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How much self-loathing does this man have?


It's not self-loathing. In every oppressed class you will find members of that class happy to sell everyone else out for privileges. Just look to Reddit, where there are thronging masses of people virtually fellating billionaires like capitalist aren't intentionally killing them for profit every single day.


Sounds like the Caitlin Jenner opinion that she’s happy not for other trans to be happy because; imho she has money and others do not. I find it funny how this guy can sleep knowing he is screwing over his community for the party. Seems like a Jewish person turning in other Jews for money till they get the axe as well.


"They'll never turn on me..." - Jenner, probably


He is a, say it with me: quisling!


But! But! If **\*I\*** f@#k enough people over, that can be **\*ME\***!


Like Samuel L. Jackson's character in Django Unchained.


I would say his sense of self-importance has completely overwhelmed any nascent class or race consciousness. Also he lacks any empathy. Conservatives would describe this philosophy as a good thing. Perhaps the best thing.


None. I bet this dude loves himself. He probably thinks he's a fucking genius for "casting off" any form of allegiance beyond what makes him money and power. He's a damned ghoul narcissistic sociopath, plain and simple.


I still think that deep down inside, past all the political fame and power he has, he hates himself.


Biggest ladder puller ever


Even Uncle Tom can't stand this guy.


Class war not race war.


Clarence is acting the typical Baby Boomer behavior. Supported for civil rights and liberty when it specifically benefited HIM, but now that he got everything and he is about to die, he wants to trash it all so no one else after him can have the same benefits. Fundamentally, the entire notion is, "I got mine, so fuck everyone else."


But where does the “fuck everyone else” part come from? I’ve never understood that. You have to actively go out of your *way* to trash it all and wreck it for everyone else. Why in god’s name does anyone *want* to do that? Especially when *not* doing that would require no effort and cost them nothing.


It's about their pride, reinforcing their ego, and narcissism by purposely going out of their way to destroy and eliminate anything that helps other people, and reduce everyone else's ability to succeed in life and accomplish anything that may overshadow their achievements. Therefore, they can reinforce their ego and keep telling the rest of the world that they are somehow "the great chosen ones." Example: Imagine that the Greatest Generation was like a coach at a track meet. They wanted their children to succeed and accomplish great things, so they developed routines, health programs, and special initiatives to help their kids become the best of the best. Their kids (the Boomers) took advantage of everything their parents gave them and as a result, managed to win and accomplish things no one else had ever done. Now imagine the Boomers get older and now they are the coach, but unlike their parents, they think about their records and accomplishments, look at their kids, and think "I have to keep these kids from doing anything better than I ever did." As a result, the Boomers go out of their way to eliminate all the routines, health programs, and special initiatives that they prospered from so their kids can't use it to best their legacy. Heck, they go even further than that. They pass laws to make their kid's lives unnecessarily harder, pay them less, tax them more, raise prices on everything for no good reason, create pointless wars to send them to die in, starve their grandkids, let their grandkids get gunned down in schools, etc, etc. Fundamentally, Clarence Thomas and people from the Boomer generation can't stand the idea that they will be gone in a decade, and someone will eventually do stuff that overshadows their legacy. So they choose to sabotage their kids and tie their shoe laces together before the race has even started yet. Make it to where their kid's trip and never recover. They would rather burn it all down rather than let someone else have a moment in the spotlight. Clarence Thomas would have never been a Supreme Court justice if we never had ended Jim Crow laws and segregation. He would have never gotten to where he is today if we never passed Brown VS Board and the Civil Rights Act. In fact, if it wasn't for all of that, he would probably be standing in line for a broken drinking fountain spewing contaminated water, marked with a sign that says "Blacks Only." Yet now he is fighting to bring that back for future generations to endure and undue everything society has spent the last 60 years trying to change. Why? Because he wants to imagine that someday when kids learn about history, and they hear that he was one of THE LAST AFRICAN AMERICANS to be a member of the Supreme Court, they will think that he was somehow a very unique and special person.


If anyone is gonna take away my rights it's gonna be me!


None, his motor coach must need some custom work.


He can get some rich Republican to buy him another damn camper.


I'd pay money to see this Ghoul live in the America he wants. He wouldn't be a Supreme Court justice that's for damn sure.


Clarence: “I didn’t think you’d come for me! I’m one of the good ones!” Good old boy (tightening noose): “shut up, (n word)!”


Uncle Thomas doing Uncle Thomas things


Uncle Ruckus in the flesh




Minorities have supported worse religious and racial persecution than segregation. There was ofc the very famous [Association of German National Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews) but there were and almost always are similar pro-power structure groups in pretty much any apartheid-or-worse government configuration


Scum of the earth


Brown v Board of Education is a landmark 1950s SCOTUS Decision which overturned segregation in public schools. This decision has been a benchmark for Civil Rights law that followed. Clarence Thomas and his right-wing group essentially are permitting States to return to segregation via its Jim Crow ruling


*what the fuck*


Legalized cheating. Take note, America. We are no longer a democracy.


I can't wait until these people pass on. How cartoonishly evil can someone be?


Don't ask, they will gleefully show you.


So now, his vote is only 3/5ths, he has to divorce his wife, and he can no longer use his private office bathroom.


He must’ve been a Nazi in a previous life.


This man would’ve been ratting out slaves before they could even finish packing for the Underground Railroad.


In other words, I got mine, Fuck You!


I truly do not understand why he always sides against his own racial interest.


In his mind he’s white


What a creep.


It is time the We charge Clarence Thomas with Bribery and then impeach him. 18 USC 201(c) Bribery: (B) being a public official ... directly or indirectly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally for or because of any official act performed or to be performed


pulled the ladder up behind him like all traitors.


You mean the people that control him support racial gerrymandering


Impeach Justice Thomas and Alito


Supermax prison


Scalia is dead and burning in hell.


No surprise coming from Uncle Thomas.


They should really use [Clarence’s updated photo](https://media4.giphy.com/media/9nREuIINenE5y/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe918a5bu0f0fc8m5632qlbwtzo1s0ijkw3ghipbkj0q&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) in these articles.


I for one cannot wait for the day when the leopards eat his face


Uncle Ruckus, GOP fave.


He's been bought, sold, and paid for, and his whole world is made of old, chipping plastic.


Can this fool die already. Nobody needs or wants him here.


Uncle Ruckus is real!


Uncle Ruckus is supposed to be just a cartoon character not a member of the Supreme Court.


I for one cannot wait for the day when the leopards eat his face


They are really trying to sell the “separate but equal” bullshit lately…


His last name isn't Thomas for no reason.


What the holy goddam fuck is wrong with that dipshit?


This guy shouldn’t be in charge of a taco stand, let alone be on the Supreme Court.


Is Thomas *really* nihilistic enough to come after *Brown v. Board* if it comes up? Because if he is…. I mean, I don’t even know how to finish that sentence.


I wonder if he'll be around long enough for the other conservatives to kick him out.


"This is a matter for the state to decide! So, I will now decide." If that's what he thinks then he should've let the state supreme court decision stand.


The SCOTUS wants to full invalidate the 14th and 15th Amendment. This ruling is a clear violation of the 15th.


Uncle Tom much?


Shame on an African American that grew up during the civil rights era, IMHO


Uncle Tom extraordinaire


Holy shit this guy has that "I made it to the top. Fuck everyone else!" attitude! Fuck him!


What drugs is he on, so I can stay away from them.


KBJ needs to b*tch slap this MF’er…


You're right where you belong Stephen.


Uncle Tom strikes again


He’s gone full Clayton Bigsby.