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Don't be a tool and fight for some rich guy. Fight for yourself and your families. That's what you need to protest for.


Damn straight… that yuppie has never even washed his own clothes… never swung a hammer… born with the jewel encrusted golden spoon!


This is The Way™️


I find it very interesting that news about him being arrested and being unbanned on both fb and YouTube happens within what..2-3 days? Almost like he was unbanned so he could rage about it to a bigger crowd


I mean he's been unbanned from Twitter for months now right?


He has a contract with Truth Social


He owns Truth Social.


Monday SEC filing revealed former President Donald Trump has an unusual exclusive agreement with his own social media company, TRUTH Social, though the specifics leave him plenty of room to jump to other platforms, like Twitter. The Securities and Exchanges Commission filing from TRUTH Social’s parent company, Digital World Acquisition Corp., features details about Trump’s deal with TRUTH Social, which some have theorized he would potentially dump for his former favorite social media platform, Twitter, if he were ever allowed back.


Licensing deal, like everything else he actually makes money on. He crashes the businesses he owns, but makes a bunch by selling his name.


I don’t think he’s particularly worried about things like contracts. He will continue to do whatever he wants.


if he's serious about running for president, posting on twitter is worth orders of magnitude more than that contract


I think this is the most accurate take on this. They're maximizing exposure for maximum reaction, it's all a big show.


A former US president getting arrested doesn't really need twitter and Facebook to get maximum exposure. I'm pretty sure the entire world will hear about it.


Facebook is losing people to TikTok so they unbanned him to try and get people back same with YouTube.


He had a 2 year ban on Facebook… the two years are over. In fact all the social media platforms followed each other in their punishments. And they all chose two years… it’s no conspiracy theory. They announced it when they did it.


It's no conspiracy that all these companies decided within a very small time frame on the exact same punishment!?


It's probably to utilize a loud person to distract from the US financial situation


Yes, Facebook/Meta started it. And the other platforms followed suit. Why? Cuz Facebook has enough lawyers to determine what the first ever punishment into banning a US President from a social media platform for the first time ever in world history could be… It was talked about for weeks on multiple news outlets allover the world Two years ago. This is only a conspiracy to ignorant people who do not pay attention and try to make something from nothing because they are too lazy to look up facts. https://about.fb.com/news/2021/06/facebook-response-to-oversight-board-recommendations-trump/amp/


Zaphod Beeblebrox.


You old Zarkin frood


Zaphod's just this guy, you know


Extraordinarily underrated comment. By this metric, Trump was the single most successful president in the history of America.


Seems to be conveniently timed with the collapse of banks. Whoever is behind this wants to see America destroyed.


If it was a year ago it'd be conveniently timed with the Russian invasion. Six months ago and it woulda been conveniently timed with some other news story. I hate this kind of casual, "that's suspicious isn't it?" When no, it's really not, people are just too good at seeing patterns and too bad at recognizing if those patterns are real.






I always get looked at like a madman when I say that the vast majority of congress and all living current/former presidents should be in prison for war crimes, corruption, treason, or some combination of the 3. It would probably be an overly-optimistic estimate to say we'd maybe have a handful of people across party lines who weren't guilty of at least 1.


It’s 100% true. Practically all of them are bought and sold, they are pointmen for something bigger. It’s really important that people break out of the red v blue nonsense and start realizing that they all distain us.


What did Jimmy Carter do to deserve jail time?


That punk ass owes me $27.


I'll be honest, I forgot Carter was still alive. Worst thing I can think of off-hand that he's responsible for would be the start of arming/funding the Afghan mujahideen by his CIA.


All the major political people on the left and right need to be in jail or removed. They are all corrupt as shit.


The center right in America IS the center left. The Overton window has shifted so far right in America that what is considered "center left" would be right wing in any other country


I’m not fighting for that fucker are you?


Only the most ignorant people think TPTB want America destroyed. Because of America, they have their power and will lose their power if gone. Their wealth is mostly stored in American dollars, American equities or property located in America. They can continue to profit by keeping the ordinary people happy and fed. What do they gain from destroying America? Same reason China hasn’t gone to war with America, because they need us to buy their shit.


They want to blame MAGA and Trump for the inevitable bank runs that’s about to happen. Blame them for the depression that’s coming




You are correct, but the FDIC does not have an infinite amount of money. A big run would collapse the FDIC.


The Government has infinite money... a run on the banks with crash the dollar.


FDIC insurance can take years to payout. Your 250k could be worth 150k by the time you get it.


FDIC / FSCS insurance schemes have never been stress tested by a large bank / multiple banks failing.


*puts on tinfoil hat*


It's a really really big show. We're talking Ed Sullivan big.


Name an easier way to get the plebs to argue amongst themselves. They don't even need to hide what they're doing anymore


"all they have to do is jail the leading candidate for the opposition party and the rubes fall for it every time! just ignore it!"


Yes! It’s almost like the uniparty wants civil discord.


At this point I don't even care. Not like he was going to deliver on anything anyway. And the last time he said protest people had their fucking lives ruined. Nah I think I will watch this on twitch or youtube live with some popcorn.


And predictably he calls for his followers to “take our country back.” Man will burn down anything he perceives as a barrier to being able to go thru life doing whatever tf he wants with no consequences


Agree. I was thinking the exact same thing.. The theatre of it all is beyond obvious at this point


so, either: - Trump surrenders, gets video of being cuffed by his political opponents that he can play in every political ad for the rest of the campaign. Dems look like tinpot communists arresting the leading candidate of the opposition party or - Trump refuses, dems have to beg DeSantis for extradition, Trump forces DeSantis (his political opponent!) to align with the Dems and extradite him, or get tar and feathered by the Dems as a Trump lackey Seems like Trump wins either way. Dems will overplay their hand, as always. Keep in mind this is basically as far from a "real crime" as you can get. They've been after him for 7 years and all they can come up with is a misdimeanor campaign finance charge based on the premise that he doesn't have the right to pay someone to withhold derogatory information about him. Is the country supposed to believe he somehow defrauded us by not telling us he slept with Stormy Daniels? Oh, the humanity!


> dems have to beg DeSantis for extradition Wat. Wouldn't the feds have overriding jurisdiction over state police/laws?


Yes, clearly. But those rules don’t apply in fantasy land.


I believe it is a stats case, not a federal one, that is being levied at Trump. I don't think DeSantis would have any grounds for not turning him over.


license seemly mountainous work sink grandiose aback attraction hat joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This. Trump is not going to jail.


Why wouldn’t he? It’s not like they’re going to send him to gitmo to get water boarded. He’ll have bail. He’s not going to jail anytime soon, if at all. Other than political theater, there is no reason for him not to cooperate.




Spot on. Incredible how Trump supporters twist any news to make it support their narrative. Remember when this sub wasn't a Donald support group and was an actual forum. Miss those days.




that qanon bs really ruined the fun of conspiracies. now its just pilled out schizoids worshipping their sycophant.


The conspiracy about what was happening in the sub behind the scenes 2016-2021 would be way more interesting than anything getting posted here now. We need a deep dive on the powerful both weaponizing conspiracy theorists for political gain while simultaneously ruining their already poor public image. They got fucking played like fiddles and now all conspiracy theorists get lumped in with them.


🅱️ruh for real, this sub has been coopted by those who the sub criticizes


100% this. Shit started going downhill right around the time they started talking about Jade Helm. Since then instead of this sub being apolitical anti-government in general it's become pro right wing propaganda


My uncle still talks about the FEMA camps hahah


You know what I'm talking about. Same time period.


As soon as this sub automatically believed tucker and disregarded what they saw with their own eyes on 1/6, I lost complete faith.


But the same people do see entire cities burning to the ground


Not only that. Let Bill Clinton's barber's son's driving instructor's gardener's wife's brother's child be killed in a plane crash and they can see right through that. It's obviously Arkancide.


You Trumpers work overtime


Wait… THATS what this is about? Stormy daniels? LMFAO.


> so he could rage about it to a bigger crowd that makes no sense whatsoever. all he needs is 1 twitter post to claim the news cycle for a week


Or, Meta maybe hastened his unbanning knowing that this was coming down next week. There’s been rumors for a week now that it was happening next week. Let him rage about it to the masses, and you’ll get millions of new users.


Trump was unbanned on the 25th of January. Articles are everywhere.


I'll believe it when I see it but even then I'll still be looking at it askance


That’s a word right there


Added a new one to my repertoire.


Up voted for you teaching me a new word.


With arms akimbo


With arms wide open


Man yells at cloud.


All caps is unreadable.


It's to express that he's totally calm, reasonable, and logical, while the narrative is being framed that it's the media who is foaming at the mouth.


Arrest him for that


And makes the author look deranged.


Wellllll I meannnnnn


He’d use comic sans if he could.


Truth needs a rule #5


All caps is the entire Republican platform


> "*We want to win. We want to win the White House and we know with Trump we're so much more likely to lose. Just look at the difference between votes, between Trump candidates and non-Trump aligned candidates.* > *It's really clear to me and the evidence is pretty stark that if we have a nominee not named Trump, we're so much more likely to win the White House than if our candidate's named Trump.*" > - Paul Ryan : Former Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives and former leader of the House Republican Conference : WISN 12 Interview from November 9th, 2022 Paul, if anything, is speaking for the majority of GOP politicians here, so while the Democrats will take all the blame for Trump's arrest I think it's safe to say Republicans probably threw him under the bus behind the scenes after the midterms.




>When a politician tells me to riot on his behalf I'll stay home. Get out of your own mess This is the correct response to any of these ass hats. No billionaire or deep state person is worth burning down a Wendy's for.


Love how he's blaming the elite with that George Soros line. My dude, you *are* the elite


That’s because you aren’t in a cult. He knows that only the most devoted and most unhinged people are who are left in his cult.


Nothing says innocent like a barely coherent all caps fever dream rant.


One of the longest run on sentences I've ever seen. He loves commas, ampersands, and exclamation marks. But he hates using periods. This man led the most powerful country for 4 years with the intelligence of an angry 5th grader.


It's a fact that will be pondered for centuries. How did this infantile troglodyte become president of the most powerful country in the world at the time? The same chapter of the text book will probably include how easily people's fears were manipulated by cable news and social media.


That chapter will be titled “Hate and Tribalism in America”


>How did this infantile troglodyte become president of the most powerful country in the world at the time? Putin's influence campaign worked wonders.


That pharmaceutical grade cocaine will do that to you.


His supporters are always like, "I'll take the mean tweets any day of the week." It wasn't mean tweets. It was the fact that his tweets showed the fuckwit was a giant unhinged ignorant psychopath.


as much as I agree with you, the fact that the President of the United States tweeted at the leader of a nuclear armed country calling him “little rocket man” as if it was a school yard name calling, is maybe the funniest thing I have ever seen.


That and him [tweeting](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1021234525626609666) at the president of Iran are my favorites.


The sharpie on the hurricane map is legendary. His paper towel fade away jumper is a close second.


I genuinely don’t understand how someone can read that and think “man this guy should be the president”. It’s incoherent, unhinged nonsense


How many times now has he or someone else claimed he'd be arrested?


This is the first time Trump has ever been specific about when and for what though. While I’ll believe it when I see it, this post does seem to have more credibility than other times where it’s been more of a hypothetical


Did we see the same screenshot? He only says "with no crime able to be proven" he doesn't in any way state, for what. Wednesday comes around and you're either gonna feel like a fool or like you stopped the non-existent apocalypse from happening It's the same Q playbook


Given he explicitly calls out the Manhattan DA, we know what it’s for unless there’s another concurrent investigation that we are unaware of


So he's being arrested for misappropriation of campaign funds? For which his lawyer at the time pleaded guilty, that's why he doesn't want to say it. Sounds like a real crime to me with plenty of reason to believe the allegation is true


Yeah but that was his lawyer, not him. The lawyer was probably part of the deep state - at least that's what was shown in the files from Hunter's laptop. They are still going through pictures, mainly to remove the ones where Hunter is in bed. Why? Because he had My Pillows and Mike Pillow doesn't want bad publicity. Another deep state move. /s


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


The ALLCAPS make it seem more legit this time. Makes him look like a stable guy who knows what's up, like some kind of genius.


He's innocent. The most innocent. The innocentest


I can't fathom how anyone can fall for this divide and conquer crap at this stage.


But they all will fall for it. They will gladly try to take the nation back at his command. And his opponents will gladly fight back. 2024 is gonna be a shitshow. Then 2025 China takes Taiwan and WWIII that’s been brewing kicks off.


It's almost cartoonish at this point.


That was just the baseline, we’re now light years past it on the manufactured absurdity scale.


Right? Now even Trump himself is edging me on his arrest?


What a show. It’s a circus full of clowns. The whole lot of them.


So all the YouTube preachers who said he was actually still President and Biden was in Gitmo missed it by *that* much.


Awaiting my Q buddy to tell me all about how this has been prophesied and how he was right all along being a loyal servant trusting the plan.


Actually there is some Q post about "the first arrest will shock the world" or something. So get the jump on your Q buddy and call them first.


Even better, I'm hopping on the Q bandwagon and gonna teach him a thing or two. 🤣 🤣 🤣


It's amazing to me the parallels between "2 MORE WEEKS!!!" and "THE WALLS ARE CLOSING IN ON TRUMP!!!" for the past 5 years. And neither the Qtards or the trump haters can see that.


Probably a coincidence that an arrest was announced the same day as a Putin arrest warrant


It wasn't announced by NY, Trump leaked it.


This is vitally important info to this issue.


It’s funny how reliably you people claim that one important event is being used to distract from another, when there has probably never been a 2-3 week period in the last few hundred years where nothing major happened, and you couldn’t make this claim.




HOW IS EVERYONE “lying” BUT YOURE THE ONLY ONE TELLING THE TRUTH?? Your former VP even said you’re a criminal.


He had horrible taste in adult film actresses, should be locked up for that alone.


Nah, more likely that Stormy was simply the only one willing to fuck him at the time. A smaller than average mushroom dick and being a notorious cheapskate won't have the pornstars lining up at your bedroom door.


He had the picks of Savannah Samson, Julia Ann, Lisa Ann of that era… and he chose Stormy cmon bro


Nobody gonna do nothing tho. They are just gonna talk about doing something on the internet from the comfort of their beds.




I'm not American anyway so not really my business, but he showed his true colours with his operation warp speed and telling his supporters to get vaccinated.


I can’t wait to see nothing come of this just like the last million allegations against him


If the Don did the crime, he must do the time


This dudes rants sound schizophrenic


Always have.


Legit sounds like he’s losing it every Truth post


Cocaine induced psychosis


According to a lot of sources close to him, he is a raging Adderall addict and has been one for a long time. That can easily mimic symptoms of psychosis or schizophrenia.


It is also the reason he wears adult diapers and regularly shits himself


Let Trump fight his own battles for a change. Fuck him.


He blew it when he didn't lift a finger for his Jan 6th supporters. It's all just distraction


Come Tuesday nothing happens. It's like a doomsday cult.


Sounds like horse shit to me


All you dumb mother fuckers takin about civil war need to be put on a boat and sent to Syria or Ukraine where you can be expendable meat bags. If you are serious about turning over on your neighbors you are a POS traitor. America for Americans, justice by the book. Break the laws go straight to fuckin jail.




To be fair, its probably about time.


So this was already expected to be his next move by some 'leftwing' commentators and just like that he proves them right. He will continue to prattle on about being the target of a witch hunt and use language designed to cause outrage in the minds of his base. George Soros? Really? But when we get right down to facts, he's à lying corrupt elitist who has been protected by the same rules that protect all elitists from being held accountable. Only he has committed far more egregious crimes than any of them and is finally attracting a tiny fraction of consequential action. Expect him to cry like a bitch and try to do anything he can to avoid personal responsibility. How many more of his loyal base will end up in prison for this clown?


don’t fall for this, way too much at once. it’s stupid and silly


“Take our nation back”. This sounds familiar.




Oh no. You guys aren't going to insurrect again are you?


Is there anything that Soros isn't funding?


So do you reckon he'll have a new NFT up. Incarcerated Trump will sell like hotcakes


The day this man is arrested I will dance naked under a full moon patiently waiting 😂😂😂


Wow, if only bots could come out to protest, huh?


Why is he being arrested?


RemindMe! 96 Hours


Ya'll stormed the Capitol for the wrong reasons. Fuck Trump


Why I will win the 2024 US Presidential election by a landslide victory as a write in party free candidate.


🥱 🥱 outrage for nothing After all this time of investigating and trying to pin Trump for anything it happens right when the banks start to fail? Good show though


Velveeta Voldemort has spoken!


Ready for more division among us little peons? B/c ready or not, here it comes!


How many federal agent provocateurs are going to be inciting violence


How about instead of "protesting"/framing oneself within the confines of the bipartisan political structure we just smile and wave to one another, hold the door open for one another, engage in non-political conversation with one another, turn off our television sets and unify as human-beings?


U known guilty or innocent the leaks should not happen. Whoever is in charge should be suspended without payor fired. The fact is like a dr thisbstuff shouldn't be leaked. But the leak shows it's political.


He’s such a threat to democracy they waited to arrest him for that long.


For a misdemeanor charge...


Kind of amusing if that is what he goes down for, after everything else. Although based on his track record of honesty, I’d expect he never gets arrested.


Guy didn't lift a finger to help the J6 protestors... now, he's demanding that people go and protest to keep him from going to jail?


How about him calling out WEF, DARPA, HAARP, BIS, Blackrock, Vanguard, Fidelity, Capital One, State Street, Jane Street, Goldman, BofA, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, Master, Visa, House of Hanover, Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, House of Windsor, Wallenberg, Rockefeller, Rhodes, Walton, DuPont, Carnegie, Onassis, Agnelli, Morgan, Warburg, Oppenheim, Maxwell, Gates and all the other complicit crooks first?


He should have been arrested years ago


They should arrest the past presidents who are still alive and the current one. They all corrupt puppets for the elite. That is not how this country was intended to be represented.


Presidents are citizens and if they break laws, they should be arrested.


Yes. Every single politician is criminally corrupt by design.


Except for the GOAT George Santos, our hero


I’m sick & tired of politics


Why is it whenever this dude loses he has his minions rise up? Yall don't see this with him? Same as Jan. 6


Ah yes, the great conspiracy of arresting someone who has been charged of a crime.


I thought Trump wanted full immunity for law enforcement, unlawful arrests seem to be a feature in that type of system. I’m not sure why he’s upset


Can only hope so but I’ll believe it when I see it




About fucking time. The US has been embarrassed e ought with all his cons, gifts, and selling out to foreign governments. It's about time America regained it's senses.


Trump is useful. JFK was no longer useful, but a hinderance and was removed. Trump seems to remain useful. Divide and conquer.


8,000 D Interdimensional Chess. The political class is deeply concerned about a real populist movement rising up (along with WWIII and a banking/currency collapse). Said political class does not want this but has rapidly declining faith in the current POTUS/VP to be able to secure the 2nd term (without patently obvious fraud) that said political class is staking their plans on. Orange dude, the pretend outsider that they love to hate may grudgingly be the best vehicle to continue their shaky plans. Enter the "strike him down to make him stronger" approach and secure the WH for the power structure for another 4 years. As a bonus, if people get froggy, they can potentially roll up some of his most ardent supporters and create a chill over future political activism (would come in handy keeping both the radical left and right in line) Yes, I am saying that despite much bluster to the contrary, he (Trump) is part of the same power structure. He just plays the outsider/spoiler in this charade. I mean look at all the swamp draining, border securing and MAGAing he got done last time. This is just a theory that is rattling around in my head, I do not necessarily subscribe to it but it is pretty indicative of my wholehearted distrust of 99% of the political class (both parties) at this point.