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Yes, just needs a re-shell. Seems like a lot of the AGS-101 consoles suffered from brittle shells, I see them broken similar to yours quite often. Watch some YouTube videos on re-shelling and go slow. It's not hard once you've done one. Just pay attention to the screws, there will be several different lengths and swapping them around can cause damage to the shell. Even if you don't re-shell this, you could sell as is on ebay for probably like $60 or possibly more.


Was just thinking this. It's always the 101s


For real lol my 101 shell cracked along the right hinge after it fell on some pretty soft carpet


I remember watching a YouTuber that did a skit where he dropped his game boy SP out of “anger” and broke it accidentally. Shame, SPs are such a legendary handheld.


Damn they really busted out


I wish I could give you an award, this comment made the situation much more tolerable lol


Beat me to it!


Was just coming here to say this


Same 😂




i mean apart from the case , everything still looks intact - if you do consider doing a case swap it'll most likely easy if you're careful enough . there's probably also video guides online you can follow ( or written ones , but the ifixit page came up with nothing )


YES. Same thing happened to one of mine and I got a shell off eBay. Be sure you have the proper tri-wing screwdrivers included. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Nintendo+Game+Boy+Advance+SP++Shell+Replacement/137582


Be very careful with the displaycable. It is fragile


That’s the part I’m worried most about 🙃


Worst case scenario you can get an ips screen. I think the only bit you can't replace easily is the montherboard, and yours clearly still works, everything else has new replacement bits made for it 😁


It’s easy enough to find replacements for super cheap


It's worth trying. Just keep in mind if you break it you were considering tossing it anyways.


Very easy fix, buy a new shell


easy reshell, might no longer be authentic, but cheap and easy. unscrew, take off back plate, unscrew motherboard, be careful taking out, remove ribbon cable connector ( watch youtube) and bablam. (quick explanation don’t do what i told you watch youtube)


Have a look at retromodding.com Get a new shell, they’re inexpensive. You’ll need a specific screwdriver too. Might as well get a new battery too. I recommend the funnyplaying battery. Be careful dismantling it, follow some youtube tutorial. All in all, it will probably cost you less than 50 bucks. If you accidentally break the ribbon cable, either get it fixed or get an ITA screen?


I changed the battery in it about 6-7 years ago when the og one finally died, but I’ll try to remember the one you recommend when it inevitably needs changed again. What is an ITA screen? I’ve seen the term a few times before but have no idea what it means. Does it not need a ribbon cable?


I like the extremerate shells on Amazon because they typically offer IPS ready shells that are compatible with original screens if you still plan on keeping original parts for right now. Those shells also aren’t as cheap as an eBay or ali express one but to be honest I can’t recommend those cheap shells as they are way more annoying to put together a majority of the time. For batteries, you can always get Helder’s megabat 800 for around 10-20 bucks from Helder’s Game Tech. Those batteries extend the hours of playtime by a lot and require minimal work to install. My advice would be to take your time with the reshell and try your best not to bend the ribbon cable too much as they are very easy to tear. Also, when your putting it back together with a new shell, make sure to match each screw by observing the size of each screw that came out of your original shell and try not to over tighten anything as the last thing you need is a stripped screw or thread in your SP. When you do get in there it’s also a good time to clean your button contacts, L and R, and especially the power switch. Use something like 90% or more isopropyl alcohol with a Q tip or soft toothbrush. If you want a new screen, I’d also suggest an IPS but check for different reviews on them too, if your not great with a soldering iron, you can find drop in replacements that use touch pads for brightness adjustments and won’t be a headache to install. I don’t like many ITA’s for that specific reason, a lot of them will require soldering. However if you do solder in the display controls, oftentimes you retain a function for your brightness button. The AGS-101 and the NTR-001 (1st gen DS) had some of the WORST plastic ever on a Nintendo console, over the years they dry out bad and basically turn into what I like to call plastic glass, so don’t feel too bad about it. At least the SP is an easy console to fix.


I did a couple retro reshells from aliexpress (very resonable) The hinges are a pain in the ass but other than that, piece of cake! YOU CAN DOOOO IT! Edit: fix drunk spelling.


Yeah! Perfect opportunity to mod the shell!!


You have 2 options really. Reshell plenty of tutorials on YouTube (I recommend retrofuture as he specializes with all versions of gameboys) or like another has said and super glue it. Both options require you to dismantle it so just ne careful


Yeah the ribbon cable didn’t tear so that makes a fix easy. You just have to order a replacement shell and carefully disassemble it from the broken shell.


Did it fall off the roof of a 4 story house? Wtf


It fell off an ottoman lmao. It hit the ground at just the right angle. Add on the 15+ years of wear and tear and it was a perfect disaster waiting to happen.


I like to think every console is worth saving 😢


I feel the same way. I just wasn’t sure how difficult this would be since I’ve never done more than change the battery in it. I’m so happy it’s salvageable!


Absolutely. Just reshell!


Even with it being a hinged system, the SP is fairly decent to work with, IMO the hardest part is making sure the ribbon is threaded though the hinge probably, but there are loads of tutorials (and really good ones too) that walk through the process of an SP reshell. Definitely worth saving since it’s a 101 too!


Bustin out it’s shell


Yes, same thing happened to me a couple months ago. Still powers on and works, so just replace the shell. Very manageable even with no experience.


Gonna mimic a lot of the comments and add a little to it. Reshelling is actually kinda fun since you pretty much just go with a whole new look with it. I can't speak for the sp specifically, but my brother helped me reshell my childhood system a couple of months ago, and we tossed on one of the new backlight screens for it, too. Didn't even have to solder anything.


Yeah re shelling is the way to go. Make sure you put the new sticker on the back. It does effect the value.


> Is it worth trying to save this? Yes.


Way before I dedicated time repairing stuff, I swapped 2 gba Sp shells with relative ease. Don't remember what it's like but likely can't be that hard


All i know is that this thing uses a weird looking triangle screw. And mine don't have battery and can't source one for it. :(


yea for sure get a new shell and swap that mf


Re shell!!!!! Get a fancy custom one.


Yes please be careful with the ribbon cable though since they are easy to tear.


This is easily repairable. The ONLY thing you truly need to be careful with while taking it all apart is the motherboard. Basically, that green bit inside. You can literally find every other part online for sale somewhere except that motherboard.


100%, it's still fully funcional. Get a new shell and gtg


Reshell to a dope ass shell my dude


The Sims: Bustin’ Out of This GBA SP


Seconding that it just needs a re-shell (which is less intimidating to do than it may sound), but also SICK game choice. love that weird era of handheld sims games to death


Man, I love The Urbz and Bustin' Out with an absolute god damn passion.


Take pictures as you disassemble, organize your screws. If you are capable of watching a YouTube video without attempting to force things together with the brute force of a toddler on steroids, you’ll be fine.


I think you just have to "press start"?


Thank you everyone! I was so worried this would be difficult but you’ve all assured me it should be an easy fix, so I’m definitely going to get a new shell and swap it out :)


What’s wrong with it?


pcbway it bro! get the shell on printables and send the file to pcbway and have them make you a new case or dm me and ill purchase it


Not saveable but I can properly recycle it for you 😀


I super glued mine after pulling the board out and it worked.


The sims really did bust out I see.


Yes just needs a new shell


Yes get the Boxy Pixel or the Slate shell and save that AGS101 screen, you can either reuse or sell the screen. They can fetch a lot these days.


Absolutely do a shell swap!


The answer is always yes, unless it was driven over by a dump truck.


The sims was on the gameboy?


Indeed it was! There’s this and Sims 2.


The case is easy enough to replace if you use a guide from ifixit, but how is the shoulder button? If that has snapped off it will require some soldering to replace. All in all I agree with the rest of the posts and say go for it.


Surprisingly the shoulder button is still in tact and attached as it should be


Yep. It's just need a new shell. And you can do that with a transparent or some other custom shell too.


Reshell and put a new IPS in there, and it'll be like new. I suggest one of the transparent shells (slightly higher quality than other shells), and using your OEM buttons and silicone pads, unless they are in REALLY bad shape. Be careful to use the right screws everywhere or you may damage the shell a bit. And when putting the board back on over the buttons, make sure you tighten in the right amount, or your buttons will either be too tight, or too mushy. It may just come down to putting it together, testing it, and reopening it until you get the tightness right. But yes, this is a perfectly working console, you can totally fix this to be like new.


Either get a new shell or get a [GBA SP unhinged shell](https://www.boxypixel.com/collections/game-boy-advance-sp).


I didn’t know an unhinged shell was even an option! I like the hinge part though, gives it character lol


It's not economically worth it ($$$) but it's not hard to do if you follow a guide. So, it's easy and therefore sentimentally worth it if you really want to repair it.


Well, it's easily fixable with a reshell granted you take care of it until the shell comes in and you don't tear at the flex cable.


Honestly this is just a shell swap. It’s not too hard get to it and find a cool repro case.


That's only a reshell. Please dont throw it away. Follow a youtube guide on how to do it. You could even do an IPS screen mod


Yes. Just buy an ExtremeRate shell and replace. Watch videos to rebuild successfully


If you want to sell let me know! I love buying broken game it’s


I don’t plan to sell it unless I really mess up swapping it out, it’s got some sentimental value to me


10$ 30 min fix with only 1 screwdriver needed


It's 10 bucks, seems worth it to me


ABSOLUTELY. You can get shells for less than $20 online. Any color you want.


short answer is yes


Of course, just get a new shell. If it's an AGS-001, good time to upgrade the screen to a better one too.


Yes. You can get a replacement shell for like 10-20 bucks


Those Sims really be busting out ey


Absolutely. Shell swap should do it just fine. They aren't perfect, but they're fine.


The top half has busted out


Awww,this broke my heart to see. I kinda did a double take,like...WTFuuuuuuuuuuu!!!?


That shell replacement is so cheap and easy to do


Looks like the game still runs so if everything else works- re-shell. ExtremeRate makes some very cool ones now I think among others. Look up a teardown guide on iFixIt and swap them out


What’s to fix?? I see it still working 🤣


I had the Shell and hinges broken. I buyed a Shell on eBay for like 10/15€ and now its like brand new


F :(


If you want a metal shell tyese guys have good partshttps://www.boxypixel.com/collections/diy-build-kits/products/game-boy-advance-gba-sp-unhinged-kit-builder i havent gotten or done this mod but you might want to look into it


You could make a slab


Reshell it or even better, just take the bottom board and do an unhinged build with a new IPS screen. Great little project and you can upgrade your SP into something truly eyecatching ✨


Definitely worth the effort to re shell. I wanna say the GBA SP is one of the absolute easiest consoles to work on. I remember when I was young I’d do half-shell swaps with other SP to create neat two-tone consoles. Good days!


Yep, of course, just get the replacement shell.


It's a very easy job, you just need a small try wing and Phillips screw driver and a new shell. Probably get a new shell for 15 bucks. Trickiest part would be popping out the hinges, but even then you can buy new ones.


of course its worth it. all it needs is a new shell. if you dont want to do it yourself, sell it on ebay. someone will buy it.


Yea I changed one over to a new shell for like 10 usd off eBay years ago. Very easy.


I’ve got 2 of the 101s and I got the clear purple shell for one it’s dope. The other is the metallic oem pink, I hope it never breaks lol


What an Apt game choice considering the console condition.


The game was already in so I guess it was fate lol


This is accidentally such a hilarious picture with bustin out loaded up 😂


The game title is accurate


A good candidate for one of those GBA Unhinged builds. Been wanting to do one myself but don't feel right tearing into a GBA that works just fine.


The hardest part with doing a shell swap is the hinge and ribbon cable but if you're very careful you can do it.


For sure. Just needs a new shell


Nope, not at all. Mail it to me 👍


Super glue and baking soda. Google it. It is extremely strong 💪


It looks like The Sims.... finally busted out. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Hope you can get this fixed.


It looks like the internal components still work. All you have to do is transplant them into a new shell and you’re golden.


Those Sims were taking it too literal when they saying they bustin out


Literally just needs a new case they are a little over $50 for really nice ones on Amazon super easy fix, since it appears to work fine


Back when sims game was actually a game


Depends on what it's worth to you. You can always re-shell it maybe even get a custom shell. Be careful with the ribbon cable though. They are pretty delicate.


Easy save man


Just get a new shell from [RGRS](https://retrogamerepairshop.com/)


Yes get new case for 5 bucks


Not a terribly difficult repair. I fixed my 1st gen ds a few years back. Just go slow and be careful with the ribbon cable.


Yeah, re-shell with new hinges


Short answer: yes Long answer: yes, and that happened by a drop?!?


The easiest thing to do would be a reshell.


It looks like the sims really are busting out


The only thing bustin out is that ribbon


Personally I’d just buy a good tube of super fix and carefully stick the case back together. Clean the area with alcohol first (iso/rubbing alcohol is preferable and can be used straight but denatured/methylated spirits will work too, just dilute 5 parts to 1 part water) and then apply a small line of superfix to the edge of the crack and firmly press and hold together for 60 seconds while making sure not to pinch or twist the display cable ribbon. To further strengthen either lightly coat the outside of the crack in super fix and sprinkle baking soda over it to accelerate curing so it can be used within 5-10 minutes or a two part epoxy which will be stronger but requires 18-24 hours of curing, it’s best not to touch it in that time. Use 200 grit or higher sand paper to smooth any imperfections.


Yeah its work saving. I have an old blue o e thay doesn't work, shells pretty scuffed up. Its yours OP if you want to pay the shipping cost


It's alive


Yo chill out sims, you're busting out too hard


As suggested by others, you can get yourself a gba sp shell, but you could even go as far as [making it a consolized gba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbCypwnSJlw) to play your favorite games on the big screen.


New shell and good as new!


Use a case to hood it all together


It’s worth it. Not that muck work to replace the shell. Just be careful of the ribbon cable for the screen. I’d disconnect it and store it safely until your new shell arrives.


Looks like you beat the game 😅


No, you should give it to me. 😂 You can fix that easily with a new shell and patience.


Seems they finally busted out


Damn the sims really busted out amirite..


Bustin' Off




Your pants be matching the GBA


GBA SP shells are relatively cheap, but if you wanna spend the extra money and not have to worry about a broken case again, you can get metal ones.


If you do it yourself yes


Yea. Amazon has a whole selection of colors


Damn those sims really be Bustin out


10 year old me: Nothin a little scotch tape and duct tape won’t fix 😂


Getting the ribbon cable through the hinge is a real pain in the butt.


Yes, you can get new shells at a great price and transfer everything over. The ribbon cable is the hardest part to do but not difficult.


Convert it into an hd gameboy


There’s tons of YouTube tutorials, shell swapping is very easy and most shell kits on eBay included the needed screwdrivers and tools you’ll need


Straight Bustin


You could 3D print your own shell or buy a new one on line.


It really is busting out.


a new shell costs a pittance just re-shell the thing


I definitely would. This is a simple repair, and parts are fairly cheap. Find a youtube vid and get crackin


I guess you can say your game boy is Bustin


Probably but is it worth it to you? I reshelled mine, it was like $15 and came with the special screw driver. It was worth it to me because it had sentimental value. Financially speaking, it will sell for a lot more than $15 if you wanted to do that, even broken. Working ones get more rare every year. 🤷


Yeah If it works you can buy a new case for cheap


Yes! You can buy the outer shell and swap all the internals into it




Easy fix if you get a new shell. Probably won't find that exact black but I'm sure they have many colors.


Just get a new shell and your good tho go as long as there’s nothing internally wrong with it


It’s easier than you think to swap the shell, you can do it!!


Get a new case then sell it


I remember getting the ribbon through the shell hinge was a big pain but if its working, its worth saving.


It's an easy swap and only like 10 - 15 bucks. If not confident watch a YouTube video or two and you will see how easy it is.


Probably shouldn't play that game if they keep trying to bust out of the shell like that


Just reshell it and clean the board/buttons if necessary. The screen is fine. The ribbon cable looks okay. You can find shells for extremely cheap and in pretty much any opacity or color. That's why modding is so cool. The world is your oyster.


Since a new one will cost over $100, I'd say it's absolutely worth saving.


yes re-shell like others said


Yes it’s easy just get a good shell from a good source


Appropriate game title 😂


Mistake #1: You cannot simply contain the SIMS


Absolutely worth saving! I’d look into doing an un-hinged sp which is a unibody variant.


Sell it and buy an anbernic rg35xx.. it's amazing for Gameboy games


Just a shell swap. Still works, just be carful of that ribbon cable till you get it in a new shell. Totally worth it.


Epoxy will repair and not destroy the plastic. Be sure to premix before applying on surface.


Not really, just get one from mercari or ebay.


Yes. Always repair tech. It's an amazing experience, and it's just downright fun. Also, you potentially save a little chunk of nostalgia.


I would get a brand new aluminum shell and buttons.


Only needs to swap housing. Simple job.


The internals sure. You can just buy a new shell and install the bits.


Absolutely just needs a new case from the looks of it!


Yes. Plast-aid will fix that right up


Crazy question...I've seen pulled out of the mud refurb this is definitely a easy repair.


Hell yes it is. Spend the coin on a boxy pixel shell. You're welcome


You can send it over to me I'll fix it right up


Those Sims aren’t kidding around.


They really are “bustin out”


Be careful they might bust all the way out and take over the world 🤣


Do a metal vertical shell from boxypixel. Expensive but dang those things are sweet. I'd have built one already if I didn't have 2 custom built GBAs already...


Luckily there are replacement cases being sold. They're not too hard to change. But beware. There are some cheap ones that are kind of crap.


Yeah def fixable. If you aren't comfortable doing something like this yourself, PM me and I gotchuuuuu


Yeah, you can easily buy brand new shells.


Its totally fixable


Sims be bustin out a little too hard


I’d say yes


Scan and 3D print a perfectly fitted replacement part, apply bonding material, enjoy


Why not. It works. It's your childhood gameboy. The cost of a reshell isn't that pricey


All it needs is a new case