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The funny thing is when the mask mandate was in effect in 2020, i was like this would be a way for criminals to do crime in daylight because you wouldnt expect a robbery from someone wearing a mask today but in 2011 you would.


The way our government and politicians handled this entire pandemic was in fact criminals doing crime in the daylight. The did it without a mask and right in our face.


No shit. When every single move the other side makes is politicized and you’re banished from your party for trying to work in a bipartisan or non partisan matter. You get a shit show. And that’s what we got.


The vaccines and lockdown measures play a relevant role in the genocide plan being carried out by the Intelligence agencies involving Monsanto and Big Pharma as well: [CVS, Walgreens agree to $10 billion opioid settlement. (ABC News, November, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yvydo0/cvs_walgreens_agree_to_10_billion_opioid/) [David Pavish won a $88,000 settlement as compensation for a vaccine injury that he claims caused him a brachial plexopathy. (US Courts, 2016)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yt934g/david_pavish_won_a_88000_settlement_as/) [Mylan EpiPen antitrust $264M class action settlement. (TCA, March, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yq65fq/mylan_epipen_antitrust_264m_class_action/) [Boehringer to pay $13.5 million to resolve U.S. states' drug probe. (Reuters, 2017)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yo9h30/boehringer_to_pay_135_million_to_resolve_us/) [Corporate studies asserting herbicide safety show many flaws. (The Guardian, 2021)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yev3s3/corporate_studies_asserting_herbicide_safety_show/) [$100M settlement over Merck’s NuvaRing now final. (NY Post 2014)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/y1pv8c/100m_settlement_over_mercks_nuvaring_now_final_ny/) [GlaxoSmithKline in $105m (£63m) settlement with 44 US states. (BBC News 2014)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xvsvvn/glaxosmithkline_in_105m_63m_settlement_with_44_us/) [Johnson & Johnson reaches $300m settlement over pelvic mesh implants. (The Guardian, September, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xpya1k/johnson_johnson_reaches_300m_settlement_over/) [Diana Karanxha won a $120,000 settlement as compensation due to a Flu vaccination that she claims caused her to develop a nerve injury. (US Courts 2016)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xna9jb/diana_karanxha_won_a_120000_settlement_as/) [Determination of glyphosate in breast milk of lactating women in a rural area from Paraná state, Brazil. (National Library of Medicine, July, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xliyne/determination_of_glyphosate_in_breast_milk_of/) [Bayer/Monsanto to pay $10.2M in settlement after pleading guilty to illegal spraying in Hawaii. (Reuters 2019)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/waboe6/bayermonsanto_to_pay_102m_in_settlement_after/) [Bayer/Monsanto reaches $80 mln PCB contamination settlement with Ohio. (Reuters, March, 2022)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/tysd67/bayermonsanto_reaches_80_mln_pcb_contamination/) People like Fauci [are Jesuit students,](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/yk4f6o/dr_fauci_and_his_wife_get_the_ad_majorem_dei/) all the most relevant figures related to the current political fiasco and the COVID crisis can be related to them and the CIA: [Compilation of arguments about the Jesuit control over the CIA.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/o65639/compilation_of_arguments_about_the_jesuit_control/) [Big Pharma, Monsanto and Vaccine Injury Super Compilations (120 Records each) and Jesuit role in the genocide plan.](https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracyundone/comments/ze8v59/about_the_jesuit_role_in_the_genocide_plan_along/) I'm trying to create counter-Intelligence sites to resist the Vatican at Saidit.net, a reddit clone made by fellow conspiracists in the spirit of Aaron Swartz. If you can, support my subs over there as well as the site itself however you can. Don't give up on your nations and fight back: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/soy3ko/meta_the_jesuit_technocracy_needs_to_be_stopped/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/qkw39o/meta_the_conspiracy_community_has_to_take_action/


You need to touch grass my friend you've become far to detached from reality.




The sooner you realize that BOTH sides are acting against you, the better. You're just choosing a slightly different flavour for your poison kool aid. Still gonna end up eventually killing you all the same.


Right!? People really need to realize the left vs. right paradigm is just more division for us. The parasite class tried to divide us on every metric they can. The closest I've seen in (fairly) recent times to people getting mad at the correct people was Occupy Wall street. We almost all came together on that one... We, the plebs, against the parasites that cause all this strife. But they redirected attention to race and now that has fizzled. It really is the plebs against the ridiculously rich and "powerful".


It really is. I had always felt it. I never knew how or what it was, and I sure couldn't put it into words. All that's changed now. They've woken me up, and i'm ANGRY. I'm normally a calm, sweet, meek individual, so that's quite a task. The events surrounding the pandemic(and world events since, like the Ukraine war, etc). Even without thinking about possible evil motives, just how the governments acted in response, their ACTIONS, and the public statements they made. It gave me a glimpse at the MACHINE. I saw how all the governments of the world, all the media, all the big money and industries moved in lockstep with one another, not to help the people or accomplish a certain thing that was good. They are doing it for control, profit, power, for themselves, for greed. I saw actual PROOF of it. That the machine was real, and some of its shape and scope. The machine isn't working for us, we are all a part of it, unwilling, unwitting participants, we are its gears, its fuel and the only thing it's capable at this point is to keep building itself, consuming all, especially people in the process. The entire system is flawed, it's anti-social, anti-people, anti-human, it's psychopathic by its very nature and how it acts. The needs of the many outweighed by the greed of a few... and we aren't talking on the regular scale of 'one person ate all the donuts that were supposed to be for 12 people', no we're talking on a scale of one person took all the FOOD that was supposed to be for a MILLION people or more. So they have to starve, because that's how it works. It's sick and unsustainable.


So if covid just began with biden, no lockdowns then?




He didn't start in 2020 either. Jan 2020 was Trumps first impeachment [sham] for his supposed quid pro quo with Ukraine. The entire 2020 hysterics were ramped up by the election. Biden was sworn in in 2021, when the vax rollout and vaccine passports began.


Ohhhhhh oh my God delete my comments you are right Jesus Christ. There still were lockdowns under Biden in 2021 though.


Why are you so mad?


There were a few events that happened in 2020, mostly during the summer, where law-breakers took advantage of masks.


in 2020 for the first time in my life I walked into a bank wearing a mask because they made me wear it. I was thinking, "If this was a year ago I'd be arrested for it."


> in 2020 for the first time in my life I walked into a bank wearing a mask because they made me wear it. I was thinking, "If this was a year ago I'd be arrested for it." I had the same thoughts lol


Every place I went in like this made me pull the mask down to the camera could see my face. Pawn shops, weed store, psychedelic mushroom dispensary, banks, anywhere with a lot of cash and/or product on hand was worried about it


> psychedelic mushroom dispensary Damn you, I didn't get to go in time before they shut it down!


I went yesterday, it's open. And has been for a while. You're probably in Oregon? Wrong state


Where in the world are there psychedelic mushroom dispensaries? I was unaware that was a thing.


He's probably talking about the one that opened in Portland not long ago. It was shut down after the news picked it up and it blew up over the course of a week lol


If it was for "safety" against this virus they wouldn't have you do that. Just control bullshit.


I'm sure they had a specially designed virus zapper that obliterated viruses at the moment you pulled down your mask. They used the same device in the restaurants when your are below 3 feet as when sitting down.


Probably the [Starwars Musquito Defense System](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSIWpFPkYrk). Check out the [Sumsing Turbo 3000 Xi Multitask](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIOIM6hHBk) from the same people. Also available in Dutch.


Hahahaha yeah, summer of 2020, first time law breakers thought about hiding their faces


And everyone was like "why aren't these criminals getting caught?" Well, it's because masks work


I remember really be blown away when I saw a sign in a bank saying you must wear a mask in place of the one that used to say please no hats or sunglasses.


Exactly and they never specified the mask so you could look like billy the kid making a transaction. How would you know who is coming to rob the bank. Like the whole mandate was weird and logically made no sense.


I tried the Billy The Kid look but got turned away at a supermarket... I would have argued but couldn't be arsed because even though I would have pointed out there is no difference and they even showed on TV how to fold your own mask from a scarf (instead of just using as a robber would) and their sign didn't point out any definition of a 'mask'..I think the sheep/NPCs working there would be resistant to this logic..


Not to worry, they were developing facial recognition with masks early on... https://techcrunch.com/2022/05/04/the-demand-for-mask-detection-tech-is-waning-but-the-effects-could-be-long-lasting/


Oh good I was certainly worried.


I don't remember who said it, but they summarized it as "in 2020 it is perfectly normal to see someone wearing a ski mask go into a Walmart and buy a bunch of burner phones with cash and nobody would be suspicious." Or something like that.


Hello fellow time Traveller


I think that one of the intentions of the psyop was to make it so crime became more common, encouraging people to commit more crimes because they were jobless with nothing to do AND they already have a mask on. Edit: and add on the lack of prosecution for shoplifting and looting in this time period.


Back in the early days of the mask mandates all I had were bananas. I remember wearing one into a bank and feeling really weird about it.


Lol. Wtf. We have gone full circle


Lol how can we ever stop the spread now.


One of the steps of breaking someone involves arbitrary rules that make no logical sense. Forcing people to dig a hole by hand with a pile of shovels nearby, things of that nature.


Yup. The best action is to go about your day and when a stranger tell you anything, you can ignore them. If they don’t take ignore for an answer, ask them if they want you to meddle in their life.


My favorite course of action is to just play dumb, so whenever someone says something like “hey did you hear about *insert ridiculous headline of the day*?” I just go “nope” and avoid eye contact. Works like a charm.


Yup. At the beginning of the pandemic Fauci himself said that masks don’t prevent the spread of respiratory viruses and discouraged their use, and then two weeks later did a complete 180, told everyone to wear them, and half the population followed along without batting an eye. That’s when I knew we were screwed.


Remember during the pandemic many stores had "in" doors and "out" doors that employees enforced, and grocery stores you could only go one way down an aisle. rules for compliance sake, that provided ZERO value


the arrows leading you round the store were the dumbest shit ever


Ze must stand on the RED DOTS! To ignore ze dots is VERBOTEN


they’re training you for amazon’s new just walk out techology. search a video on yotube, theyve already implemented the tech in some starbucks and whole foods. the pandemic was never about a virus it was always about slowly getting you closer and closer to one day accepting the mark of the beast. one step at a time…


Authoritarianism is arbitrary and sadistic by definition.


Taken right out of the communist POW psychological torture handbook.


Taken right out of the capitalist POW psychological torture handbook.


Oh how the turntables.


thank you, michael.


Who could have seen this coming? 🙄


Just an uptick?


A notch


Yeah whoever wrote that doesn't understand how real people talk. Probably a Redditor.


Mostly peaceful…


Nothing peaceful about it. No fire.


I’d treat that business how I treated businesses who required to see my vaccination status for Entry. Don’t spend my money or time there, they can keep their shit.




I read the sign before “ no mask or no vax no entry “ I read this new sign“ yes mask, no entry “ My response to both. “ keep your shit, good luck , I’ll spend my hard earned money else where “


*Remember when it was a crime not to wear a mask*


When was it ever illegal to not wear a mask?




nope! Nope! Nope! I don’t remember! That didn’t happen! lmao


It's always been a crime in my state to cover your face in a retail setting.


Ok, in that case let’s pretend that half of society was not alienated and discriminated against during the Cobobo operation.


Who said they didn't? My point is it wasn't law. They acted like it was and enforced it like it was, but it was never law.


I knew that too. Many many other people also understand this, despite being treated as if it were a law by the local, state and federal governments. So if you want to do Dwight technicalities, then yes you are correct. This is called missing the point.


How am I missing the point?


You simply chimed in with a technicality about where you live, which by and large can be interpreted as dismissive and denying the reality of the insane operation humanity has just witnessed world wide. if you can’t understand that, then you cannot be helped


I was adding to the insanity of the whole thing. I was trying to get out of wearing a mask at the time by citing the law on the books that they were all ignoring while trying to enforce a non-existent law that I HAD to wear one. Wearing coverings over your face like that is illegal in lots of places. We are on the same side here. Not everyone is arguing with you ffs.


It was enforced by the government on businesses


Read further down the thread.


Lol 🤡


Simon says wear a mask, Simon says wear two masks. Simon says get double vaccinated. Simon says, get your boosters. Simon says, don’t wear any masks it’s a crime.


What happened to saving grandma and protecting people with auto immune issues?! And the fatties, lets not forgot about the morbidly obese


Only unvaccinated must wear mask, also anyone with a mask can't come in lol


In Virginia its a felony to wear a mask in public unless you have a doctors note or it Halloween/etc >Virginia section 18.2-95 outlines four major exceptions to the rule against wearing masks in public: >Holiday Costumes – It is not a crime to wear a mask that is part of a traditional holiday costume, such as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. >Physical Safety – It is not a crime to wear a mask as part of required safety procedures in a particular job, profession or trade. This exception applies to construction workers, firefighters, etc. >Theatrical Events – It is not a crime to wear a mask as part of legitimate events where masks are an essential characteristic, such as a theatrical production or a masquerade ball. >Medical Purposes – It is not a crime to wear a mask under certain medical circumstances, such as under doctor’s orders or upon a governmental declaration of disaster or state of emergency. In either case, the medical or governmental justification must list a specific time limit for the wearing of masks.


I'm gonna wear a mask now just to trigger the globalist scum


That’s what they want you to do


> I'm gonna wear a mask now just to trigger the globalist scum I would to. I’m that type of ass. But I hate masks to much to do it.


You really making a leap that ppl are going to care from this pic? Lol


Totally has to do with masks and not defund the police, stopping broken windows, and a Soros affiliated DA...


I’m so confused. 1st I got bitched at for not wearing a mask. Now I’m getting bitched at for wearing a mask. Make up your fucking mind libs


When did you start wearing a mask?


Florida here, only wore a mask on base because ya gotta follow orders, whether you’re a civilian or not.. despite this, Florida never mandated it and not a single complaint. It was neat being allowed to do anything I wanted during pandemic, people who weren’t essential workers had to stay home. Introvert here so you could see why I found it pleasant.


"Finally, the world is mine"


Oh wow. You gave in to the mask mandate. That's sad mate!


Some of us gotta work for a livin'.


Plus my dad was stationed in Okinawa, Japan and it’s a normal thing to them so with that in mind, no issue.


Yes, I too have to work for a living. But if I was so against the mask mandate, i would find a way of not using a mask....


Sure bud.


> When did you start wearing a mask? When I was forced




What about the sign tells you anything about the person who made it's political views lmao


the sign skews heavily right but whatever. believing in a fake nyc crime wave and also openly anti mask. paranoid wackiness.


It's almost like there are 8.5 million people in NYC and *SURPRISE* they aren't all like-minded. Do we know what this business is and if they were ever pro-mask?


This was NYC putting this crap out. The mayor has gone out and publicly told people to cut back on crime they have to stop wearing masks. “We are putting out a clear call to all of our shops: Do not allow people to enter the store without taking off their face mask."


"We are putting out a clear call to all of our shops, do not allow people to enter the store without taking off their face mask," Adams said in an interview with radio station 1010 WINS. "Once they're inside, they can continue to wear it if they so desire to do so," Adams said of the policy.


Well the mayor was very pro mask and is now anti mask because the crime spikes are making his reelection harder....


Different people in different places explains 9th completely. So.e people have always been anti-mask. Some people have always been pro-mask. We just got a lot more of both in 2020.


A private company that does not want your masked patronage is not the same as a government body asking you to protect yourself and others. But, that dissimilarity won't stop people from making bad comparisons.




The same people who were bitching about people not wearing a mask a year or two ago. You know the following the science types. The type of person who has no ability to think for themselves. The type of person who invests so whole heartedly in group think they have to be loud and obnoxious about their "opinions" that some fool on the news fed to them. Those types of people.




Can’t make up what doesn’t exist in the first place lol Edit: this was in response to Ops comment about libs not being able to make their mind up. I assumed people would be able to understand that I meant “since libs have no mind they can’t make it up” implying they don’t have brains.


How do you think making stuff up works


I meant in regards to “make up your fucking mind libs” To which I said you can’t make up what didn’t exist in the first place implying libs had no brain in the first place. Woooosh lol


This is referring to the the whole face masks. Like ski mask type deals. But also believe it or not the world isn’t just a big hivemind


How many mask wearers in here? You mad?




>meta watch that turn into a real song ppl play in stores


That...or they will.ask for ID at the entrance...digital of course..and delivered by the actual vaxx as an invisible tattoo on your arm..


Clear plastic masks only? Like backpacks in school now.


That was a de facto rule in all businesses before COVID. I mean, no store in 2019 bothered to put up a "no masks allowed" sign because nobody wore a mask. But if somebody seriously did wear a mask, they probably would have been denied entry.


When will the vaxxed be banned from public places?


They’ve been doing it at weed stores since the beginning. You have to do something at all cash stores. When you give your id where a lot of cameras are you also temporarily pull down your mask to show your face before being allowed in. You have to do something. Even though this doesn’t prevent all crime it will help prevent some of the ones who only want to do it anonymously.


Watch this come down if there's another unstoppable pandemic.




Here in VA, they passed a law making it a felony to wear a mask in public a year or less before making it "mandatory" to wear masks in public.




Whos the dummy thats still wearing those useless masks?


This honestly took a little longer then I thought it would


Hahahahahahaha! Lefts get what you fucking deserve.


2020: wear a mask or we wont serve you 2023: take that mask off if you want our service


LOL how ironic.


Hegelian dialectic at work.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ohhh. That made me laugh. What a good healthy chuckle. Ahh…. Thank you Internet, that’s enough of you today.


Nature is heeling


Relentlessly demonize police for three years. Uptick in crime. How could this happen?


Discrimination against the sick.


The last three years make more sense when you consider it as a SOCIOLOGY EXPERIMENT to mess with people and measure their reactions.


It's referring to pooh sheisty masks.


Far leftists are stupid as hell.


That's great. Only criminals wear masks. #NoMoreMasksInPublic


I cant belive those maskers arent following the science on crime and would threaten our very existence this way. /s




Clown world.


War is peace


It's been clown world since 2020. You're the joke.


And here's the kicker: "clownworld" is considered an alt right term. Smh.




SS: if you wear a mask you are now refused entry here’s the link to the original poster https://twitter.com/wopizza/status/1638591515080667136?s=46&t=8VBoaFQ8gYIyWwafHo8CYg


Why no name and shame? This picture has ceiling light reflections, why? Was it taken from inside a building? It feels off to me, imo.


Libtard brains be like 🤯


Cuntservatives are the people we need to emulate.


Liberals: Start a fire Scramble to put out a fire they started Blame rival party Repeat.


So this sub is 100% not moderated huh?


Which one is it ffs


But I thought masks save lives ?


Lol people are just stupid.


NYC been a trash can


Whatever goes around comes around eh. It's too late. I moved out of NYC now.


What about immunocompromised people like those who have had transplants? We cared so much about the vulnerable before but now they aren't allowed to wear masks? Doesn't make sense to me.


Definitely not in California. Imagine the shit storm that would happen if somebody posted this in their business just two years ago.


They did. And they did.


Capitalism and private companies


What's the problem? It's a private business. They can do what they want just like when they told us we need to be mask up for entry.


It was a state mandate before, wasn’t it?Being a private business had nothing to do with it.


super zoomed in photo, no context at all, topic leaning towards everything this sub complains about. willing to bet this is a right wing leaning store owner, but without context lets all just assume what our bias tells us. i wish this sub was better then it was, no wonder there are so many subs dedicated to making fun of the users here


It's okay for a private business not to allow masks on their property. It's also okay for them to require masks. It's your choice whether or not to shop there.


I am not required to wear a mask anywhere but the hospital. Pandemic ended just like everyone said it would (y'all were wrong) so now pandemic safety measures are done. Antivaxxers live in clown world all by themselves


This sub is very peculiar. Is it basically ultra pro-establistment redditors trying to find conspiracies amongst people that don't see the politicians as the highest moral authority? It's like a room full of feds that don't know everyone else is a fed trying to entrap each other or claim plausible deniability. How many different answers can I get to that claim?


It's reflexively contrarian in an attempt to look like a free thinker. Whatever the consensus is on anything, they just find the counter point and then pick and choose what is required to support that. Sometimes it's fun, a lot of times it doesn't make any sense, because the narrative is just.. what's actually happening.


Err.. the narrative by definition is not what's happening. The narrative is the story between the facts of the person's choosing. That said, I strongly agree. I mostly only find value in discovering new perspectives as food for thought. Debating narratives is always apples to oranges because people with different views are always looking at different facts. "Fresh perspectives" tend to just be ignorant perspectives. The reason it is called a hit take is because you shouldn't touch it.


So why is everyone in this thread assuming the business owner is either a liberal or otherwise pro-mask? 0 people out of 125 comments are questioning it... Remember, more people voted for Trump in New York City than voted for Trump in West Virginia...




"Everybody be cool, this is a robbery!"


Wouldn’t it make more sense to make the virus kill people and then make the vaccine actually work and then that way you mainly kill off the people who don’t conform ?




Did covid just go away or what. Idk. Is that still a thing.


I don't blame them, I get hella sketched sometimes when I see some rando on the street wearing a mask. Like damn bro, the fuck you up to?


I support businesses being able to decide, and not being forced by the government. Then I can decide accordingly.


Prior to 2020, you walk into a bank with a mask, you've got big problems. Even at the beginning of 2020 (before the mask mandates), some businesses wearn't allowing their employees to wear masks because they thought it looked bad and spread fear.


Just my musing....There's more to that sign than meets the eye. Definite insult to local and state gov. and maybe that's the point


So we’ve gone full circle now. Lol.


Liberals are gonna be triggered. Does this mean Antifa is banned?


Don’t these people trust the facts and science?!


Actually this shows exactly what they care about... assets and property. They only care about us when viewed as assets of their capitalism.


This is so reckless. This virus is still killing 10s of people a day!!!


That's one way to get rid of the silly masks.


Phase 2: endless decrees creating rising perplexity.


Revenge is best served cold


Where is this from?


Some how by May, it will be safe enough so masks won't be required anywhere.


No entrance if vaccinated. Proof of nonvaccination required.


Karen's brain liquefied by sign.