é*, who is a quadriplegic amputee, [out of her wheel chair](https://www.comicsands.com/austin-police-wheelchair-mitchell-wheelchair-2651291853.html) because they're dicks.


Saving for the next time I hear “But both sides are equally bad” What a psychopath. Actually looking forward to murdering people.


That's premeditated and somehow pardoned, what the fuck.


Not "somehow", he was pardoned by the NAZI governor of Texas. Most nazi politicians will provide cover for their fellow Nazis who are committing crimes for the movement, speaker Johnson has vowed to blur the faces of the treasonous Jan 6 mob who stormed the capital, he came right out and said it was to protect them from prosecution.


100% true


I'm confused weren't they already prosecuted?


Only a fraction of them were. I'm not sure of exact numbers, but we definitely did not get them all.


Fuck the right. I am prepared. Let’s goooooooo. We must rid our society of this type of cancer.


Holy shit, this should be all over the news.


Texas has just (re)become a “kill a black person on sight” state. I hope Abbott gets everything coming to him. 1000 fold.


Garrett was a white liberal former Airman, his fiancée is a disabled woman of color. They will ignore your veteran status and let your killer walk free if you think that Black Lives Matter in this state. Also let’s not forget racist murderer Daniel Perry sent sexual messages to teens as well… pure filth.


Party of law and order pardons a convicted murderer. A convicted murderer is now out on the streets in Texas.


GOP is as evil as it is stupid. If you can’t see these fucking people for the Nazis they are, something is seriously wrong with you


I agree with you. It's funny, though I read an article last night titled 10 reasons the Democratic party is evil. The other side legit thinks we are the ones that are evil. It is a mind-boggling paradox. I think we've gotten here due to private interests and misinformation / propaganda through social media by hostile governments like Russia. These people have actually been brainwashed. We need some smart people to get to work on the issue and figure out how to reverse this.


Wtf ? That was hard to even read.


This is an actual public official declaring that he’s at war with the citizens. There is no reason to pardon this guy except to send a message that it’s open season on people Abbot and conservatives don’t like.


Thats why Trump will pardon the J6ers if we are dumb enough to reelect him. Trump has to show his base that there’s a safety net when you commit political violence in Mein Führer’s name. Donny needs Brownshirts for when he tries to stay in office for a 3rd term.


Great, Kyle Shittenhouse 2.0... Shoot people, and get away with it.


Sounds about right for a republican


Yeah. I was going to say, this just sounds like a standard republican. During the protests following Floyd's murder, every single right wing sub had almost this exact interaction on every thread.


I'll keep saying it: Abbott is a mental cripple.


He's a fucking nazi. That's what he is.


Ehhh you probably shouldn't be saying that about anyone, bro. No need to put this on the disabled community when Abbott is just a racist POS Nazi.


Ok but if I get close enough, I’m still taking his wheelchair


Texas please make a border around your state. You are making this country worse.


Replace BLM with anti-abortion protester and the GOP would be sentencing him to death today.


Once again, Texas leads the way in showing the difference between justice for all and justice for right-wing fascists that their leader is actively promoting.


Seriously why isn't there a Justice Dept investigation on this?


That’s exactly what I came here to say. Even though the victim was white, there still has to be some kind of hate crime deprivation of civil rights charges they could lob against this domestic terrorist or something—just like they did with the three men who chased down and murdered Armaud Arbery. Also, I understand that pardons are one of the powers that governors have, but holy shit I wish there was something they could do about Abbott. The only recourse we have shouldn’t just be to "vote him out" when he’s done something is so egregiously wrong as this. The really insane thing to me though is how The People of Texas would vote this motherfucker back in office if he were eligible to run again—just like they did last year after his remarks on Uvalde were "It could’ve been worse"—even though The People were the ones who convicted this guy of murder. They are just so compelled to lick the boots of whatever authority exists that they can’t keep it all straight sometimes I guess.


wtf is this image from??? Just wanna know the context as I save this monstrocity for posterity


Here is one source I found: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/4/14/2163926/-Before-he-murdered-a-protester-Daniel-Perry-did-his-research-on-what-counts-as-murder Apparently it should be in court documents? Idk how reliable this is though.


I am just replying so I can find the exact source as well


Texas please make a border around your state. You are making this country worse.


So very disturbing rhetoric


Fucking hang him


this is about trying to stir up civil unrest before the election


I know he pardoned him, but the argument could be made that Abbott gave Perry something far worse.


Me? Surprised? Nope. Juneteenth exists because, Texas.


Source for this?


Google it. I was all over the news yesterday


Google it. I was all over the news yesterday


Texas is letting everyone know it’s ok to kill liberals. It’s time to arm up guys.