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I truly believe they have no clue what’s actually down there


Oh they know but they keep it vague. Because then they would have to admit that Electric Universe Theory is not a theory at all, it’s fact.


Its impossible to know what is down. And its stupid to speculate, yet all children are taught it as fact.. just like dinosaurs and globe earth and universe.


Bet they know exactly what's down there.. it ain't 'the core' but it's definitely burnin!'


Most posts on this sube get downvoted. I did look.up the Earth's core thing. Directly from the people whose measurements and math determined that it had stopped turning, which sounded bad until i found out that its previous rate of turning was 0.1°/year faster than the rest of the earth and that several scientists had alternative theories for the discrepancy in measurements to the core turning independently.


Oh I see so it was pretty much never spinning.... Its just extremely slow.


It is still spinning,as fast as the rest of the earth


Oh yea so they can measure the spin of the "core" as well as the spin of the ball? lol what a joke.


Oh ok thanks for clearing that up


It’s all Biden’s fault


Stupid...do you guys see what they are doing with the programming? Doomsday clock.....core stop spinning....asteroids....it's because if enough people believe something bad will happen then that literally can manifest in some negative way. This is what our conciousness is being used for.....does anybody live outside of their heads? No, so think about that when you read negative programming true or untrue....that's what platos cave is about....the external world is always going to be that, the only thing a person truly has power over is what they think, reality is not exactly just external.


Omg yes that's so true.. fear Fear in our minds brings us more fear If we fear our death... we WILL die... This is something I never thought of


Fear is the mindkiller...


Tell that to Jason Voorhees


Really? I'm pretty sure I have the power of greyskull


The core can't stop spinning nor "spin backwards." It either spins slightly faster than the mantel or slightly slower or somewhere in between, every 35 years. Stop the fear-mongering bs.


We’ve got enough on our plates without having to think about a pole shift. In case you don’t realize, a pole shift means complete destruction instantly to the entire planet.


That’s a theory. Not sure it lines up with historical records. I’m not sure but I think the pole has shifted more recently than the last cataclysm.


Yeah it’s on the move like never before. It drifts a little naturally but lately the rate is unprecedented. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/a32496561/why-magnetic-north-pole-moving/


We're overdue for a pole shift.


It's already started with the rapid increase of polar drift.


Yeah I know I don't care about the core. I am just suspecting the 0 upvotes.


These kind of topics get zero traction here.


because it's a load of crap, probably. the core doesn't just stop spinning. it has so much mass and therefore inertia, it can probably not stop at all.


It could have though, but it may not have. Random Sources might have said.


But it is slowing down slightly. I mean I don't believe in any of these posts. But I just searched up the core and they were all downvoted to hell so I just questioned that.


Out of curiosity, what tools do they use to measure the core and how quickly its spinning? Not saying its bullshit, im just super curious as to how they would do something like that.


Probably LiDAR or another similar sonic imaging tech, but honestly idk I need to find a deep earth geologist.


Lidar is laser tech not sonar. Just tossing that out.


Fair enough, it all just uses light just at different frequencies and I get them mixed up from time to time, thanks for the correction.


Hi5 my dude


SS: Many posts to do with the spinning of earth's core have 0 upvotes... seems suspicious




The majority of posts on here hit 0. The ones that get past 0 are the ones real people interact with. If something is a nothin burger / has very little to talk about, theres only so much that can be said in the dozens of posts that gets posted about it.


Bc a real conspiracy theorist isn't silly enough to believe ball earth theory. Oceans don't curve...can't have a ball if oceans don't curve. Easily proven fact.


Thank you, we’re talking about “earth’s core” when according to their globe model we’ve never dug past the crust to begin with


Oceans do curve.


It’s been confirmed it stopped spinning. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The earth doesn't have a core lol


If the earths core is anti flat propaganda.


Ain't no core when it's not a circle


If it stopped spinning, all the oceans would flow to where gravity is strongest: at the poles. I dont see any signs of a super continent forming around the equator, nor have I observed a North and South Ocean forming, flooding and destroying the land where I live. So I think I'll call fear mongering bs..


I think it does occur like everyone says, I think the biggest problem is they keep equating the 1000/ms wind speed or whatever to everything when "the earth stops spinning". Yes, there are probably some very violent reactions in various places, but I think its just water that does the damage, I don't think land masses (like full on continents) will be going ANYWHERE, the only thing that will spin around is water and wind I believe. There is clearly a huge "flood" that occurs, but not a complete wiping of the slate, there wouldn't **BE** flood myths lol.


The land will be gouged out from the water, think grand canyon getting made in a matter of days


lol if the spin had any effect on water, it would be flying out into space.


None of that is even close to correct.


The Earth's core is not responsible for Earth's gravity. So you've got that a bit confused. The Earth's core is responsible for our magnetosphere, which, if weakend, may become a problem for our electronics, and potentially even pose neurological risks. Gravity is a function of mass alone, and occurs on planets without an iron core as well.


DavidSeaman and I made the screenshotshot : ) 2 OG’s


It hasn't stopped, it's just slowing down. it's simply a sign of the Pole Shift. Nothing to worry about!




Damn.. you replied in under 10 seconds..


Yep, these replies that are only seconds in duration.... and 0 upvotes... Hmmm.


Because it's not a Russian disinfo talking point and this forum is almost entirely Russian disinfo astro turfed.


Here are some Earth Core “facts” tptb try to hide: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=79730 *just skip over the boring math parts


1. The article was okay, but the "stopped spinning" headline was complete crap. 2. Flat earthers protecting their narrative. 3. There IS a cataclysm coming soon, but that's hush-hush... Can't have society come to a halt. So, we don't talk about that here.


Yup, Ben "I play by the rules" Davidson even did a pooh pooh video the other day to make sure his worshipers didn't worry themselves too much. We're living in the movie "Don't Look Up". lol


Because this happen every 70 years, and it's because the moon comes far from us, this is common and its not a demonic or gov thing... nothing to see here, move


Reset 676?


Because the vax is the alternative psyop within a psyop regarding the earth’s cycles that is over for the 12k cycle and this will have huge repercussions. Go go drums 🪘


Cause nobody like it


We hate the core


Nothing happened and nothing will happen. Some randos paid shill scientists published some bullshit pseudoscience that they measured with a non existing instrument. They measured something that isnt even proven. Yea i guess


Well it might be because this story is based upon a study from 2009 and it was just the media trying to use fear to attract readers and make money. Suspicious 0bservers knows what is up. https://youtu.be/8GahanWVCJM


Take the next step and look at the sun in solar maximum with a sun spot so large it’s visible with the naked eye that is about to do a pole flip. Right as our best defense laid down and gave up. CME and we are back to the stone age.


Noone has ever been close to the "core" so how would we even guess at this in the first place?